Foundations of Education and Instructional Assessment/All Chapters

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Foundations of Education

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Educator as a Professional
Why do teachers teach?
Why do teachers leave the profession?
Is teaching a profession?
How do the ideals of teacher training differ from reality?
What do I need to do to become a teacher?
Are the best teachers highly qualified?
What are some non-traditional educational careers?
Educational Philosophy
What are philosophies of education?
What is the purpose of education?
How is Plato a philosophical leader in education?
What is constructivism?
What is the difference between teacher-centered vs. student-centered philosophies?
History of Education
What are the educational milestones of the 17th and 18th centuries?
What are the educational milestones of the 19th century?
What are the educational milestones of the 20th century?
What are the educational milestones of the 21st century?
What is the history of teacher education?
Educational Reform
What are the effects of educational reform in the classroom?
How do magnet and charter schools represent new visions of public education?
What is the case for and against vouchers?
What are the benefits and drawbacks of home schooling?
Is the NCLB Act a cure or a curse?
What is the purpose of school?
Are we really a nation at risk?
Are for-profit schools and corporate sponsorships viable?
Diversity: Classroom Practices and Law
What is inclusion?
What can be done to handle students with ADHD in the classroom?
How can we teach English language learners?
How can we be culturally responsive in our teaching?
How can we be sensitive to gender issues?
How does code-switching come into play in the classroom?
What issues do lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students face in the classroom?
Gifted students can take care of themselves, right?
Sociological Influences: Economics and Culture
What is the effect of poverty on learning?
How do we combat learned helplessness?
How does racism affect students?
How do we create safe schools?
What are the ways in which sex education can be taught?
What is the influence of peers and youth culture inside and outside the classroom?
What effect does student mobility have on productivity?
School Organization
Are all schools created equal?
How are individual schools governed?
What are the roles of local, state and federal agencies in education?
Should I join a union or professional organization?
Who decides if I am successful, and how?
Is it still the "three Rs"?
Is there a "hidden curriculum"? Where is it hiding?
Who decides what is taught?
Are we moving toward a national curriculum?
How can we prepare all students for life after high school?
What are the effects of standardized testing on school curricula?
Effective Schools
What makes a school effective?
How can mentoring support new teachers?
Is pre-kindergarten the solution to early intervention?
What are the benefits of school and community partnerships?
How can we create positive learning environments?
Effective Teaching
Are teachers born or made?
What are the differences between direct instruction and discovery learning?
How can we teach to meet all students' needs?
What are the theories of multiple intelligences and emotional intelligence?
What is the nature of cooperative learning?
What is the effect of having high expectations for students?
How can teachers continue to learn throughout life?
Classroom Management
What is the importance of keeping students engaged in learning?
Is positive discipline all about being nice?
How can brain research help teachers understand their students?
When should students be rewarded or punished?
Should students be praised?
How can students be motivated both intrinsically and extrinsically?
Ethics and Law
How can we create equity in the classroom?
What are teachers' rights and responsibilities?
What are students' rights and responsibilities?
What does it mean to be an ethical teacher?
How should teachers teach ethics?
Is technology in education a help or hindrance?
What are the educational applications of Web 2.0?
Are student-written textbooks credible?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning and virtual schools?
How can we teach "digital natives"?
What is the future of education?

Instructional Assessment

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Involving Students in the Assessment Process
What is locus of control? How is it related to student achievement and assessment?
What are the benefits of students as self-regulated learners?
How can we help students set goals and monitor their own learning?
How can early elementary students be involved in the assessment process?
How can upper elementary students be involved in the assessment process?
How can secondary students be involved in the assessment process?
When is peer reviewing effective?
Can and should students grade each other?
Should we even give grades? What kind?
What should a teacher do about zeroes and missing work?
Should teachers allow extra credit?
Should students be graded on effort?
What is the process for providing effective feedback?
Should praise be given to students or not?
Can teachers grade students of varying abilities fairly?
Should students have differentiated assessments based on their needs and abilities?
Are report cards the best way to measure progress?
How are portfolios an alternative way to measure progress?
Performance Assessment and Rubrics
What are the pros and cons of using rubrics?
How can students be involved in the creation and use of rubrics?
What kind of rubric is best for a particular project?
What performance assessments can be used for elementary language arts?
What performance assessments can be used for elementary math?
What performance assessments can be used for elementary science?
What performance assessments can be used for elementary social studies?
What performance assessments can be used for elementary art?
What performance assessments can be used for elementary physical education?
What performance assessments can be used for secondary English?
What performance assessments can be used for secondary math?
What performance assessments can be used for secondary science?
What performance assessments can be used for secondary social studies?
What performance assessments can be used for secondary foreign languages?
Assessment Strategies
Should I give a multiple-choice test, an essay test, or something entirely different?
How can student journals be used for assessment?
How can classroom discussions be used for assessment?
How can personal conferences be used for assessment?
What is the best way to write good multiple-choice questions?
What are the benefits of essay tests?
How can portfolios be used for assessment?
Standardized Testing
What is the case for standardized testing?
What is the case against standardized testing?
What are Advanced Placement tests?
What college placement tests are available?
Why are there achievement gaps between races and economic classes?
What do teachers need to know about using assessment results to improve their instruction?