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Entrepreneurial Learning/Motive

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From a macro-economically perspective, four production factors can be distinguished: labor, nature, capital and entrepreneurship. These production factors are used to realize the production and with that production the income is earned. Entrepreneurship combines these production factors in new ways, thereby responding to opportunities in our society. All factors of production are subject to change: they develop. This applies to labor (training), capital (infrastructure in a broad sense), nature (raw materials, environment) and also for entrepreneurship.

The social value that entrepreneurial learning adds to the students can be converted into economic value with the help of stakeholders. For investors it offers a unique opportunity for a high ROI (return on investment). It is possible to enter into a commercial relationship with future topentrepreneurs at an early stage. The creation of these services will be done by start-ups that result in independently operating companies. For the necessary investments, the participating schools, the participating business community and subsidy providers are called upon. These investments will pay for themselves in the long term so that participants can regard their contribution as providing venture capital at a high return.

The value that entrepreneurial learning adds is more than higher grades. We express this value in Social Return On Investments (SROI) [1]. After all, entrepreneurial learning is a breeding ground for social initiatives and results. It is populated by socially engaged, enterprising and creative young people with a commercial spirit. These entrepreneurs create value through innovation and open new markets. Throughout their school careers, these social entrepreneurs are supported in innovations that increase the welfare of people and animals. Social entrepreneurship has the attention of the government when it comes to urgent social issues in the social domain.

You develop entrepreneurship by gaining experience. From learning by doing you create a mind-set that you see opportunities and can give meaning to them. By learning entrepreneurially, the approach is mainly creatively and socially focused on values ​​such as win-win, happiness, freedom, sustainability and growth.


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"Cognitive learning is not free, but metacognitive is."

21st century

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In the current time perspective, modern man is less and less someone who wants and can comply with a social regulation system. Nowadays, instead of doing things as they should and doing what they have to do, they want self-control over their own lives. Focus more on values ​​instead of standards. Entrepreneurial learning translates this change into a modern vision of education and what it intends to do on that basis. In this vision, education sees the learner as someone who is enterprising, investigative, both critical and open in the world. Who regards his or her own life as a "company". Education there is faced with the task of doing justice to the student. To enable the student to make optimal use of his or her entrepreneurship. Seeing and using the value of others.


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Entrepreneurial learning connects a school to its social environment. Expanding the network has great value for both the school and its environment. Entrepreneurs can be helpful for the school and its teachers and students to set steps to the external environment. Conversely, schools can also be this for young educational entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurial students are interesting for organizations (banks, investors) who like to enter into a relationship with young talented entrepreneurs early on. Charities can benefit from the efforts of the schools and participants. These charities can in turn share expertise, social involvement, sustainability and citizenship with the schools. Society as a whole benefits from entrepreneurial learning because of the stimulus it has in matters such as innovation, productivity and, for example, the use of talents.


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If it performs its task properly, a school will add considerable social value to its students. Most education programs on the subject of entrepreneurship are mainly focused on developing business skills. Research into the effects of this type of program shows that this has a negative effect on the affinity with entrepreneurial behavior and entrepreneurship [2]. For all programs developed so far, this appears to be a general trend [3].

Entrepreneurial learning can also focus on entrepreneurial attitude in addition to business behavior, by giving talented young entrepreneurs the helm, so that they can organize education according to their taste, in order to increase the motivation for and the development of an entrepreneurial attitude. This means that students largely determine what their learning process looks like. They decide for themselves which projects they want to do and which resources they need.


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It turns out that discovering the social relevance of courses is an essential condition for achieving intrinsically motivated learning [4]. Learning from your own motivation. Learning from your passion. Because you want to learn it yourself, contrary to what the teacher tells you to do. The value of “subjects” is often not seen by the students. Why do I have to learn that subject? What's in it for me later? With a little bit of luck, an adequate teacher can still make that future value plausible, but explaining what it means to you in the here and now is considerably more difficult for many teachers. When the students understand what a subject can do for them at the same time, they become the owner of the subject, which makes them intrinsically motivated. After all, intrinsic motivation is about pupils wanting to learn something from their own inner drive because they understand its value. Because in entrepreneurial learning the intrinsic motivation of the students is addressed directly and continuously - for each concept, for example, the context [5]} must be made explicit - they are provided with a solid foundation for want to learn.


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In entrepreneurial learning self-aware behavior leads to respect, trust and appreciation. Others therefore feel free to express themselves and are respected. Wanting to know instead of having to know, in order to add more value for yourself and for the other person. People trust enterprising people if they are consistent.In order to do that, the enterprising student must first know what he focuses on. It is best to focus on improving your own unique qualities. Consistent people have a clear vision and mission and continue to check whether everything is still correct. In this way they develop a recognizable identity.


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Entrepreneurial learning invites entrepreneurial students to be assertive. The advantage of assertive behavior is satisfaction with the result achieved and reachingthe goals more often. You experience win-win through honest negotiations and that gives self-respect. Having the guts to dare to be yourself, to stand up for yourself and your ideas and to pursue consistently what you want to achieve. In addition, it would be a shame that when you design your own learning route it is not carried out because you cannot stand up enough for your design.


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  1. Millara_2012
  2. Oosterbeek_2010
  3. Von_Graevenitza_2010
  4. Ebbens_2005
  5. Kneppers_2007