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Notes on how to use slang
[edit | edit source]Foreign speakers
[edit | edit source]It is important to note that, as a foreigner, your use of slang will often be received as cute or funny, depending greatly upon your overall fluency in spoken French. To understand this, think about how it would sound to you if a foreigner—with a strong accent and odd rhythm of speech—came up to you and said "Dude, what a sketchy-ass hater that bizz-natch was, I totally was just like 'fuck off fo-sheezy'". Therefore, no matter how much slang you use in your native language, limiting your use of slang in French (proportionally to your level of fluency) will also limit how much you are patronised and giggled at by native listeners.
Slang: consistency & style
[edit | edit source]To use slang efficiently, it is important to maintain a consistency of style. Mixing styles might sound like saying: "Thy face, it is quite finely rawkin'".
- Avoid vous unless a plural is necessary.
- Avoid subject-verb inversion in questions. Use rather question formations where there is no inversion or 'est-ce que', only the raised tone at the end of the sentence. When doing this with interrogatives (qui, quand, comment, etc.), place them at the end of the sentence; i.e. "On va bouffer quand ?"
Translating 'fuck'
[edit | edit source]The English-language term 'fuck' is exceptional as it can serve as noun, verb, adjective, exclamation, and others. There is no such equivalent usage of any word in the French language, apart from 'putain', wich can be used as adjective and exclamation, "That's a fucking good car" = "C'est une putain de bonne voiture". Therefore, the translation of 'fuck' into French depends on the corresponding part of speech.
[edit | edit source]- noun
- "He's a great fuck" = "C'est un bon coup"
- "He is such a fuck(er)" = "C'est un pauvre type/enfoiré/enculé/connard/salaud" (insert any insult)
- "He's such a fuck-up" = "C'est un pauvre con/un raté/un loser"
- verb
- sexual: baiser, niquer, coucher avec ; insulting: foutre, enculer
- "I fucked up on my French test" = "J'ai foiré/raté mon examen de français"
- "I fucked (up) my car" = "J'ai niqué ma bagnole" (bagnole is, itself, quite slang)
- "He fucked me over" = "Il m'a planté"
- "I fucked your mother/mum/mam/mom" = "J'ai baisé/niqué ta mère"
- "Fuck off" = "Va chier!", "Fous le camp", "Dégage !" (see the verb 'Foutre')
- "Fuck you"/"Go fuck yourself" = "Va te faire foutre/enculer" or in the plural "Allez vous faire foutre/enculer" The French sometimes drop the "foutre/enculer" as it is generally understood that it is what would follow.
- adjective
- "This is fucking awful" = "Putain, ça craint"/"C'est bordelique"/"C'est de la merde"
- "I am so fucked-up" = "Je suis barré/perché" (mental state); "Je suis totalement bourré(e)" (drunk); "Je suis défoncé(e)" (high[marijuana])
- "I don't give a fuck." = "Je m'en fous"
- adverb
- "I am trying to fucking work here" = "J'essaie de bosser putain"
- exclamation
- "Fuck!" = "Merde !" ; "Putain !" ; "Bordel !"
- n.b.: these can also be compounded in French, i.e., "Putain de merde !" "Putain de bordel de merde" (for stringing these together, see the scene in the film Matrix Reloaded with the Frenchman (Merovingian) in the restaurant)
[edit | edit source]Notes on Pronunciation:
*To feel how R should be pronounced, gargle with water, then try gargling without water.
That is what your throat should be doing when pronouncing the R.
*The U is hardest for English speakers. The back of the throat should be stretched out as if you see
a mouse and are saying "eee!", but the lips should be in a tight circle as if you are saying "ooo".
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- Abruti(e)
- n., A retarded person, an idiot
- ah-BROO-tee
- Accro
- n., addict
- ack-RO
- Ado
- n., teen; short for 'adolescent'
- AH-doh
- Apéro
- n., Short for apéritif.
- ah-PAIR-roh
- Appart'
- n., flat or apartment; short for 'appartement'
- ah-PARRT
- Aprem'
- n., Short for après-midi.
- ah-PRIm
- Bagnole
- n., Slang for 'car', 'wheels', 'ride', 'beater', etc.
- ban-YOLE
- Bahut
- n., Slang for 'high school' (formerly for 'factory')
- Barj' or Barjot
- adj., mad
- n., a madman
- BARge
- BAHR-joe
- Bander
- v., to become erect, to get a hard-on
- BAHN-day
- Beh
- same as 'Ben'
- Ben
- interj. for 'well'. often used at the beginning of a phrase, and followed by "ouais" or "non"
- Baañ ('baa' like the sound a sheep makes with a nasalized sound at the end)
- Bidule
- n.m., stuff.
- Bite
- n., dick
- bEEt
- Blaireau
- n., litt. 'badger', Loser
- bl-AIR-roh
- Blairer
- v., litt. 'to smell'. 'I can't support you', "Je ne peux pas te blairer" or "J'peux pas t'blairer !"
- bl-AIR-ray
- Le Bled
- n., the boondocks
- blED
- Bof
- interj., 'not really', 'i don't like this', 'let me think a while...'
- bOf
- Boule
- n., litt. 'ball'. Mean mainly "balls" (as in testicles). Sometimes "arse"/"ass", as in "J'aime Trop Ton Boule" (I Want Your Ass), a song by French Rapper Fatal Bazooka
- Can be a synonym for 'tête', or 'head' in its slang usage; a rough equivalent in English would be 'face' rather than 'head', i.e.:
- "Ta boule me manque" = "I miss seeing your sweet face"
- bOOL
- Bouffer
- v., to eat
- n., la bouffe, food
- BOOF-fay
- Bosser
- v., to work
- boss-SAY
- Boulot
- n., job
- bOOL-oh
- Se Branler
- v., to masturbate (lit. to wobble, to wank)
- suh BRAhn-lay
- Ça a été
- exp., it went well; also a question "Ta présentation, ça a été ?" = "How'd your presentation go?" ; Answers to this question: "Ouais, ça a été" (Yes, it went well) / "Pas du tout" (Not at all)
- saw ah AY-TAY
- Caca
- n., 'poopoo' (quite infantile language) 'J'ai fait une caca!' = "I've poo-ed myself!"
- Câlice
- n., Québec only litt. 'chalice'. General swear word.
- CAW-liss
- Se casser
- v., to leave ; 'Casse-toi !' : exp., 'Go away !' (rude)
- Chaud lapin
- n., Sex maniac (lit. hot rabbit)
- show lah-PAÑ
- Chier
- v., to shit;
- Shee-AY
- Les Chiottes
- n, The loo or the bog
- SEE-ott
- Chouraver
- v, to steal
- Cinoche
- n., Cinema to see a film
- SEE-noh-sh
- La cité
- n., ghetto
- see-TAY
- Con (masc.), conne (fem.)
- adj., stupid "J'ai été con quand j'ai décidé de sortir" = "I was stupid when I decided to go out"
- n., litt. 'cunt' (as used in UK English); "Quel con" = "What an idiot"
exp. "à la con", stupid, in a stupid way. "J'ai cet examen à la con" = "I have this stupid test"
- cohÑ
- Connerie
- nf, 'crap'
- Crever
- v., to burst or explode; to die, 'to kick the bucket'
- adj., crevé(e), exhausted. As in "Je suis crevé(e)" = "I'm exhausted"
- n., la crève, a cold, the flu. exp.: "J'ai la crève".
- creh-vay
- lah crehve
- Crever la dalle
- I'm starving
- Creh-vay la dal
- Débile
- n. or adj. slang for "stupid"
- DAY-beel
- Dirlo
- n. Colloquial word meaning 'headmaster'.
- dear-loh
- Enculer
- v. To fuck, to bugger.
- Equivalent to "fuck in the arse" ("cul"="arse"). Widely used under the form "va te faire enculer" (litt. "go and fuck yourself") which stands for "fuck off".
- Esti
- n., Québec only litt. 'host'. General swear word.
- Also, "enculé" is the participle turned into a substantive, and means "bastard" or "arsehole".
- exp. : "enculer des mouches" (litt. "to fuck flies in the arse") means "to nit-pick".
- eñ-CU-lay
- La fac
- n., college or university; short for 'faculté'
- fack
- Faire chier
- exp., to annoy
- fer shee-ay
- Faire la tête
- exp., to pout. Synonyms: 'bouder'(to brood); "faire la gueule".
- fer lah tet
- Flotte
- nf, water
- Foutre
- n. Sperm.
- v. Vulgar equivalent of the verb 'faire'; to do or to make ; to put. Commonly employed in vulgar/familiar expressions such as:
- "Va te faire foutre" = "Go get fucked/Go fuck yourself"
- "Qu'est-ce que tu fous ?" = "What the hell are you doing?"
- "J'ai rien à foutre (ici, avec toi)" = "I have nothing to do (here, with you)"
- "J'en ai rien à foutre/battre" = "I don't care"
- "Je m'en fous", same as previous, see also 'Battre'
- "Où est-ce que je l'ai foutu ?" = "Where did i put that?"
- "Qu'est-ce que tu en as foutu ?" = "What did you do with this?", "Where did you put this?"
- FOO-truh
- Hyper
- adj., 'very', 'really' ; "Je suis hyper triste" = "I'm really sad"
- EE-pair
- Kiffer
- v. Colloquial word meaning 'to like' from Arabic noun 'kif' meaning 'cannabis', . Sometimes used under the form faire kiffer, e.g. Tu me fais trop kiffer.
- keef-ay
- Génial
- adj. Colloquial word meaning "genius" (as used in UK English), "great", "brilliant", "sensational" or "awesome"
- j-knee-al
- Gosse
- n.m., Child
- Grave
- adj. litt. "severe", roughly means "stupid" e.g. "mes parents sont graves" (my parents are stupid)
- adv. roughly meaning "a lot" or "really" e.g "je la kiffe grave!" (I really like her). When used with a predicate, it can be placed before or after it. e.g "il est débile grave, lui!" or "il est grave débile, lui!" (he's really stupid)
- grah-ve
- Gueule
- n., slang for 'mouth' or 'face'. It can be used in "Ta gueule!" which can be translated into 'Shut up!'/'Shut your face!'.
- gull
- Gueuler
- v., slang. Means 'to shout'. e.g. 'Arrête de me gueuler dessus' could be translated into 'Stop shouting at me'.
- Exists also engueuler, slang for 'to reprimand'.
- guh-lay ; oñ-guh-lay
- MacDo
- Short for MacDonald's.
- mack-doh
- Machin
- n.m., Stuff
- Merde
- n., excl., translated as 'shit', merde is not seen as vulgar as 'shit'. That is to say, adults use it often, as well as the youth. It can also mean 'rubbish', for example 'Ce repas, c'est de la merde', or 'The meal is crap'
- This word has produced the phrase «le mot de cinq lettres», an exact transcribed meaning of the English phase "four-letter word".
- maRed / with emphasis or in exclamation: mare-DUH
- N'importe quoi
- exp., 'whatever'
- n., bullshit as in "C'est du n'importe quoi, ce qu'il dit"
- nahm-poRt-UH-kwah
- Niquer
- v. Slang for 'to have sexual intercourse'. Often used in insults such as 'Nique ta mère' (Screw your mother), sometimes reduced to 'Ta mère!'. Metaphorically, slang for 'to break' or 'to be great'.
- 'Je vais te niquer la gueule (vulgaire)' : je vais me battre contre toi !
- e.g. 'Cette porte est niquée.' (This door is out of order.)
- 'Ce jeu nique tout.' (This game is great.)
- NEEK-ay
- Osti
- n., Québec only litt. 'host'. General swear word. Variant spelling of "esti".
- Ouais
- 'yeah' (as opposed to "oui" = "yes")
- waay
- PD, Pédé
- n., 'fag'/'faggot' (highly offensive)
- Piquer
- v, to steal, to pick
- Putain
- n., excl. Roughly equivalent to 'merde' when used as an exclamation. As a name, old form for 'pute' (whore). 'Putain' is the closest equivalent to the English 'bloody Hell'.
- pew-tAÑ
- S'en battre (les couilles)
- exp.,
- "Je m'en bats (les couilles)" = "I don't care", see 'foutre'
- Super
- adj., 'very', 'really' ; "Je suis super content" = "I'm really happy"
- soup-air
- Tabarnak
- n., Québec only litt. 'tabernacle'. General swear word.
- ta-barre-nack
- Taff
- n. work, job, task
- taff
- Truc
- n. Stuff
- trew-uhk
- Tronche
- n. Colloquial word meaning 'face'.
- TRon-shuh
- Vache
- adj., nasty;
- Vachement
- adv., France, slang. Literally "cowly", vachement is a synonym for "very", and can be translated in some cases for the English adjective 'quite'. For instance - 'Il est vachement idiot' could be translated as 'He is quite stupid'.
- Whilst on the subject of 'vache', a popular French phrase is 'la vache!' which, as an exclamation, means 'damn!' or 'darn!'. For example - 'tu as perdu!' could be greeted with 'la vache!' or 'mince!' or other such expressions of discontent.
- It can however be used sometimes as an exclamation of surprise or amazement 'la vache! c'est genial ce truc'
- vah-shuh; vah-shuh-MAWÑ
- 'Vas chier !'
- interj., 'Fuck off', 'Leave me'
- vah-shee-ay
- Zigounette
- n.f., dick
- Zinzin
- n. Colloquial word meaning 'mad'.
- Zgeg
- n.m., dick
- Zouz
- n.m., Girlfriend or The girl you flirt with "Touche pas à ma zouz" Don't touch my "Zouz"
- zoooz
[edit | edit source]Verlan is roughly similar to English Pig Latin, in that certain words are split in half, and the two componenents switch positions, but do not necessarily retain all letters (due to French pronunciation patterns). For example, if you have word [12], in verlan it will become [2-1]. The word verlan is in itself an example of this; it comes from the word l'envers (meaning 'backwards'). Verlan is, unlike Pig Latin, quite commonly used among young adults and even adults. Common verlan expressions include:
- Beur ou rebeu
- n., A person of Arab descent. from arabe. ('Beur' is so commonly used that it now has its own Verlan form, 'reub').
- Chelou
- adj., Fishy, shady, suspicious. from louche.
- Ienche
- n., Dog. from "chien". "Les ienches, ca me fait flipper." (Pronounced "ee-ansh")
- Keuf
- Policeman (not polite) from flic "Il est chelou ce mec ! j'vais le balancer aux keufs."
- Keum
- n., man, guy, dude, from mec.
- Meuf
- n., Woman, chick, girl. from femme.
- Ouf
- adj., Crazy, ridiculous. from fou. Used commonly in the expression "c'est un truc de ouf" ("that is madness").
- Portnawak
- see 'n'importe quoi'
- Relou
- adj., Not funny, difficult, something that sucks. from lourd, heavy. (the d is dropped in Verlan because the final d does not pronounce in lourd).
- Ripou
- adj., Rotten, awful, gross. from pourri
- Ripou = un policier qui commet des actes graves illégaux
- pl : des ripoux
- Teuf
- n., Party. from fête.
- Venère
- adj., aggravated, angry, pissed off. from enervé(e).
Common chat abbreviations
[edit | edit source]There are two general guidelines:
- é can be substituted for all homophonic equivalents including "-ais", "-ait", "-es" (such as in the articles les and des), the conjunction "et" (and), and the verb "est" (third person sing. conjugation of être, "to be").
- words that end in a silent -s commonly drop this s: such as pas (pa), and vois (voi).
- a+
- prep.+adj., à plus, à bientôt, "until later".
- biz
- n., bisous, "kisses".
- c
- subj+verb, c'est, "it is".
- ct
- subj+verb, c'était, "it was"; imparfait (past) conjugation of c'est.
- dc
- conj., donc, "therefore, so".
- dsl
- adj., désolé(e), "sorry".
- fok
- exp., il faut que, "it is necessary".
- tfk?
- exp., Tu fais quoi?, "What are you doing?"
- ke
- interr. and relative pronoun, que, "that".
- ki
- interr. and rel. pron., qui, "that" or "which".
- koi
- interrogative, quoi, "what"; also seen in pourkoi, "why".
- jtm
- exp. je t'aime, "I love you"
- mdr
- exp., mort(e) de rire, "laughing myself to death", (equivalent of lol, laughing out loud).
- mé
- conj., mais, "but".
- pr
- prep., pour, "for".
- ptdr
- exp., peté(e) de rire, "bursting with laughter", (equivalent of lol, laughing out loud). stronger than mdr.
- tt
- adj., tout(e), "all"; also seen in the expression tout le monde.
- nrv
- adj. enervé(e), pissed off, angry, aggravated.
French : Lessons · Vocabulary · Grammar · Appendices · Texts