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Using particles, you narrow the meaning of verbs.

  • De mannen gæ in. (The men go inside.) [in as particle]

Particles are preceded by the object of the verb.

  • De kild werp de ball up. (The child throws the ball up.)

Particle as Preposition

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Many particles may have an object, shortening the stem vowel of the particle. Then the particle is called a preposition. The shortening of the stem vowel will not be indicated in Folksprak.

  • De mannen gæ in de hus. (The men go inside the house.) [in as preposition with short vowel]

Prepositions are preceded by the object of the verb.

  • De kild werp de ball up de tak. (The child throws the ball up on the roof.)

Particle as adverb

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Particles may precede a preposition like an adverb. Then they narrow the meaning of the preposition.

  • De kild werp de ball up in de windog. (The child throws the ball up into the window.)

Using the prepositions to and bi, you can differentiate between aimed and non-aimed movement/position.

  • De ball flyg up to de tak. (The ball flies up onto the roof.)
  • De ball ligg up bi de tak. (The ball lies above on the roof.)

Particle as Adjective

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Using the suffix -er you can form an adjective.

  • de upper ball (the upper ball)

Particle as Prefix

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When adding a particle in front of a verb, the verb's meaning gets even more narrowed. Then the accent lies back on the verb stem.

  • De mann stæ for de grupp. (The man leads/stands in front of the group.)
  • De mann ferstæ de grupp. (The man understands the group.)

Particles (North, South ...)

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The directions nord, sud, west, ost are treated like particles.

  • De mann ga nord / sud / west / ost. (The man goes north / south / west / east.)

When used as adjectives, they end in -ern.

  • nordern sang (northern song)
  • sudern comfort (southern comfort)
  • western film (western film)
  • ostern (eastern)

In proper names they appear shortened, i. e. the ending -ern turns to -er. nordern gets even more shortened to nor.

  • Norwegen (Norway)
  • Suderland (Southerland (actor))
  • Westerland (Westerland)
  • Osterrik (Austria)