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Guide to Game Development/Theory/Mathematics/Trigonometry/Degrees Vs Radians Vs Gradians

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Degrees, radians and gradians are all different ways of measuring angles, and there isn't a standard, they all have their uses and so all of them are used.


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Degrees are denoted by the symbol: °.

Degrees measure angles where a right-angle is 90°, this means that a line has an angle of 180° and that a circle has an angle of 360°.


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Radians can be denoted by the symbol: r, but often no symbol is used.

The greek letter pi (π) has been used as a constant of the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. .

Radians measure angles where a right-angle is , this means that a line has an angle of and that a circle has an angle of .

As is a bit of a weird number for a full circle, the greek letter tau (τ) is often used to mean [1]. . The benefit of using this new constant is that now a right angle (a quarter of a circle) is , half of the circle is , three-quarters of a circle is and a full circle is . As this isn't the standard, throughout this book π will be used instead.


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Gradians are denoted by the symbol: g.

Gradians are only used in continental Europe[2].

Gradians measure angles where a right-angle is 100g, this means that a line has an angle of 200g and that a circle has an angle of 400g.

Converting between them

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Degrees Radians Gradians
30° 33.333...g
45° 50g
60° 66.666...g
90° 100g
180° 200g
270° 300g
360° 400g


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