Granite WMS/Granite Integration Service

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Integration Service

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To successfully install the Granite Integration Service, you first need to set all the configurations required for the service. Once the settings are saved you can install the service.


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  • Open the Integration config  file named “Granite.Integration.Web.exe.config”

If you cannot see the .config extension it’s because windows is set to hide extension of known file types. The file will be called “Granite.Integration.Web.exe“.  

  • Review the following settings
    • Connection string – the Granite database connection
    • EndPoint address – this will be the address of the Integration Service and will be used further on in setting up the Webservice and Webapp
    • Change localhost to the hosting server ip address.
  • Logger level – ensure that this is set to ERROR.
    • Only set to ALL if troubleshooting is required

Example of configuration file.


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  • Right click on the application Granite.Integration.Web.exe and Click Run as Administrator
  • Note that this is the same name as the above config file but with the .config extension
  • In the windows command window press [i] and then [enter] to install service.
  • Now open Services under Administrative Tools
  • The service name will be Granite Integration Service
  • Right click on Granite Integration Service and click Properties and open Log On tab
  • Set This Account and specify either the local machine Administrator and Password or Domain Administrator and Password.
  • Take note that this should be the actual administrator and not a user that has administrative rights.
  • Click OK and Start Service
  • Check that the DLL's are unblocked in the Integration Service Folder by right clicking on them and selecting UNBLOCK if that button is available