Galician/Lesson 1/Family
< Galician
This is the most common vocabulary referring to family members:
pai = father
nai = mother
fillo = son
filla = daughter
avó = grandfather
avoa = grandmother
bisavó = great-grandfather
bisavoa = great-grandmother
tío = uncle
tía = aunt
curmán = cousin (male)
curmá = cousin (female)
cuñado = brother-in-law
cuñada = sister-in-law
sogro = father-in-law
sogra = mother-in-law
xenro = son-in-law
nora = daughter-in-law
home/marido = husband
muller = wife
sobriño = nephew
sobriña = niece
neto = grandson
neta = granddaughter
irmán = brother
irmá = sister