Electronics Handbook/Components/Diodes/PN

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PN Diode

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Construction Symbol I - V Curve
o-- P N --o


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I V Curve

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When connect Voltage source's Polarities the same with Diode's Polarities . Diode does not conduct . No current can flow

When connect Voltage source's Polarities different with Diode's Polarities . Diode conducts . current can flow

Biasing Voltage

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Diode does not conduct current with voltage below Conducting Voltage . Conducting voltage is the voltage at current equals to 1mA . For Si the conducting voltage is 0.3 v . For Ge the conducting voltage is 0.6 v . Diode's Conducting Voltage is denoted as Vd

V > Vd . Diode conducts current , I ≠ 0
V < Vd . Diode does not conduct current , I = 0

With this characteristic Diode can be used like a mechanical switch . Switch opens equivalent to V < Vd . Switch closes equivalent to V > Vd


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With voltage greater than Diode's Conductng Voltage . The change in current with change in voltage can be expressed as an exponential of Euler's constant e

When the value of V >> Vd ≈ 100v the I = Io