Electronics Handbook/Circuits/RLC Series Analysis

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Consider an RLC series circuit

  1. If L = 0 then the cicuit is reduced to RC series
  2. If C = 0 then the cicuit is reduced to RL series
  3. If R = 0 then the cicuit is reduced to LC series
  4. If R, L , C are not zero

RC Series

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  • Differential Equation
ln V =
  • Time Constant
t V(t) % Vo
0 A = eC = Vo 100%
.63 Vo 60% Vo
.01 Vo 10% Vo
  • Circuit Impedance


Z = R /_0 + ( 1 / ωC ) /_ - 90
Z = = |Z|/_θ = /_ Tan-1


Z =
  • Angle Difference Between Voltage and Current

There is a difference in angle Between Voltage and Current . Current leads Voltage by an angle θ

The difference in angle between Voltage and Current relates to the value of R , C and the Angular of Frequency ω which also relates to f and t . Therefore when change the value of R or C , the angle difference will be changed and so are ω , f , t

  • First Order Equation of Circuit
ln I =
I =
I =
I =
  • Time Constant RL
τ =
I = A
t I(t) % Io
0 A = eC = Io 100%
.63 Io 63% Io
.01 Io 10% Io
  • Circuit Impedance
= R/_0 + ω L/_90
Z = |Z|/_θ = /_Tan-1


  • Angle of Difference Between Voltage and Current

In RL series circuit, only L is the component that depends on frequency . There is no difference between voltage and current on R . There is an angle difference between voltage and current by 90 degree . When connect R and L in series , there is a difference in angle between voltage and current from 0 to 90 degree which can be expressed as a mathematic formula below

  • In Summary

RL series circuit has a first order differential equation of current

Which has one real root of the form

Which has solution in the form