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German/Level I/Review 1

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Review Section I.A: Lessons I.1 to I.3


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Vocabulary: What's your name? (1st Part) — Wie heißt du? (1. Teil)
English German
Hello! Hallo!
I ich
I am... Ich bin ...
how wie
you du
Your name is... Du heißt ...
What is your name? Wie heißt du?
My name is... Ich heiße ...
it es
it goes es geht
How is it going? Wie geht's? (Longer: Wie geht es?)
me mir
good gut
I'm good. Es geht mir gut. (Shorter: Mir geht's gut. Even shorter: Gut.)
you know du kennst
Do you know...? Kennst du ...?
teacher Lehrer
yes ja
he er
His name is... Er heißt ...
Mr. Herr
oh oh
thanks danke
until bis
then dann
See you! Bis dann!
on auf
again wieder
(to) see sehen
Goodbye! (Auf) Wiedersehen!
Vocabulary: Greetings — Grüße
English German
Hello! Hallo!*
Servus! (used in eastern Austria, informal)
Moin! (used in northern Germany)
Good morning! Moin Moin! (used in northern Germany)
Guten Morgen!*
Morgen! (shorter)
Good day! Guten Tag!*
Tag! (used in Germany, shorter)
Good evening! Guten Abend!*
Hello! Grüß Gott! (used in southern Germany, Austria and South Tyrol)
Goodbye! Auf Wiedersehen!*
Wiedersehen! (shorter)
Bye! Tschüss!*
Ciao! (pronounced as in Italian)
Servus! (used in eastern Austria, informal)
See you later! Bis später!*
See you! Bis dann!*
Bis bald!*
See you soon! Bis gleich!
Good night! Gute Nacht!*

*You will need to know each expression with an asterisk (*) after it. The others, of course, would be useful to know if you are traveling to regions where they are used. (As you can see, the different German-speaking regions often have their own ways of saying hello and goodbye. However, you will not be required to know any of these less common phrases for any problems or tests.)

Vocabulary: Mr. & Ms. — Herr und Frau
English German
Mr. Herr
Mrs. Frau
Vocabulary: How are you — Wie geht's?
English German
How are you? Wie geht's? (longer: Wie geht es?)*
great prima
good gut
very good sehr gut
miserable miserabel
bad schlecht
not (so) good nicht (so) gut
O.K. ganz gut
all right Es geht so. (Or shorter: Geht so.)

*The more formal form is Wie geht es Ihnen?

Vocabulary: What's your name? (2nd Part) — Wie heißt du? (2. Teil)
(missing file: File:German Vocabulary - What's your name? (2nd Part).ogg, how to upload audio)
English German
Good morning. Guten Morgen.
you (formal) Sie
You are... (formal) Sie sind ...
Are you...? (formal) Sind Sie ...?
no nein
late spät
I am late. Ich bin spät dran.
You're welcome. Bitte.
also auch
later später
See you later. Bis später.
Grammar: Subject Pronouns — Subjekt-Pronomina
English German
singular 1st person I ich
2nd person you du, Sie*
3rd person he, she, it er, sie, es
plural 1st person we wir
2nd person you ihr, Sie*
3rd person they sie

*Sie is the formal (polite) version of du and ihr.

Grammar: Names — Namen
English German
My name is... Ich heiße ...
His/Her/Its name is... Er/Sie/Es heißt ...
Their names are... Sie heißen ...
Our names are... Wir heißen ...
Your name is... Du heißt ...
Your names are... Ihr heißt ...
What is your name? Wie heißt du?*
What are your names? Wie heißt ihr?*

*Remember, the formal way to ask someone's name is to ask Wie heißen Sie?

Verb: to be called — heißen
English German
singular 1st person I am called ich heiße
2nd person you are called du heißt
3rd person he/she/it is called er/sie/es heißt
plural 1st person we are called wir heißen
2nd person you are called ihr heißt
3rd person they are called sie heißen*

*The form of verbs for you (polite)Sie is exactly the same as for the plural, 3rd person pronoun theysie.

Verb: to be — sein
English German
singular 1st person I am ich bin
2nd person you are du bist
3rd person he/she/it is er/sie/es ist
plural 1st person we are wir sind
2nd person you are ihr seid
3rd person they are sie sind*

*Don't forget that the form for you (polite)Sie is the same as for the plural, 3rd person pronoun theysie.

Verb: to have — haben
English German
singular 1st person I have ich habe
2nd person you have du hast
3rd person he/she/it has er/sie/es hat
plural 1st person we have wir haben
2nd person you have ihr habt
3rd person they have sie haben*

*This is also the form for you (polite)Sie.

Vocabulary: Vocabulary — Wortschatz
English German
the directory assistance die Auskunft
I would like to have... Ich hätte gern(e) ...
the phone number die Telefonnummer
from Berne aus Bern
How do you write this? Wie schreibt man das?
please bitte
(to) spell buchstabieren
of course natürlich
A as in Anton A wie Anton
twice zweimal
The number is... Die Nummer lautet ...
Grammar: The Alphabet — Das Alphabet
Characters Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Umlauts Ää Öö SS ß Üü
Examples Ärger (anger) Ökonom (economist) Übermut (high spirits)
Vocabulary: Questions — Fragen
English German
who? wer?
what? was?
where? wo?
when? wann?
why? warum?
how? wie?
Grammar: The Definite Article in the Nominative Case — Der bestimmte Artikel im Nominativ
German English
singular masculine der Junge the boy
feminine die Frau the woman
neuter das Mädchen* the girl
plural masculine die Jungen the boys
feminine die Frauen the women
neuter die Mädchen the girls

*Note that Mädchen is neuter. (In fact, almost all words with the ending -chen are neuter.)

Grammar: The Indefinite Article in the Nominative Case — Der unbestimmte Artikel im Nominativ
German English
singular masculine ein Mann a man
feminine eine Frau a woman
neuter ein Mädchen* a girl

*Note that Mädchen is neuter.

Wie heißt Du? (1. Teil)

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Hello and Goodbyes

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Can you remember the most common phrases for hellos and goodbyes in German?


Mr. and Mrs.

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How do you say Mr. and Mrs. in German?


Replies to Wie geht's?

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Do you remember how to reply to this question?


Wie heißt du? (2. Teil)

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Sie and du

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Do you remember when to use Sie and when to use du?


Subject Pronouns

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Do you remember what a subject pronoun is? Do you remember the German subject pronouns?



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Do you remember how to tell your or someone else's name?


Important Verbs

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Do you remember how to conjugate heißen, sein, and haben?


Bitte buchstabieren Sie

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The German Alphabet

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Do you remember how to spell the German letters?


Forming Questions

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Do you remember the word order in questions and the most common question words?



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Do you remember the definite and indefinite articles in German?


(edit template) Level I Lessons (discussion)

I.0 Introduction

Section I.A: I.1 Wie heißt du? (1. Teil) I.2 Wie heißt du? (2. Teil) I.3 Bitte buchstabieren Sie Review Section I.A

Section I.B: I.4 Freizeit I.5 Geburtstag I.6 Essen Review Section I.B

Section I.C: I.7 Kleidung I.8 Familie und Nationalität I.9 Schule Review Section I.C

Section I.D: I.10 Das Fest I.11 Privileg und Verantwortung I.12 Wetter Review Section I.D

Section I.E: I.13 Zu Hause essen I.14 Filme I.15 Das Haus Review Section I.E