General Engineering Introduction/CDIO/design

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The Design Process

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Requirements for each element or component derived from system level goals and requirements
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Alternatives in design
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The initial design
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Experiment prototypes and test articles in design development
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Appropriate optimization in the presence of constraints
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Iteration until convergence
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The final design
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Accommodation of changing requirements
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The Design Process Phasing and Approaches

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The activities in the phases of system design (e.g. conceptual, preliminary, and detailed design)
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Process models appropriate for particular development projects (waterfall, spiral, concurrent, etc.)
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The process for single, platform and derivative products
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Utilization of Knowledge in Design

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Technical and scientific knowledge
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Creative and critical thinking, and problem solving
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Prior work in the field, standardization and reuse of designs (including reverse engineer and redesign)
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Design knowledge capture
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Disciplinary Design

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Appropriate techniques, tools, and processes
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Design tool calibration and validation
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Quantitative analysis of alternatives
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Modeling, simulation and test
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Analytical refinement of the design
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Multidisciplinary Design

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Interactions between disciplines
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Dissimilar conventions and assumptions
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Differences in the maturity of disciplinary models
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Multidisciplinary design environments
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Multidisciplinary design
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Multi-Objective Design (DFX)

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Performance, life cycle cost and value
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Aesthetics and human factors
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Implementation, verification, test and environmental sustainability
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Maintainability, reliability, and safety
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Robustness, evolution, product improvement and retirement
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