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Esperanto/Appendix/English-Esperanto word list

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In the Part of speech column there will be a letter indicating how the word is to be used. Here is a key, listing the abbreviations and explaining what these stand for:

adj = adjective - describes an object (e.g. The key was green, The idea is disturbing.)

adv = adverb - describes how a verb is done (e.g. I ran quickly, She easily passed the test.)

conj = conjunction - connects two words, clauses or phrase together (e.g. life or death, I would vote for my gerbil but I'm sane.)

exp = expression

int = interjection - used to convey emotion, not related to any other part of speech (e.g. Ow!, Hooray!)

n = noun - an object (e.g. dog, chair.)

num = number (e.g. Four, One.)

prep = preposition - the location of the object, relative to something else (e.g. Smoke over water, the ball is on the table.)

pron = pronoun - One of: I, You, She, He, They, We, It or One.

v = verb - an action, one which can be used both transitively and intransitively(e.g. We celebrated, we celebrated the party.)

vi = intransitive verb - verbs which can only be done without objects (e.g. Trees rustled, he died.)

vt - transitive verb - verbs which must be applied to an object (e.g. I killed him, I am a hamster.)

Word list

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English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
(to be) able v povi
about prep pri
eo: Ĉi tio libro estas pri Esperanto.
en: This book is about Esperanto.
above prep super
absolutely adv absolute
accent n akcento This refers to accent as in "word stress".
accept v akcepti
accident n akcidento
according to prep laŭ
acquire vt gajni
across prep trans
across from prep kontraŭ
act, action n ago
act, take action vi agi
adjective n adjektivo
admirable adj admirinda
admire vt admiri
adverb n adverbo
aeroplane n aeroplano
age n aĝo
agree vi akordi
aim vt celi
eo: Ni celas skribi la plej kompleta libro pri Esperanto.
en: We aim to write the most complete book about Esperanto.
air n aero
airplane n aeroplano
airport n flughaveno
all ĉiuj
eo: Ĉiuj hundoj bojas.
en: All dogs bark. (Lit: Every dog barks.)
all ĉia
eo: Ĉia hundo bojas.
en: All dogs bark. (Lit: Every kind of dog barks.)
all ĉio
eo: Ĉio finiĝas.
en: All things pass. (Lit: Everything comes to an end.)
all ĉiom
eo: Mi manĝis ĉiom.
en: I ate all. (Lit: I ate all of it.)
allow vt permesi
almost adv preskaŭ
alone adj sola
along prep laŭ
also adv ankaŭ
although conj kvankam
always ĉiam
and conj kaj
animal n besto
any iu
eo: Se iu enirus, malbenus.
en: Any who enter are cursed. (Lit: If somebody would enter, they would be cursed.)
By itself iu could mean "anyone" or "someone unknown". The particle ajn specifies anyone.
any iu ajn
eo: Se iu ajn enirus, malbenus.
en: Any who enter are cursed. (Lit: If anybody would enter, they would be cursed.)
The ajn specifies generality, stressing anyone.
anybody iu
eo: Se iu enirus, malbenus.
en: Any who enter are cursed. (Lit: If somebody would enter, they would be cursed.)
By itself iu could mean "anyone" or "someone unknown". The particle ajn specifies anyone.
anybody iu ajn
eo: Se iu ajn enirus, malbenus.
en: Any who enter are cursed. (Lit: If anybody would enter, they would be cursed.)
The ajn specifies generality, stressing anyone.
anyway iel
anywhere ie
apart from prep krom
appear vt ŝajni
eo: Ĉi tio ŝajnas esti shopita.
en: This looks shopped. (Lit: This appears to be shopped.)
approximately adv ĉirkaŭ
April n aprilo
arm n brako
around adv ĉirkaŭ
as kiel
as if adv-conj kvazaŭ
as regards prep je
ask vt demandi Refers to asking something (a question).
ask vt peti Refers to asking for something (a request).
at prep ĉe
August n aŭgusto
autumn n aŭtuno
available adj havebla
away adv for
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
ball n pilko Refers to a ball for playing with, not a dance ball.
ball n balo Refers to a ball as meaning a dance event.
bathe vi bani
bathroom n banĉambro, banejo
beach n plaĝo
beautiful adj bela
because conj ĉar
because (of) prep pro
bed n lito This means "a bed for sleeping"
bed n bedo This means "a bed for planting" flowers or vegetables
bed n fundo "Bed" as in "lake bed", "river bed" or "sea bed"
beer n biero
begin vt komenci
beginning n eko
behind prep post
believe vt kredi
beneath prep sub
beside prep apud This means to be literally beside, or next to, something.
besides adv cetere Meaning "as for the rest", "moreover" or "what's more".
besides prep krom This means "apart from", "other than" or "except".
beyond prep preter
bicycle n biciklo
bird n birdo
blue adj blua
book n libro
boy n knabo
bread n pano
bright adj bela Refers to "not dark", not "intelligent".
bright adj inteligenta In the sense of "intelligent".
brother n frato
brown adj bruna
build vt konstrui
bus n aŭtobuso, buso
but conj sed
buy vt aĉeti
by prep ĉe This refers to proximity, as in "stand by the door".
by prep per This refers to method, as in "navigate by smell".
by prep pro This refers to reason, as in "ruler by descent".
bye ĝis, adiaŭ
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
cake n kuko
call vt voki This means "to summon", not "to name".
calm adj trankvila
car n aŭto
care (for) vt zorgi This means "to watch over", not "to be interested in" or "to prefer".
careful adj atenta
cat n kato
cause n kaŭzo
cause vt igi, kaŭzi
celebrate v festi
center n centro
centre n centro
certain adj certa
certainly adv certe
chair n seĝo
change vt ŝanĝi
cheese n fromaĝo
child n ido Specifically refers to "offspring".
child n infano Specifically refers to "infant".
chocolate n ĉokolado
circle n cirklo, rondo
close adj close This means "near", not "not open".
close v fermi This means "not open", not "near".
cold adj frida
color n koloro
colour n koloro
come v veni
come (from) vt deveni
comfortable adj komforta
common adj komuna This means "usual", not "frequent".
common adj ofta This means "frequent", not "usual".
communicate vi komuniki
concerning prep pri
continue vi daŭri, kontinui
cook v kuiri
correct adj korekta, ĝusta This means "technically right", not "morally right".
correct adj prava This means "morally right", not "technically right".
country n lando This means "nation", not "not city".
course n kurejo This refers to race courses, or tracks.
course n kurso This refers to lesson courses, or classes in school.
course n plado This refers to meal courses.
cut vt tranĉi
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
day n tago
December n decembro
decide vt decidi
depend vt dependi
dictionary n vortario
direction n direkto
do vt fari
doctor n doktoro, doktorino (f)
dog n hundo
door n pordo
drink n trinkaĵo If you want to refer to an alcoholic drink specifically, you can use drinkaĵo.
drink vt trinki If you want to refer to drinking alcohol specifically, you can use drinki.
during conj-prep dum
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
each ĉiu
ear n orelo
easily adv facile
easy adj facila
eight num ok
English adj angla
eo: La angla lingvo.
en: The English language.
You often see angla by itself to refer to the English language.
entire adj tuta
equal adj egala
even adv
evening n vespero
ever iam
eo: Ĉu li iam lernos?
en: Will he ever learn? (Lit: Whether he ever will learn?)
every adj ĉia
eo: Ĉia hundo bojas.
en: All dogs bark. (Lit: Every kind of dog barks.)
Specifically means every kind or type.
every ĉiu
eo: Ĉiu hundo bojas.
en: All dogs bark. (Lit: Every dog barks.)
Specifically means every instance or member (of some group).
everyone ĉiu
everyone's ĉies
everything ĉio
everywhere ĉie
example n ekzemplo
excuse vt pardoni
eo: Pardonu min.
en: Pardon me.
exercise n ekzerco Refers to a practice exercise, not a muscle-building one.
explain vt ekspliki
extremely adv ege
eye n oklo
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
face n vizaĝo
fall n aŭtuno
fall vi fali
family n familio
far adv for
farewell adiaŭ
fast adj rapida
father n patro
fear vt timi
February n februaro
feel vt senti
female adj ina
female n ino
feminine adj ina
finger n fingro
finish vt fini
fire n fajro
first adj unua
fish n fiŝo
five num kvin
flower n floro
fly vi flugi
follow vt sekvi
foot n piedo
for conj-prep dum
eo: Mi studis dum kvar jaroj.
en: I studied for (during) four years.
Means "for" as in a duration of time.
for prep por
eo: Mi studis por la titolo.
en: I studied for the degree.
Means "for" as in "in order to".
for some reason ial
forget vt forgesi
forgive vt pardoni
four num kvar
free adj libera Free as in speech, not as in beer.
frequent adj ofta
Friday n vendredo
friend n amiko
from adv ekde
eo: Ĉi tio kuko estas ekde ĉi tio mateno.
en: This cake is from this morning.
Means "from" as in "since".
from prep de
eo: Mi estas de Kanadio.
en: I am from Canada.
Means "from" as in "of".
from prep el
eo: Pluvo falas el nuboj.
en: Rain falls from (out of) the clouds.
Means "from" as in "out of".
from ... to ... exp inter ... kaj ...
full adj plena Means full as in a full container.
full adj sata Means full as in "cannot eat anymore".
further adv plu
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
game n ludo
get vi ekhavi Specifically means "to acquire" ("Mi ekhavis pomon" means "I got an apple" as in "An apple was given to me").
get vt havigi Specifically means "to procure" ("Mi havigis pomon" means "I got an apple" as in "I went out and got an apple").
get vt iĝi Specifically means "to become" (for example, "to become tired" is "iĝi lacan").
give vt doni
glass n glaso
glass n vitro
go v iri
good adj bona
good-bye adiaŭ, ĝis
goodbye adiaŭ, ĝis
gradually adv iom post iom
grammar n gramatiko
gray adj griza
green adj verda
greet vt bonvenigi, saluti
grey adj griza
group n klubo, grupo
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
hair n haro A single hair.
hair n hararo Hair as in someone's hair.
hand n mano
happen vi okazi
happy adj feliĉa, gaja
hasitly adv haste
hat n ĉapelo
have vt havi, teni
have to vt devi
he pron li
head n kapo
healthy adj sana
hear vt aŭdi
heart n koro
help n asisto, asistado, helpo
help vt asisti, helpi
her pron ŝin
here ĉi tie
here is/are jen
hide vt kaŝi
him pron lin
his adj lia
hold vt teni
home n hejmo
hope vi esperi
hot adj varmega
hour n horo
house n domo
how kiel
how many kiom
how much kiom
however adv-conj tamen
hundred num cent
hungry adj malsata
hurriedly adv haste
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
I pron mi
ice n glacio
idea n ideo
if conj se
imagine v imagi
immediately adv tuj
in prep en
in order to prep por
indeed ja This is used to add emphasis. "Mi amas ŝin" means "I love her", but "Mi ja amas ŝin" means "I do love her".
inform vt informi
inside prep en
instead (of) conj-prep anstataŭ
instruct v instrui
interest n intereso
interested adj interesita
interesting adj interesa
into prep en
iron n fero Refers to the material.
it pron ĝi
its adj ĝia
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
jackal n ŝakalo
jacket n jako
jade(colour) adj jada
jackpot n ĉefpremio
jade (colour) n jada
jaw n makzelo
January n januaro
jealous adj enviema, ĵaluza
jellyfish n meduzo
jewel n gemo, juvelo
journalist n ĵurnalistino
journey n voyaĝi
joy n ĝojo
July n julio
jump vi salti
June n junio
just adv ĵus
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
kind adj afabla, bonkora, kompleza
kind n speco Refers to a kind, type or sort of something. Rarely used; instead correlatives are most often used:
tia → "that kind of"
ĉia → "every kind of"
ia → "some kind of"
kia → "what kind of"
kiss vt kisi
know vt koni
eo: Mi konas sciencon.
en: I know about science (I have heard about it).
Specifically means "to be acquainted with" or "to know about" someone or something.
know vt scii
eo: Mi scias sciencon.
en: I know science (I have science knowledge).
Specifically means "to know how to do" or "to know the way of" something.
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
land n lando
eo: Ĉi tio estas lia lando.
en: This is his land (this is the country he lives in or is from).
Refers to a country.
land n tero
eo: Ĉi tio estas lia tero.
en: This is his land (this is the area of land/property he owns).
Refers to dirt, soil or earth.
language n lingvo
large adj granda
last adj lasta, fina
eo: Venigu la lastan homon.
en: Get the last person (the final person).
Refers to the last in a group.
last adj antaŭa, pasinta
eo: Venigu la antaŭan homon.
en: Get the last person (the person just before this one).
Refers to the previous or former in a group.
(at) last adv fine, finfine
last vi daŭri, kontinui Refers to lasting, surviving or continuing.
learn vt lerni
least adv malplej
(at) least adv almenaŭ
letter n letero Refers to mail.
letter n litero Refers to the alphabet.
Let’s go! int Ek!
library n biblioteko, librejo
lie vi kuŝi Refers to lying down.
lie vi mensogi Refers to telling an untruth.
lift vt levi
light adj leĝera, malpeza
light n lumo
like kiel
like vt ŝati
listen vt aŭskulti
(a) little iom
little adj malgranda
live vi loĝi Refers to dwelling, or living someplace.
live vi vivi Refers to being alive.
long adj longa
look vt aspekti Refers to looking like something.
look vi rigardi Refers to looking at something.
love vt ami
lunch n lunĉo, meztagmanĝo
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
main adj ĉefa, precipa
make vt fari Refers to creating something.
make vt igi Refers to becoming something.
man n viro
March n marto
May n majo
maybe adv eble
me pron mi, min
meet v kunveni, rendevui, renkonti
middle n mezo
milk n lakto
minute n minuto
moment n momento
Monday n lundo
money n mono
more pli
morning n mateno
most plej
mountain n monto
mouth n buŝo
move vi movi
much adj multa
must vt devi
my adj mia
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
near adj proksima
near adv proksime
need vt bezoni
never neniam
new adj nova
next adj proksima In the sense of "the nearest".
next adj sekva In the sense of "following". It is most often used in participle form (sekvanta, sekvinta, sekvonta), depending on whether the following is in the past, present or future.
next adj venonta In the sense of "upcoming".
next to prep apud
night n nokto
no adv ne
no adj neniu In the sense of "not any".
no adj neniom da In the sense of "no amount of".
north n nordo
note n noto Refers to a written or recorded note.
note n tono Refers to a musical note.
note vt konstati Refers to taking note of something.
note vt noti Refers to making or recording a note about something.
nothing n nenio
notice n anonco, notico
notice vt rimarki
noun n substantivo
now adv nun
number n numero
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
on prep sur
one num unu
one pron oni
only adj nur
only adv sole
open adj malfermita Refers to "not closed".
open adj libera Refers to public, or free.
or conj
other alia
our adj nia
over prep pli ol Refers to "more than".
over prep super Refers to being over top of something.
over adj finita Refers to being finished or done.
own vt proprieti
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
part n parto Refers to a piece of a something.
part n rolo Refers to a role.
part vt apartigi, disigi Refers to splitting something.
part vi disiĝi, disiri Refers to something being split.
part vi ekveturi, ekvojaĝi, foriri, forvojaĝi Refers to leaving.
pass vt pasi Refers to passing by something.
people n homoj, personoj
perhaps eble
person n persono, ulo
picture n bildo
piece n peco, ero
place n ejo, loko
plain adj klara, malkaŝa Refers to being clear.
plain adj nebela, simpla Refers to being unadorned.
plain n ebenaĵo Refers to flat area of land.
plan vi plani
play vi ludi
possible adj ebla
problem n problemo
produce vt kaŭzi, produkti, realigi
product n produkto
pull v tiri
put vt meti
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
queen n reĝino
queer adj drola
quest n serĉado
question n demando
queue n vico
quick adj rapida
quiet adj mallaŭta, kvieta
quiet n kvieto
quiet vt trankviligi
quite n tute, sufiĉe
quote vt citi
quote n citaĵo
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
English Part of speech Esperanto Examples Notes
zebra n zebro
zero num nul
zigzag adj zigzaga
zigzag adj zigzaga
zip vt zipi
zodiac n zodiako
zombie n sorĉkadavro, zombio
zoom vi zomi