Healthy eating habits/Healthy snack options for people on the go ft Salt

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Snacking between meals is important to not only fuel your body but to make sure don't get hungry between your main meals. It can be tricky to choose snacks that are healthy for with all the options out there when you are on the go. Going for healthier options means you stay fuller for longer and very overall general health and calorie and salt intake. Snacks can be divided into 2 main categories; healthy snacks and sometimes snack options. 'Sometimes' snack options may be tasty but don't do much nutritionally for our bodies so we must select snacks from the 5 food groups to make sure it is a healthy choice!

What are the 5 food groups?

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1. Vegetables and legumes/beans

2. Fruit

3. Grain (cereal) foods. These are mostly wholegrain or high cereal fibre varieties.

4. Lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds.

5. Dairy. This includes milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or alternatives. Also choosing the reduced fat varieties

Sometimes food options

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These foods might be high in calories, sugar or salt. Limit these to just 1-2 a week and in small amount. The key is everything in moderation.

Healthy snack ideas

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Look out for Salt

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