FCC Technician Class Exam Study Guide - 2014-2018/Subelement T5 Group C

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Electronic principles: capacitance; inductance; current flow in circuits; alternating current; definition of RF; DC power calculations; impedance

The Question Pool

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Question 1

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What is the ability to store energy in an electric field called?
A. Inductance
B. Resistance
C. Tolerance
D. Capacitance

The correct answer is D.

Question 2

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What is the basic unit of capacitance?
A. The farad
B. The ohm
C. The volt
D. The henry

The correct answer is A.

Question 3

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What is the ability to store energy in a magnetic field called?
A. Admittance
B. Capacitance
C. Resistance
D. Inductance

The correct answer is D.

Question 4

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What is the basic unit of inductance?
A. The coulomb
B. The farad
C. The henry
D. The ohm

The correct answer is C.

Question 5

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What is the unit of frequency?
A. Hertz
B. Henry
C. Farad
D. Tesla

The correct answer is A.

Question 6

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What does the abbreviation "RF" refer to?
A. Radio frequency signals of all types
B. The resonant frequency of a tuned circuit
C. The real frequency transmitted as opposed to the apparent frequency
D. Reflective force in antenna transmission lines

The correct answer is A.

Question 7

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What is a usual name for electromagnetic waves that travel through space?
A. Gravity waves
B. Sound waves
C. Radio waves
D. Pressure waves

The correct answer is C.

Question 8

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What is the formula used to calculate electrical power in a DC circuit?
A. Power (P) equals voltage (E) multiplied by current (I)
B. Power (P) equals voltage (E) divided by current (I)
C. Power (P) equals voltage (E) minus current (I)
D. Power (P) equals voltage (E) plus current (I)

The correct answer is A.

Question 9

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How much power is being used in a circuit when the applied voltage is 13.8 volts DC and the current is 10 amperes?
A. 138 watts
B. 0.7 watts
C. 23.8 watts
D. 3.8 watts

The correct answer is A.

Question 10

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How much power is being used in a circuit when the applied voltage is 12 volts DC and the current is 2.5 amperes?
A. 4.8 watts
B. 30 watts
C. 14.5 watts
D. 0.208 watts

The correct answer is B.

Question 11

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How many amperes are flowing in a circuit when the applied voltage is 12 volts DC and the load is 120 watts?
A. 0.1 amperes
B. 10 amperes
C. 12 amperes
D. 132 amperes

The correct answer is B.

Question 12

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What is meant by the term impedance?
A. It is a measure of the opposition to AC current flow in a circuit
B. It is the inverse of resistance
C. It is a measure of the Q or Quality Factor of a component
D. It is a measure of the power handling capability of a component

The correct answer is A.

Question 13

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What are the units of impedance?
A. Volts
B. Amperes
C. Coulombs
D. Ohms

The correct answer is D.