Foundations and Current Issues of Early Childhood Education/Chapter 1/1.1

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The Achievement Gap

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Jocelyn Dudley Old Dominion University

The achievement gap between black and white students is a key measure of our country's failure to achieve true equality. The gap between the achievement of black students and that of white students is one of the most intense problems affecting education today. The achievement gap is a phenomenon that has been widely ignored for a long time. There is a limited amount of research concerning this topic. It is believed that the reason for this lack of knowledge and awareness is due to the fact that the achievement gap is looked at as a problem with no solution. The reason society feels that the achievement gap cannot be solved is because they feel that poverty and race do not cause the achievement gap. This however is not true, after all, it is clear that there is nothing intrinsic about "blackness" or "whiteness" that can be the cause of the gap. There are no genetic or other immutable traits that could conceivably be the cause of the gap. Thus the problem is manifestly one that can and should be solved. There is tons of research on the differences between race and poor and middle class students, yet it presents its self as a surprise when these differences show themselves in school achievement. Because of this denial, the educational system continues to move around the achievement gap and continues to address a variety of other concerns that ultimately lead them back to the same place, the achievement gap.

When addressing the issue of the achievement gap, it is imperative to look at the causal factors. What is causing the success rate to be so significantly different among students of different races and socioeconomic backgrounds? Current research has chosen to address four main areas of concern. All of these gaps working together to create the achievement gap in school. The first and perhaps the most important difference is the reading gap. The fact of the matter is that, children of educated parents read to their children more than parents with no education. Children of educated parents are also encouraged to read to themselves and read for fun more often than children of parents with no education. Also, white children are more likely to be read to then black children. Reading is such an important part in preparation for school and all aspects of school, that these facts alone shows us why there is such differences in the achievement of back students v. white students and students with parents who are educated v. parents who did not receive an adequate education. The second gap is the conversation gap. Conversation helps vocabulary and communication which is extremely important in school and ultimately in life. Without proper communication skills students will miss out on valuable opportunities in school and in the work force. So students with improper communication skills are ultimately at a disadvantage in life. The difference in conversation is also different in homes of educated parents and middle class parents. These parents are more likely to engage in more conversation with their children and at a much earlier age. They often participate in pretend conversations with their children. Not only is it important to talk with your children more, but its important to participate in meaningful conversation. For example, educated and middle class parents give indirect instructions and give their children choices, where non-educated parent’s conversation is very direct. These factors are so important because research has shown that the achievement continues to affect students after school. Research showed that there were significant trends in racial and ethnic achievement gap in SAT scores.

The role model gap is also a factor to look at when addressing the achievement gap in school. Student who are exposed to more positive role models are more likely to be successful.

Middle class parent are more likely to associate with other middle class professionals, exposing them to their children. These role models act as resources to children. Whereas a child whose parents are living in poverty is less likely to associate with professional, therefore their children have less role models. Role models are important to children because they give them hope and expose them to different jobs. Last but certainty not least is the health and housing gap. This gap doesn’t appear that it would have an affect on school, however that is the total opposite. The social and economic conditions of children highly influence their success in school. Lower income children have poorer health, which make them less physically and mentally ready to go into the classroom and be ready to learn. Also due to lack of money and resources poor children are more likely to miss school because of medical reasons.

In conclusion, the achievement gap has been proven to be one of, if not the most important educational challenge at this time. As a nation if we cannot successfully equally educate our children than we have without a doubt failed. Yes it is true that the achievement gap starts at home and is controlled by such things that teachers are believed to have no control over. However, how can we even begin to try to address this issue if we don’t even believe that it exists? The first step is to get out of denial, just as race and class play a huge role in the job market and society as a whole, we have to open our minds and recognize that it is present in our schools. Everyone in the school system has to bring this issue to the forefront in America and let this country know these are the changes that need to be made for our children. No politicians or organization is going to address this issue, teachers, administrators and even students have to fight for the future. We must begin to ask these questions, How can we not only stress the importance of parents reading to their children, but how do we show a mother with no education and two jobs how to take time to set with their child and read? How do we make sure that our students do not come to class hungry? The education system cannot solve these problems; however they can begin to put the pressure on those who can. Lastly, this solution will take a lot more research, one goal should be to define the problem more clearly and develop research-based classrooms.

1) The achievement gap looks at the difference between poor and middle class families and

a) black and white students b) elementary and middle school c) special education d) male and female students

2) With regards to the conversation gap, research shows that middle class parents participate in more of a …

a) direct conversation b) indirect conversation c) conversational style d) both b and c.

3) With regards to the health and housing gap, lower class children have poorer

a) oral hygiene b) lead poisoning c) asthma d) poor nutrition e) all of the above

4) Recent research regarding the long term effects of the achievement gap show significant difference between racial and ethnic scores have been found in

a) SAT scores b) SOL scores c) VAAP scores d) Standardized test scores

5) With regards to a solution for the achievement gap, which of the following is the best statement?

a) the achievement gap can only be solved by an effort from teachers b) the achievement gap can only be narrowed only when school improvement is combined with social and economic reform. c) the achievement gap can only be narrowed with social reform d) the achievement gap can only be narrowed by raising more money for schools.

Essay Question

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What can parents and teacher do to help narrow the achievement gap?

Reading is the most important component of education. Parents and teachers should make time to read to children and much as possible. At home parents should try to set a side a special time each day to read to their children and then let their children read to them. However, it is not enough to just read, parents should engage in meaningful conversations about the books by asking questions. In the classroom, teachers should also read to their students as well as letting the students read out loud. Parents and teachers should make it a priority to provide children with lots and lots of books of different varieties. The books should be easily accessible. Children should also be encouraged to read on their own for fun. Reading is not just for school, but it can be a form of entertainment, children should be encouraged to use their imagination. Last but least, both parents and teachers have to start by being role models first. They can do this by showing children that reading is fun by letting them see them reading all the time.


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Burris, C., and Welner, K., (2005) A SPECIAL SECTION ON THE ACHIEVEMENT GAP - Closing the Achievement Gap by Detracking. Phi Delta Kappan. Vol. 86.

Lee, Jaekyung., (2003) Racial and Ethnic Achievement Gap Trends: Reversing the Progress Toward Equity? Educational Researcher.

Rothstein, R., (2004) Class and Classroom: Even the best schools can’t close the race achievement gap. Early Childhood Education Annual Edition, 2006/2007, 18,19.

Singham, M., (1998) The Canary in the Mine: The Achievement Gap between Black and White Students. Phi Delta Kappan. Vol. 80.

Singham, M., (2003) A Special Section on the Achievement Gap: The Achievement Gap Myths and Reality. Phi Delta Kappan. Vol. 84