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Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem/Printable version

25% developed
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These are the playable characters of Eternal Darkness. They are listed here chronologically, and not necessarily the order in which they are played during the game.

  • Pious Augustus (26 BC) - A Roman Centurion in his late 20s, at war in the Middle East. Becomes the game's chief antagonist.
  • Karim (565 AD) - A Persian swordsman, sent into the desert to find a treasure (one of the Ancients' essences) for his love, Chandra.
  • Anthony (814 AD) - A French messenger for Charlemagne the Frank.
  • Ellia (1150 AD) - A Cambodian slave girl and court dancer for Suryavarman II. She yearns for adventure.
  • Roberto Bianchi (1460 AD) - A traveling Venetian artist and architect, taken as a prisoner of war while roaming abroad. He is forced to work for a warlord, helping with the construction of the Pillar of Flesh.
  • Paul Luther (1485 AD) - A Franciscan monk on a pilgrimage to see the ancient relic the Hand of Jude, detained by the Inquisition.
  • Maximillian Roivas (1760 AD) - A rich doctor in colonial Rhode Island, ancestor of both Edward and Alex. Something is amiss in the mansion he recently inherited from his father, Aaron.
  • Peter Jacob (1916 AD) - A field reporter during World War I, staying at Oublie Cathedral, now a field hospital.
  • Edward Roivas (1952 AD) - A clinical psychologist, Alex's grandfather, led to the Tome by Max's ghost. His servants are attacked by a dreadful presence.
  • Edwin Lindsey (1983 AD) - An archaeologist exploring in Cambodia under the auspices of a mysterious benefactor.
  • Michael Edwards (1991 AD) - A Canadian firefighter sent to extinguish the oil fires in the Middle East after the Gulf War.
  • Alexandra Roivas (2000 AD) - A student at a university in Washington. The game's main protagonist, she is investigating her grandfather's gruesome death.


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Circles of Power

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Circles of Power are required to cast spells. In general, Circles of Power may be acquired during chapters that take place Oblie Cathedral. Before a spell of a particular level may be even created for the player's repertoire, the appropriate Circle of Power must first be acquired.

Circle of Power - 3 Point

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The weakest of the Circles, it is used to construct a spell from three runes: one alignment, one verb, and one noun.

Circle of Power - 5 Point

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Stronger than the 3 Point Circle, this 5 Point Circle is the medium powered Circle for a player. It can be used to construct a spell from five runes: one alignment, one verb, one noun, and two pargon powerup runes.

Circle of Power - 7 Point

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Stronger than the 5 Point Circle, this 7 Point Circle is the strongest Circle for a player. It can be used to construct a spell from seven runes: one alignment, one verb, one noun, and four pargon powerup runes.

Circle of Power - 9 Point

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The strongest of the Circles seen in the game, this circle is almost exclusively used by The Liche. This Circle may be used to construct a spell from nine runes: one alignment, one verb, one noun, and six pargon powerup runes.


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These "runes" in the game, form a vocabulary of ideographs. These runes may be used to construct rudimentary sentences, some of which function as spells.


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  • Bankorok - "protect" - used to create a force around something
  • Tier - "summon" - used to summon something of the specified alignment
  • Narokath - "absorb" - used to absorb the specified element from/into something
  • Nethlek - "dispel" - used to dispel something of an alignment weak to that being used
  • Antorbok - "project" - used to project the specified alignment's power onto something


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  • Magormor - "item" - focuses the spell on an item
  • Redgormor - "area" - focuses the spell on the area around the character
  • Aretak - "creature" - focuses the spell on a creature
  • Santak - "self" - focuses the spell on the spellcaster


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  • Pargon - "power" - used to power up spells


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Spells are created using one alignment rune, one verb rune, one noun rune, and an adjective rune (Pargon being the only one) to fill out the Circle of Power. In order to create spells of a certain level (3, 5, or 7), the appropriate Circle of Power must first be obtained from Oublie Cathedral. In order to create a specific spell, all runes used in that spell must have been obtained (it is not necessary to obtain the codices or the spell scroll). When the player has acquired the runes, codices, and spell scroll for a particular spell, its lowest-level version will automatically be learned. Higher-level versions must be created in the "New Spell" menu. Sometimes a higher-level spell is required in order to achieve the desired effect. The necessary level is usually, but not always, denoted nearby in some way.

Each character is only be able to create and cast spells after acquiring the Tome of Eternal Darkness. Some spells are only for specific situations, while some (like Magick Pool) are extremely useful at all times.

If you have constructed a spell prior to receiving all the necessary items to automatically learn the spell, it will be listed as "Spell #". These numbers are provided for assistance in creating and referencing spells during such occasions.

Spell 1 - Enchant Item

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[Alignment] Antorbok Magormor - "project item" - fixes a broken item, powers up a weapon for two minutes - the higher the spell level, the greater the damage multiplier to susceptible creatures

A torn scroll, illustrated with a geometric symbol is accompanied by a small note. The note reads:
"That which is broken, shall be fixed. That which is dull, will be sharp. Thus is the nature of the Enchant Item magick."

Spell 2 - Recover

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[Alignment] Narokath Santak - "absorb self" - recovers health and/or sanity - the higher the level, the more the character recovers

A tattered scroll from an ancient text. It reads:
"This spell enables the transfer of magickal power from the environment to the self.
Restoration of the body, spirit and mind is this spell's purpose."
  • Chattur'gha - recovers some health
  • Ulyaoth - recovers some magick (exactly the amount spent casting the spell, for no net effect)
  • Xel'lotath - recovers some sanity
  • Mantorok - recovers both health and sanity (as well as exactly the amount of magick spent casting the spell)

Spell 3 - Reveal Invisible

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[Alignment] Narokath Redgormor - "absorb area" - allows the character to see magickally hidden enemies, doorways, etc. for 1 minute

A torn scroll with magickal equations and notes upon it. It reads:
"With this enchantment the invisible is rendered visible. "Use it wisely, for some things are invisible for a reason, and mortalkind not meant to see them."

Spell 4 - Damage Field

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[Alignment] Bankorok Redgormor - "protect area" - creates a magickal force field which the spellcaster can penetrate, but enemies can not, allowing the character to trap them inside or remain safe while picking them off at leisure - the higher the level, the greater the damage (and incidentally affects the size and shape of the field)

A tattered scroll, lined with curious writing and diagrams. It reads:
"The incantation exerts a force of mystical power within the confines of its runes. Nothing may enter till it is dispelled."

Spell 5 - Dispel Magick

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[Alignment] Nethlek Redgormor - "dispel area" - dispels magick, but the spellcaster must be wary, as this magck does not descriminate between enemy spells and his or her own - higher-level Dispels are necessary to take care of higher-level magick

A torn scroll with magickal equations and notes upon it. It reads:
"For every magick there is a counter. That which is protected, is protected no more. That which is bound, is unbound. Be warned that a more powerful magick than this will endure its ravages."

Spell 6 - Summon Trapper

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[Alignment] Tier Aretak - "summon creature" - summons a Trapper of the specified alignment - level-3 only

A magick, inscribed on parchment in a bloody pigment:
"Evoking this magick brings into existence a creature known as the 'Trapper'. Trappers possess the unique ability to transcend space and time, and to relocate objects and creatures to their own plane."

Spell 7 - Shield

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[Alignment] Bankorok Santak - "protect self" - summons protective energy balls to absorb damage - the higher the level, the more balls

A tattered scroll, lined with curious writings and diagrams. It reads:
"From all manner of magick you will be protected when encased in this geas. The alignments can help but never hinder, for within well-conjured magick comes greater protection."
  • Chattur'gha - red balls which repel health-draining attacks
  • Ulyaoth - blue balls which repel magick-draining attacks
  • Xel'lotath - green balls which repel sanity-draining attacks
  • Mantorok - purple balls which repel health-, magick-, and sanity-draining attacks and do additional damage to an attacker, like a poison

Spell 8 - Summon Zombie

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[Alignment] Tier Aretak - "summon creature" - summons a Zombie of the specified alignment - level-5 only

A spell, transcribed onto human skin, written with ink made from distilled fat:
"This conjuration summons a shambling corpse from the Planes of Eternal Darkness, where the dead, and all manner of fell things, dwell. This magick should not be undertaken lightly, for its toll on the psyche of mortalkind is not pleasant.
To see with the eyes of the dead is to become them..."

Spell 9 - Magickal Attack

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[Alignment] Antorbok Redgormor - "project area" - zaps enemies with magickal power - the higher the level, the greater the damage

An aged scroll with magickal equations and notes upon it. It reads:
"This incantation saturates an area with aligned magickal energy, inflicting massive damage to all enemies within its influence. This magick will affect both large and small - for even the greatest of enemies are made of many small parts."

Spell 10 - Summon Horror

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[Alignment] Tier Aretak - "summon creature" - summons a Horror of specified alignment - level-7 only

The scroll is host to an incantation, written in a panicked scrawl of blood. It reads:
The bestial fury of the 'Horror' is unleashed by this magick. The Horror's abilities are yours - enemies may be crushed or rent apart, wracked by magick. This spell should not be undertaken lightly, for its toll on the psyche of mortalkind is high."

Spell 11 - Magick Pool

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[Alignment] Tier Redgormor - "summmon area" - refills the spellcaster's health, magick, and or sanity meter(s) at a rate of one point per second - the higher the spell level, the longer the effect lasts

This dread scroll contains a secret of arcane magick. It reads:
"This magick transfers the innate magickal energy of the environment to the self. The limitless power of the Ancients will be at your disposal for the duration of the magick. Once the magick has waned, you will be bereft of spiritual power, until it naturally seeps back into your being."
  • Chattur'gha - refills the caster's health meter
  • Ulyaoth - refills the caster's magick meter
  • Xel'lotath - refills the caster's sanity meter
  • Mantorok - refills all three of the caster's meters

Spell 12 - Bind

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[Alignment] Bankorok Aretak - "protect creature" - causes a creature to attack other enemies - the higher the spell level, the larger the creature that can be bound

A note is scribbled on this scroll. It reads:
"This magick enables the caster to bind a creature with magick forcing it to ally with them."