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commons:Category:Fractals created with Gnofract4D

frc files

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#!/usr/bin/env python

# gnofract4d /gnofract4d-3.13/fract4d/
# rudimentary read-only support for Fractint PAR files

# issues discovered while looking at fotd3.par
# y needs to be negative (?)
# use gf4d.cfrm#default - continuous potential doesn't work?
# rotation == -xyangle in degrees, needs convert to radians

import string
import preprocessor
import math

def parse(file,f):
    # reset the fractal to have defaults closer to Fractint
    f.yflip = True

    params = get_params(file)
    pairs = get_param_pairs(params)

    formulaname = pairs.get("formulaname","Mandelbrot")
    formulafile = pairs.get("formulafile","gf4d.frm")

    f.set_formula(formulafile, formulaname)
    for (k,v) in pairs.items():
        if k == "maxiter": parse_maxiter(v,f)
        elif k == "center-mag" : parse_center_mag(v,f)
        elif k == "colors" : parse_colors(v,f)
        elif k == "params" : parse_params(v,f)
        elif k == "logmap" : parse_logmap(v,f)
def parse_params(val,f):
    paramlist = val.split("/")
    l = len(paramlist)/2
    for i in xrange(l):
        (re,im) = (paramlist[i*2],paramlist[i*2+1])
        name = "@p%d" % (i+1)
        val = "(%s,%s)" % (re,im)
def get_params(file):
    return preprocessor.T(

def parse_logmap(val,f):
def get_param_pairs(params):
    pairs = {}
    for p in params:
        vals = p.split("=")
        if len(vals) == 2:
            pairs[vals[0]] = vals[1]
    return pairs

def parse_maxiter(val,f):
    max = int(val)
    f.maxiter = max

def parse_colors(val,f):
    colors = colorRange(val)

def parse_center_mag(val,f):
    vals = val.split("/")
    x = float(vals[0])
    y = -float(vals[1])
    mag = float(vals[2])
    f.params[f.XCENTER] = x
    f.params[f.YCENTER] = y
    h = 2.0/mag
    f.params[f.MAGNITUDE] = h * 1.33

    if len(vals) > 3:
        xmag = float(vals[3])
    if len(vals) > 4:
        rot = float(vals[4]) * -1 * math.pi / 180.0
        f.params[f.XYANGLE] = rot
    if len(vals) > 5:
        skew = float(vals[5])
def setup_log_table(log_flag, maxltsize, colors, save_release):
    # try to match convoluted Fractint log_table logic
    (lf,mlf) = get_log_table_limits(log_flag, maxltsize, colors, save_release)
    table = [
        calc_log_table_entry(x,log_flag,lf,mlf, save_release) \
        for x in xrange(maxltsize)
    return table

def calc_log_table_entry(n, log_flag, lf,mlf, save_release):
    if log_flag > 0:
        if n <= lf:
            return 1
            if (n-lf) / math.log(n - lf) <= mlf:
                if save_release < 2002:
                    if lf:
                        flag = 1
                        flag - 0
                    return n - lf + flag
                    return n - lf
        except ZeroDivisionError:

        return int(mlf * math.log(n - lf)) + 1
    return 0

def get_log_table_limits(log_flag, maxltsize, colors, save_release):
    if save_release > 1920:
        if log_flag > 0:
            lf = log_flag
            if log_flag < 1:
                lf = 0
        if lf >= maxltsize:
            lf = maxltsize -1
        if lf != 0:
            delta = 2
            delta = 1
        mlf = (colors - delta ) /math.log(maxltsize - lf)
    return (lf,mlf)

def decode_val(c):
    if c >= '0' and c <= '9':
        return 4 *(ord(c) - ord('0'))
    elif c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z':
        return 4 * (ord(c) - ord('A') + 10)
    elif c == '_':
        return 4 * 36
    elif c == '`':
        return 4 * 37
    elif c >= 'a' and c <= 'z':
        return 4 * (ord(c) - ord('a') + 38)
        raise RuntimeError, "Invalid character %s in colors" % c
def colorRange(s):
    '''From help4.src:

    The colors= parameter in a PAR entry is a set of triplets.  Each
    triplet represents a color in the saved palette.  The triplet is
    made from the red green and blue components of the color in the
    palette entry.  The current limitations of fractint\'s palette
    handling capabilities restrict the palette to 256 colors.  Each
    triplet rgb component is a 6 bit value from 0 to 63.  These values
    are encoded using the following scheme:

     rgb value  =>  encoded value
      0  -   9  =>  0  -  9
     10  -  35  =>  A  -  Z
     36  -  37  =>  _  -  `
     38  -  63  =>  a  -  z
    In addition, Pieter Branderhorst has incorporated a way to
    compress the encoding when the image has smooth-shaded ranges.
    These ranges are written as <nn> with the nn representing the
    number of entries between the preceeding triplet and the following

    colors = []
    i = 0
    runlength = 0
    while i < len(s):
        c = s[i]
        if c == '<':
            j = string.find(s,">", i)
            if j == -1:
                raise RuntimeError, "No > after < in colors"
            runlength = string.atoi(s[i+1:j])
            if runlength == 0:
                raise RuntimeError, "Zero runlength"
            i = j+1
            if len(s) < i+3:
                raise RuntimeError, "invalid color string"
            rgb = map(decode_val, list(s[i:i+3]))
            if runlength > 0:
                if len(colors) == 0:
                    raise RuntimeError, "run with no preceding color"
                pairs = zip(colors[-1],rgb)
                for k in range(0,runlength):
                    ratio = (k+1.0) / runlength
                    nratio = 1.0 - ratio
                    col = map(lambda (x,y) : int(x * nratio + y * ratio), pairs)
            i += 3
            runlength = 0
    return colors

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    import fc
    import fractal
    g_comp = fc.Compiler()

    f = fractal.T(g_comp)
    file = open(sys.argv[1])


Period checking

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Coloring algorithms

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comment {
  This file contains standard coloring algorithms for Ultra Fractal 3.
  Many of the coloring algorithms here were written by other formula
  authors, as noted in the comments with each formula. All formulas
  have been edited and simplified by Frederik Slijkerman.

Triangle {
; Variation on the Triangle Inequality Average coloring method 
; from Kerry Mitchell. The smoothing used here is based on the
; Smooth formula, which only works for z^n+c and derivates.
; Written by Damien M. Jones
  float sum = 0.0
  float sum2 = 0.0
  float ac = cabs(#pixel)
  float il = 1/log(@power)
  float lp = log(log(@bailout)/2.0)
  float az2 = 0.0
  float lowbound = 0.0
  float f = 0.0
  BOOL first = true
  sum2 = sum
  IF (!first)
    az2 = cabs(#z - #pixel)
    lowbound = abs(az2 - ac)
    sum = sum + ((cabs(#z) - lowbound) / (az2+ac - lowbound))
    first = false
  sum = sum / (#numiter)
  sum2 = sum2 / (#numiter-1)
  f = il*lp - il*log(log(cabs(#z)))
  #index = sum2 + (sum-sum2) * (f+1)  
  title = "Triangle Inequality Average"
  helpfile = "Uf3.chm"
  helptopic = "Html/coloring/standard/triangleinequalityaverage.html"
  param power
    caption = "Exponent"
    default = 2.0
    hint = "This should be set to match the exponent of the \
            formula you are using. For Mandelbrot, this is 2."
  param bailout
    caption = "Bailout"
    default = 1e20
    min = 1
    hint = "This should be set to match the bail-out value in \
            the Formula tab. Use a very high value for good results."


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