In this problem we apply the properties of capacitated queues to an expressway ramp. Note the following:
Ramp will hold 15 vehicles
Vehicles can enter expressway at 1 vehicle every 6 seconds
Vehicles arrive at ramp at 1 vehicle every 8 seconds
(A) Probability of 5 cars,
(B) Percent of Time Ramp is Full,
(C) Expected number of vehicles on ramp in peak hour.
Part A
Probability of 5 cars,
Part B
Percent of time ramp is full (i.e. 15 cars),
Part C
Expected number of vehicles on ramp in peak hour.
Conclusion, ramp is large enough to hold most queues, though 12 seconds an hour, there will be some ramp spillover. It is a policy question as to whether that is acceptable.