History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Biographies/Brian Jermyn Masters

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Howden - QSLs - 1095a

Brian Jermyn Masters

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A comprehensive biography of Brian Jermyn Masters has not yet been prepared for this Wikibook, however the following resources have been assembled in preparation:

Key internet links:

Maxwell Hull, VK3ZS, Federal Historical Section WIA: biography "Walter Francis Maxwell Howden" in "Amateur Radio" of October 1983[1]

Neville Williams' biography in "When I think Back . . ." section of Electronics Australia of December 1996[2]

Tribute page by Andrew (current 3BQ callsign holder) "A3BQ (VK3BQ) a Very Historic callsign."[3] (includes several other links)

  1. https://worldradiohistory.com/hd2/IDX-AUSTRALIA/IDX/Amateur-Radio/80s/Amateur-Radio-AU-1983628.pdf
  2. http://messui.polygonal-moogle.com/valves/NW199612.pdf
  3. https://www.vk3bq.com/2014/10/29/a3bq-vk3bq-callsign/