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EXIT <label> statement

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EXIT <label>

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✔ Appearance ✔ Standard ✔ Console


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EXIT "label"


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January 2, 2001 (Release 4)


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This statement causes the program to jump to the statement following the indicated label. Unlike the GOTO statement, the EXIT <label> statement makes sure that any loops, LONG IF blocks, LOCAL FN's, etc., that are being "jumped out" of get properly closed, so that the stack will be in a consistent state.

If an EXIT "Label" is in the main program, the "Label" must be inside the main. If an EXIT "Label" is in a LOCAL FN, the "Label" must be inside the same LOCAL FN. If an EXIT "Label" is nested inside one or more SELECT [CASE] statements, the "Label" must be after the last END SELECT.

Any exceptions to the above conditions could result in substantial penalties or crashes.

See Also

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