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Croatian Discussion Wikipedia
Serbian Discussion Wikipedia
Hrvatski jezik — Српски језик
Српско-хрватски лажни другови
Hrvatsko-srpski lažni prijatelji
Cr. igrati
Sb. играти ‘to play (a game)’
Sb. играти
1. igrati ‘to play (a game)’ 2. plesati ‘to dance’
Cr. kor
Sb. хор ‘choir’
Sb. кор
Cr. korpus ‘corps’
Cr. kovčeg
1. кофер ‘suitcase’ (also present in Kajkavian Croatian) 2. ковчег ‘trunk, box, chest’
Sb. ковчег
1. škrinja ‘trunk, box, chest’ 2. lijes ‘coffin’
Cr. lice
Sb. лице ‘face’
Sb. лице
1. lice ‘face’ 2. osoba ‘person’ 3. ličnost ‘well known, important person’
Cr. listopad
1. октобар ‘October’ 2. листопад ‘falling of leaves’
Sb. листопад
Cr. listopad , padanje lišća ‘falling of leaves’
Cr. modar
1. модар ‘dark blue (as a colour of face or body)’ 2. светлоплав ‘light blue’
Sb. модар
Cr. modar ‘dark blue (as a colour of face or body)’
Cr. nedjelja
Sb. недеља ‘Sunday’
Sb. недеља
1. nedjelja ‘Sunday’ 2. tjedan ‘week’ (also седмица in Serbian)
Cr. razred
1. разред ‘form, grade, class (at school)’ 2. класа ‘class (in a train, in society, in biology)’
Sb. разред
Cr. razred ‘form, grade, class (at school)’
Cr. restauracija
1. рестаурација ‘restoration’ 2. ресторан ‘restaurant’
Sb. рестаурација
Cr. restauracija ‘restoration’
Cr. sedmica
Sb. седмица ‘number seven (metonymy) , playing card 7’
Sb. седмица
1. tjedan ‘week’ 2. sedmica ‘number seven (metonymy) , playing card 7’
Cr. sklanjati
1. склањати ‘to hide; to clear away, to remove’ 2. деклиновати ‘to decline (grammar) ’
Sb. склањати
Cr. sklanjati ‘to hide; to clear away, to remove’
Cr. slovenski
Sb. словеначки ‘Slovene’
Sb. словенски
Cr. slavenski ‘Slavonic’
Cr. sprezati
1. конјугирати ‘to conjugate’ 2. спрезати ‘to put (horses) to (a coach), to harness’
Sb. спрезати
Cr. uprezati , sprezati ‘to put (horses) to (a coach), to harness’
Cr. svijet
Sb. свет ‘world’
Sb. свет
1. vijeće, savjet ‘council’ 2. svijet ‘world’
Cr. zrak
Sb. ваздух ‘air’
Sb. зрак
Cr. zraka, trak, traka ‘ray, beam’
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