Trolls, like Ogres, are inately powerful fighters with a high strength and stamina. They start off in the city of Grobb, far south in Antonica. A troll can be a Shadowknight, Shaman, Warrior, Beastlord, or Berserker. Trolls have the innate ability to regenerate damage, gaining 2 hp per tick. As an evil race, they are killed on sight in most cities. Like ogres, players who play trolls like to speak broken english.
- Alignment: Evil
- Size: Large
- Starting City: Grobb
- Innate Abilities
- Infravision
- Slam
- Regeneration (3HP per tick standing base, 2 more than other races)
- Base Stats
- Strength
- Stamina
- Agility
- Dexterity
- Wisdom
- Intelligence
- Charisma
Experience Modifier: ?