Foundations and Assessment of Education/Edition 1/Foundations Table of Contents/Chapter 7/7.2.2

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The Chain of Command in Public Schools

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Learning Points

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Student will learn about: -the Department of Education -The School Board -The Superintendent -The Principal

The Chain of Command in Public Schools

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In a public school setting, the school, itself, is run by the principal but the principal answers to the superintendent. The superintendent then answers to and works hand in hand with the school board. The school board then must set rules and regulations according to those set by the Department of Education, both state and federal. (EIUS, 2009)

Department of Education

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The Department of Education is the United States way of interacting with the school system. (EIUS, 2009) The Department of Education was made by the Department of Education Organization Act on October 17, 1979 which was signed into law by Jimmy Carter. (USDE, 2009) The law did not go into affect until the following year on May fourth. (USDE, 2009) The Department of Education is overseen by the United States Secretary of Education. (USDE, 2009) The department employs 5,000 employees making it the tiniest cabinet - level department. (USDE, 2009) The job of the department is to oversee the federal funding of schools and to make sure the privacy and civil rights laws are enforced. (USDE, 2009)

School Board

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The school board of a town or city is elected. (Paulin, 2009) Decisions are made by voting and majority rules. (Paulin, 2009) One very important job of the school board is to hire a new superintendent, firing a superintendent and to evaluate how well a superintendent is performing their job. (Paulin, 2009) The school board will hold monthly meetings to discuss business matters. (Paulin, 2009) They will hold "student disciplinary hearing" and will meet and talk with staff. (Paulin, 2009) Members will train to learn ways to manage district budgets better. (Paulin, 2009) The board will decide "salaries and benefits," "approve purchases." (Paulin, 2009) They also make policies, introduce new curriculum materials and look over the building of new schools or repairs to old ones. (Paulin, 2009) When they make and consider new policies they must look at what is best for the majority of the children in their districts. (Paulin, 2009)


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The Superintendents are hired by the school board. (Paulin, 2009) They work with the school board and with the principles that they place in charge of the schools. (Black, 2007) When the superintendent and the school board work together they will develop strategies, which will also involve leaders, the parents, minority groups, and school employees, to achieve success with the districts. (Black, 2007) They should be involved in everything from spending time in schools and classrooms, and help to better techniques. (Black, 2007) The superintendents will work with the teachers unions and can even stand up to them. (Black, 2007) They will delegate some responsibilities on to the principals and other staff members, but will always monitor the progress that schools are making. (Black, 2007) When strong superintendents appoint strong principals that will equal strong achievements in the schools. (Black, 2007)


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Principals will set goals, standards along with the requirements to reach those goals. (EA, 2007) They oversee the teachers, support staff, librarians, counselors, and coaches in their schools. (EA, 2007) A good principal will help to motivate teachers, look over the record keeping, and make budgets. (EA, 2007) The principals will maintain relationships with parents, students, "employers and the community." (EA, 2007) When staff members have concerns with procedures the principal will meet with them to talk about them. (EA, 2007) They will observe classrooms; listen to the concerns of teachers, parents and community members. (EA, 2007) They responsible for the school budget and fundraising, meeting sure students meet with the standards set by the local, state and federal government. (EA, 2007) The principal is responsible for improving school environments thru repairs, teacher workshops and other means. (EA, 2007)


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The running of a school and district has a lot more to it than I thought before. Each level of leadership has a lot of duties and responsibilities given to them. Any job has a type of chain of command that is important in its own way.


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1. Who has the power to get rid of a bad superintendent? a) teachers b) parents c) school board d)all of the above

2. The Secretary of Education oversees _______________. a) Department of toolboxes b) the Sales Department c) School Board d)Department of Eduaation

3. If Mary is a parent of a student at a local school and wishes to speak with some one about the way the principal acts towards the students should she go to the: a) school board b) assistant principal c) Superintentdent d) Department of Education

4. Dave wishes to become the next superintendent of his local school district where would he apply: a) principal b) school board c) the present superintendent d) none of the above

answers: 1.c 2.d 3.c 4.b


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Black,S. (2007, September). Leadeship and Learning. American School Board Journal, 56-59.

Education Administrators.(2007) In Ocuupational Outlook Handbook. Retrieved January 30, 2009, from

Education in the United States.(2009, January)Retrieved January 30, 2009, from

Paulin, B. (2009, February). Life on a School Board: The 'real life' of board members.American School Board Journal,52-53.

Kaust007 (talk) 04:26, 10 February 2009 (UTC)

Readers ResponeTbandy001 (talk) 03:34, 13 April 2009 (UTC)

I liked the way this article stated how the different levels of the system worked. Not only was it clear but it was in order from top to bottom and it flowed from letting the audience know what the article was going to be about then explaining it well.

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