Free Direct Instruction Curriculum and Training/Science 2

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What is Free Direct Instruction Science 2 (Free DI Science 2) Image:25%.svg

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Free DI Science 2 is the teacher's guide for teaching science at the second or third grade level depending on ability of learner and state standards.

Each section is numbered and can be taught in one day. Each section also contains scripted instructions for the teacher. Most sections contain workbook pages, images, and/and video clips.

Short video clips (5 to 20 seconds) can be added to integrate current events into the curriculum. For instance, the idea of science is to ask questions and get answers. Could there be life on Mars? To answer that we sent rockets and rovers to Mars to get pictures and samples of the surface. You can show video clips, often free from NASA, a government agency, that shows rover taking samples.

Also, pictures can be added to enhance and describe scientific ideas, experiments, or events.

What order do I teach this in?

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Each state has different standards that include subject matter to be taught at specific times. This makes teaching this science module more difficult. It might be a good idea to align your state standards to this curriculum and make some modifications. Please make a note of your state standards and it's alignment to this program in the talk section (discussion tab).

Physical Science

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Understand structure and properties of matter.

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  • Texture and weight of objects

Chemical & Physical Changes

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  • Changes to shapes of objects
  • Water can be liquid or sold. Same amount of water whether liquid or ice.


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  • Understand that a push or pull is needed to change the motion of an object - activities where getting things to move or not to move and in changing the direction or speed of things that are already in motion
  • Magnets can be used to make things move without touching them (homemade compass?)

Energy - interactions & transformations

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  • Energy forms of heat, light electricity, magnetic, chemical energies
  • Sun warms land, air, water (arctic vs equator, tilt of sun, more plants at equator)

Life Sciences

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Organisms: Understand the characteristics, structure, and functions of organisms

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  • Sort and classify objects according to their physical characteristics (hairy, smooth, with a nose, hard)
  • Know that the senses can warn the individuals about danger; muscles help them to fight, hide, or get out of danger. (2061 says good luck getting them to understand)
  • Understand that the human body has parts that help it seek, find, and take in food when it feels hunger (eyes & nose for finding food, legs to get there, arms to carry it away, mouth to eat)
  • Living vs nonliving things
  • Living things have structures to help them survive

Heredity: traits in living things, things are passed on

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  • Variations within same population
  • Living things have life cycles
  • Order and label parts of a cycle


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  • Animals eat plants and animals
  • Animals may even use plants or animals for shelter or nesting
  • External features of plants and animals might help them survive or thrive in different places

Earth Science

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Earth materials

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  • Rocks are in different shapes and sizes (boulder, sand, smaller (sediment?))
  • Materials can be used again (recycled)
  • Water can be liquid or solid and go back and forth (video of melting mountain snow, glaciers melting)
  • Seasons with different temperatures, sky cover, and rains

Space Science

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Earth in solar system & universe - Earth, sun, moon, and solar system

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  • Things far away in the sky look like they move slow
  • Moon cycle - looks different each day but every 28 days it is full (calendar with moon phases)

Scientific Inquiry

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Ask questions and get answers based on observations - hypothesis

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  • Raise questions about the world around the students, try to get answers with observations
  • Make prediction
  • Describe things in terms of their number, shape, size, color, texture, weight, motion
  • Make observations

Design investigation to answer question

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  • Help design steps to answer question (worksheets with scenarios - if I heat up some water in a pan for too long, what will happen to the water?)

Collect and present data

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  • Observe changes in world
  • Describe or draw simple observations
  • Record data on form
  • Transfer from form to simple graphs

Analyze and interpret data

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  • Look at graph and describe what happened
  • Answer questions from looking at a chart or graph
  • Summarize data from chart or graph


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  • May not work if parts are missing (batteries)
  • Models might be different but can help learn about the real thing
  • Observe and make note of change over time
  • Predict events - some can be predicted. Variables might change things so it might be hard to predict



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  • Check for videos (amazon)
  • Check for activity books
  • Check for science experiments
  • Cross check with BCP