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Guide to X11/Window Managers/aewm

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Type: stacking Language: C Licence: AEWM

The aewm window manager is minimalistic and is controlled entirely by the mouse. It contains no visible user interface components except window frames.


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Raising and lowering windows

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Windows are raised and lowered by clicking the titlebar:

  • Left Click - Raise Window
  • Middle Click - Move Window
  • Right Click - Lower Window

Resizing windows

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You can maximize and normalize a window using the scrollwheel in the meta button. Resizing of windows is achieved by applying a middleclick event to the meta button.

Showing and hiding windows

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Windows are hidden by applying either a leftclick or rightclick event to the meta button. There is no iconification of hidden windows, making it necessary to apply a rightclick context event to the desktop to restore the window via the tasklist.

Context events

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The following context events are available from the desktop:

  • Left Click - Launch menu
  • Middle Click - Open a terminal
  • Right Click - Task List

The following context events are available from the meta button:

  • Left Click - Hide Window
  • Middle Click - Resize Window
  • Right Click - Hide Window


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Features of the aewm window manager include:


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  • aedesk
  • aemenu
  • aepanel
  • aesession


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The aewm window manager is awkward to use because there is no facility to maximize windows, and it is necessary for the desktop to be visible in order to launch programs and to show hidden tasks. Additionally useless borders are used, so windows cannot be resized by dragging their edges. It is also necessary to drag the titlebar with a middle click in order to move windows. Dragging with a left click will not work.

The aewm window manager is not accessibility friendly because it does not provide keyboard equivalents for its operations and is not touchscreen friendly because it requires a multibutton mouse.