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Environmental theory and collection of ideas/Introduction

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We can find many things about environmental problems in greater libraries, the media, or on the Internet. Those works are generally created by professional environmentalists who know much, so we can usually get to know many facts from them, usually with references. In contrast, we base on our present knowledge instead, remind, popularize, and most importantly, search for solutions to the problems. Firstly, we should understand that the solution should be searched for in society instead of the sciences or technology, as until now, humankind lacked not the power, but the willingness, will, unity and cooperation to solve the environmental problems. The essence can be understood by all healthy people: human activities changed the planet Earth so much that it has become less and less fit for supporting life. If it continues this way, it could cause the extinction of many plant and animal species, and perhaps even of humankind, and the possible survivor people will have to live in an unpleasant environment for a long time. The opinions are different about the degree of danger and the extent of problems, so to understand these things, the works of professional environmentalists are handy.

When we understand what problems are facing us, it is worth solving them together. Science and technology could not and cannot provide solutions for all problems. They only give tools, but the tools in themselves are not sufficient to solve the environmental problems, if the will for it is not present. Could a newer technology save Earth from the usage of the weapons of mass destruction? Could a newer technology itself save us from a mad scientist? Or could technology save the endangered species from extinction in the time of great famines? Something more is needed here. It is necessary that most of the people do what is good for both the living creatures and the whole of humankind. Education about worldview and ethics can help, but the modification of the economic and political system can help even more, as most people care for environmentalism little until other ways seem to be more competitive. The environmental movement is connected to politics closely, and is trying to influence and decision-makers by votes, ideas, facts, and expert help.

There are areas where conservation and the cause of human survival help each other and there are areas where they inhibit each other. If there were no humankind, the world would probably be more natural and predictable than it is now. Humankind, however, might be able to save Earthly life from a threat from space, and they might be able to transport a part of the living world to another planet. Thus we do not know if humankind does good or wrong to the living world in the long term. We know, however, that the natural living world does good to humankind, as it provides food, knowledge and energy. Thus a part of Nature is worth saving anyway. It is sad that the natural living world loses areas more and more in the beginning of the 21st century due to human irresponsibility, and the state of the lifeless environment also differs more and more from that which proved to be sustainable through millions of years. Afterwards, the survival of humankind might be at stake. People should sometimes cooperate with and sometimes compete against each other in order to survive. Environmental agreements are examples of cooperation. There are times when it is difficult to find the form of good cooperation. In these times it may be helpful to share some environmentalist ideas that can cause evolutionary success to their implementors and are compulsive thereby.

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Further reading

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Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook (Washington DC, 2013, annual publication) ... official referencing form: The World Factbook 2013-14. Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency, 2013

Worldwatch Institute - State of the World (2013, annual publication)

Worldwatch Institute - Vital Signs (2013, annual publication)

United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP Year Book 2013 (annual publication)

United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP 2013 Annual Report (annual publication)