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History of video games/Platforms/Tesla Arcade

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In the 2010s in car entertainment systems had a reputation for using poorly thought out designs in conjunction with sluggish software, with the design used on Tesla automobiles being somewhat better received then most of its competitors.[1][2] To extend the potential of this system to include gaming as a function is an obvious progression. The Tesla Arcade was not the first attempt by an automaker to integrate a gaming system into a automobile,[3] but it was one of the earliest serious attempts to offer an integrated game platform onboard the vehicle.


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Elon Musk in 2018.

Gaming in automobiles has traditionally consisted of either simply using a portable system,[4] or hooking up a separate dedicated console to an in car entertainment system through simple AV jacks.[5]

On June 18th, 2019 Tesla launched the Tesla Arcade gaming service for its electric automobiles through a software update, using the existing steering wheel, infotainment screen, and compute resources of the car to create an impromptu game console out of existing hardware.[6]

On January 27th, 2021 it was announced that the refreshed Model S would have a compute upgrade to allow play of more intensive games.[7]

A Summer 2021 an update allowing for games to be played while the automobile is in motion later attracted the attention of news outlets and regulators.[8][9][10]

In February of 2022 it was indicated that compatibility with Valve's Steam gaming service was a goal.[11][12]


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The 2021 refreshed Model S has a compute performance of about 10 teraflops.[7]


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The Tesla Logotype

External Resources

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  1. "Why Does Every Car Infotainment System Look So Crappy?" (in en-us). Lifehacker. https://lifehacker.com/why-does-every-car-infotainment-system-look-so-crappy-1794534701. 
  2. Butler, Christopher (23 November 2019). "Tesla's plan to leave the auto industry behind on in-car infotainment" (in en). CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/23/teslas-plan-to-leave-auto-industry-behind-on-in-car-entertainment.html. 
  3. "You'll Be Able To Play Cyberpunk 2077 In Your Tesla If You're Into That Sort Of Thing" (in en-us). Jalopnik. https://jalopnik.com/youll-be-able-to-play-cyberpunk-2077-in-your-tesla-if-y-1846150430. 
  4. "In-Car Gaming Has Never Been Easier" (in en). Lifewire. https://www.lifewire.com/in-car-gaming-has-never-been-easier-3973099. 
  5. "How to Install a Game System in Your Car" (in en). It Still Runs. https://itstillruns.com/install-game-system-car-4881829.html. 
  6. Statt, Nick (18 June 2019). "Tesla Arcade hands-on: using a Model 3 steering wheel as a game controller" (in en). The Verge. https://www.theverge.com/2019/6/18/18684297/tesla-arcade-model-3-hands-on-beach-buggy-racing-2-demo-electric-cars. 
  7. a b c Hollister, Sean (27 January 2021). "Tesla’s new Model S will apparently play Witcher 3 on a built-in 10 teraflop gaming rig" (in en). The Verge. https://www.theverge.com/2021/1/27/22253258/tesla-model-s-ps5-xbox-series-x-next-gen-10-teraflop. 
  8. Boudette, Neal (7 December 2021). "A New Tesla Safety Concern: Drivers Can Play Video Games in Moving Cars". The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/07/business/tesla-video-game-driving.html. 
  9. Boudette, Neal (8 December 2021). "Safety agency says it is looking into Tesla video games that can be played while moving.". The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/08/business/tesla-video-games-nhtsa.html. 
  10. Shakir, Umar (8 December 2021). "Tesla allows drivers to play video games in moving cars, raising safety concerns" (in en). The Verge. https://www.theverge.com/2021/12/8/22823127/tesla-car-arcade-games-safety-nhtsa. 
  11. Lambert, Fred (23 February 2022). "Elon Musk: Tesla is working to make Steam video games work in its vehicles". Electrek. https://electrek.co/2022/02/22/elon-musk-tesla-working-steam-video-games-work-in-vehicles/. 
  12. Shayotovich, Eli (30 March 2022). "Why Steam Compatibility In Your Tesla Isn't That Far Fetched". SlashGear.com. https://www.slashgear.com/817037/why-steam-compatibility-in-your-tesla-isnt-that-far-fetched/. 
  13. "Cuphead surpasses 5 million copies sold". VentureBeat. 30 September 2019. https://venturebeat.com/2019/09/30/cuphead-surpasses-5-million-copies-sold/.