Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/Foundations Table of Contents/Chapter 4/Chapter Review

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Chapter Summary

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It is inevitable that the children in a classroom will be different from each other in many ways. They may all read at the same level, they may all like the same activities and there is even a chance that they are all the same gender. Each of these scenarios is highly unlikely but still possible. One thing is for sure, each child will demonstrate unique needs and characteristics. All teachers are forced to deal with diversity in the classroom to some degree. Whether it is managing the different teaching styles needed by boys vs. girls, or dealing with the high demands of gifted students or those with ADHD, teachers in classrooms all over the country are faced with this challenging task. Chapter 4 introduced some of the many diverse needs of all types of students. In reading the articles in this chapter, you have found that diversity in the classroom does not have to be simply an unwanted challenge. Discovering the various needs and characteristics of our diverse student population allows the teacher as well as the rest of the class to grow and learn from one another.

Learning Targets

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1. Readers should be able to clearly define inclusion.

2. Readers should be able to identify positive and negative aspects dealing with inclusion in the classroom.

3. Readers should be able to recognize symptoms ADHD.

4. Readers should be able to describe the need for behavioral modification to be used in a classroom for a child with ADHD.

5. Readers should be able to identify two different concerns that parents may have about raising dual language learners.

6. Readers should be able to identify strategies for teachers to facilitate culturally responsive teaching.

7. Readers should be able to describe the general developmental differences between boys and girls.

8. Readers should be able to the basic principles of Title IX and what it accomplished.

9. Readers should be able to recognize the positive and negative aspects of code-switching.

10. Readers should be able to describe sexual orientation and how these differences affect students.

11. Readers should be able to identify indicators of gifted students and the obstacles that can be faced in accommodating these children in the classroom.

Review Questions

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1. Which of the following statements clearly identifies inclusion?

A) Inclusion is allowing children with special education any type of free education

B) Inclusion is education children with disabilities in a classroom only with other children with disabilities.

C) Inclusion is making sure that children with disabilities are educated with children without disabilities to the maximum extent possible.

D) Inclusion involves placing regular education students into special education classrooms.

2. Which of the following is NOT a positive aspect of inclusion?

A) The student receiving a core curriculum

B) Reducing stigmatism and labeling for the student

C) Increasing the students relationships with peers

D) Decreasing the amount of time the teacher can spend with other students

3. Sarah has autism. She spends half of her day in the regular classroom and half of her day in the special education classroom. Sarah told her mom that while she is in the regular classroom her teacher can not help her very much with her school work because of all the other distractions taking place in the classroom. This is an example of what?

A) A student benefiting from inclusion.

B) A problem resulting from inclusion.

C) A complaint from a special education student that should be ignored.

D) An example of students who blame their teachers for everything.

4. Mrs. Williams is the teacher in a classroom with an ADHD student named Hayden. She is trying a new class behavior program by flipping of green, yellow, and red cards. Which choice best describes Mrs. Williams?

A) Ready to retire and fed up.

B) Utilizing positive reinforcement and appropriate classroom techniques.

C) She is known as the school's yeller and the staff is afraid of approaching her.

D) Begging to get rid of the ADHD student so she can enjoy the rest of the year.

5. Which of the following is a good way to support a young English Language Learner in a daycare setting?

A) Encourage the staff to learn some simple words and phrases in the child's native language.

B) Refuse to allow the child to speak in his native language.

C) Speak with the parents about phrases and words that the child already knows.

D) Don't speak to the child at all.

6. Which term describes the "set of customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group"?

A) Culture

B) Diversity

C) Group

D) Multiculturalism

7. Lim is a 3rd grade student whose family immigrated from Vietnam six years ago. Her US teacher, Mrs. Hurd notices that Lim doesnt answer questions when she asks the class but when Lim is with her friends, she talks frequently. Mrs. Hurd is concerned about her. What advice might you give to her about helping Lim?

A) Lim doesnt understand and should be referred to a specialist.

B) Lims family may show respect by only talking when asked.

C) Lim is just quiet and you shouldnt push her.

D) Lim is lazy and doesnt care, just leave her alone.

8. A teacher who encourages exploratory play in his or her classroom is:

A) creating a gender-affirming classroom that aids many boys who are kinesthetic learners

B) eliminating the need for separate physical education classes

C) supporting single-sex education

D) violating the federal law commonly known as Title IX

9. Bill is an 11th grade student in Virginia. Bill has noticed that the boys locker room is old and decrepit, while the girls locker room has been recently remodeled and outfitted with better equipment. Bill soon learns the school has no plans to upgrade the boys locker room. Which of the following is Bills school most likely violating?

A) the business code of ethics

B) the students right to free speech

C) the law passed in 1972 known as Title IX

D) the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990

10. The term code-switching refers to which of the following?

A) changing your password when you forget it

B) modifying your speech when changing cultures/situations

C) speaking in one language at all times

D) switching from one school to another

11. An individual's sexual orientation is identified by which of the following?

A) A scientist

B) Their teachers

C) Their parents

D) Themselves

12. LGBT students are more likely to suffer from which of the following negative experiences?

A) depression

B) suicidal thoughts

C) verbal and physical abuse

D) all of the above

13. Which of the following is not an indicator that a student is an exceptional generator of knowledge?

A) Learns quickly and easily

B) Keen sense of humor

C) Highly developed sense of curiosity about the future

D) Does not conform to typical ways of thinking

14. A gifted student has finished an assignment long before his classmates. Which of the following is a good choice to occupy him until his peers are finished?

A) Give him access to a computer and let him browse the internet

B) Give him assignments that offer repetitive practice of the content just discussed

C) Let him occupy himself, as long as he is quiet

D) Give him assignments that go deeper into the content just discussed

15. You want to accommodate an extrinsically motivated gifted student. Which of the following would NOT be a good strategy to try?

A) Provide opportunities for him to work in a group of peers of similar interest

B) Provide opportunities for him to compete with his classmates

C) Provide opportunities for him to perform independent study

D) Provide opportunities for him to tutor other students


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1. C

2. D

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. B

11. D

12. D

13. A

14. D

15. C

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