Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/Foundations Table of Contents/Chapter 13/Chapter Review

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Ldomm002 (talk) 03:59, 6 July 2009 (UTC)

Learning Targets...

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1. Understand how technology is used in the classroom

2. Get an understanding for the different technology tools available and how they can be used in a classroom

3. Know the positive and negative effects technology can have on a classroom and how a teacher can use technology in an effective way that helps students

4. Students will be able to differentiate between traditional learning versus Web 2.0 learning.

5. Students will identify the potential of Web 2.0, but consider the many challenges schools face in regard to funding Web 2.0 based learning.

6. Students will be introduced to Wikiversity and learn how to determine legitimacy of web based content.

7. Readers will understand what Student Written Text Material is.

8. Readers will be able to distinguish the credibility of Student Written Text Material. Readers will be given insight on the use and future of Student Written Text Material.

9. Define online or virtual schools

10. Identify advantages of online education

11. Identify disadvantages of online education

12. Be able to differentiate between the "digital immigrant" and the "digital native".

13. Ability to name common tools used by the "digital native".

14. Ability to discuss in detail current and future issues with Educating the digital native.

15. The reader will identify what social networking is.

16. The reader will identify various methods of how social networking is used in the classroom.

17. The reader will determine the advantages and disadvantages of social networking in education.

18. The reader will be able to define Technology Integration.

19. The reader will be able to identify and describe key concepts as they relate to Technology.

20. Readers should identify several different web-based tools used by teachers in their curriculums.

21. Readers should identify different tools useful for homebound students.

22. Readers should be able to differentiate between a virtual field trip, and a Webcast.

Review Questions

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1. An example of using technology to teach a lesson would be:

a. Note taking

b. Reading outloud in class

c. Talking in groups

d. Webquest Activity

2. What technological device is being banned from a lot of classrooms?

a. Cameras

b. CD players

c. Computers

d. Ipod

3. What could be a valid argument for not wanting technology to become prominent in the classroom?

a. It causes students to fight with each other over the equipment

b. It forces students to use technology when they it will not help them

c. Students can access information that is harmful for them using the internet

d. Teachers don't get any credit for teaching anymore

4. What could be a valid argument for wanting technology to become prominent in the classroom?

a. It helps students become active in their learning

b. It helps students become smarter than their parents

c. It helps students become smarter than their teachers

d. It will help students with their speech

5. All of the following are examples of Web 2.0 applications except one.

a. Wikis

b. Journal Articles

c. Podcasts

d. Blogs

6. Suppose you are a student who comes from a poor household with no computer. The primary and secondary school you attended also had no computers or much technology. You receive grants to attend a University where technology is rampant. How do you overcome your adversity with technology?

a. Contact the Universities computer help center to receive tutorials.

b. Discuss with your professors that you are not a Digital Native, but you are in training and ask for some advice.

c. Check with the University for free technology workshops

d. All of the Above

7. You attend a Wikiversity and are taking a Politics in the Media class. What would be the courses ideal content?

a. Right-winged political viewed teaching

b. Unbiased discussion focusing on both sides of political parties.

c. Left-winged political viewed teaching

d. Neutral

8. What plays a major deciding factor in how much funding a school district receives?

a. Test Scores

b. Population

c. Gas Prices

d. Teacher Income

9. What does the future hold for student writers?

a. No one will believe what is written

b. There will not be enough money to publish it

c. The future seems closer than ever

d. Very unpredictable to us

10. What was one reason stated that some are displeased with conventional textbook writers?

a. Both B and C

b. Students can not understand them

c. Students do not read them

d. Students do not like the prices

11. Which is not a reason why students should use student written text?

a. It is free

b. It is easier to understand

c. The information in the text has been peer reviewed for accuracy

d. The text is very credible

12. Which is not a part of the process of a student written text?

a. Assessing what is true and what is opinion

b. Peer review

c. Revision

d. Writing under the guidance of an instructor

13. What are one of the disadvantages of online learning?

a. It is very easy for everyone.

b. It can be costly for the students.

c. It often allows advanced students to progress at their own pace.

d. Students get plenty of face time with their instructors.

14. What is an advantage of online learning?

a. Students can skip all formal school.

b. Students form close bonds with individuals of other cultures.

c. Students can often access the information as their schedule permits.

d. Students get free books, laptops and internet connection provided by the state.

15. Which student would not be a good candidate for online learning?

a. A student that wants to test out of some gen-ed college classes.

b. A student that has a problem with being bullied in the neighborhood and school.

c. A student that has trouble focusing on goals and staying on task.

d. A student that has medical issues and frequently misses school days.

16. Billy Smith is considering taking an online course. Which of these attributes and abilities should Billy posses in order to be reasonably successful in a virtual school?

a. He should be self-motivated and able to stay on task with activities and lessons.

b. He should have access to school via a car or bus route.

c. He should have a working knowledge of Fortran and other computer languages.

d. He should live close enough to the school district for frequent visits from the teacher.

17. What is one main difference between the digital native and the digital immigrant?

a. The digital immigrant uses technology second rather than first.

b. The digital native is a child of the 80's typically.

c. The digital native thrives on receiving information fast.

d. All of the above.

18. What is a common everyday tool used by the digital native?

a. Email

b. A and C

c. blackberry

d. the Library

19. Two large issues education will be facing in the future?

a. Internet chat rooms and computer games

b. Students inability to research properly and express themselves

c. Plagiarism in schools and funding for technology

d. B and C

20. How many hours have today's average college grad spent reading?

a. 5,000

b. 1500

c. 10,000

d. 800

21. What is a way that computer technology can assist teachers with scheduling classroom events?

a. Sending parents review copies of educational software to be used in the classroom

b. Using a word processing program to make a table of when students leave for pull-out

c. Keeping exam grades on a spreadsheet.

d. Taking notes on a word processing program about a new sstudent's initial progress in class.

22. Which of the Stages of Integration is a teacher likely at if he is using computers for administrative ativites and for some learning activities, but does not communicate with other teachers often about technology and lacks the confidence to move past traditional teaching roles?

a. Adaptation

b. Appropriation

c. Adoption

d. Entry

23. What classroom situation illustrates a key benefit about using computers in the classroom?

a. Students spend their weekly computer time learning how to open and save files in a piece of fraction software.

b. Teachers use technology only to support traditional instruction

c. Teachers attend after-school training on new digital cameras and scanners.

d. Students use a piece of educational software to simulate exploring a rain forest.

24. Integrating technology in the classroom takes various steps, according the Sprague, Kopman, and Dorsey (1998) what two combinations will help this process?

a. Invention and Entry

b. Teachers and Administrators

c. Content knowledge and Instructive knowledge

d. Advanced and Basic Classroom

25. With the ongoing debate on the role technology, what should administrators do to make the transition easier?

a. Provide all staff with much-needed technology training.

b. Support teachers by formulating a plan

c. Find ways to provide schools with hardware, software, and networking tools

d. All of the above

26. What is social networking?

a. An interactive television channel with shows and content from the Internet.

b. Social networking is a community where family, friends, and colleagues connect online.

c. A strategy business people use to gain more customers and business partners.

d. A business conference where people discuss the latest mobile devices.

27. The least effective way of using social networking in the classroom is:

a. Discussing the Civil War on LiveJournal.

b. Creating a story by thousands of students on Twitter.

c. Reading an online literary review.

d. Having a video chat with a doctor on Facebook.

28. Ms. Jordan has a classroom Facebook account for her 6th grade class. One of her students posted a picture of himself and several other students drinking at a party. Ms. Jordan should...

a. Report the picture to administration for appropriate disciplinary action.

b. Not report the picture to administration but give the students disciplinary action.

c. Not give the students disciplinary action but remove the picture from the page.

d. Not give the students disciplinary action and leave the picture on the page.

29. An advantage of social networking is:

A. Forces schools to set online boundaries.

B. Cyberbullying.

C. Cost of online learning.

D. Students and teachers can collaborate around the world.

30. What type of school offers all courses through distance-delivery methods such as the Internet?

a. Online class

b. Virtual school

c. Internet school

d. Web school

31. Which of the following is NOT a ISTE standard for integrating technology in the classroom?

a. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility

b. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

c. Use at least 1 technology during every lesson

d. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

32. Jordan is considered to be a very good student with a very bright future ahead of her. She always gets work on done on time and will not settle for anything less than an A. She always strives to use computers and digital media in her class projects to make them the best they can be. Through technology integration in her classrooms, she has built many new skills. These skills are called __________.

a. 21st Century Skills

b. Technology Skills

c. Digital Media Skills

d. Computer Science Skills

33. Which of the following would NOT be considered Technology Integration?

a. Sending students an email with a Social Studies assignment to complete and email back to the professor.

b. Making a non-linear Powerpoint presentation into a game such as Jeopardy to teach Earth Science.

c. Using an Excel file, have the students create an interactive map of the US to study Geography.

d. Giving a lecture on how to use Microsoft Office for a Computer Science class.

34. What tool has replaced the chalkboard and regular whiteboard in many classrooms?

a. SMART board

b. Laptops

c. Desktop computer workstations

d. Digital paper and pens

35. Virtual fieldtrips are unique because unlike a regular field trip, on a virtual field trip you can…

a. Explore the past.

b. Ride a better bus.

c. Have more fun.

d. Learn more.

36. More recently you have been giving more assignments online this semester. One student hasn’t been doing them and you finally find out that she has no internet access at home. What should you do?

a. Allow her to work online during class on the computer at the back of the classroom.

b. Don’t require her to do any of the online assignments.

c. Allow her to leave class to go work on the assignments.

d. Penalize her for not doing the work.

37. One student in your class is homebound this semester. What tool would be most useful for him to use so that he can keep up with class work?

a. Photocopies of class notes from another student.

b. Email, so he can get updates from the teacher each day.

c. Use Skype to participate in a class lecture with the other students.

d. Both b and c.

Answer Key...

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1. d

2. d

3. c

4. a

5. b

6. d

7. b

8. a

9. c

10. a

11. a

12. a

13. b

14. c

15. c

16. c

17. d

18. a & c

19. c

20. a

21. b

22. c

23. d

24. c

25. d

26. b

27. c

28. a

29. d

30. b

31. c

32. a

33. d

34. a

35. a

36. a

37. d

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