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< Git

Git-based systems

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Don't you too hate the emptiness in file:/usr/share/src/ of 2017 open-source misnomed distros?
Or their not letting you gdb each process down to the deepest library printf?
Or their maximal tarball bloat for minimal changes?
PS: A more ideal year 2017 would have seen us start this chapter with an eloquent "apt install https://packages.debian.org/git-mediawiki && git clone https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Git && cd Git && git pull && emacs Systems && git checkin . && git commit && git push" lookalike idiom!

Goal: running system(s) entirely made of Git with many a git submodule or git subtree

Case Studies

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2012-03-23 600M git clone https://github.com/gittup/gittup/ claim to build a small changeable system
2016-08-17 28M http://dl.sta.li/stali.iso claims to http://git.suckless.org/
2016-11-04 79M https://dev.exherbo.org/stages/exherbo-amd64-current.tar.xz chroot you to smart developer
2012-05-11 139M http://download.sourcemage.org/chroot/smgl-stable-0.60-basesystem-x86_64.tar.xz lets you bash http://scmweb.sourcemage.org/
2016-12-27 373M http://build.funtoo.org/funtoo-current/x86-64bit/generic_64/stage3-latest.tar.xz claims to have Git seasoned mother Gentoo of https://chromium.googlesource.com/
2013-09-06 411M https://killx.linuxbbq.org/killX-nietzsche-64.tar.bz2 chroot you to git-based /dev/tty distro
2016-12-15 1004M https://gobolinux.org/iso/GoboLinux-016-x86_64.iso.torrent claim to boot many /Programs/*/[0-9]*/
2016-12-30 1600M https://github.com/FluidIdeas/aryalinux/ claim to build an XFCE build Linux from scratch for builders