Gyakuten Kenji 2/Episode 2: The Imprisoned Turnabout/End, Part 2

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File:GK2 Little Thief.png

The next day, you return to the prison's courtyard to resume your investigation. The circus workers have finished removing all of their equipment, so the courtyard is currently empty. You recall Courtney's logic from yesterday - that Knightley's body was dropped down the well during the circus show. Was that really possible? Kay examines the well. There's a locked grate over it, but the lock is broken. To find out if the body was dropped into the well, you call Detective Gumshoe to bring Missile over, and also ask him to bring Regina from the circus. While you wait for him to arrive, you ask Kay to recreate the crime scene using Little Thief (ぬすみちゃん Nusumi-chan). Little Thief uses data known about a location to create a virtual simulation of the scene as it looked at a given time. In this case, it will re-create the courtyard as it looked yesterday, while the circus set was being removed. You can investigate the re-creation as you do a normal crime scene, but the re-creation's contents may change depending on the information you learn. If you notice a contradiction in the re-creation, present evidence, and Kay will be able to update the re-creation to reflect this information.

Investigation: Prison - Courtyard (Re-creation) / 捜査 ~刑務所・中庭(再現)~

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File:GK2 2-4 Examine well.png

First, examine the well. Examine the weight to get the 33 lbs (15 Kg) weights logic (15kgの重り 15kg no omori). Examine the pulleys lying on top of the striped sheet, and the well itself, to get the Tools around the well logic (井戸の周りの道具 Ido no mawari no dōgu). What were all these tools used for? They don't appear to be relevant to the circus at first glance. You'll need to ask Regina about them when she arrives. Next, examine the elephant at the far side of the courtyard. You receive the Astique the elephant logic (象のアジゾウ Zō no Ajizō).

That seems to be everything you can gather from the re-creation, so Kay turns off Little Thief. Gumshoe arrives shortly after, with Missile and Regina in tow. Unfortunately, Roland's alligator has decided to pay a visit, and Missile isn't too happy to see her - in fact, he's scared stiff, and won't be able to help you out at all. Instead, you ask Regina what she remembers about the courtyard's condition during the show. Kay sets up the re-creation again, this time based on the courtyard as it was during the show. In this version of the re-creation, the area around the well is fuzzy, since you don't know the truth about what happened there at the time. Kay says that you can now switch between re-creations, in order to compare them. To do so, press the Y button and select Change Re-creation (再現を変更する Saigen o henkō suru).

File:GK2 Case 2 Logic 03.png

Begin by talking to Gumshoe. He has his metal detector (金属探知機 Kinzoku tanchi-ki) ready to go. You might need it later, so it's added to your Logic. Examine the stage next. Regina describes the part of the show where Simon is "blown away". It's actually done by a special contraption that Simon set up. Simon's Stunt (草太の見せ場 Sōta no miseba) is added to your Logic. Move to the other side of the stage, and examine the cart filled with apples. It was empty in the other re-creation. Regina says that this is wrong, and that the cart was actually empty on the morning of the show. The Missing apples (なくなったリンゴ Nakunatta ringo) are added to your Logic. You've now collected quite a bit of Logic, so you can start piecing it together. Connect the Tools around the well (井戸の周りの道具) to Simon's stunt (草太の見せ場). Maybe the tools were used for Simon's trick? Kay switches the re-creation to the later version. She leaves to ask Simon about his device.

File:GK2 2-4 Souta's Device.png
File:GK2 Case 2 Logic 04.png
File:GK2 Case 2 Logic 05.png

First, Simon used a rope to hang some weights on the well's pulley. He ran the rope through two more pulleys, and attached the end of it to himself. To prevent the weights from falling, he used a stopper. During the show, he removed the stopper, using a second rope, to make the weights fall, pulling himself up into the air to create the illusion of being blown away by the elephant. You now have enough information to re-create Simon's device. Kay switches re-creations again, and Simon's Device (草太の仕掛け Sōta no shikake) is added to the Organizer. In order for the device to work, though, he would need enough weights to total more than his own body weight. Notice anything? Strength to be pulled (引っぱられる強さ Hipparareru tsuyo-sa) is added to your Logic. Connect this to 33 lbs (15 Kg) weights (15kgの重り). What's the problem with the weight? Choose The weight (重さ Omosa). It's only 33lbs (15kg) - not heavy enough to outweigh Simon (重りが足りない Omori ga tarinai). There must have been more somewhere, but where? Connect the Metal detector (金属探知機) to Not heavy enough (重りが足りない). It's Detective Gumshoe's time to shine! ...Once he produces the correct Secret Weapon, that is.

File:GK2 2-4 Examine metal detector.png

The metal detector operates by sound, and a meter in the top-left of the screen. When the beeps become more frequent, and the meter moves more erratically, you're close to a metal object. When this happens, examine the area as usual to see what you've found. There are several false alarms located around the courtyard, such as a gold coin around the centre, and some iron filings near where Regina is standing. Go to the crocodile's pond, and examine it. Something's reacting around here... Bingo! It's the metal weights from Simon's device! Four in total, making the complete set weigh more than Simon. The alligator turns up again... and, strangely, the metal detector is reacting to her. Regina thinks the alligator looks unwell - is whatever she ate causing the metal detector to react?

File:GK2 2-4 Deduce well.png

Time to go back to the re-creation. Examine the well again. Point the cursor at the rope, and deduce from Simon's Device (草太の仕掛け) that one of the ropes is missing. Where did the other one go? Present the Rope (ロープ). Was the rope found wrapped around the body the one used for the weights in Simon's device? If that's the case, then what was the weight used in place of the missing ones? Present either the Crime Scene Notes (死体の所見メモ) or the Autopsy Report (解剖記録). What was actually used as the weight... was Knightley's body. When Simon performed his stunt during the Animal Show, he unknowingly dropped Knightley's body down the well, instead of his weights. But this would have left blood at the bottom of the well, if the killer hadn't used a certain item. Present the Bloodstained Sheet (血のついたシート).

File:GK2 Case 2 Logic 06.png
File:GK2 Case 2 Logic 07.png
File:GK2 2-4 Circuit Breaker.png

What this means is that it is now irrelevant where the killer was at the time of the show, and so removes that as an alibi for anyone who was watching it. Preparations for the show finished at midnight, so the murder could have happened at any time between then and the start of the show the next morning. You get the Weights switched with body logic (死体と重りのすり替え Shitai to omori no surikae). Return to the Logic menu, and connect Astique the elephant (象のアジゾウ) with Missing apples (なくなったリンゴ). The most logical conclusion here is that the elephant simply ate the apples herself... but this shouldn't have been possible, since the crate was left out of her reach. Somebody must have moved it. You get the Crate of apples logic (リンゴのカゴ Ringo no kago). Connect this to Weights switched with body (死体と重りのすり替え). The cart was originally in front of the door in the courtyard, blocking access to it. Was the cart moved by someone, so they could access the door? Kay tries the door, but it's locked. The warden is in charge of the keys, so anyone who wanted to open the door would have needed her permission. A guard unlocks the door, and inside, you find the Circuit Breaker panel (ブレイカー bureikā). This means that someone used the circuit breakers on the night of the murder. Did anything have its power shut off that night? Present the Security Footage (監視カメラ映像). This would explain why the timestamp was three hours off. It also raises suspicion about whoever tripped the circuit breaker... and the only person who should have had access... was Warden Roland!

Kay shuts down the re-creation, just in time for the arrival of Debeste and Courtney. Debeste wants to begin his investigation of the courtyard... but you were here first, and you've bested him. You're starting to piece together the truth, and the next step is to break down Courtney's reasoning.

Courtney's Argument: Judge Courtney's Reasoning / 水鏡の推理 ~水鏡裁判官の推理~

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Courtney's Argument
- Judge Courtney's Reasoning -

  1. I shared my reasoning with you the day before.
  2. Since Mr. Elbird did not see the body when he passed through the tunnel...
  3. It could only have been dropped down the well during the show.
  4. The only one who could have performed such an act is the suspect.

  1. わたくしの推理は、昨日も申し上げたとおりです。
  2. 折中さまがぬけ穴を通るときに死体を見ていない以上・・・・
  3. 死体が落ちたのは、ショーの最中しかありえませんわ。
  4. ショーの最中に死体を落とせたのは、容疑者だけなのですから。

Courtney has already received the official autopsy report, which states that Knightley died the night before the show, at some time between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m.. The cause of death remains the same - a stab wound to the neck.

Rebuttal: Judge Courtney's Reasoning / 追求 ~水鏡裁判官の推理~

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Present Simon's Device (草太の仕掛け) on the fourth statement. She doesn't know about the device yet. Other people around the prison did know about it, though, meaning that several people could have switched the weights and the body. Courtney claims to have another reason for suspecting Simon, though.

Courtney's Argument: Reason for Suspicion / 水鏡の推理 ~猿代 草太を疑う理由~

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Courtney's Argument
- Reason for Suspicion -

  1. If the body came from the courtyard...
  2. How was Mr. Knightley brought here from the detention center?
  3. Only Simon Keyes could have provided such an opportunity.
  4. Because of this fact, I find it most difficult to suspect any other party of the crime.
~猿代 草太を疑う理由~

  1. 死体が中庭から来たならば・・・・
  2. いかにして内藤さまを留置所から中庭に連れてきたのか?
  3. そのチャンスがあったのは、猿代 草太だけなのです。
  4. この事実がある以上、他の人間を疑うのはムズカシイですわ。

Rebuttal: Reason for Suspicion / 追求 ~猿代 草太を疑う理由~

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Present the Security Footage (監視カメラ映像) on the third statement. Courtney wants proof that the camera was shut down intentionally. Present the Circuit Breaker (ブレイカー). Alternatively you can also Press this statement, and when prompted, Present the Circuit Breaker (ブレイカー). She now wants to know how anyone could have gained access to the breaker room, since only the warden has the key to it. Present Patricia Roland's profile (美和 マリー). Roland arrives just in time to hear herself being accused of the murder. Missile barks at her, picking up some sort of sweet smell. Which piece of evidence proves that Roland is the killer? Present the Crime Scene Notes (死体の所見メモ). Missile is picking up a sweet smell from her... the same smell he picked up from Knightley's body. You'll need to hear her testimony.

Roland's Testimony: Why I Can't Be the Killer? / マリーの証言 ~殺人を犯せない理由~

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Roland's Testimony
- Why I Can't Be the Killer? -

  1. I heard all about the case from Justine-darling here.
  2. Had I committed the murder, it would've taken place inside the holding cell.
  3. But I couldn't have moved the body. I never went into the prison.
  4. I was caught up in my work. Up until the show, I was stuck in my office.
  5. Check up on it if you like. You'll find there's no record of me entering the prison.

  1. 事件のお話は、みかがみちゃんから聞いてるわ。
  2. 殺害現場は留置所。あたくしが殺したなら監房でしょう。
  3. でも、これじゃ死体は運べない。あたくし、刑務所に行ってないもの。
  4. 仕事のせいでね、ショーの時間まで、ずっと所長室にカンヅメだったのよ。
  5. 調べてもいいわよ。刑務所の入口を通った記録なんてないから。

Rebuttal: Why I Can't Be the Killer? / 追求 ~殺人を犯せない理由~

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File:GK2 2-4 Present Courtyard Marii Testimony.png

Press on the fifth statement. What if she had another route into the prison? Present the Courtyard. First, she moved Knightley to her office, and then went through the barbed wire fence to access the courtyard. There's a problem with this theory, though - the breaker room is located on the prison's side of the fence, which is electrified, so she would have been unable to switch off the electric current to the fence. It would have been possible, however, if she had an accomplice (共犯者の存在 Kyōhan-sha no sonzai) within the prison. Because of the prisoners' bracelets, there is only one possible prisoner who could have done this - and the evidence that proves it? Present Sahwit's Bracelet (山野 星雄の《腕輪》). Sahwit's bracelet was broken, so he could have moved freely throughout the prison. Sahwit shut down the power to the camera, while Roland moved the body to the courtyard.

At this point, Roland confesses... but only to having Sahwit as an accomplice. She says that Sirhan Dogen was threatening her, forcing her to give him whatever he wanted to ensure her family's safety from his henchmen. Ever since Dogen arrived, she has been trying to find his henchmen, but to no avail. Courtney now asks if you need to question Roland further. Choose Press further (追及する Tsuikyū suru). You try to press on the point of the sweet scent on the body, but she explains that that is probably just the scent lingering around the well from past deliveries. Just as all seems lost, Ray interrupts Courtney's "judgement", with one request - he wants to hear who Roland thinks the culprit is.

Roland's Testimony: My Story / マリーの証言 ~あたくしのハナシ~

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Roland's Testimony
- My Story -

  1. I believe that the culprit in this case could only have been Dogen.
  2. I have no idea what transpired between Dogen and the victim.
  3. It simply could have been that Dogen was displeased with him.
  4. In any case, he was the one who stabbed the victim to death.
  5. He probably had a dog dispose of the body. This is the truth of the case.

  1. この事件の犯人だけど、了賢だとしか思えないの。
  2. 了賢と被害者さんの間に、なにがあったかは、わからないわ。
  3. 単に、了賢が被害者さんを気に入らなかったのかもしれない。
  4. ともかく、アイツが被害者さんを刺し殺したのよ。
  5. 死体の処理は、犬がしたんでしょう。これが、この事件の真実よ。

Rebuttal: My Story / 追求 ~あたくしのハナシ~

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Press on the fourth statement. She thinks that Dogen used the chisel Knightley had hidden in the chessboard. She adds two more statements to that effect.

  • Perhaps he used the chisel hidden in the chessboard?
  • I'm sure it would have been a simple "job".
  • チェスボードに入っていたノミを利用したんじゃないかしら?
  • さぞカンタンな”シゴト”だったでしょうよ。

Present the Chessboard (チェスボード) on the first of these statements. If she didn't know much about Knightley, how did she know about the chisel? She says she learned about it when she interrogated Knightley after he was arrested. Courtney asks Roland to testify again.

Roland's Testimony: My Story, Pt. 2 / マリーの証言 ~あたくしのハナシ2~

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Roland's Testimony
- My Story, Pt. 2 -

  1. I wouldn't go so far as to call it an interrogation.
  2. I always make sure to talk to all the new arrivals.
  3. Mr. Knightley... Yes, we had a little chat.
  4. After our talk, he went right back to his cell, I assure you.

  1. 尋問っていっても、たいしたことはしていないのよ。
  2. あたくし、新しく来た人とは、必ずお話しすることにしていてね。
  3. ないとうさんとも・・・・そう、ちょっとした世間話をしたの。
  4. お話をしたあとは、すぐに監房へ帰ってもらったわ。

Rebuttal: My Story, Pt. 2 / 追求 ~あたくしのハナシ2~

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Press on the fourth statement. She says that she had no motive to kill Knightley, since he had no connection to Dogen, and adds this to her testimony.

  • Dogen was the one I hated. And he had no connection with the victim.
  • あたくしが憎んでいたのは了賢。被害者はアイツと無関係じゃない。

Present Knightley's Memo (内藤のメモ) on this statement. Roland must have noticed this chess notation in Knightley's cell... and also in Dogen's. She saw that the two were playing chess against each other, and made a leap of logic, assuming that Knightley was one of Dogen's henchmen. Then, during her interrogation of Knightley, she discovered the chisel, and, assuming it was an indication that Knightley was one of Dogen's subordinates, snapped and killed Knightley.

File:GK2 2-4 Present alligator Marii testimony 3.png
File:GK2 2-4 Houinbou's knife.png

Roland now claims there is a contradiction in your logic. The autopsy report says the wound that killed Knightley was four inches deep - too deep for the chisel to make. Again, your logic is proven incorrect... and that may prove to be the key. Everything so far has been set up to make you believe Dogen killed Knightley with the chisel, but that cannot be the case. Why did the killer try to make you believe this? To get Dogen expelled (了賢を追い出すための偽装 Ryōken o oidasu tame no gisō). But this alone is not enough. The only thing you can do now is find the real murder weapon. Remember that Roland had all of the evidence pertaining to Dogen transferred to her. Present Dogen's Bells (了賢の鈴). Only two of these exist - one attached to Dogen's dog, and the other to his knife - except that it is no longer attached to the knife, but to Knightley's chisel. Only Roland had access to Dogen's knife, in order to take the bell from it. But you can't prove that she had the knife, and she won't allow another investigation of the prison... What do you do now? Raise an objection, of course (異議をとなえる Igi o tonaeru). Recall how Dogen hid the chisel - in his dog's mouth. Where is the knife? Present the Courtyard. Courtney wants you to be more precise - where in the courtyard? Pan the screen left (press the Y button) and present the alligator. Regina has the alligator open her mouth, and inside, the knife is found, as predicted. Roland finally gives up, and the knife is sent to forensics.

What really happened

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File:GK2 2-4 Marii threatened by Houinbou.png

Some time before the incident, the blind assassin Sirhan Dogen was brought to justice, and sent to prison - specifically, the prison at which Patricia Roland was the warden. Dogen retained several accomplices on the outside, and used this fact to threaten Roland, and extort special privileges from her, such as his special cell, and a route through which to smuggle contraband into the prison. This required the cooperation of Frank Sahwit, who had broken his bracelet. Roland was able to get him to agree to help, by promising to keep quiet about the broken bracelet, and also extending certain privileges to him. Once a week, Sahwit would cut the power to the security cameras and the electric fence, allowing Roland to smuggle in whatever goods Dogen demanded of her. She would spray perfume on the goods, and drop them into the well - the perfume was used to signal Dogen’s dog to come and retrieve the goods, while Jay Elbird was out of his cell. After Sahwit restored the power, Roland would then fix the timestamps on the security footage.

File:GK2 2-3 Miwa interrogates Houinbou.png

Roland quickly came to resent Dogen, and started looking for some way to weaken his influence over her. This included having all of the evidence pertaining to his case transferred to her, for her to use while interrogating Dogen. She tried to draw out information on Dogen’s henchmen, but Dogen refused to answer her questions. One of the pieces of evidence transferred to Roland was Dogen’s knife and its accompanying bell. She also began investigating all of the letters that Dogen was receiving, hoping that some of the information would lead her to his henchmen. This investigation proved fruitless, however, until Horace Knightley’s detainment in her prison’s detention center.

File:GK2 2-3 Miwa interrogates Naitou.png

One of the letters Dogen received was a correspondence chess memo, sent from the detention center’s newest inmate, Horace Knightley. Roland realised from the correspondence chess letter that there was some connection between Dogen and Knightley. Unfortunately for Knightley, however, Roland assumed that this connection was that Knightley was one of Dogen’s subordinates. She brought Knightley to her office under the pretense of a simple “chat” that she had with each new inmate. During this interrogation, she learned of the chisel inside Knightley’s chessboard. Upon discovering the chisel, Roland panicked, and killed Knightley using Dogen’s knife. She then removed the bell from the knife, attached it to the chisel, and embedded the chisel in the fatal wound in Knightley’s neck. As the night of the murder was one of the assigned delivery days for the “Supplier”, Roland came up with a plan to frame Dogen for the murder. She placed Knightley’s body in the well, replacing the weights in Simon Keyes’ device, and sprayed perfume on it. During the show, Simon performed his stunt, and Knightley’s body was dropped into the well. Dogen’s dog detected the scent of the perfume, and brought the body to Dogen. She then disposed of the murder weapon by hiding it in her alligator’s mouth.


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As expected, the knife tested positive for Knightley's blood. Debeste and Courtney leave to carry out a further investigation into whether or not Knightley was one of Dogen's henchmen, after a final warning from Courtney. Simon is released, and comes to thank you - but, he's wondering if he and Knightley were ever really friends, if there was a side to Knightley he never knew about. Reassure him by presenting the Chessboard (チェスボード). Knightley trusted Simon enough to bring him the chessboard that contained the chisel - that he was probably planning to use in an escape attempt. Simon cheers up a little, and promises to do his best as an animal trainer, for his friend's sake.

After Simon and Regina leave, Edgeworth thanks Ray for helping him to continue the investigation. Ray remarks on how similar Edgeworth was to his father, and asks if he would consider becoming a defence attorney, and fulfilling his childhood dream. He leaves Edgeworth, as the prosecutor becomes lost in thought. Which path will Edgeworth choose to follow...?