Handbook of Management Scales/Supply chain disruption orientation
Supply chain disruption orientation (alpha = 0.82)
[edit | edit source]Description
[edit | edit source]A scale to measure supply chain disruption orientation was adapted from Bode et al. (2011).
[edit | edit source]Supply chain disruption orientation is characterized as the firm’s recognition and awareness of pending disruptions and how firms analyze and learn from prior disruptions (Bode et al., 2011).
[edit | edit source]- We feel the need to be alert for possible supply chain disruptions at all times. (0.67)
- Supply chain disruptions show us where we can improve. (0.72)
- We recognize that supply chain disruptions are always looming. (0.80)
- We think a lot about how a supply chain disruption could have been avoided. (0.74)
- After a supply chain disruption has occurred, it is analyzed thoroughly. (0.66)
(1 = disagree strongly, 7 = agree strongly)
[edit | edit source]- Ambulkar/Blackhurst/Grawe (2015): Firm’s resilience to supply chain disruptions: Scale development and empirical examination. Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 33–34, pp. 111–122
[edit | edit source]The mean values ranged between 4.8 and 5.8. Given that a 7-point scale was used and thus mean values around would have been expected, future researchers could slightly adapt the items in order to shift the mean values closer to the center (e.g., “We strongly feel the need” rather than “We feel the need”).