History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Biographies/Robert John Vincent Browne/Notes

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Robert John Vincent Browne - Transcriptions and notes

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Qld birth registration for 4RB's father Robert Alexander St. Stephen Browne

  • Qld BDM
  • Birth registration: Robert Alexander St. Stephen Browne
  • Birth date: 26/12/1869
  • Mother's name: Catherine McIntyre
  • Father/parent's name: Daniel Browne
  • Registration details: 1870/C/3065 [1]


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1880 01
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1880 02
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1880 03
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4RB's grandfather, as postmaster Mackay, called to give evidence re posts in a Supreme Court matter

THE SUPREME COURT. Civil Sittings. Yesterday Afternoon. (Before His Honour the Chief Justice and a jury of four.) OHLRICH V. BROMBERG. This is an action brought by Helena Wilhelmina Ohlrich, of Spring Hill, Brisbane, against Simeon Bromberg, of Mackay, for breach of promise of marriage, damages being laid at £1,090. Mr. Cansdell, instructed by Messrs. Smith and Smith, appeared for the plaintiff; and the Attorney-General, with whom was Mr. Chubb, instructed by Messrs. Daly and Helliear, for the defendant. The following further evidence was taken yesterday afternoon: Catherine Ohlrich, mother of the plaintiff stated that she first became acquainted with the defendant five years ago, and that he was brought to the house by her daughter. . . . Did not think it necessary to express astonishment when he received a letter from the plaintiff's father about her condition. Sold his business at Mackay to his brother, who paid witness £100 cash and was to take over all his liabilities and pay off his bank overdraft. Daniel Brown, postmaster at Mackay, was called to prove that the Polly, which carried defendant's letter which was posted on board on June 1, 1879, was stranded on her voyage, and did not arrive in Brisbane till the 22nd June. Mr. Cansdell, however, admitted the detention of the steamer, and the defendant's case was then closed.[2][3]

1880 04
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4RB's grandfather, as postmaster for Bowen, meets the Premier on a state visit

THE MINISTERIAL TOUR. (BY ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.) (FROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER.) BOWEN, June 14. THE steamer Lucinda, with the Premier, Master Llewellyn Griffith, and the other members of the Ministerial party on board, arrived here at a quarter-past 3 this afternoon, after a fine passage, with the exception of Thursday night and part of Friday. On leaving Moreton Bay the Lucinda encountered an easterly gale and choppy sea with rain, in which, while the the ship behaved fairly well, some water was shipped, and the fore cabin, in which nearly all the party were sleeping, was partly swamped and the beds damped, more or less, by leakages. The effect of the gale and the strange motion of the paddle-steamer upon the whole party was general sickness. Rain fell on Friday night, but thence forward beautiful weather prevailed. No incidents of importance occurred until Sunday morning, when about 9 o'clock the Lucinda entered Whitsunday Passage, the inner Molle Channel being taken. The islands on each side, covered alternately with open timber and thick scrub, and overhung with mists, elicited frequent admiration. The Lucinda did a splendid run for the twenty four hours ending at noon today of eleven and a half knots an hour, but on entering Port Denison she slowed down.during dinner. There were very few persons on the Bowen jetty when the steamer went alongside. Mr. Connolly, Subcollector of Customs, was the first official to receive the Ministers, and he was shortly after followed by Mr. R. O. Bourne, General Inspector of Telegraphs for the Northern district, Mr. Daniel Brown, Postmaster, and Dr. Brown, who escorted the party over the town, which presented a rather dilapidated appearance, not yet having recovered from the cyclone which swept over it last year; nevertheless several new buildings have been lately erected, including a handsome school of arts and public school buildings. After walking across to Miles Hill the party returned to the jetty, where a few gentlemen were briefly entertained on board the steamer. The police-magistrate and Mr. Justice Cooper were absent at Mackay at the Circuit Court. Mr. Chubb, M.L.A., is expected here next week, and is advertised to address his constituents on Friday next. There is much talk here about separation, and Mr. Chubb is expected to get much cross-examination on the subject. The Lucinda left Bowen at 6 o'clock this evening, and it is expected that she will reach Townsville on Monday at 9 o'clock. The Lucinda will be boarded by the mayor and members of the municipal council and divisional board, who will present addresses of welcome. The Premier will receive deputations at 2 o'clock with reference to local requirements. The Lucinda was visited at Bowen by several residents, whilst Ministers were in the town, and great admiration was expressed at her beautiful fittings and the electric light, which worked well throughout the voyage. The visit to Bowen was quite unexpected and was only decided upon on Friday.[4]

1885 07
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Marriage of 4RB's aunt

MARRIAGES. . . . WILSON-BROWNE.- On the 15th July, at St. Stephen's Cathedral, by the Rev. Father Fouhy, John Radcliffe Wilson, Waterview, Ingham, to Minnie, eldest daughter of Daniel Browne, late postmaster of Bowen and Mackay.[5]

1891 08
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4RB's father appointed as prison warder

OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS. (From the "Government Gazette" of Saturday last.) Appointments.— The following appointments are notified:— Sergeant-major J. W. Annat, to be provisionally a lieu-tenant in the Q.D. Force (Land); R. B. Huxtable, M.B., to be a surgeon on the medical staff of the Q.D. Force (Land); W. G. Moran, clerk of petty sessions at Thursday Island, to be also assistant immigration agent, in the room of Dr. A. E. Salter, resigned; Constable M. Daly, to be acting clerk of petty ses-sions at Opalton; First-class Sub-In-spector Durham, to be assigned to the Charters Towers sub-district of police, district E; A. Muir, to be returning officer for the electoral district of Bris-bane North; A. C. Palmer, to be a clerk in the Home Secretary's office; R. A. S. Browne, to be a warder in the prison service.[6]

1896 08
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1900 01
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1900 08
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Marriage of 4RB's parents

MARRIAGE. BROWNE — O'MALLEY.— On the 15th August, at St. Stephen's Cathedral, by the Rev. J. B. Breen, Robert A. S., eldest son of D. Browne, to Grace, youngest daughter of M. O'Malley, both of Brisbane.[7]

1900 09
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1901 01
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1901 02
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1901 03
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4RB's father appointed warder clerk on St. Helena prison

OFFICIAL NOTIFICATIONS. . . . R. A. S. Browne and Henry Aselford has been appointed warder clerks, the former at St. Helena Penal Establishment, and the latter at Stewart's Creek. Mr. Browne will act as clerk, operator, and storekeeper in succession to Mr. McLennon, who has been appointed Government storekeeper.[8]

1901 04
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1902 01
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Qld birth registration for 4RB's brother Raymund O'Malley Browne

  • Qld BDM
  • Birth registration: Raymund O'Malley Browne
  • Birth date: 23/01/1902
  • Mother's name: Grace Margaret O'Malley
  • Father/parent's name: Robert Alexander St.Stephen Browne
  • Registration details: 1902/C/11051 [9]
1902 02
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Birth notice of 4RB's eldest brother Raymund O'Malley Browne

Births. BROWNE.— On the 23rd January, at her mother's residence, Clifden, Church-street, Toowong, the wife of R. A. S. Browne, of a son.[10]

1902 03
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Qld death registration for 4RB's grandfather Daniel Browne

  • Qld BDM
  • Death registration: Daniel Browne
  • Death date: 06/09/1902
  • Mother's name: Mary Buckley
  • Father/parent's name: Henry Browne
  • Registration details: 1902/B/2714 [11]

Funeral notices for 4RB's grandfather

Funeral Notices. . . . FUNERAL NOTICE.— The Friends of Mr. DANIEL BROWNE, deceased, are respectfully invited to attend his Funeral, to move from his late residence, Main street, Kangaroo Point, TOMORROW (Sunday) AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, to the South Brisbane Cemetery. K. M. SMITH, Undertaker. FUNERAL NOTICE.— The Friends of Messrs. R. A. S., J. C., and C. BROWNE are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of their deceased Father (Mr. Daniel Browne), to move from his late residence, Main street, Kangaroo Point, TOMORROW (Sunday) AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, to the South Brisbane Cemetery. K. M. SMITH, Undertaker.[12]

Death notice for 4RB's grandfather

Deaths. BROWNE.— On the 6th September, at his residence, Main-street, Kangaroo Point, Daniel Browne, late Postmaster, Mackay and Bowen, in his 73th year. (R.I.P.)[13]

1902 10
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1903 01
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1903 02
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1903 03
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1903 04
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Qld birth registration for 4RB's briefly lived brother John Browne

  • Qld BDM
  • Birth registration: John Browne
  • Birth date: 30/04/1903
  • Mother's name: Grace Margaret O'Malley
  • Father/parent's name: Robert Alexander St.Stephen Browne
  • Registration details: 1903/B/6537 [14]
1903 05
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Qld death registration for 4RB's briefly lived brother John Browne

  • Qld BDM
  • Death registration: John Browne
  • Death date: 01/05/1903
  • Mother's name: Grace O'Malley
  • Father/parent's name: Robert Alexander Stephen Browne
  • Registration details: 1903/B/3540 [15]

Birth and death notice of 4RB's briefly lived brother John

BIRTHS. BROWNE.— On the 30th April, at St. Catherine's Private Hospital, the wife of R. A. S. Browne — a son. . . . DEATHS. BROWNE.— On the 1st May, at St. Catherine's Private Hospital, the infant Son of R. A. S. Browne. (R.I.P.)[16]

1903 06
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1903 08
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4RB's father placing in rifle shooting competition

BRISBANE MATCH. 200 and 300 yards; seven rounds at each distance; position, any military; time limit, 9 minutes each range. First prize, £5; second prize, £4; third prize, £3; two prizes of £2, £4; 20 prizes of £1, £20; total, 25 prizes, £36. R. G. Gillies, Charleville R. C.. .. 66 E. B. Whiteoak, Queensland Rifles .. 65 Sapper C. E. Williams, Field Engineers 64 A. W. Thomason, Manly and Wynnum 64 Sergeant G. Stenner, A.L.H .. .. 63 E. Moore, Q.S.R.C. .. .. .. 63 P. Finlay, Q.S.R.C. .. .. .. 63 P. Noble, Goodna .. .. .. 63 J. Denniss, Q.E.R.C. .. .. .. 63 E. Richardson, Goodna .. .. .. 63 R. A. S. Browne, St. Helena .. .. 63 There were 14 other competitors.[17]

1903 09
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1904 01
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4RB's father's salary reduce after review by the Public Service Inquiry Board

The Public Service. INCREASES AND DECREASES. The Government Printer has now issued the report of the Public Service Inquiry Board, and we are able to supply some additional details (omitting those previously given) of increases and decreases:— . . . HOME SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT. Accountants' Branch: R. Haigh, £10 increase; R. S. Mackay, £20 increase; M. P. Byrne, £10 increase; Mrs. A. Julius, typist, £56 decrease; Miss D. Graham, typist, £8 decrease. Record Branch: W. E. Musgrave, £70 decrease. Police De-partment: Mr. Challinor's decrease repre-sents the £30 received as secretary to the Police Investment Board, which is to be transferred to the head office of the de-partment. Advertising Board : W. A. Smith, £20 decrease. Labour Bureau: P. G. Mahony, £20 decrease. Dunwich: P. P. Agnew, £30 decrease. Prisons: R. A. St. S. Browne, £30 decrease.[18]

1904 06
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4RB's father at Qld Rifle Assoc presentation of prizes

PRESENTATION OF PRIZES. The presentation of the prizes won at the recent rifle competition was made at the Rifle Range on Saturday afternoon by Mrs. W. Plomer, wife of the Commandant. Afternoon tea was afterwards served in a large marquee, the band of the Queensland Rifles playing lively selections at intervals. Amongst those present were Colonel Plomer, Mrs. Spencer Browne, Major and Mrs. V. Sellheim, Major and Mrs. W. Pinnock, Major Toll, Major and Mrs. Walter Clark, Major and Mrs Sankey, Captain Moon, Captain Forsyth, Captain Maddock, Captain F. Walsh, Lieutenant J. E. Brown, Lieutenant Hobday, Sir Alfred Cowley, Mrs. R. B Echlin (who was accompanied by Miss Nancy Echlin and little Miss Kenneth Hutchinson), Mrs. John Thorn, Miss Evelyn Thorn, Misses Aileen and Gertrude Schmidt, Miss Willis, Mr. G. E. S. Thorn, Mr. and Mrs. Hobday and Miss Hobday, Mr. Costin, Mr. Badger, Mr. R. A. S. Brown, Mr. Claud Thorn, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Miss Williams, Mrs. West, Miss Page, Miss Walsh, Miss Phelan, Misses Coghlan (2), Mr. J. Hamilton.[19]

1905 09
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4RB's father wins small prize at Darling Downs rifle shooting competition

DARLING DOWNS MATCH, ten shots at 600 yards. J. E. Harte, Railways and Works R.C., 50 £5 A. Crease, Q.E.R.C., 48 4 T. F. Clacher, Manly and Wynnum R.C., 47 Q.M.S W. H. Raymond, Australian Engineers, 47 2 W. P. Condon, Byron Bay R.C., 47 2 Sergeant-Instructor G. Wieck, Instructional Staff, Queensland, 47 2 The following each won £1:— G. H. Jones, New South Wales, W. Russow, St. Helena R.C., J. Richardson, Ipswich Railway R.C., Captain P. J. Thorn, 13th A.L.H., J. Northam, D.D.R.C., Sergeant D. McCalley, New South Wales, Captain J. G. Hicks, Lismore R.C., J. McAndrew, Byron Bay R.C., G. French, Queensland Police, each 46; C. E Wassell, B.G S Cadets, H. W. Hyde, Q.E.R.C., E. W. Schilling, R. and W.R.Ç., A. V. White, Mount Morgan R.C., W. D. Ross, Rockhampton R.C., P. Wooldridge, Byron Bay R.C., R. E. Hamley, Q.E.R.C., each 45; R. A. S. Browne, St. Helena R.C., J. J. Meekin, Ipswich Railway R.C., R. H. Walker, New South Wales, each 44. Counted out:— W. F. Whitmer, J. Hill, A. Reimar, E. Morrison, and D. Lanham, each 44.[20]

1906 09
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1907 01
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1907 02
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4RB's father admitted as permanent public servant

Official Notifications. Executive Decisions. The following appointments have been approved: . . . R. A. S. Browne has been admitted to the public service, and appointed clerk and storekeeper at the St. Helena penal establishment.[21]

1907 03
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1907 04
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Qld birth registration for 4RB

  • Qld BDM
  • Birth registration: Robert John Vincent Browne
  • Birth date: 05/04/1907
  • Mother's name: Margaret Grace O'Malley
  • Father/parent's name: Robert Alexander St.Stephen Browne
  • Registration details: 1907/B/14320 [22]

Announcement of birth of 4RB

BIRTHS. BROWNE.— On April 5, at Nurse Symonds's, Gladstone-road, South Brisbane, the wife of R. A. S. Browne, of a son.[23]

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4RB's father transfers to Dunwich Benevolent Asylum

Official Notifications. The following official notifications have been approved by the Governor-in-Council:— . . . HOME DEPARTMENT. The following councillors have been appointed by the Governor-in-Council: David Kerr, for division 1, of Daintree Shire; Thomas Gray, for division 1, of Rawbelle Shire; Wenzel J. A. Horacek, for division 1, of Indooroopilly Shire, R. A. S. Brown, clerk and storekeeper at St. Helena, has been appointed store-keeper at Dunwich Benevolent Asylum; and William Johnston, who filled the last-mentioned position, has been appointed to the vacant position at St. Helena penal establishment.[24]

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4RB's father elected representative of Dunwich Asylum for the Public Service Association

PUBLIC SERVICE ASSOCIATION. The monthly meeting of the Public Service Association was held in the association's rooms, 48 Elizabeth-street, on Wednesday evening. The president (Mr. Exley) occupied the chair, and there was a large attendance of members. The secretary reported that Mr. W. H. Jones had been elected representative of the Harbours and Rivers Department, and Mr. R. A. S. Browne representative of Dunwich Asylum. The treasurer's statement, which was adopted, showed that the receipts for the month amounted to £34/4/7, and the bank balance was stated to be £51/11/2 in credit. Accounts amounting to £23/3/9 were passed for payment. It was decided to hold the annual dinner on November 2, and to invite members of the Ministry and the Leader of the Opposition to be present, also to reduce the number and length of speeches. The carrying out of details was left in the hands of the executive. The House Committee reported the result of the recent euchre party, and stated that the billiard tournament was progressing favourably. The executive reported that several members of the Council had succeeded in collecting the arrears due by members of their departments and recommended that others in arrears should not have their names removed from the list of members until they had been given a final chance of paying their dues. Sixteen new members were elected, mostly from the Harbours and Rivers Department.[25]

1909 11
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4RB's father participates in a rare time of pleasantry at Dunwich Asylum for Xmas 1910

CHRISTMAS WEEK AT DUNWICH. A correspondent writes as follow: The old folk at Dunwich were treated to a most enjoyable Christmas week through the efforts of Phil Agnew and family, and the co-operation of many southern Queensland and city friends. Mrs. Daniels and Mrs. Huxham, conducted their annual distribution of presents, cake, and tobacco, the latter presenting several fine gramophone records to the institution collection. On 23rd December, the wayward girls from the female division were entertained at tea by Mrs. P. Agnew, who the same evening provided entertainments for the blind, deaf and dumb children, and the local school children. The programme included a gramophone concert and Punch and Judy show. On Christmas Eve, after church decoration, a smoke concert for the members of the Anglican choir was given at Mr. Agnew's residence, at the conclusion of which Christmas carols were sung by the choir among the hospital wards. With a handsome sum, contributed by the residents of the Logan River, a New Year spread for the old women, and a distribution of gifts and good fare was conducted by Mrs. Agnew. This was followed in the evening by a concert, at which Mr. Agnew and family assisted, also Nurse Chapman, Mr. Stevens, a monologue entertainer, well known in Brisbane, and Mr. R. A. S. Brown, with a number of phonograph selections. Then there was a Christmas concert in the Victoria Hall, conducted by Phil Agnew. The Dunwich gramophone was in evidence. Miss Philippa Agnew and Mre. Yaldwyn contributed several recitations, Mr. Garnet Agnew and Mr. Stevens banjo and piano duets, and Mr. Stevens musical sketches. The evening was brought to a most successful close with an exhibition of Phil Agnew's well known Punch and Judy Show. The culminating point was a big dramatic evening in the Victoria Hall, on New Year's Eve, when Phil Agnew's two comedies, "Had" and "The Egyptian Mummy," were most successfully produced. The characters were sustained by Phil and Garnet Agnew, F. R. Charlton, Miss Philippa Agnew, Vivian Agnew, and Mrs. W. Yaldwyn, and appropriate music was supplied by Mr. Stevens. To conclude, an inmates' concert was given last evening by the old Dunwich inmates themselves, assisted by Mr. Stevens.[26]

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1912 01
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4RB's father attends a Brisbane River cruise to celebrate Jubilee of Public Service career of W. H. Ryder, I.S.O., Under Secretary, Home Secretary's Department

Mr. W. H. Ryder, I.S.O. Celebration of Jubilee. Two Presentations. To mark the jubilee of public service of Mr. W. H. Ryder, I.S.O., Under Secretary, Home Secretary's Department, an excursion down the river on the Government steamer Otter, was held yesterday afternoon. The Home Secretary (Hon. J. G. Appel) was the host, and there were present many official and personal associates of Mr. Ryder, and the occasion served to demonstrate the general appreciation of the true merit of his record as a public officer, and his popularity as a citizen. To give added enjoyment to the outing, Benvenuti's Band was engaged, and a staff from the Cafe Eschenhagen catered for the material wants of those on board. The Otter left the Queen's wharf at about 3 p.m., and proceeded as far as Bulimba, where the anchor was dropped, and the formal part of the proceeding's took place. Town was reached again at about a quarter to 7 o'clock. The following constituted the party, in addition to the guest: . . . R. A. S. Browne (storekeeper, Dunwich benevolent asylum), R. Berhley, (dispenser, Dunwich) . . .[27]

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R. A S. Browne and family depart on the Orvieto for the United Kingdom in immediate lead up to WWI

SHIPPING. DEPARTURES. April 29.— ORVIETO. Passengers: Mesdames W. J. Hawkes and infant, L. H. Pike, McGuire, W. Lees and son, E. Rosenstengel, J. Carmichael, A. S. Browne, S. Bushley, C. R. Hudson and infant, J. S. Dix, Purdon, C. Alexander, I. Eaton, Fielding and infant, R. Newstadt, Simpson, Cowan, A. J. Childs, E. Holland, E. Green, H. Wilson, Anderson and child, Sample and infant, H. J. Earl, Bourke, Davies, Gilder and child, Buswell, R. Phillips, S. Jennings, Claire Tait and 2 infants, R. Long and child, F. Oxley, Egst, F. W. Shannon and child, N. R. Chapman, E. C. Elliott, J. Wright, T. W. Smith, M. Cooper, A. Taylor, D'Enett, Johnson, Hartup, E. E. Forth, F. G. Matthews, Butson, T. Heywood, F. Bowman, W. Brake, Adamson and 3 children, C. J. Roemermann, C. S. Grew, Allen, Alfred Ward, E. B. Baker, Keogh, C. Spence, Knight Eaton, Duesbury, D. Doyle, J. Jackson, A. Allison, Gray, Flemming, Bonus, H. Abraham and child, F. Brown, child, and infant, T. White and infant, Devine, child, and infant, Lockley, L. Breese, Bowden, Williams and infant, Clarke, W. Pascoe, S. Birkett, P. O'Mara and child, Saunders, E. T. Richardson, C. Spence, Blanche, Jones, Lonie and infant, J. George, Misses Chapman, Clarke, Frost, Webb, Hough, Beattie, A. Marshall, Tunns?, Chambers, Cook, Clarke, Daniels, Holmes (3), McPhail, Townley, Minnie and Amy Bell, Snow, Crampton, Fielding, R. Short Ganly, Casey, Simpson, Crookbain, Williams, Nurse Wilsher, Chancellor, Mathieson, Cox, McMunn, Shaw, Stones, Gibson, Robinson, Phyllis Gale, East, King, M. Hicks, I. Macdonald, D'Enett, G. S. Scott, Black, Heywood, S. Hyne, G. and T. Bowman, J. Watson, V. M. E., and E. L. C. Brown, G. Williams, A. J. Brake, E. T. Swanwick, G. E. Winton, J. and C. Dunn, Hastings, F. Stephenson, Duesbury, Gray, Cocks, Boyle, Bonus, Williams, Dunn, Adam, N. Campbell, M. Pattyson, Clarke, G. and A. Richardson) E. B. Phillips, Ludhroo, B. Malcolm, M. Betts, Wale, E. W. Callow, M. Mathieson, A. Howan, Rough, M. Longhurst, Allen (2), Messrs. L. H. Pike, E. Rosenstengel, J. Carmichael, G. Bernauer, R. A. S. Browne, C. R. Hicksop, Hodge, J. S. Dix, Purdon, Charles Alexander, Snow, C. E. and C. Roemermann, Patten, P. R. Cowan, Browne, Rev. G. L. Hunt, L. J. H. Earl, Sample, R. and V. Valentine, W. E. Ellard, Captain R. Phillips, S. Jennings, J. Beal, F. T. Neilson, F. Oxley, C. E. Deighton, Fast, F. W. Shannon, F. J. Shannon, H. E. Baker, F. Coward, L. A. Dimant, M. A. Nathan, C. E. Hicks, G. A. Walker. James Wright, G. B. Smith, J. S. Thompson, J. Blau, Looser, H. G. Benson, J. R. Foster, E. P. Bevan, E. T. Broad, Dyball, F. G. Matthews, W. J. Roemermann, Rev. W. J. Cramp, Thos. Heywood, G. A. Fielding, James Donald Stevens, Hugh McDonald, E. S. Grew, Alfred Ward, K. Swanwick, John McCallum, Winston, W. J. Dickson, W. S. Chapple, F. Donovan, H. T. Martin, H. G. Mallam, J. Margason, Gray, J. Major, J. A. Murphy, B. Perry, A. Arneson, Williams. F. Brown, T. White, Boden, E. Prescott, Lockley, McGregor, Driscoll, Aston, J. Barry, A. Collins, J. M. Biggs, G. Westwood, D. Mitchell, T. Sullivan, Master Clarke, E. Grosskreutz, W. Pascoe, S. Birkhett, Masters H. and W. Birkett, P. O'Mara, J. Todd, Saunders, W. J. Dickson, J. Frizell, G. Jose, J. Quinn, J. Barclay, M. Cornuodale, A. Culberwell, R. Watt, Jones, T. Hogan, B. Hastie, G. McCudden, W. G. Small, H. H. Walker, H. G. Watson, T. H. A. Knight, J. Gerdis, R. T. McCracken, V. Litman, F. E. Burke, P. McKenna, J. F. Donnelly, J. F. Dick, P. Longhurst, J. and D. Longhurst, F. Hobbs, J. Dalgleish, R. Butroid, P. C. Reed, Allen, and 107 in the third-class.[28]

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Qld death registration for 4RB's grandfather Michael O'Malley

  • Qld BDM
  • Death registration: Michael O'Malley
  • Death date: 13/12/1915
  • Mother's name: Catherine Ryan
  • Father/parent's name: Cornelius O'Malley
  • Registration details: 1916/C/844 [29]

Report of funeral of 4RB's father-in-law, appears involved in legal profession

PERSONAL. . . . The funeral of the late Mr. Michael O'Malley took place on Tuesday afternoon, the cortege moving from his late residence, Clifden, Church-street, Toowong. The funeral was very quiet, only relatives and immediate friends attending. Those who attended included his Honour Mr. Justice Real, his Honour Judge O'Sullivan, Mr. A. J. Thynne, M.L.C., Mr. P. J. McDermott, I.S.O., Messrs. W. Naughton, and R. A. S. Browne (sons-in-law), J. O'Neill Brenan, W. Land, G. Dennis, G. Vowles, F. O'Dwyer, Hugh Bergin, N. Sapsford, Francis MacDonnell, P. A. O'Sullivan, M. H. Robertson (Auditor-General), T. H. Cowl, Elliott, J. McDonald, Sergt. J. McCarthy, and W. J. Bebbington.[30]

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4RB's father organises a dramatic performance at Dunwich Asylum and participates

FOR WOMEN. . . . The officials at the Dunwich Benevolent Asylum recently formed the Stradbroke Amateur Dramatic Club, and gave their first performance last Saturday night to a large and appreciative audience. The opening farce, "Twenty Minutes With a Tiger," was admirably chosen to display the gifted amateur comedian, Mr. Phil Agnew, who was ably supported by Mr. R.A.S. Browne, Mr. A. H. Kelly, Miss I. Harward, and Mrs. Charlton. The closing piece was entitled, "The Photographer in a Fix," and it served to illustrate the versatile gifts of Mr. P. Agnew, Mr. G. Agnew, Mr. R.A.S. Browne, Kelly, W. McCallum, Masters Colin McCallum, and Leslie McCallum, Elsie Winchester, Dorothy and Vera McCallum, and Maq and E. Kelly. Much fun was created by Mr. W. McCallum's impersonation of Mrs. Tooleypeg, whilst Mr. R. A. S. Browne doubled as photographer and a sergeant of the foorce. During the evening duets by Mr. Browne (piano), and G. Agnew (banjo) enlivened the proceedings. The newly-formed dramatic club has, by careful rehearsals, made a very excellent impression, which will go in to future meritorious performances. A dance, for which Mr. W. McCallum supplied appropriate music, concluded a most enjoyable evening.[31]

1917 12
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4RB's father publicly voices as strict attitude towards alcohol on Dunwich Island

Christmas at Dunwich. Mr. R. A. S. Browne (Acting Superintendent at Dunwich), in a communication to the Home Secretary's Department, suggests that in order to decrease temptation to the inmates at Christmas time, in the matter of alcoholic liquors, no baggage or parcels from friends in Brisbane should be allowed to go to the wards without having been examined by an official. He also suggests that visiting boatmen should be warned that the bringing of liquor to the island is strictly prohibited.[32]

1919 01
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4RB's father's task as storekeeper for Dunwich Asylum not an easy one

"DISMAL DUNWICH." REPLY TO COMPLAINTS. In "The Daily Standard" of February 7 last there appeared a letter headed "Dismal Dunwich," signed by "Sympathy," Dunwich. The Home Secretary (Mr. Huxham) has had a report on the matter from Mr. R. A. S. Browne, storekeeper, who has been acting-superintendent since Dr. Macarthur left. On the complaint that, "nothing extra has been given for Christmas breakfasts for the last two or three years, as the cook complained at the time of the extra work thrown on him on the busiest day of the year in frying some 900 steaks or chops." Mr. Browne said it was he who eight or nine years ago, got Dr. Row to recommend that breakfast meat be given to the inmates on Christmas Day, but of course it was a big job to do so many steaks or chops; therefore, for the past two or three years the matter was not brought up. Last Christmas they had pork for dinner, but, owing to an unfortunate oversight of the butcher, sufficient allowance was not made for the extra fat of the work in weighing out, so there was a shortage. When the matter was brought under his notice it was too late to do anything to remedy it. The matter was exaggerated by the writer of the article. To say there was only 1½oz was simply ridiculous. There was at least 8oz of meat to each plate. The allegation that there was "nearly 2oz of duff" issued tor dinner was a pure fabrication. There was plenty of plum pudding for all, and the cook asked the man in charge of the messroom if he had plenty as there were 16 puddings still untouched in the kitchen. He was assured, however, that there was sufficient, and the extra puddings were issued on the following day to two infirmary wards. The complaint that "about a three-quarter pint mug full of nauseous moisture officially called beer," was served, Mr. Browne says that the beer was declared by nearly every one to be excellent, and a full pint was issued for each man, and to ensure a full supply an extra quart was put into each bucket. Next day there was sufficient over, as there was every year, to make an extra issue to each of the workers in the wards. This was eagerly availed of, and he heard no remarks about there being anything nauseous in the flavor. Concerning the statement that "recently we have been deprived of our morning ration of treacle," it was said that it was true that there waa no treacle issued for some time, for the simple reason that the Government storekeeper was unable to procure any for them. This was explained to the wardmen at the time. A cask of treacle was received on February 4, and an issue was made on February 6 and February 10, and the old biweekly issue now since was in force. The complaint that a good while ago milk and sugar were docked referred to a matter that occurred on December 31, 1917, when, owing to the scarcity of cow's milk, caused through a big mortality in the milking herd by red-water, and the high price of condensed milk, Dr. Macarthur ordered treacle to be issued for the porridge instead of milk and sugar. So much discontent arose over it that after a 10 days' trial Mr. Browne resumed the issue of milk and sugar. Mr. Browne said he had never attempted to economise at the expense of the inmates, and had always done his best for their comfort. He had, when one line of foodstuffs had risen excessively in price, always tried to get a cheaper, wholesome substitute. Several of the inmates drew his attention to the letter, and assured him that they were not in sympathy with such exaggerated statements.[33]

Response to the previous

DUNWICH MATTERS. "Stradbroke" writes:— "Just a few lines to dispel a few inaccuracies in Mr. R. A. S. Browne's report. For over four years there have been no steaks or chops on Christmas morning. Last Christmas dinner we had pork all right, but in carving for 30 people it was as much as I could do to get 3oz per man out of my Ieg of pork. There was a scarcity at the other end, as several men had absolutely nothing whatever on their plates. The duff was all right, and more than plenty. The cook saw that there was plenty of duff, but he was not responsible for a shortage of pork. The Christmas before last there was any amount of pigs killed, but the inmates sat down to chuck beef on Christmas Day. Can Mr. Browne explain that? While the Government storekeeper was unable to procure molasses there was any quantity of it to be got at various refineries in Queensland. Mr. Browne refers to the docking of sugar and milk, but it was not in December, 1917, it happened long after the mortality amongst the milking herd. No reference is made to the item of £70 odd wasted in polishing a ward floor to please official whims. The less that is said about economising the better, because it has been a continual cut, cut, cut, as far as inmates are concerned. Official salaries are another question. The sympathy offered comes from the wrong quarter. In my view, a good deal of what occurs at Dunwich is used in an attempt to put the Labor party in discredit with the inmates."[34]

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4RB's father as Asylum Steward amongst those welcoming a party of ornithologists to Dunwich

THE BIRDLOVERS. "BEACHCOMBING" WEEKEND. STRADBROKE ISLAND VISITED. Twentysix visiting members of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union, together with half a dozen of their Brisbane friends, spent a most pleasant weekend at Stradbroke Island. Going by train to Cleveland on Friday morning, they were met by Dr. Booth Clarkson, medical superintendent of the Dunwich Benevolent Home, and Miss Clarkson, and taken across to the island in the Government auxiliary launch, Kathoora. There they were received by Mr. R. A. S. Browne, steward at Dunwich, and other officers of the institution, all of whom were assiduous in their attention to the visitors during the whole of their stay. Excellent accomodation was provided within the grounds of the institution. In the afternoon Dr. and Mrs. Booth Clarkson entertained the visitors with a garden party.[35]

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First reference located to date to 4RB's wireless activities

Wïreless Notes and News. By "ANODE." . . . ITEMS ABOUT AMATEURS. . . . Mr. Robt. J. Browne, Church-street, Toowong, writes:— I am herewith forwarding a list of amateurs which have been logged at my station at Toowong. They may be, perhaps, of interest to the readers of the wireless notes which appear in Saturday's "Courier." They are as follows:— New South Wales: 2CM, 2GR, 2CQ, 2HM, 2SO, 2YA, 2RA, 2CR, 2UW, 2YG, 2ZZ, 2FA, 2LO, 2CDM (S.S. Tahiti), also Wireless Supplies, Wagga Wagga, 2BL, (Broadcasters), and 2FC (Farmer's) come in very strong, and can be heard distinctly all over the room from the 'phones alone. Victoria: 3AR, 3BD, 3BH, 3BM, 3BU, 3JU. South Australia: 5BQ. New Zealand: 1YA, (Auckland Broadcasting Service), 1AA, 2AQ, 2AC, 2AD, 2AP, 3AA, 4AA. America (U.S.): 6AGK, 6CGW, 6AHP, 9MC (These stations may be heard working nearly every night especially Sundays, between the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock, between the wave lengths of 150 and 200 metres. 9MC, a Kansas station, seems to come in the strongest.[36]

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1924 07
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1924 08
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4RB reports an extensive log of VK, ZL, W amateur stations

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . ITEMS ABOUT AMATEURS. The following is a list of the stations heard by Mr. R. J. Browne (Toowong) recently:— Queensland: 4EG. New South Wales: 2AR, 2BB, 2BF, 2BM, 2CX, 2DH, 2DK, 2ED, 2GC, 2OI, and in daylight, 2BL, 2BM, 2YG. Victoria: 3CK, 3BQ, 3DB, 3EP, 3GB, 3GQ, 3JS, 3LM, 3TM. South Australia: 5BF, 5WJ. Tasmania: 7AB. New Zealand: 1AO, 2AB, 2AE, 2AR, 2AW, 2BB, 2CB, 2XA, 3AD, 3AL, 4AD, 4AE, 4AG, 4AK, 4AP, 4AR, 2YK. United States of America: 5AJ, 6AUJ, 6CK, 6GT. Mr. Browne also states that the American Station 6CGW may be heard every Sunday, between 6 p.m. and 8.30 p.m., calling CQ (New Zealand) and 2CM (Australia)[37]

4RB exhibits his receiver at the Brisbane Wireless exhibition

ITEMS ABOUT AMATEURS. Major A. Wynyard-Joss's exhibit at the wireless exhibition was most interesting. It consisted of crystal and valve sets constructed with the intention in each case of using as little space as possible. This object was attained as follows: — A crystal set in a signet ring, one in a Barcelona nutshell, one in a walnut shell, one in a matchbox, one in a shaving box, one in a tortoiseshell, and a three-valve set in a beautiful bakelite case which measures 8 x 8 x 2½ inches. Major Joss also exhibited a portable set in a suitcase, and an arrangement for using torchlight batteries as "B" batteries with plugging arrangement to suit the desired anode potential. Mr. L. Pass exhibited at the Wireless Institute Exhibition a three-valve set of the unit system with a home-made loudspeaker. This set was used by the Radio Ramblers on a trip to Redcliffe. Mr. Burton exhibited a loop aerial on which Sydney broadcasting is received. Mr. Gallwav exhibited a set showing the use of crystal rectification with valves. Mr. C. Isles exhibited a five valve set using the tuned anode system of radio frequency amplification with neutralisation. It is claimed of this set that it is quite free from extraneous noises, and gives beautiful signal reception. Mr. R. J. Browne exhibited the set on which KGO Oaklands (California) is heard. Mr. A. F. Scott exhibited the famous neutrodyne circuit. Other exhibitors of home-made sets were Messrs. Stevenson and Whitlam. Mr. P. Shaw, of Goondiwindi, was in town for the Show. Mr. Shaw's wireless set was used by the scientists in connection with the observations of the total eclipse of the sun. The public of Goondiwindi, as an appreciation, have as their objective the collecting of a sum of money that Mr. Shaw may obtain the most modern equipment in wireless, and enable him to carry out further experiments in this fascinating science.[38]

1924 09
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1924 10
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1924 11
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4RB reports a large log of VK, ZL, W stations on 45 metres

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . ITEMS OF INTEREST. . . . Mr. R. J. Browne reports the following list of stations which have been operating around the very short wave length of 45 metres:— Australia, 2CM, 2IJ, 2YI, 2YG, 3JP; New Zealand, 2AC, 2AP, 4AA, 4AK,; U.S.A., 5UK, 6ARB, 6AWT, 6BDT, 6CGO, 6GT, 7BAU. Mr. Browne also remarks that the ether on these ultrashort wave lengths is literally packed with American amateurs, the majority being too weak to unscramble and read through the present summer static. The New Zealanders 2AC, 4AA, and 4AK are at present putting up some excellent records in two-way work with the Americans per medium of these wave lengths. A very noticeable fact is that below 100 metres fading has never been experienced, even with the weakest station yet heard, while static and similar interference is reduced to a minimum.[39]

1924 12
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4RB submits another long list of USA stations heard

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . ITEMS OF INTEREST . . . Mr. R. J. Browne has forwarded another list of DX stations heard between 27/11/24 and 2/12/24, which proves the efficiency of his receiving set and his ability to work it. Mr. Browne is hoping to be "on the air" when the atmospheric conditions clear after the summer months. The list is as follows:— United States: 1KC, 2XQ, 2RK, 4TJ, 4KU, 4FS, 4OA, 5UK, 5NW, 5QY, 5IN, 5AF, 5AJH, 5ZA, 6CEA, 6ADT, 6APK, 6ALK, 6AO, 6LJ 6CVJ, 6ARB, 6AHP, 6AGH, 6CHL, 6CW, 6BQL, and 30 others. Canada: 5ZAI. Unknown: NKF, 6XI, the latter calling ABC de 6XI on December 2, at 7.15 p.m., on 100 metres. All the above were heard on wavelengths below 100 metres.[40]

1925 01
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1925 02
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4RB submits another long list of stations heard on shortwave from VK, ZL, W

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . ITEMS OF INTEREST. Mr. R. J. Brown of Toowong using a modification of the 1BGF low loss tuner, with one stage of radio and one stage of audio frequency, which gives slightly improved efficiency and selectivity over the formerly used single circuit tuner, forwards the following list of stations heard to date from January 15:— Australia.— 2BK, 2CR, 2GQ, 2JS, 2JT, 2WS, 2YI, 2YG, 3BD, 3BM, 3BQ, 3LM, 3JU, 3XO, 5BG, 5LO. New Zealand.— 1AC, 2AC, 2AE, 2AP, 3AD, 3AF, 4AA, 4AG, 4AK. United States:— 1AF, 1KC, 1YZ, 1AJX, 1ARY, 2AG, 2LE, 2RF, 2RK, 4GW, 4SA, 4XE, 5AF, 5CN, 5IN, 5SD, 5UK, 5AFU, 5AKZ, 5AJH, 5CNA, 5APN, 2ZAI, 6AJ, 6AO, 6DH, 6EW, 6LJ, 6NN, 6PL, 6RN, 6TS, 6VC, 6WT, 6ZH, 6ADT, 6AGE, 6AHP, 6AKW, 6AKY, 6ALG, 6ALO, 6ALV, 6AME, 6APK, 6ARB, 6AWT, 6BBV, 6BCL, 6BRA, 6BUR, 6CCK, 6CDP, 6CGK, 6CGW, 6CHL, 6CJV, 6CLP, 6CNL, 6CQE, 6CTO, 6DON, 6KCL, 6ZAK, 7FQ, 7GM, 7LR, 7LS, 7PM, 7ACM, 7AFN, 8CY, 8PL, 8BAU, 8DOO, 9HK, 9QW, 9XI, 9ZB, 9ZT, 9AGL, 9AUS, 9AXS, 9AZP, 9BCJ, 9BMX, 9BVY, 9CEA, 9CFI, 9CJC, 9CUI, 9CVK, 9CXC, 9CXX, 9CYX, 9DMO, 9DUN, 9OJC. Canada.— 3XN.[41]

1925 03
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4RB submits another long list of stations heard from USA and worldwide

ITEMS OF INTEREST. Mr. R. J. Browne, of Church-street, Toowong, forwards the following list of stations heard to date from 4/2/'25:— U.S.A.: 1AF, 1CMP, 1BV, 1RR, 2AG, 2RK, 2BY, 2PR, 2BGI, 2AAY, 2AWF, 2GK, 3CHG, 4SA, 4XE, 5UK, 5AFU, 5AKN, 5OV, 5OX, 5ATH, 5AC, 5LS, 5ATX, 6BCP, 6AHP, 6BQL, 6CTO, 6AWT, 6CGW, 6RN, 6BUR, 6BNR, 6BVE, 6XP, 6UA, 6EA, 6BPF, 6OI, 6APH, 6JP, 6AC, 6CTY, 6CBB, 6KM, 6ADD, 6CGC, 6BDV, 6WP, 6CKF, 6DIS, 6EB, 6CSO, 6ALF, 6KB, 6AN, 6XAD, 7FQ, 7UP, 7DF, 7ABB, 7MF, 7ZN, 8PL, 8BAU, 8CWU, 8AVD, 8CBP, 9XI, 9ZT, 9BYV, 9CXC, 9CGN, 9CUI, 9MM, 9BWU, 9CPM, 9PH, 9DAT, 9ON, also GNQ. Mexico: 1B ("One B"). Argentina: NF4. Great Britain: 2LZ, 2OD, 2SH, GHH. Unknown: HVA, 1RB, 1GC, 1X.[42]

1925 04
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4RB now on air

RADIO TOPICS. . . . By "LISTENER," Written for "The Telegraph" . . . 4RB is a new station, which is being heard in the air. Evidently he is out in an endeavour to reach New Zealand, America, or England, judging by the way he tacks the word "Australia", on to the end of his calls.[43]

1925 05
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The Daily Standard a little late in announcing the issue of 4RB's licence

WIRELESS. BY "LOUD SPEAKER" . . . Wireless Circles. . . . Two new transmitting licences have been issued in Queensland. One to 4HB, H. E. Baker, Gowrie Station, Charleville, who has been heard in the air on about 150 metres, and 4RB, R.J. Brown, Toowong, who has not yet commenced operating.[44]

Now licensed, 4RB oversighting shortwave experimental transmissions by 4AE and thereby revealed as a long-term member of WIAQ

CLUB ACTIVITIES. WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND DIVISION. The usual weekly experimental transmission was carried out on Tuesday evening. Much pleasure was derived by listening-in from the mandolin and violin playing by Messrs. Howlis and Maloney. Many complimentary reports have been received from Queensland and New South Wales experimenters giving information which will be of great assistance in the further improvement of the station. After 10 p.m., and on Friday last, the short wave transmitter was used, and some very interesting results achieved. This part of the experimental work is under the guidance of Mr. R. Brown, better known to experimenters as 4RB.[45]

4RB announced as recently on air and station is briefly described together with long list of stations worked (rather than logged)

ITEMS OF INTEREST. STATION 4RB. 4RB is a new experimental station recently heard on the air. This station is owned and operated by Mr. R. J. Browne, of Church-street, Toowong. Although having been on the air for only a few weeks, several interstate amateurs and one New Zealander have been worked. The power input is approximately 5 watts, with a plate potential of 220 volts. A 201A receiving tube is used as an oscillator, while the working wave length is 90 metres. The circuit used is the well-known three coil Meissner, utilising a periodic aerial tuning. Reports have been received from Northern Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, all reporting signals easily readable. Reports from South Australia state that the strength is very good and much louder than any other Queensland station, while reports from Victoria and a few other Southern stations show that the strength is not so good. The following stations have been worked since 20/4/25:— New South Wales: 2HM, 2HT, 2YI, 2EM, 2RJ, 2WS, 2BV, 2ZN, 2GC, 2GR, 2UI, 2YX. Victoria: 3BD, 3EM. New Zealand: 1AA (Auckland). The receiver in use is the 1MO low loss type. DX now includes 300 Americans (all districts, including Alaska, Hawaii, and Samoa), Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Great Britain, Mesopotamia, French Indo-China (HVA), Japan (JMJX), and all districts New Zealand and Australia.[46]

Telegraph Radio Topics re-announces 4RB as a new station

THE WORLD'S DOINGS. NOTES FROM EVERYWHERE. . . . Heard on the air lately is 4RB, a new amateur station, owned and worked by Mr. R. J. Browne, of Church street, Toowong. He is using 5 watts with a plate potential of 220 volts. The station is operated on a wavelength of 90 metres, and has been heard in all the southern States.[47]

4RB included as heard by Tas ham Crosby Walsh 7CW

CALLS HEARD. Amateur on Low Waves. The following list of amateur stations heard during the past few weeks is supplied by Mr. Crosby Walsh:— Tasmania. 7CS, 7AA, 7JB, 7AB, 7BN. Victoria. 3HL, 3TM, 3PM, 3LM, 3OT, 3BD, 3SR, 3HH, 3EM, 3AP, 3HL, 3EA, 3BQ, 3XO. New South Wales. 2FA, 2ST, 2AT, 2NM, 2GM, 2GC, 2YG, 2IJ, 2YK, 2YI, 2YB, 2JT, 2RK, 2JM, 2LM, 2ZN, 2CM, 2DS, 2SM, 2CX, 2BX. South Australia. 5BA, 5AC. Queensland. 4AA, 4RB, 4CM. West Australia. 6BS, 6RW, 6BF. All the above stations transmit on a wave of approximately 80 metres. Some of the stations work on telephony, others on Morse alone. Reports of the above nature should be addressed to "Amplex," c/o "News," Davey-street, Hobart.[48]

4RB gets slapped on the wrist for calling CQ too frequently, notes note yet on voice

BRISBANE STATIONS. . . . 4RB (Toowong) has developed the habit of calling CQ every few minutes. The regulations say the call should be repeated every 15 minutes. The sta-tion has not been heard on voice yet, but it is hoped that in the near future his voice will be heard on the air.[49]

Query from reader as to identity of 4RB, obviously being heard in Barcaldine by 4HR

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . TO CORRESPONDENTS. . . . C.T.H., Barcaldine.— . . . 4RB is R. J. Browne, Church-street, Toowong, Brisbane.[50]

1925 06
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4RB works 2UI Illawarra Radio Club in broad daylight

ITEMS OF INTEREST. . . . Mr. R. J. Browne, of Church-street, Toowong, owner of Experimental Station 4RB, reports:— On Sunday, May 31, two-way working was effected with 2UI, the Illawarra Radio Club, Sydney, in broad daylight, at 11 a.m. and again at 3 p.m. 2UI reported 4RB's signals easily readable at both times, although considerable difficulty was experienced in receiving 2UI here owing to fading and bad interference from nearby oscillating receivers. The power input at 4RB was 5 watts, while the wavelength was 85 metres. 2UI was working with 15 watts, and on 88 metres. It is believed that this is the first interstate daylight communication established on 85 metres using powers below 25 watts. On Monday, June 1, at 10 p.m., with an input of between 2 and 3 watts, using, 160 volts on the plate of one 201A receiving valve, 1AK, Mr. Claxton, at Thames, New Zealand, was worked. 1AK reported as follows:— "Your signals are strong, steady, and easy to copy." Thirty-seven Australian stations from New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia, and also six New Zealanders, have been worked to date. Tests have been tried between 35 and 40 metres, results, however, being practically nil.[51]

Skip effect on 40 metres illustrated by 4RB's weak reception of 4AN while distant stations report strong

ITEMS OF INTEREST. . . . STATION 4AN. Station 4AN is now working on a wave-length of 37 metres. On this wave-length no difficulty is experienced in working Sydney, Melbourne, and New Zealand stations at any time of the day or night. Z1AX (Mr. Orbell, of Tearoha, near Auckland, New Zealand) has been worked several times when it has been broad day-light both in Australia and New Zealand, and tests are carried out with Sydney stations every Sunday, commencing at about 12.30 p.m., the power input being 17 watts. A remarkable feature of these short-wave signals is that they frequently are re-ceived with greater intensity by distant stations than by stations in the same locality as the transmitter. For instance, 4RB (Toowong) reports 4AN's 40-metre signals "weak," while New South Wales, Victorian, and New Zealand stations re-port very strong." Some American amateur stations on 40 metres are received at loud speaker strength using twovalves, while several can be heard without either aerial or earth.[52]

1925 07
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4RB logged by 4AW while o a Toombul Radio Club field day at Woody Point

CLUB ACTIVITIES. . . . TOOMBUL RADIO CLUB. The general meeting of the Toombul Radio Club was held at Mr. Walz's residence, Nundah, on June 30. There was a good attendance of members and visitors. It was decided that a series of lectures be inaugurated, and the following roster was arranged:— July 14, "Low Loss Apparatus," by Mr. Starkie; July 28, "Batteries," by Mr. Walz; August 11, "The Valve," by Mr. Vining; August 25, "Aerials and Earths," by Mr. Costin. During last weekend a party from the club conducted an experimental trip to Woody Point. The results of these trips are proving very beneficial and interesting to its participants. Using a PI low loss set owned by Mr. Walz, the following stations on wavelength between 20 and 90 metres were logged:— Australia:— 2BB, 2GQ, 2ZN, 3EF, 3BD, 3YY, 3AD, 4CM, 4RB, and 7AA. New Zealand.— 2AC, 1FQ, 3AL, 2AE, 4AG, 2BX, 4AR, 1AO. U.S.A.— 5OX, 9DED, 9AKF, 6AWT, 1FX, KIO, and KEL. Germany.— A station on 20 metres. Experiments were also tried on the boat from Woody Point to Sandgate. Using no aerials or earth. 2CM and 2Yl were logged. The same experiment was carried out in the train.[53]

Another new transmitting licence holder, 7PF soon reports 4RB from Launceston, Tas

The RADIO WORLD. WEEKLY WIRELESS JOTTINGS. CONDUCTED BY "GRID LEAK." . . . WIRELESS NOTES. 7PF. Mr Phillip Fysh, the owner and operator of Station 7PF, although only been in operation for a fortnight, has made a name for himself in all States and New Zealand. At the present time he is only using about 200 volts DC, the source of supply being obtained from dry batteries. The input at this station at the present time is 6 watts and uses two 2 UV201A valves in parallel. In the course of two or three weeks. Mr Fysh hopes to have installed the dynamo imported by him in operation, and when the "juice" from this source is switched on there should be something doing in DX work. It is Mr Fysh's ambition for his sigs to reach America, and in this I wish him luck and hope that it will not be very long before his ambition is reached. The following is a list of stations worked by Mr Fysh since he received his transmitting licence a fortnight ago:— N.S.W.— 2GW, 2JM, 2 EC, 2JS, and 2ZN. Victoria.— 3LP, 3YY, 3SL, 3UI, 3 BP, and 3AD. South Australia.— 5BD, 5RG. Queensland.— 4RB. Tasmania.— 7GD, 7JB, 7BH, 7CS, 7BQ. Reports have been received from Western Australia and N.Z. that his sigs are very loud in those places.[54]

4RB noted in Telegraph column as being on air occasionally with low power

BRISBANE NOTES. . . . 4RB (Toowong) is heard on. the air oc-casionally on low power.[55]

1925 08
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4RB included in a list of Qld & NG transmitters

QUEENSLAND AND NEW GUINEA TRANSMITTING LICENSES. . . . 4RB Browne, R. J., Church-st., Toowong.[56]

4RB included in a schedule of the prominent amateur broadcasters of Brisbane, and station operating nearly every night

BROADCASTING IN AUSTRALIA. 2FC (Sydney), wave length 1100 metres.— Daily, except Sundays: 10.15 to 11 a.m.; 12.30 to 2 p.m.; 3 to 4 p.m.; 6.30 to 7.30 p.m.; 8 to 10 p.m. or later. Sundays: Usually 3 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m. 2BL (Sydney), wave length 350 metres. Daily, except Sundays: 8 to 9 a.m.; 10.30 to 11.45 a.m.; noon to 2 p.m.; 3 to 5 p.m.; 6.30 to 7.45 p.m.; 8 to 10 p.m. or later. Sundays: 7 to 10 p.m. 3LO (Melbourne), wave length 371 metres.— Daily, except Sundays: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; 2 to 5.15 p.m.; 6 to 7.30 p.m.; 8 to 10.30 p.m. Sundays: 3 to 4 p.m.; 7 to 10 p.m. 3AR (Melbourne), wave length 480 metres.— Daily, except Sundays: 11 a.m. to noon; 3 to 4 p.m.; 7 to 10 p.m. Sundays: 3 to 4 p.m.: 7 to 9.30 p.m. 5CL (South Australia), 395 metres, Monday evenings: 5CL (South Australia), 325 metres; 6WF (Perth), 1250 metres; 1YA (Auckland), 260 metres. 4CM (Brisbane), testing hours nightly (intermittently) between 7 and 10 o'clock, on 330 metres. Sundays: Between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Brisbane (metropolitan) amateur stations may be heard at various times, the more definite of which are as follows:— 4AE (Wireless Institute, Queensland Division, Brisbane), Tuesday, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. 4CW at frequent intervals during the week, also on Sunday morning. 4AN may be frequently heard testing on short wave length. No definite time. 4RB nearly every night (from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.); short wave lengths.[57]

1925 09
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4RB reported as doing good work by Qld correspondent

WIRELESS IN QUEENSLAND. (From Our Queensland Radio Correspondent.) The static has begun to wake up at last here, and reception is getting more and more painful in consequence. Some of the enthusiasts have been busy up here. 4AN has been working the sec-ond, third, and sixth districts, and works the Zs in daylight regularly. He has got Marcuse fairly well on 'phone. 4AN, has only used Phillips tubes rated at 14 watts. 4RB and 4CM have also been doing good work. Have any of the amateurs in Tasmania got them? Since 4QG has been putting forth music into the static-laden ether the dealers in radio apparatus have been doing a roar-ing trade. Next door to me is a fellow with a six-tube set, and the distortion he gets is terrible. One can hear his speaker afar off. There are five other sets within 100 yards of me. This will show how thick the listeners-in are here. KGO comes in well with a stage of radio - frequency amplification and a detector, and JKAA (or J4AA) who is a Japanese at Osaka, comes in the former on 361 and the latter on 380 metres quite well here. I have been getting a South African (call sign un-known, who has been coming in on 400 metres between 2 and 4 a.m. I do not know who this is, but I think it is Durban, whose wave is 400 metres.[58]

1925 10
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4RB in charge of WIAQ official traffic between all the divisions of the WIA in Australia

CLUB ACTIVITIES. . . . WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA, QUEENSLAND DIVISION. Last night saw the inauguration of direct traffic between official amateur stations in Australia when 2WI was in touch with the divisions in other States. Mr. Ross Hull (Federal Executive secretary handled the Sydney business, while for Brisbane 4RB was the official in charge. Advice was received that "Radio Broadcast" will be sent free to all financial members of this division. The static tests now being conducted by the New South Wales division are to be extended to cover the whole Commonwealth. Forms will be available next week to any wishing to assist the New South Wales division tests. The advisability of using the kilocycle or frequency rating instead of the usual metre or wave lengths rating is being stressed, and it is urged that Amateurs in this State should use and encourage the use of this frequency rating. Morse practice is held on Friday evening from 8 o'clock. All members are welcome. Short lectures are being arranged by Mr. Frank Sharpe (4AZ) dealing with subjects of the AOP certificate examination. Mr Dutton, hon. secretary, Courier Building, will supply application forms and give all information desired in connection with the work of the institute.[59]

4RB included in a list of stations worked by 4HR (C. Hobler, Barcaldine)

ITEMS OF INTEREST. Mr. C. Hobler (A4HR, Barcaldine) reports during the last month having worked the following stations using 3 watts input at 250 volts:— Australia: 2HM, 2RD, 2EC, 2HR, 2NS, 3PJ, 3QH, 3BK, 3RW, 5BD, 5LF, 5MA, 5WW, 6CL, 7OM. New Zealand: 1AA. Stations which have been worked previously are 2UI, 3LM, 3BP, 4WB, 4RB, 4KR, 8AC (portable). Mr. Hobler's reception includes all the Australian and New Zealand districts, America (U.S.A. and Canada), France, Japan, and Honolulu, and he adds: "Wish the 4's (Queensland) would wake up and do a bit of working. Conditions at night for DX are now very good, and would be pleased to conduct tests on 70 to 100 metres."[60]

The Telegraph correspondent seems to think 4RB not doing much at present

SHORT WAVE WORK. 4CM'S ACTIVITIES. At 1.30 a.m. last Sunday 4CM (Preston House) was heard in communication with GBUD (the motor liner Aorangi), whose position was then midway between Australia and New Zealand. 4CM's wavelength was 37 metres. The ship used 34 metres. It is understood that 4CM is testing with this ship, whilst it is en route to U.S.A. The Aorangi is the largest motor liner afloat. At 2 a.m. the same day 4CM was in communication with 6AKE (Los Angeles, U.S.A.). After half an hour's communication 6AKE closed down. From 3.30 a.m. to 5 a.m. 4CM was heard calling England on 35 metres, but communication was not established. The operator says that nothing prevents him establishing a two-way conversation. It is only an opportunity that is wanted. 4AN (Greenslopes) has been closed down for the last two weeks, but Mr. Gibson contemplates increasing his power to 250 watts in the near future. 4RB (Mr. Browne, Toowong), 4AZ (Mr. Sharpe, Clayfield), and 4CW (Mr. Buck, Geebung) are not doing much these days. Has their enthusiasm waned, or have they been caught up in the broadcasting wave of popularity? The experimental operator of 2CM (Sydney) is aboard the Aorangi on his way to New Zealand, and on Sunday afternoon he was heard calling G2OD, using the ship's short wave transmitter. On Sunday, when he was talking to 4CM, he remarked that the local interference was terrific.[61]

1925 11
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4RB participates in an investigation of propagation between Brisbane and Toowoomba, as Brisbane transmitter on 90 metres

SCREENING EFFECT. A RADIO INVESTIGATION. On Saturday and Sunday next an attempt will be made to locate a screening effect noticed in radio transmission between Brisbane and Toowoomba. The The Wireless Institute, the organisers of the attempt, are sending from Brisbane three cars equipped with the necessary apparatus. At Ipswich they will be reinforced with members of the Ipswich Radio Club. The first stop will be at Rosewood, but the important work will, it is anticipated, be done from the first gate on the Liverpool Range. Camp will be made there and the transmitting station set up, while the cars go ahead, over the range. On Sunday morning, camp will be broken and a move made to Gatton, Helidon, and Withcott, at each of which places tests will be made. At Withcott the party will be met by the Toowoomba Radio Club, members of which are taking great interest in the trip. The call sign of the portable station is 4AZ, in charge of Mr. F. V. Sharpe, and the following stations are specially transmitting for the test: 4AN and 4CM on 35 metres, 4RB and 4WB on 90 metres, 4CK and 4CF on 100 to 200 metres. Copies of schedule and log will be furnished to all interested on application to the acting hon. secretary of the Wireless Institute at Clock House, Elizabeth Street. Completed logs should be returned as soon as possible after Sunday.[62]

As previous

WIRELESS EXPERIMENT. Wireless enthusiasts have been baffled through the fact that transmission between Toowoomba and Brisbane has not been of the standard that might be expected for the distance. It is stated that at Gatton and other centres on the other side of the Liverpool Range difficulty is experienced in "picking up" Brisbane stations. With a view to locating this screening effect, a novel and interesting experiment is to be carried out during this weekend. Three cars fitted with wireless receiving and transmission apparatus, in charge of members of the Wireless Institute (Brisbane), will leave Brisbane early on Saturday afternoon, and will be joined in this city by members of the Ipswich Radio Club. Experiments will be made at Rosewood between 4 and 5 o'clock. From 5.45 to 9 o'clock, special transmission and receiving experiments will be made at the first gate on the Liverpool Range. Later in the night, a special experiment will be made in a car travelling over tle range. On Sunday further experiments will be carried out at Gatton, Helidon, and at Withcott. The portable station — 4AZ — will transmit on 40 to 90 metres. Other stations which will transmit for the purpose of experimenting will be — 4AN (Brisbane), 35 metres; 4CM (Brisbane), 35 metres; 4CF (Toowoomba), 190 metres; 4CK (Toowoomba) 100 to 150 metres; 4WB (Toowoomba), 90 metres; 4RB (Brisbane), 90 metres. The co-operation of amateurs is sought. Log sheets may be obtained from Mr. S. Aspinall.[63]

Post-mortem of the trip to Toowoomba

WIRELESS TEST. COUNTRY VISIT. OPEN-AIR EXPERIMENT. With a view to obtaining scientific data and in an attempt to solve the problem of the phenomenal weak reception of 4QG and amateurs in Toowoomba, the Queensland section of the Wireless Institute of Australia organised a research trip from Brisbane by car to Ipswich and Toowoomba last Saturday. The party of nine in three cars consisted of Messrs. Lawton (president), Jackson, Burt, Sharpe, Williams, Coey, Stevenson, Barnes, and Grant. The apparatus carried consisted of two transmitting sets, one 30 metres and one 200 metres; two 35-metre receivers, one 90-150 metres, all two valve sets, and two 4 to 5 valve broadcast receivers. The aerials carried were on two telescopic masts, 25ft. high, the main span, 70ft. being used for long wave work, whilst a down lead of 35ft from one mast was used for short wave work, and one for 90-150 metres from the other mast. Leaving Brisbane shortly after lunch, the party arrived at Ipswich on time, and were met by the members of the local cluti. As there was no car available for the latter they were unable to join up with the Brisbane party, as had been intended. RECEIVING ELECTION RESULTS. Leaving Ipswich 10 minutes late the party eventually arrived at Rosewood half an hour behind schedule. Owing to the bad condition of the road this delay could not be avoided, and cars kept mainly to the corduroy to avoid being bogged. The latter plan, although the wisest, had disastrous effects on the sensitive instruments carried. Base headquarters were established in the State schoolgrounds at Rosewood, masts erected, and several stations were "logged." Dismantling the apparatus, the party then travelled to the Little Liverpool Range, erected masts and pitched camp for the night. Here several stations were received, principally from experimenters in Brisbane, co-operating with the party. Broadcasting was received from the Brisbane station (4QG) and Sydney (2BL). The election results in no small way helped to relieve the monotony. The first successful test was accomplished here when the party were enabled to hear 4CF, a Toowoomba amateur's 'phone coming through perfectly. . An attempt was made to establish communication with both transmitting sets, 35 and 200 metres, but owing to work being carried out in the open with dew falling, little or no results were obtained. RECEIVING AMATEURS. An early start was made on Sunday morning, and the party was successful in working both Brisbane and Toowoomba amateurs. The best results were obtained with the 35 metre set. At 10.30 a.m. the party went on to Laidley, one car going to Helidon. Reception at both places was excellent, communication being established with Brisbane and Toowoomba amateurs. The results of the various "logs," both by the actual party and the amateurs co-operating with them, will be examined at the next meeting of the institute; when the members will have some idea as to the solving of the phenomena. Owing to the roads being in such a bad condition the party were unable to complete their programme. But the experience will be a guide to future experiments, and the members are to be congratulated upon the spirit with which they entered into the undertaking. Special mention should be made of stations 4AN, 4RB, and 4CM, Brisbane amateurs, and 4CF, Toowoomba, whose able assistance tended in a great measure to the success of the trip.[64]

4RB working all States and participates in duplex work with 3PX in Melbourne

ITEMS OF INTEREST. Mr. R. J. Browne (4RB) reports the following list of stations worked at 4RB for the month ended November 11:— On 35 metres: 2SW, 2YI, 3BM; on 85 metres Queensland, 4HR; New South Wales 2HK, 2RC, 2XI, 2SS. 2NS, 2RD, 2GT; Victoria, 3YY, 3JS, 3XF, 3PJ, 3RW, 3BH, 3JR, 3CB, 3PX (duplex); South Australia, 5RK, 5WW; West Australia, 6AM; Tasmania, 7GD, 7BQ; New Zealand, 1FO. On Monday, November 9, at 12.30 a.m. a two-way c.w. duplex communication was established with 3PX (Mr. N. S. Taylor, St. Kilda, Victoria). Only one aerial was in use at each end, the receiver being operated with only the ground connection. A reliable "break-in" conversation was maintained for quite a long period until, owing to the lateness of the hour, it was necessary to close down. The power input at 4RB is now from two to three watts with a plate voltage of 150, on one UV 201A tube, radiating 150 to 200 milliamps in the aerial on 85 metres and 100-150 mills. on 35.[65]

1925 12
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1926 01
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4RB continues to be listed as one of Brisbane's regular broadcasters

FOR WIRELESS ENTHUSIASTS. . . . 4CM (Brisbane), testing hours nightly (intermittently) between 7 and 10 o'clock, on 330 metres. Sundays: Between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. 4GR (Toowoomba), 294 metres. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays, 6.30-10.15; Saturdays, 7 to 7.30. Brisbane (metropolitan) amateur stations may be heard at various times, the more definite of which are as follows: 4AE (Wireless Institute, Queensland Division, Brisbane), Tuesday, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. 4CW at frequent intervals during the week, and also on Sunday morning. 4AN may be frequently heard testing on short wave length; No definite time. 4RB, nearly every night (from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.); short wave lengths.[66]

4RB submits a comprehensive log of his activities over the past month and provides details of his transmitting set

ITEMS OF INTEREST. STATION 4RB. Amateur station 4RB, owned and operated by R. J. Browne, Church-street, Toowong, Brisbane, has worked the following stations during this month on 35 metres:— New South Wales.— 2MH, 2CG, 2LK, 2GQ. Victoria.— 3JP, 3LP, 3BL. South Australia.— 5AY. West Australia.— 6AM, 6MU, 6LS, VHM. New Zealand.— 2AQ, 4AC. United States.— 6CLP (Empire, California), 6AIV (Santa Barbara, Calif.), 6HM (Los Angeles, Calif.). The power input at 4RB now varies from 15 to 20 watts on 33-37 metres. A UV202 five watt tube is used in a coupled Hartley circuit, with 400 volts R.A.C. on plate. Radiation is generally between .2 and .4 amps. Some very fine work is being done for the power used. When U-6HM, Los Angeles, was worked on January 19, at 2 a.m., communication was held for nearly an hour, when both the American's and 4RB's signals began to fade. 6HM remarked, at 2 a.m., that his time was 8 a.m., and the sun had been up for over an hour, this meaning that nearing the end of the conversation signals were travelling through about 2000 miles of daylight. 6HM reported 4RB's signals strength R4, steady, and easy to read. On Wednesday, January 20, at 2.15 a.m., a station signing "FI-8LBT" called 4RB, who had previously answered an American cruiser anchored off Manila, Philippine Islands. The cruiser, however, did not reply, but 8LBT was heard, using "FI" as his intermediate. After calling for five minutes he added the following message:- "Your signals strength R5." When 4RB changed over to acknowledge the filament of his transmitting tube, unfortunately, burned out, thus putting the transmitter out of action. 4RB will be very pleased if any reader could supply the name and address of the owner of the above station. The station is believed to be in the Formosa Island, 4500 miles to the north of Brisbane.[67]

1926 02
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4RB is first in Queensland to establish two-way communication with England on low power

WIRELESS WONDER. TWO-WAY TALK WITH ENGLAND. On Saturday last at 1.30 a.m. the first two-way communication between England and Queensland was established by amateur radios, A—4RB, owned and operated by Mr. R. J. Browne, Toowong, Brisbane, and G— 2DX, Mr. W. K. Alford, Camberley, Surrey, England. The Englishman reported 4RB's signals of good readable strength (R4). It is believed that this is an Australian record for the power used, as 4RB, at the time was working on only a five watt tube with an input of 18 to 20 watts. He has also maintained reliable communication with several other countries, including Philippine Islands, French Indo-China, Japan, Singapore, Hawaii, and the United States.[68]

1926 03
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4RB works the great 7LJ, Lon Jensen in West Devonport, Tas

COASTAL STATION. Stations Received and Worked. ON SINGLE VALVE RECEIVER. THE operator of radio station A7LJ, Mr. L. R. Jensen, Middle Road, West Devonport, forwards a copy of stations logged during the period December 25, 1925, to January 31, 1926, inclusive: Stations Received (All on single valve receiver): Australia: 2CG, 2WI, 2JR, 2BW, 2HR, 2SS, 2HM, 2EC, 2LM, 2DG, 2NS, 2BY, 2OG, 2JT, 2RJ, 2JW, 2CX, 2GC, 2IJ, 2OD, 2WH, 2MH, 2ZN, 2RD, 2UI, 2OB, 3JR, 3OG, 3OT, 3AU, 3VP, 3UI, 3KB, 3EF, 3LP, 3BM, 3JK, 3JR, 3BD, 3CB, 3JS, 3HL, 3JP, 3BL, 3GM, 3EL, 3YM, 6AM, 6AG, 4RB, 4BR, 4CM, 5DM, 5RM, 5BD, 5WW, 5BF, 5DX, 5HM, 5RK, 5AM, 5BF, 5AH, 5AY, 5DA, 5BG, 5RC, 7DX, 7WT, 7OM, 7WI, 7BQ, 7BC, 7CS, 7GD, 7GH, N.Z., 2AQ, 1AX, 1AQ, 1AF. Miscellaneous: K1O, W1Z, GDVB, KEL, K1ONS, VIT, NEQQ, NPM, Phillipines Is., 1HR. Stations Worked: 2HM, 2WH, 2LM, 2MH, 3AU, 3CB, 3LP, 3BQ, 3EL, 4RB, 5RG, 5BD, 5RK, 5AM, 5BF, 6AM, 7DX, 7WT, 7BQ, 7WI, 7CS, 7GD, 7OM, 7BC, 3JP, 2DG, N.Z., 1AF. All the stations were logged on wavelengths less than 100 metres, the majority being on 80 metres.[69]

1926 04
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4RB continues to be listed as one of Brisbane's regular amateur broadcasters

FOR WIRELESS ENTHUSIASTS. . . . Brisbane (metropolitan) amateur stations may be heard at various times, the more definite of which are as follows:— 4AE (Wireless Institute, Queensland Division, Brisbane), Tuesday, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. 4CW at frequent Intervals during the week, and also on Sunday morning. 4AN may be frequently heard testing on short wave length. No definite time. 4RB, nearly every night (from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.); short wave lengths.[70]

4RB to conduct one hour weekly of slow Morse transmission for the WIAQ

CLUB ACTIVITIES. . . . WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA, Q'LAND DIVISION. A special general meeting will be held on Wednesday next, at 8 p.m., in the Institute rooms, Courier Building, and the attendance of every member is specially requested to consider a motion passed at a meeting of the council which was not fully attended. The transmission of Morse instruction will commence on Wednesday week. It is proposed to give an hour or so every week of slow Morse. 4RB (Mr. R. Browne, of DX fame) will be in charge of transmission, which will be on a wave length to be announced later. Nominations for officers for 1926 should be in the hands of the secretary as soon as possible to permit of a list being forwarded to every member. The shortwave set still is working satisfactorily, although one of the tubes "went west" this week after 10 months' use. Considering the usual life of 202's, this is most satisfactory. Permission is being sought for the increase of power for short-wave working to 150 watts, and a big "bottle" has been offered to the division when this is obtained. The 4's are not showing the interest of the other States in traffic working, and all new or old transmitters are asked to notify the the hon. secretary of their desire to get this scheme going in Queensland. Unless the transmitters are willing to fall in, it is not much use making arrangements for relays.[71]

1926 05
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Rockhampton journalist notes 4RB "continues to work the globe on his long 202"

DX NOTES. . . . 4RB still works the globe on his long 202. His note now resembles direct current, and although RAC is just as good as a generator or battery supply.[72]

1926 06
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1926 07
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Rockhampton journalist notes that 4RB not heard for weeks

DX NOTES. At last Queensland stations are waking up and several new Bananalanders have been heard lately. . . . 4GO has been testing telephony, although his wave is a bit rough for this work. 4RB has not been heard for weeks. The Toowoomba hams are dead again. . . .[73]

1926 08
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1926 09
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1926 10
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1926 11
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1926 12
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4RB's father captains the local team at a competition played at the Stradbroke Island Golf links (at the Asylum)

GOLF. Around the Clubs. . . . By "PLUS." A pleasant weekend was spent by a party of Brisbane golfers last week at the little known golf links on Stradbroke Island, under the leadership of Dr. Robert Thompson. They were the guests of the Stradbroke Golf Club, and several competitions were arranged for their entertainment during their short stay on the Island. The party motored to Cleveland, and the trip across the bay, calling at Peel Island, was made in glorious weather. The 9 holes course is delightfully situated, each, hole giving a different view of Moreton Bay. Nearly every hole has good natural hazards, and the fifth — a short one — is one of the best that could be imagined. The greens though small are of good couch grass and play quite smoothly. The excellent state of the course and the progress in actual play made by many of the members, almost all beginners, are due as usual to the untiring efforts of one enthusiastic golfer. In the case of Stradbroke this golfer is Mr. H. Jordan who was associated with the Brisbane Golf Club in its earliest Chelmer days. In a match played by the visitors against the local club the results were as follow:— STRADBROKE. BRISBANE. H. Jordan 0 R. S. Gibson 1 A. G. McPhall 1 J. E. Neal 0 G. Houston 0 R. Thompson 1 lselin 0 J. Alexander 1 Bradbury 0 Eales 1 R. A. S. Browne 1 Cribb 0 2 4 A mixed foursome handicap was also played and at the conclusion of the games Dr. R. Thompson, on behalf of the visitors, thanked the hosts for their welcome, and remarked upon the wonderful improvement made in the links during the past few months, this being almost entirely due to the work of Mr. Jordan, whom he remembered at Chelmer links about 30 years ago. He considered the Island Club very lucky to possess such a capable player, and the progress made by many of the members showed him to be a good teacher. The Stradbroke captain, Mr. R. A. S. Brown said they were delighted with the visit and hoped it would be the means of inducing other Brisbane enthusiasts to come along. The occasional presence of metropolitan golfers was good for the game and local players benefited by watching the methods of such experienced players.[74]

4RB has applied for his WAC (Worked All Continents) certificate

DX NOTES. . . . Australian signals are reaching out well, being reported at good strength all over the globe. 4RB has now worked all continents and is applying for his W.A.C. (worked all continents) certificate. He is the first Queenslander to communicate with all continents and is either the first in Australia or very near so to be the happy holder of this fine achievement. Congratulations 4RB O.M. Mars is the next stop. lt is interesting to note that, in spite of the very excellent work done by 4RB, his power input has never often exceeded 50 watts input, and, in fact, most of his work has been done with a 7½ watt tube and a perspiring 5 watts.[75]

1927 01
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1927 02
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1927 03
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1927 04
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1927 05
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4RB a foundation member (and committee member) of the Queensland Radio Transmitters' League (which group a response to the problems within the WIAQ), membership restricted to licensed transmitters

RADIO TRANSMITTERS AMATEUR LEAGUE FORMED. Amateur radio transmitters have banded themselves together in order that their position may be improved. Their organisation is called the Queensland Radio Transmitters League. A uniform log book will be kept by members, and tests carried out periodically. Contact with amateurs outside the State and in the United States, will be established, and an international friendship made. It is stated that apart from the benefit which the members themselves will enjoy, the object of the league does not lose sight of any advancement which the experimenter or ordinary broadcast listener may desire to make. With this object in view, the league is organising a series of lectures which will be held at the headquarters of the various radio clubs, the subjects covering radio in all its phases. It is emphasised that in time of stress the value of such an organisation will be fully appreciated. Co-operation with naval, military, and commercial points should facilitate communication. The membership of the league includes most of the amateur transmitters in the State. The ofilcials are: President, Mr. M. O'Brien, call 4MM; secretary, Mr. L. Feenaughty, call 4LJ; treasurer, Mr. C. H. Gold, call 4CG; committee, Messrs. A. Walz, call 4AW; and R. Browne, call 4RB. Mr. T. Elliott (4CM) and C. H. Gold (4CG) are international publicity officers, their duties being to establish and maintain contact at all times with members of the American Radio Relay League. Meetings are held on alternate Fridays at the transmitting station of Mr. T. Elliott (4CM), Observatory tower at 7.30 p.m., where all transmitting license holders are welcome.[76]

As previous

NEW AMATEUR BODY. QUEENSLAND RADIO TRANSMITTERS' LEAGUE. To the man in the street the activities of the Amateur Radio Transmitters (familiarly known as "Hams") are little known. A large number of these "Hams" has worked more or less aimlessly, but efficiently, up to the present. This condition will not persist for very long, as several local "Hams" have banded themselves in order that their position may be bettered, and conditions of working between "Ham" and "Ham" improved and brought to a sound, business-like standard. Their energies will be concentrated in one direction and for the ultimate benefit of all. A uniform log book will be kept by members and tests carried put periodically. Contact with amateurs outside the State and in the United States will be established, and an international friendship made which will naturally assist two great continents more readily to understand each other. Apart from the benefit which the members themselves will enjoy, the league does not lose sight of any advancement which the expert theater or ordinary broadcast listener may desire to make. With this object in view, the league is organising a series of lectures, which will be held at the headquarters of the various radio clubs. The subjects will cover radio in all its phases. The membership of the league comprises almost all the amateur transmitters in the State, whilst the executive are well known to the majority of the radio public, to wit:— President, Mr. M. O'Brien, call 4MM; secretary, Mr. L. Feenaghty, call 4LJ; treasurer, Mr. C. H. Gold, 4CG; committee, Messrs. A. Walz, call 4AW, and R. Browne, call 4RB, Mr. T. Elliott and Mr. C. H. Gold (4CG) are appointed international publicity officers, their duties being to establish and maintain contact at all times with members of the American Radio Relay League. Meetings are held on alternative Fridays at the transmitting station of Mr. T. Elliott (4CM).[77]

As previous

QUEENSLAND RADIO TRANSMITTERS' LEAGUE. The activities of the Amateur Radio Transmitters (familiarly known as "Hams") are seldom given any public prominence, but recent events have proved that this type of enthusiast can be relied upon to supplement and if necessary to take the whole burden of communication upon his shoulders. There is a large number of these "Hams" in the State, and they have been working more or less aimlessly but efficiently up to the present. Several of them have now banded themselves together in order that their position may be bettered, and that conditions of working between "Hams" and "Ham" will be improved, and brought up to a sound businesslike standard. A uniform log book will he kept by members, and tests carried out periodically. Contact with amateurs outside the State and in the United States will be established, and an International friendship made which will naturally assist two great continents to more readily understand each other. The league is organising a series of lectures, which will be held at the headquarters of the various radio clubs, the subject covering radio in all its phases. The membership of the league comprises almost all the amateur transmitters in the State, whilst the executive, well known to the majority of the radio public, are:— President, Mr. M. O'Brien, 4MM; secretary, Mr. L. Feenaghty, 4LJ; treasurer, Mr. C. H. Gold, 4OG [sic, 4CG]; committee, Messrs. A. Walz (4AW) and R. Browne (4RB). Mr. T. Elliott (4CM) and Mr. C. H. Gold (4C [sic,4CG]) are appointed international publicity officers, their duties being to establish and maintain contact at all times with members of the American Radio Relay League. Meetings are held on alternative Fridays at the transmitting station of Mr. T. Elliott (4CM), Observatory Towers, at 7.30 p.m., where all transmitting license holders are welcome.[78]

1927 06
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1927 07
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4RB equals first place in QRTL inaugural reliability relay test, but ineligible as an originator

"QTC." Transmitters' League. The Queensland Radio Transmitters' League, which was formed in April of this year, has entered upon the second stage of its activities — that of organised publicity and promulgation of reports of its doings and plans for the future. It has brought out the first issue of its magazine, "Q.T.C.," which is to be published monthly in the interests of experimental radio. From its columns we learn that the league aims, by co-operation and co-ordination of effort to obtain better conditions for its members, and, incidentally, for the amateurs and experimenters of the Commonwealth. It is pointed out with a great degree of truth that the regulations governing wireless telegraphy in Australia, especially as far as experimental activities are concerned, are very much out of date, having been formulated at a time before radio had made the rapid strides which it has been achieving in the last decade. It is therefore essential that the laws governing wireless be brought up to date so as to meet the needs of the experimenter. The league aims to secure an amendment of the regulations to permit of the handling of traffic by experimental stations upon similar lines to those at present in operation in the United States. The league purposes providing telephone lectures and classes of instruction in code on the 200-250 metre band. The first reliability relay test conducted by the league resulted as follows: 4HG (H. Bell), 6 points 1; 4AW (A. Walz), 4 points 2; 4GO (G. Oxlade), 4 points 2; 4NW (T. Starkie), 2 points 3; 4HW (H. Walsh), 2 points 3; 4JG (C. Grant), 1 point 4. The following stations, being originators, were not eligible for points, but the number gained are shown for general information: 4RB (R. Browne), 6 points; 4CG (C. Gold), 4 points; 4LJ (Leo. Feenaghty) 2 points. The Q.R.T.L. is holding a convention on Thursday of Exhibition week. "QTC" contains much useful information for amateur transmitters, and has been well edited by Mr. Leo. Feenaghty, care of the Main Roads Commission.[79]

1927 08
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Funeral notice of 4RB's mother

FUNERAL NOTICES. BROWNE.— The Funeral of the late Mrs. GRACE BROWNE will leave "Clifden," Church Street, Toowong, THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON, at 3.30 o'clock, to the Toowong Cemetery. Private Interment. No flowers. K. M. SMITH, Funeral Director.[80]

Death notice of 4RB's mother, father at Dunwich

OBITUARY. . . . BROWNE.— On Friday, 19th instant, at her sister's residence, "Clifden," Church Street, Toowong, Grace, beloved wife of R. A. S. Browne, Dunwich, Private interment. R.I.P.[81]

1927 09
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4RB moves to 20 metres and obtains great results

WIRELESS NOTES. . . . By Aerial. . . . DX NOTES. . . . On 20 metres 4RB, 4NW, 2SH, 2UK and a few others seem the only stations alive. All these mentioned are getting remarkable reports from distant coun-tries, in many cases being reported stronger at a distance of 10,000 miles than at 1000 miles; 20 metres, they all say, knocks 40 to nothing, and from the reliable receptions made on this lower wavelength it seems evident that this wave will shortly replace 40 metres as regards activity.[82]

1927 10
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1927 11
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1927 12
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1928 01
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1928 02
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1928 03
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4RB originates messages in an Australia-wide relay test

AUSTRALIAN RELAY. Tonight's Test. Members of the Wireless Institute will be interested to know that the long looked forward to test takes place tonight the first messages of the relay going out from Melbourne at 5.30 p.m., Perth time. The message after being relayed along the predetermined channel will be despatched from 4RB and 4AN and will be picked up by stations in this State and a reply despatched by relay to VIS in Victoria. All the transmissions will take place on the 30 metre band. For the past few nights experimenters have been receiving full information from VIS, which operates on 31.8 metres. Local experimental stations co-operating in the test are 6MU, 6DH, 6SA, 6BN, 6BO, and 6SR. Experimenters should make every effort to make the test a success and prove that "sixes" are still on the wireless map of the Commonwealth.[83]

1928 04
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1928 05
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1928 08
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1928 10
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1928 11
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1928 12
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1929 01
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1929 02
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1929 03
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1929 04
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1929 05
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1929 06
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1929 07
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4RB rebroadcasts KGO Oaklands

News and Notes. . . . OAKLANDS REBROADCAST. One night recently, VK. 4RB (Toowong) was heard rebroadcastlng an Oakland's (California, U.S.A.) station with a great measure of success. Many listeners who tuned in after the rebroadcast had begun imagined that they were receiving Oaklands direct, VK., 4RB, no doubt had previously announced his intention to rebroadcast the Oaklands station, but during the programme he apparently omitted to break in now and then to acquaint listeners of the facts of the transmission. The rebroadcast, however, was a credit to this amateur station, and was much appreciated by listeners who were fortunate enough to tune into it.[84]

1929 08
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1929 09
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1929 10
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4RB included in a list of stations heard in advertising a shortwave adapter

THE WORLD IS YOURS with a SHORT WAVE ADAPTOR. READ BELOW. It is attached to your Broadcast Set in a second by simply removing the Detector Valve from the Set, and placing it in the Adaptor, and then plugging the Adaptor Into the Detector Valve Socket. Below is a list of stations which I have received on Short Wave Adaptor. Some on loudspeaker; others medium; otherwise all good strength to hear everything clearly:— 5SW, England GBS, England 2XAF, U.S.A. 2XG, U.S.A. WGY, U.S.A. W-3XL, U.S.A. W-6XN, US.A. PCJ, Holland PCL, Holland Radio Paris, Paris KZRM, Philippine Is. RA97, Russia JOAK, Japan 3AN, Java VPD, Suva 2GR, New Zealand 4NW. Queensland 4RG, Queensland 4EG, Queensland 4CG, Queensland 4AT, Queensland 4RO, Queensland 4BH, Queensland 4RB, Queensland 4JO, Queensland 4JU, Queensland 4JR, Quesnsland 2FC, N.S.W. 2ME, N.S.W. 2HC, N.S.W. 2HM, N.S.W. 2AW, N.S.W. 2RB, N.S.W. 2HS, N.S.W. 2DG, N.S.W. 2ZL, N.S.W. 2YB, N.S.W. 2JT, N.S.W. 2GQ, N.S.W. 2DY, N.S.W. 2BF, N.S.W. 2WU, N.S.W. 2JZ, N.S.W. 2JC, N.S.W. 2WG, N.S.W. 2KL, N.S.W. 2KU, N.S.W. 2WJ, N.S.W. 20J, N.S.W. 3KR, Victoria 3ME, Victoria 3CH, Victoria 3JK, Victoria 3LO, Victoria 3BQ, Victoria 3UX, Victoria 3RG, Victoria 5RJ. South Australia 6WF, West Australia 6AG, West Australia 7DX, Hobart All the above stations were received on Telephony, as I cannot read Morse. 13.12.28, (Signed) E. HUNTER, Nth. Tamborine. Complete, Ready for Action, £5/17/6. RADIO DEPT.: CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR AGENCY (Q.), LTD., ADELAIDE AND CREEK STREETS, BRISBANE.[85]

1929 11
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1929 12
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4RB elected technical director of the QRTL recently renamed WIA (Qld)

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. NEW SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT. The Wireless Institute of Australia (Queensland Division) called a public meeting of those interested in wireless to further the interests of the institute, and a band of amateur wireless enthusiasts assembled in the State Service Union rooms, Elizabeth-street, last night. The president of the institute (Mr. M. O'Brien) was in the chair. The secretary (Mr. L. J. Feenaghty) said that the object of the meeting was to inaugurate a new system of government of the institute by a council and sections, to put into effect a more comprehensive set of rules governing the institute, and to elect members of the council and sectional representatives. Each section, he said, would be governed by a president and a secretary. He also mentioned that it was the intention of the institute to embark upon a publicity campaign to attract members and public interest. It was intended to hold lectures, meetings, &c. The meeting decided to initiate a country section. Pending consideration by that section, Mr. A. E. Walz (VK4AW) was elected to represent the country section on the council, pro tem. On the motions of Mr. W. Young and O. E. Alder, it was decided that, in order to encourage country members, "This meeting takes a ballot of town members to reduce the fees of country members from 20/ to 15/," and also "That the council agrees to act as buying agent to purchase gear for country members at the best terms." The new council was elected as follows:— President, Messrs. M. O'Brien (VK4MM); secretary, L. Feenaghty (VK4LJ); technical director, R. Browne (VK4RB); publicity director, R. Beatson (VK4BB); key section representative, W. Young (VK4WA); country section representative, A. E. Walz (VK4AW), pro tem.; and associate members' section representative, G. Payne. The selection of a representative for the 'phone section was postponed until the section met. In the key section Messrs. W. A. Young and G. Oxlade were appointed president and secretary respectively, and in the associate members' section Messrs. G. Payne and R. Rose were elected president and secretary pro tem, respectively. The various sections will meet monthly, the country fortnightly, and a general meeting will be held monthly.[86]


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1930 01
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1930 02
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1930 03
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4RB communicates with G6YP and on-forwards a message to his sister n Lismore

RADIO TALKS. Mr. R. J. Browne, of Toowong, Brisbane, operates amateur station VK4RB and has had several conversations with Mr. A. Smith, of Middlesex, England, who operates amateur station G6YP. The latter is a brother of Mrs. Tucker, of Zadoc-street, Lismore, and sent his sister a message through the Brisbane station which was forwarded to Lismore. Mr. Browne also states that he is willing to transmit any reply, and that radio conditions for communication with England are at their best during this month. In a letter to Mrs. Tucker Mr. Smith states that he frequently listens to VK2ME, Sydney, testing with a London station with a view to opening a regular telephone service between Australia and England. One morning he heard Mr. S. M. Bruce, then Prime Minister, speaking to Lord Passfield (Colonial Secretary) at the latter's home in Hampshire. This was plainer than an ordinary telephone conversation. In July of last year he listened to a description of the New Zealand v. Australia football matches on the Sydney cricket ground, and even heard the rain beating on the announcer's umbrella.[87]

1930 04
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4RB continues working 20 metres

AMATEUR NOTES. By "QRA" . . . HC1FG, in Ecuador, has been coming in strongly this week on 20 metres. VK6FL and VK4RB had a fast chat at about 20 words per minute on this band for about two hours on Tuesday evening. W's 2VO, 2MB, 2WR, 2RY, and 2APK were about the best of the second district American amateurs heard on 20 metres. W6BWL of San Diego, of California, U.S.A., was about the strongest American heard on 40 metres. VK5RX, at 7.50 a.m. on Wednesday, received R8 from VK2DP, of Stockton, in New South Wales, lnput used by 5RX was 24 watts. VK5WA was heard again after a fairly long absence with an R.A.C. note at R8 working VK3RG.[88]

At WIAQ AGM, 4RB wins 4CG cup for best all-round station and again appointed as technical director WIAQ

Wireless Institute. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Wireless Institute of Australia, Queensland division, was held in the Public Servlce Rooms last night, Mr. M. M. O'Brien (president) being in the chair. The annual report showed that the membership of the division at present consists of 28 town members, two honorary members, 12 country members (including the first lady transmitter In Queensland, Miss D. Harris, Longreach), three junior members, and 41 associate members. The report referred to the work of outstanding merit performed by the two honorary members, Messrs. Leighton Gibson (VK4AN), and Andrew Couper (VK4BW), who three years ago maintained communications between Southern and Northern Queensland, when floods had isolated the North and the telegraphic services had been disorganised. Reference also was made to the success of the sixth annual convention of the institute which was held in Brisbane in September, 1929, and appreciation was expressed to Mr. J. B. Chandler, who donated apparatus for the official station (VK4WI), at Wooloowln, and to Mr. J. H. Hills, of Philips' Lamps, for a similar donation. The president presented trophies won by members during the year as follow: VK4CG cup, for best all-round station, to Mr. R. J. Browne (VK4RB); VK4LJ cup, for 250 metre telephony, to Mr. T. W. Starkie (4NW); VK4PN cup, for 20 metre work, to Rev. R. J. Delbridge (VK4RJ); Hutchinson trophy, for experimental work, to Messrs. W. A. Young (VK4WA), and C. H. Gold (VK4CG). The president eulogised the work of the secretary and treasurer (Major L. J. Feenaghty, 4LJ). The election of officers resulted: President, Mr. M. M. O'Brien (VK4MM); secretary and treasurer. Major L. J. Feenaghty (VK4LJ); assistant secretary, Mr. A. E. Walz (VK4AW); technical director, Mr. R. J. Browne (VK4RB); publicity director, Mr, R. J. Beatson (VK4BB); key and phone section's councillor, Mr. W. A. Young (VK4WA): country section, Mr. A. E. Walz (VK4AW); deputy chairman, Mr. W. A. Young (VK4WA); secretary of associate section, Mr. Les. Williams; honorary legal adviser, Mr. H. Walsh.[89]

As previous, a little more detail

SPLENDID ZEAL. WIRELESS AMATEURS. AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE. The outstanding feature of the annual meeting of the Queensland division of the Wireless Institute of Australia, held last night in the Public Service House rooms, was the enthusiasm of the members, and their desire to assist associates to a higher degree of efficiency. Several speakers asserted that Queensland amateurs had attained a standard which bore favourable comparison with those in other parts of the world. The annual report revealed a membership of 28 town members, two honorary members, 12 country members (including the first lady transmitter in Queensland, Miss D. Harris [sic, Harriss] Longreach), three junior members, and 41 associate members. Reference was made to the work of outstanding merit performed by the two honorary members, Messrs. Leighton Gibson (VK4AN), and Andrew Couper (VK4BW), who three years ago maintained communications between Southern and Northern Queensland, when floods had isolated the North. The sixth annual convention of the Wireless Institute of Australia was held in Brisbane in September, 1929, when business of a Federal nature was decided. During the year the rules of the division were amended to bring them into conformity with those of other divisions. Appreciative reference was made to the generosity of Mr. J. B. Chandler, who donated apparatus for the official station (VK4WI), at Wooloowin, and to Mr. J. H. Hills, of Philips' Lamps, for a similar donation. PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES. Trophies won during the year were presented by the president as follows: — VK4CG cup, for best all-round station, to Mr. R. J. Browne (VK4RB); VK4LJ cup, for 250 metre telephony, to Mr. T. W. Starkie (4NW); VK4PN cup, for 20 metre work, to Rev. R. J. Delbrldge (VK4RJ); Hutchinson trophy, for experimental work, to Messrs. W. A. Young (VK4WA) and C. H. Gold (VK4CG). ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The election of officers resulted: President, Mr. M. M. O'Brien (VK4MM); secretary and treasurer, Major L. J. Feenaghty (VK4LJ); assistant secretary, Mr. A. E. Walz (VK4AW); technical director, Mr. R. J. Browne (VK4RB); publicity director, Mr. R. J. Beatson (VK4BB); key and 'phone section's councillor, Mr, W. A. Young (VK3WA [sic, VK4WA]); country section, Mr. A. E. Walz (VK4AW); deputy chairman, Mr. W. A. Young (VK4WA) ; secretary of associate section, Mr. Les. Williams; honorary legal adviser, Mr. H. Walsh.[90]

As previous, further detail including mention of 4RB's work on 5 metres, and by omission from the broadcast schedule it appears that 4RB has moved on from 200 metres

RADIO. Wireless Institute. Telephony Transmissions Members' Schedules. The Wireless Institute of Australia (Queensland division) recently held its third annual meeting which was well attended by members and those interested. The presidential address was delivered by Mr. M. M. O'Brien, VK4MM, and he traversed the policy of the division, mentioning the outstanding events of the previous year. The report of the secretary showed that the division was in a flourishing condition there being 28 town members, 12 country members, three junior members, two honorary members, and 41 associate members. In the ranks of the country members is included Queensland's first lady transmitter — Miss D. Harriss, of Longreach. During the year the outstanding event was the sixth annual convention of the Wireless Institute of Australia held in Brisbane in September. This was the first time a convention was held in this State. It was gratifying to members to read the opinions of other divisions regarding the convention which they stated was the most successful yet held. As the Queensland divisions is the youngest recruit to the institute this is all the more pleasing. The amendment of the rules towards the end of last year provided for the government of the division being vested in a council and for the establishment of various sections, in which men interested in particular branches, of the science would congregate. The council government has had the effect of expediting business and the attendances at meetings have been extremely high. The officers elected for the ensuing year were: President, Mr. M. M. O'Brien (VK4MM); secretary and treasurer, Major Leo J. Feenaghty (VK4LJ); key and phone section councillor, Mr. W. A. Young (VK4WA); country section councillor, Mr. A. E. Walz ( VK4AW); technical director, Mr. R. J. Browne (VK4RB); publicity director, Mr. R. J. Beatson (VK4BB); associate member section, Mr. G. H. Payne; deputy chairman, Mr. W. A. Young (VK4WA). WINNERS OF TROPHIES. Opportunity was taken to present the trophies which were won during the year. The VK4CG Cup and blue pennant for the best all-round private experimental station in Queensland were awarded to Mr. R. J. Browne (VK4RB) who has done some noteworthy work, particularly in connection with high frequency transmission. Mr. Browne has made four contacts with the United States of America on 56000 KC (10 metres) (sic, 5 metres) this representing a record for the Commonwealth. The runnerup for this trophy was Mr. R. J. Beatson (VK4BB), who was presented with a red pennant. The VK4LJ Cup and blue pennant for the best 250 metre telephony station were awarded to Mr. T. W. Starkie (VK4NW) and Mr. C. R. Morris (VK4LW) was awarded a special blue pennant in view of the excellence of his transmission and the fact that considerable difficulty was experienced by the committee in deciding which of the two should receive the cup. The Hutchinson trophy for experimental work was awarded jointly to the stations owned by Messrs. Young (VK4WA) and Gold (VK4CG). The VK4PN Cup and Blue Pennant for Transmissions on 14 MC and higher were awarded to the Rev. R. J. R. Delbridge of Childers (VK4RJ) and a red pennant was awarded to Mr. R. J. Beatson as runnerup. TELEPHONY TRANSMISSIONS. In connection with telephony transmissions, it is interesting to note that the following schedule is adhered to by the leading amateur phone transmitters in Brisbane. VK4NW: Sundays, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 8.15 p.m. to 10 p.m. Week nights, except Wednesday and Saturday, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wave length 248 metres. VK4LW: Sundays, 9 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. and 10 p.m. to 11 p.m. Wave length 224 metres. VK4GO: 6.30 p.m. to 7.15 p.m. nightly. Sundays, 9.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. 6 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Wave length, 227 metres. VK4PG: Sunday, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Wave length, 222 metres. VK4WN: Sunday, 9.30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Wave length, 240 metres. VK4JU and VK4BH occasionally transmit on the band between 200 and 250 metres. This schedule will be subject to re-vision when the new regulations are in force as a result of the establishment of a B class station in this district. Any inquiries, regarding the institute should be addressed to the secretary, Major Leo J. Feenaghty (VK4LJ), Box T1412, G.P.O., Brisbane.[91]

4RB reported working U.S.A. stations on 10 metres

AMATEUR NOTES. By QRA. The splendid DX conditions on 10 metres experienced by Australia and New Zealand recently appears to be passing. On Sunday the conditions were adverse in South Australia, and were only good in the afternoon in Victoria, but Queensland and New Zealand amateurs were obtaining good DX results all day on the 10-metre band. There are so many amateurs changing from 40 to 20 metres that the overseas stations are hard to get, because of the additional QRM. Therefore, with less stations on 40 metres, and QRN permitting, a number of DX stations in China, Siam, the Phillipines, Hawaii. and U.S.A., were heard with not as much interference from BCL 'phone stations as previously. VK3BQ (Max Howden), of Ringwood, Victoria, worked XU2UU, of Shanghai, in the afternoon, on 10 metres. XU2UU was heard by 3BQ at sunset at R8 to R9 on the 10-metre band. VK4RB, of Toowong, Queensland, on 10 metres, had no difficulty in connecting with W6BAX (also W6BBS), of Sunnyvale, California, U.S.A. VK4XN is another active Queensland amateur working on 10 metres. VK5HG is reported to have been heard at R7 by ZL1AB, of Auckland, New Zealand, on this band at 8 p.m. N.Z. time. VKs 6SA, 3BQ, 3PM, and 2RC, are amateurs employing crvstal-control on 10 metres. . . .[92]

1930 05
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4RB works the great 3BQ on 40 metres

Amateur Notes. . . . VK3BQ was up on 40 metres a few nights ago, with his usual FB Xtals signals worked VK4RB on May 11.[93]

4RB reported back on 40 metres using a Colpitts circuit

VK4RB is back on 40 metres, using a "Colpitts" circuit, which gives off a very good signal.[94]

Newly formed Telephony (= broadcast) Section of WIAQ meets (4RB an attendee) and agrees a frequency plan for use of the members, 4RB allocated 227.1 metres (= 1321 kHz)

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . AMATEUR TELEPHONY STATIONS. The newly-formed telephony section of the Wireless Institute of Australia held its first meeting last Monday night at Golden's premises in Elizabeth-street. The meeting was convened by the secretary (Mr. Harold D. Walsh), and was attended by Mesrs. L. J. Feenaghty (4LJ), R. J. Browne (4RB), V. Kenna (4FK), C. Morrison (4LW), P. J. Golden (4PG), G. Ham (4GW), R. Stevenson (4RG), H. D. Walsh (4HW), and representatives from the Wooloowin Radio Club (4WN) and Toombul Radio Club (4TC). Mr. C. Morrison was elected president of the section. The object in calling the meeting was to decide on some method of reducing the mutual interference and jamming at present experienced on the 200-250 metre band, and so render the amateur telephony transmissions more satisfactory to both operators and listeners. For the past few months at least five telephony stations have been working simultaneously each Sunday morning on approximately the same wavelength, with the result that listeners have found it well nigh impossible to separate the stations. The meeting decided that the most satisfactory solution would be to allot a definite wavelength to each station in such a manner that stations in the same locality would be rather widely separated on the tuning dials of receivers. The position of each station was marked on a map, and a list drawn up showing the most suitable wavelength for each, and the meeting decided that the allotment as shown should be recommended to the council of the institute for adoption. The meeting decided that at an early date a test should be carried out by operating all stations simultaneously, each on its allotted wavelength. Listeners would then be able to make reports which would assist in determining the efficacy or otherwise of the system. It was suggested that the co-operation of the Queensland Listeners' League should be invited for this test, for which a date has not yet been fixed, but probably it will take place on a Sunday morning. The allocation of wavelengths is as follows:4NW, 249.9 metres; 4PG, 245.8 metres; 4WN, 241.8 metres; 4LW, 238.0 metres; 4GW, 234.2 metres; 4HW, 230.6 metres; 4RB, 227.1 metres; 4GO, 223.7 metres; 4AL, 220.4 metres; 4JU, 217.3 metres; 4CG, 214.2 metres: 4WA, 202.6 metres. It is hoped that if the stations adhere rigidly to these wavelengths listeners will experience no further trouble in separating them.[95]

4RB regularly working W6BAX on 10 metres

AMATEUR NOTES. LOW-WAVE CONTACTS. By "QRA." The conditions on 10 metres still remain fairly consistent, and in Melbourne and Sydney contacts were made easily. . . . VK4RB, of Queensland, who has worked W6BAX of U.S.A., on four occasions, says that during tests carried out on 10 metres he has found DX to be better on that band when the conditions were wet. VK's 3RJ, 3GO, 3BQ, 3PA are best known among the active Victorian amateurs working on 10 metres. VK's 4XN, 4RB, 4AT are working on 10 metres, but have not been heard up to date.[96]

WIAQ amateur broadcast bandplan demonstrated to be a 20 kHz raster from 1200 through 1500 kHz

The amateur stations who work frequently on the 250-metre band have come to a sort of mutual arrangement among themselves with regard to the wavelength working of their stations, and the following list of wavelengths were set down at a recent meeting of the Wireless Institute of Australia:— Metres. KC.'s. 249.9 1,200 VK4NW, Nundah 245.8 1,220 VK4PG, Wynnum 241.8 1,240 VK4WN, Wooloowin 238 1,260 VK4LW, Rosalie 234.2 1,280 VK4GW, Northgate 230.6 1,300 VK4HW, Hamilton 227.1 1,320 VK4RB, Toowong 223.7 1,340 VK4GO, Newmarket 220.4 1,360 VK4AL, Hawthorne 217.3 1,380 VK4JU, city 214.2 1,400 VK4CG, West End 211.1 1,420 — — 208.2 1,440 — — 205.4 1,460 — — 202.6 1,480 VK4WA, West End 199.9 1,550 (sic, 1500) — — If this is to be a success, the waves of certain stations will need a lot of sharpening.[97]

1930 06
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4RB noted working 40 metres "quite a lot"

Amateur Notes. . . . VK4RB is working on 40 quite a lot lately.[98]

4RB excellent with his 200 metre telephony transmissions but the band in a chaotic state with mutual interference

Amateur Notes. . . . VK4RB, working on 250 metres, during the weekend, put out some very good telephony. The quality was good; 70 to 75 per cent modulated speech; very clear. . . . VK4WN is back on the air and is an improved station. VK4NW certainly modulates his car-rier when he plays his saxophone. His station is certainly worth listening to. His modulation has somewhat in-creased in depth. QRM for the BCL's. VK4LW is practically good at all times, and like 4NW is always wel-come. Don't know what VK4BH is doing up at Booval, but he is getting better every week. VK4GO obviously does not listen before going on because he invariably rides on top of some one who is al-ready on the air. His whole trans-mission was practically spoilt owing to VK4MF being on almost same wave. VK4MF is the stronger station of the two at this end. It uses almost twice the power used by VK4GO. The 250 metre band was in a chaotic state last Sunday. VK4LW, 4WN, 4RB, 4PG, and 4NW were giving an ex-ample of "The More we are Together, &c." The noises were varied.[99]

4RB 200 metres getting well into Booval

Amateur Notes. . . . VK4BH again came through very fine on Sunday, and VK4BH reported that VK4RB was coming in very fine at Booval.[100]

WIAQ to review test of the 200 metre telephony band plan (which includes 4RB) and 4RB to be on a committee to oversight operation of 4WI official station

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA (QUEENSLAND DIVISION). Reports continue to be received regarding the telephone test on Sunday, June 15, and many valuable comments have been made. The 'phone section will meet at an early date to consider the reports and make any consequential adjustments rendered necessary. At the council meeting held on June 23 it was definitely decided to hold the direction finding field day on Sunday, July 27, and to use the 3.5 M.C. (85-metre) band. Final arrangements are in the hands of the committee — VK4GW, VK4JL, and VK4AW. Emergency services were discussed freely following the receipt of letters from two public departments, and the president (VK4MM), Mr. M. O'Brien (VK4AW), Mr. A. E. Walz, and the secretary (VK4LJ), Major Leo J. Feenaghty, were deputed to wait on the representatives of the departments and advise them. To facilitate the conduct of the official station, a station committee was appointed comprising the president, the secretary, and operator, the technical director (VK4RB), VK4GW, and VK4AW. These will decide upon the type of transmitter to be utilised and fix operating schedules. A welcome visitor was present at the council meeting — Mr. N. J. Hurll (VK2BC), one of the vice-presidents of the New South Wales Division of the W.I.A. Mr. O. E. Alder (VK4JB), a country member, also was present. Much business was transacted, and the councillors inspected the new receiving apparatus which had been purchased recently for VK4WI. The next general meeting will be held on July 7, at 59A Elizabeth-street, Brisbane (next 4QG), and a lecture will be delivered by a prominent electrical engineer on "Some modem Improvements in Transmission Systems." All interested are cordially invited to be present at 8 p.m. Inquiries regarding the institute should be addressed to Major Leo. J. Feenaghty, VK4LJ, sec-retary W.I.A., (Queensland), Box T1412, G.P.O., Brisbane.[101]

1930 07
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4RB broadcasts on 250 metres a three way conversation between 3RG, 4JO, 4JR working on 40 metres

SHORT WAVES. . . . Mr, F. Nolan (VK4JU) writes as follows on short wave and "amateur" activities:— . . . VK4RB, working on 250 metres on Sunday week, relayed three-way conversation between VK3RG Victoria, VK4JO and VK4JR. VK2GS was in this also but dropped out. The stations were working on 40 metres.[102]

4RB noted as being fairly quiet lately

Amateur Notes. . . . VK4RB has been fairly quiet lately.[103]

4RB still prominent amongst the Brisbane 250 metre broadcasters

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . AMONG THE AMATEURS. . . . During the past week a number of amateur 'phone stations have been heard below 250 metres; 4NW, 4GO, and 4RB are still coming in with wonderful volume and clarity. 4BH (Booval) and 4PG (Wynnum), although some distance away from the city, also are making their presence felt, though somewhat overshadowed by the more powerful local stations. 4[104]

4RB noted on air in Sydney for Sunday transmission

BY METRE. Australian Experimenters. The greatest activity prevails within the experimental band, and the Australians are not lacking. The following stations were operating on Sunday, 13th inst.: N.S.W.: 2XK, 2JT, 2XI, 2HB, 2SS, 2GQ, 2LS, 2ZK, 2JH, 2NS, 2HM; Victoria: 3JU, 3XA, 3VR, 3UK, 3DX, 3RZ, 3LZ, 3BZ, 3AB, 3AX, 3RB, 3LE, 3BW, 3KY; Queensland: 4RB, 4RU, 4JU, 4AB; South Australia: 5BP, 5IT; Tasmania: 7PJ.[105]

4RB among a list a stations heard on new receiver design to illustrate its sensitivity

OUR WIRELESS CIRCLE. THE 1930 A.C. FOUR. Ideal Receiver for All Homes. (By "Proton.") "All-electric" is the catch-phrase of the radio world today. This year has seen remarkable advancements in the design of all equipment, such as valves, power transformers, and general circuit design. It is now safe for the home constructor to build any all-electric receiver he may desire, with an absolute assurance of success. . . . The sensitivity of the receiver will be a delight to everyone, as the receiver tunes in one station after another with tremendous punch. When I built it up first I was astounded to find 4YA New Zealand was the first station I tuned in. Here is the final test log, which will give some indication of the receiver's worth:— 1YA, 2YA, 3YA, and 4YA (New Zealand), 6WF (Perth), 5CL (Adelaide), 3AR, 3LO, 3DB, 3UZ (Melbourne), 7ZL (Hobart), 2FC, 2BL, 2UE, 2UW, 2GB, 2KY, 2ME (Sydney), 4QG, 4GO, 4RB, 4NW, 4LW, and 4MF (Brisbane), 4GR (Toowoomba). All these were obtained on the loud speaker on any night with more volume than was comfortable. 2FC, 2BL, and 3AR were tuned in practically any time during last Sunday; in fact, the strength of the daylight reception was truly astonishing.[106]

On a field day, 4RB misreads the loop antenna and heads off in the wrong direction from the hidden transmitter

Amateur Notes. The direction finding day was a great success from every angle. It has been decided to hold many more such days. THE HIDDEN TRANSMITTER. VK4GW was successful in getting within half a mile of the hidden transmitter, but everyone feels sure that he would have found the transmitter had there not been a "mixup" in the time at which the "hidden" transmitter had to disclose its whereabouts. Its presence was made known at 12.45 p.m. instead of 1 p.m., and it is generally felt that VK4GW would have found it in that extra 10 minutes. The transmitter was at Webster's Road, Chermside. The secretary (VK4LJ), president (VK4MM), and technical director (VK4RB) took short cuts through private property and over railway lines. In fact, they followed any track that would lead them to the Nudgee waterholes, which are in the opposite direction to Webster's Road, Chermside. It was unfortunate that this party was midway between these two points when they first picked up the signals from the hidden transmitter. The signals appeared to be coming from the waterholes, which proves that a reflector revolving round the loop would be a very handy attachment. VK4MM thoroughly enjoyed the proceedings, especially the incident where the differential of VK4LJ's car nearly came up through the floor. Mr. Macpherson piloted this party over some good roads. In VK4GW's party was the Mahoney brothers and VK4LS. In VK4AW's party was Mr. Pat Kelly, Mr. Vic Bouchard (X4WE, Mr. Vining) and VK4AW. VK4CG and VK4WA had charge of the hidden transmitter. VK4AW was most unfortunate owing to a component part of his equipment becoming faulty.[107]

1930 08
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Another report of 4RB's embarrassment at the WIAQ transmitter hunt field day

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . WITH THE AMATEURS. The direction finding field day recently mentioned took place on Sunday last. There was a good turnup of members, and the transmitting party consisted of VK4CG and VK4WA. They located the transmitter in Webster-road, Chermside. The receiving parties assembled at the Post Office at 9.30 and went by different routes to predetermined positions, where they took their first readings. The receiving parties consisted of VK4RB, VK4MM, VK4LJ, VK4GW, VK4LS, and VK4AW, VK4WE. An interesting feature was shown when the party, led by VK4RB, took readings at Zillmere and Virginia. These gave east-north-east, west-south-west direction, with a slight convergence towards the east-north-east. This led the party to believe that the concealed transmitter was in the direction of Nudgee Beach, and they promptly made for the waterholes, only to discover that the transmitter was actually in the opposite direction. This showed quite clearly the importance of correcting for the individual error which occurs in every piece of apparatus and in the readings taken from it. This party, consequently, was not successful in locating the transmitter. The party led by VK4GW was more successful and reached within half a mile of the transmitter when the transmitting party signed off. It was unfortunate that they did this at 12.45 instead of 1 o'clock, as instructed, because it could confidently be expected that VK4GW would have discovered the transmitter in the remaining quarter of an hour. The party led by VK4AW was not successful in hearing any signals, owing probably to some fault which developed in the receiving apparatus. Much of interest was learned from the test, and the division proposes holding a further day of a similar kind shortly.[108]

With the impending commencement of the Brisbane B class stations, amateur access to 250 metres to cease and operations to continue on 175 metres to which most broadcast receivers cannot tune, 4RB noted as a regular transmitter on 250 metres

Among the Amateurs. Within a few weeks the amateurs who have so ably filled the gap as far as Brisbane is concerned, on the 250 metre band, will have to shift down to the 175 metre band, because of the establishment of the new B class broadcasting stations 4BC and 4BK on 233 and 217 metres respectively. This is unfortunate in some respects, but the amateurs who worked so consistently on this band realise that more broadcasting actions are required and so they are moving down to 175 metres with pleasure, knowing that though their experimental work they have endeavoured to give the listeners the variety which they sought. PIONEER WORKERS. It cannot be denied that the amateurs pioneered transmission and reception below 300 metres. Some years ago radio engineers when experimenting on short waves found that they disappeared after a certain distance and they at once jumped to the conclusion that such waves were useless for long distance work. In 1919 radio engineers declared that wave lengths below 200 metres would never be of commercial value, and enormous sums of money were spent on the erection of stations of large power and ultralong wave length. But amateurs were continuing their experiments on short waves and soon they were showing to the world that the low bands were more suitable for long distance communication in Morse than the higher bands. The amateurs discovered what the professionals missed — that when shortwave messages disappeared after going a certain distance they did not do so altogether but merely skipped a distance and reappeared again. Since that time increasing attention had been paid by commercial interests to wave lengths below 200 metres. VK4NW can claim to be the most consistent station on the 250-metre band. This station has done all in his power to make his experimental work interesting. Other stations who have been doing good work are 4CG, 4GO, 4LW, 4WN, 4RB, VK4HW, VK4AW, 4MF (old 4WI), 4JU, and 4GW. The 4th District has livened up again on phone tests on 40 metres, 4JU, 4FB, and 4HW have held duplex and triplex tests. 4GG and 4JR have also been testing phone. VK4MM tries phone sometimes, as also does 4CG. One of the old gang, VK4HB, had a duplex chat on Sunday from 4HW's shack with 4JU. VK2LE and VK2RB held a two-way phone test with 4JU on Sunday, and both stations were o.k. VK2HM was "butting in" on 2RB's wave. 4AT, 4AB, and VK4SP have also been testing out very fine phone on the 40-metre band. 2GR, VK2GS, 2LS, 2RF, 2GV, 2HG, 2OZ, 2NS, 2HB, 2CS, and several other two's have been on phone on 40 metres. 3RG, 3XA, 3NM, and many other three have been on phone on 40 metres. VK4CG has been working on 250 metres quite a lot of late experimenting with microphones. 4NW and 4GO have both been doing good work on the 250 metre band. VK4JO, 4RW, and 4FB have lately landed a few "W" (American) stations, and this points to a change for the better. VK2RB has been putting phone over to America. VK4AH, VK4LL, 4AM, 4NA, 4GW, and VK4BS have been active on 40 metres. VK4RJ at last has brought his phone up to a good standard.[109]

1930 09
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4RB participate in a second WIAQ transmitter hunt

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA. The second direction finding field day, organised by the Queensland division, took place last Sunday, the transmitter being again in charge of VK4WA and VK4CG. Receiving parties were led by VK4AW, with him being VK4LJ and VK4HW; VK4GW had with him Mr. Gil. Ham; and VK4RB was accompanied bv VK4MM and Leading Aircraftsman Slight, of the R.A.A.F. Mr. V. Bouchard, with Messrs. Kelly and Macpherson, were the fourth party. Commencing at the new bridge over Breakfast Creek the parties scattered, and at noon VK4AW-VK4LJ-VK4HW located the transmitter at Burn's road, Nudgee. VK4GW arrived just before closing down at 1 p.m., while the remaining two parties were unsuccessful in finding the transmitter. Many valuable points were ascertained as a result of this field day, and it has been decided to hold another on Sunday, September 21. On this occasion the concealed transmitter will be with VK4MM and VK4GW, who promise something specially interesting.[110]

4RB reported as assisting with the construction of 4BK the new Brisbane B class station

Amateur Stations. . . . I believe that VK4RB is busy helping to build our second B class station 4BK.[111]

1930 10
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With the approach of summer, 4RB, with many others switches to the 20 metre band for most working

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . AMONG THE AMATEURS. Although considerable improvement is now being noticed in reception on short waves from all over the world, the interference from static is becoming very bad with the approach of summer, and amateurs are experiencing considerable difficulty in reading weak long-distance stations. In consequence there has been a general rush down to the 21 metre band, where static is almost unknown. Of the local stations, 4JU, 4RJ, 4RB, 4AM, and 4HW are heard most consistently on this band, and appear to be getting fine results. During the past week 4JU has worked France and Africa, thus completing all continents, and entitling him to the coveted American "WAC" certificate. His maximum power input has never exceeded 17 watts, which makes the performance all the more creditable. 4RJ also uses comparatively low power, and has almost girdled the earth with his signals. 4RB and 4HW are using somewhat higher power (about 40 watts), and are making their presence felt in a decided manner. The 42 metre band is now in very heavy use at all times of the day and night. The use of telephony on this band is increasing, and excellent results are obtained by local stations during daylight hours, particularly on Sundays. 4JU and 4HW are still carrying out frequent tests, including duplex work, and both have had their telephony heard in all Australian States, New Zealand, and America. The Queensland Listeners' League has been granted a transmitting license, with a call sign of 4QL, and will be on the air at an early date. The Station will be operated by Mr. Harold Walsh, Technical Adviser to the League.[112]

1930 11
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1930 12
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4RB appointed to the WIAQ technical committee, with several tasks to be completed

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . AMONG THE AMATEURS. The monthly meeting of the Wireless Institute of Australia (Queensland division) was held last Tuesday night, and a very fine attendance was recorded The chief item for discussion was the appointment and duties of a Technical Development Committee. This committee, as now appointed, consists of Messrs. Harold Walsh (4HW), A. Walz (4AW), V. E. Kenna (4FK), C. Morris (4LW), R. Browne (4RB), M. M. O'Brien (4MM), and P. Kelly. The objects of this body are to encourage, promote, and assist in technical development and research, and these will be carried out with the assistance of other members of the institute who desire to interest themselves in this branch of the radio art. It was decided that a large proportion of the institute's funds should be made available for the purchase of instruments and special apparatus for use by the committee, and these will be available for the use of members engaged on this work. Discussion took place on the subject of crystal control, and it was decided that as it is desirable that as many stations as possible should be crystal-controlled the matter should receive the early attention of the Technical Committee, which will make arrangements for a supply of accurately calibrated crystals to be available for sale to all members at a reasonable price. With this end in view a supply of unfinished crystals has been ordered from Melbourne, and these will be ground locally to the correct frequency. The committee also will be responsible for development of improved methods of keeping local stations on a correct and definite frequency, and it is hoped to attain this by the possession of an accurately calibrated wavemeter, from which approved wavemeters constructed by individual members will be calibrated. The committee also will do as much as possible to improve and maintain the quality of amateur telephony transmission, and will carry out considerable experimental work in this connection. During this week all members have been asked to keep a careful watch on the amateur bands, and report any infringements on these by commercial stations. During the last few months a number of powerful foreign stations, mostly using automatic transmission, have appeared on the amateur bands, and have caused considerable interference. All reports received will be consolidated and forwarded to Geneva and Washington for attention. Members are urged, therefore, to forward their reports to the secretary as soon as possible after the end of this week.[113]

As previous, further detail

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . AMONG THE AMATEURS. WIRELESS INSTITUTE. The main topic discussed at the December general meeting of the Queensland division was technical development. At the recent Melbourne convention the Federal technical development section was located in South Australia, and all divisions were instructed to form divisional sections and to inauguiate a vigorous campaign of technical development. In furtherance of this policy a strong technical committee has been formed, comprising the president, Mr. O'Brien (VK4MM), the technical director, Mr. R. J. Browne (VK4RB), Messrs. Walsh (VK4HW), Walz (VK4AW), Kenna (VK4FK), Morris (VK4LW), and P. Kelly. This committee will be responsible for the conduct of experimentation in Queensland, and a series of groups, each being devoted to a particular phase of technical work, will be formed. The first of such groups will deal with the closely allied subjects — crystal controlled oscillators and frequency measurement. It will, therefore, cover the calibration of frequency meters for institute members, using for the purpose the recently constructed substandard, which is being calibrated in Melbourne against the institute's general standard. A fee to cover expenses will be charged for this calibration service. Other groups to be formed later will cover such matters as high frequency telephony transmissions, fading, heaviside layer, investigations, &c. Any member or associate member of the institute is eligible to associate himself with any group in the investigations of which he is interested, and notification should be sent to the secietary of the institute for the present. In a short time a Technical Committee Secretary will be appoint-ed, who will receive all such applications.[114]

1931 01
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4RB busy on construction work and not heard on air

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . AMONG THE AMATEURS. A meeting of the Wireless Institute of Australia was held last Monday night but perhaps owing to the holiday season a very poor attendance was recorded The council reported that as not a single report had been forwarded in response to the request for observance of commercial interference on amateur bands it was felt that there was a considerable lack of enthusiasm among the members and the whole council in consequence tendered its resignation. This, however, was not accepted by the meeting, and the council was requested to carry on. Congratulations were tendered to the associate members who recently passed the test and obtained their amateur operator tickets thus qualifying for promotion to full membership. It was decided to hold the annual meeting on April 13 next, and that this should take the form of a business meeting followed by presentation of trophies and supper. A committee consisting of Messrs. Harold Walsh, R. Browne and an associate member was appointed to investigate and decide the awarding of the various trophies. The meeting decided to hold a field test during 17-18th instant. The bulk of the party participating will proceed to Scarborough, but some will go to Bribie and various tests will be carried out using portable apparatus. It is likely, however that other attractions usually associated with the seaside may prevent members from devoting much of the time to serious experimental work. Conditions have been almost impossible lately for short wave work and most stations have temporarily gone "off the air." On the 200 metre band 4LW and 4GO are heard consistently, also occasionally 4NW. 4HW has been rebuilding his transmitter to comply with fire underwriters' rules, and expects to be back on the air with crystal control at an early date. 4JU is still heard regularly and appears to get good contacts; 4RB and 4FK have been devoting most of their time to constructional work, and are seldom heard on the air. However, when winter begins and static diminishes somewhat, it is hoped that the old keenness will be observed, and that many new records will be established by local amateurs.[115]

Report of WIAQ field day at Scarborough with 4RB in attendance

WIRELESS NOTES AND NEWS. By "ANODE." . . . AMONG THE AMATEURS. A number of members of the Wireless Institute spent an enjoyable weekend at Scarborough recently, and carried out some interesting tests with portable apparatus. Those taking part comprised Messrs. L. J. Feenaghty (4LJ), R. Browne (4RB), A. Walz (4AW), Harold Walsh (4HW), and V. Jeffs. Two separate sets of transmitting and receiving equipment were installed and put into operation with as little delay as possible, one set being operated from the mains, and the other with battery supply. The members all thoroughly enjoyed the swimming and other attractions offered by this fine seaside resort, but, in spite of the many outside attractions, a considerable time was spent on experimental work.[116]

1931 02
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1931 03
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1931 04
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4RB attends WIAQ fourth AGM and is appointed technical director

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. FOURTH ANNUAL MEETING. At the fourth annual meeting of the Wireless Institute of Australia (Queensland branch), on Thursday night, Mr. T. Armstrong, radio inspector, said that in many phases of wireless the experimental stages had not been passed. Particularly was this so in regard to directional finding and transmission from aeroplanes. He was glad that the amateurs in Queensland were now organised into a progressive and energetic body. The newly-appointed president, Mr. L. J. Feenaghty, expressed the hope that the work of the institute would progress rapidly when the proposal to acquire suitable quarters was adopted. He suggested that the public should be educated on wireless matters by the delivery of free lectures on non-technical subjects. In his report he showed that the Queensland division had 45 members and 41 associate members. Office-bearers elected were: president and treasurer, Mr. L. J. Feenaghty; secretary, Mr. M. M. O'Brien; technical director, Mr. R. J. Browne; publicity director, Mr. H. D. Walsh; assistant secretary, Mr. A. E. Walz; sectional guard of Air Force wireless reserve, Mr. V. F. Kenna.[117]

1931 05
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As previous, a more detailed report

Wireless Institute. The New Officers. Series of Lectures. The fourth annual meeting of the Queensland division of the Wireless Institute of Australia proved to be the most successful yet held. Apart from the usual business there was the presentation of trophies won during the year. These comprised cups and pennants. The winners of the awards were: Rev. R. J. Delbridge (VK4RJ) gold cup for the best station. VK4GK was awarded the cup for work on 20 metres and below. VK4RJ being second in this grade. The Feenaghty cup for 250-metre phone work went to Mr. G. Oxlade (VK4GO), with Mr. G. W. Ham (VK4GW) in second position. For experimental work Mr. A. E. Walz (VK4AW) received the cup, and Mr. A. H. Mackenzie (VK4GK) was runner up. A special pennant was awarded to Mr. Frank Nolan (VK4JU) for special services consistently rendered to the institute during the year in connection with traffic relays, vigilance, &c. During the evening the retiring secretary, Major Leo J. Feenaghty (VK4LJ) was made the recipient of a token of esteem from the council, and Mr. P. J. Kelly received a presentation from the associate members' section in recognition of his services as honorary lecturer to the section. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The election of officers resulted in Major Leo J. Feenaghty (VK4LJ), who has been secretary for four years since the inception of the organisation in Queensland being elevated to the presidential chair, the past president, Mr. M. M. O'Brien (VK4MM) taking over the position of secretary; Mr. R. J. Browne (VK4RJ) and Mr. H. D. Walsh (VK4HW) were re-elected technical and publicity directors respectively. The representatives from the various sections are as follow: Key section, Mr. W. A. Yeung (VK4WA); phone section, Mr. G. W. Ham (VK4GW); country secretary, Mr. A. E. Walz (VK4AW); associate members' section, Mr. Scholtz. Messrs. Walz and Kenna (VK4FK) were reappointed to their positions of assistant secretary and section guard, Air Force Wireless Reserve, respectively. The positions of treasurer and traffic manager will continue to be filled by VK4LJ. The institute has concluded arrangements with the Epworth House Trust for the occupancy of a room in the Methodist Book Depot building as apartment headquarters. Classes and meetings will be held there, and an attractive programme has been arranged. On Mondays there will be preliminary lectures for those desiring of learning something about the science of wireless but who are not, at present, anxious to go for their transmitting license. The transmitting license class will be held on Tuesdays, Morse Code class Wednesdays; public non-technical talks on one or two Thursdays each month; and all meetings of the council sections; and general meetings will be held Fridays. The first class will be held Tuesday, May 5 and every night thereafter will be occupied. Members of the public are cordially invited to attend the public lectures, the date for which will be announced soon. Get in touch with W.I.A. headquarters and learn something of this most fascinating hobby. A programme of publicity is being embarked upon from the leading phone transmitters on 200 metres each Sunday morning. Listen in from 9 to 10.30 a.m. Any inquiries regarding the institute should be addressed to the secretary, Mr. M. M. O'Brien (VK4MM), Fewings Street, Toowong.[118]

1931 06
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1931 07
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1931 08
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1931 09
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1931 10
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1931 11
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1931 12
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4RB, as technical director WIAQ, place in charge of an accurately calibrated heterodyne frequency meter and the WIAQ offers a calibration service

AMONG THE CLUBS. . . . WIRELESS INSTITUTE. At the November meeting of the council it was reported that arrangements had been made for instruction classes in the new year and that the class for the transmit ting license was proceeding right through without a break in respect of existing candidates. The secretary assumed the joint position of secretary and treasurer and the necessary arrangements were made for his operating upon the account. The institute has an accurately calibrated heterodyne frequency meter which has been calibrated against the multivibrator of the Postmaster-General's Department in Melbourne. The institute has therefore established a calibration service which is available both to members and non-members. The technical director — VK4RB — Mr. R. J. Brown, has been placed in charge of the instrument and will do the calibration services. It has been decided to charge members 10s. for the calibration of three coils covering the 3, 5, 7, and 14 megacycles bands with an additional charge to be fixed for each additional coil. Non-members of the institute may have accurate calibrations effected for the three coils at a charge of £1 1s. So that the certificate issued with the calibration may be of value the calibration officer has been authorised to decline to calibrate any meter which, in his opinion, is not sufficiently rigid both mechanically and electrically to maintain its calibration over a reasonable period. It therefore behoves all those desirous of using the Wireless Institute of Australia calibration service to ensure that their meter is a rigid one both mechanically and electrically, so that the calibration which is given will maintain its accuracy for at least 12 months. In this connection the council recommends that where finances will permit a thermo-galvanometer be utilised as an indicating device rather than a lamp, but if, as in very many cases, the cost of the thermo-galvo would be prohibitive, then it is suggested that a quantity of good quality pea lamps be secured and at least half a dozen matched so that in the case of one blowing out another matched one may be inserted without any alteration to the calibration. At the next meeting of the institute on Friday evening, December 4, a lecture on aeroplane wireless will be delivered. An interesting programme of lectures has been drawn up for the ensuing six months and all members and their friends and those interested in the science and hobby of wireless communication are cordially invited to attend at the institute rooms, on the top floor of the Queensland Book Depot at the corner of Albert Street and Burnett Lane. Any inquiries regarding the institute should be addressed to the secretary, Mr. M. M. O'Brien, Box 5, post office, Toowong.[119]

As previous, another report

WIRELESS NEWS, & NOTES. . . . WIRELESS INSTITUTE. The November meeting of the Council of the Wireless Institute of Australia (Queensland Division) was held during last week, and much business was attended to. Reports were received from the various officers upon the duties detailed to them since the convention, and these showed that arrangements had been made for the conduct of instruction classes in the New Year and that the class for the transmitting license was proceeding right through without a break in respect of existing candidates. The secretary assumed the joint position of secretary and treasurer and the necessary arrangements were made for his operating upon the account. The institute has an accurately calibrated heterodyne frequency meter, which has been calibrated against the multivibrator of the Postmaster-General's Department In Melbourne. The institute, has, therefore, established a calibration service which is available to members and non-members alike. The technical director, VK4RB (Mr. R. J. Brown) has been placed in charge of the instrument, and will do the calibration services. It has been decided to charge members 10/ for the calibration of three coils, covering 3.5, 7, and 14 megacycles bands, with an additional charge to be fixed for each additional coil. Non-members of the institute may have accurate calibrations effected for the three coils at a charge of £1/1/. In order that the certificates issued with the calibration may be of value, the calibration officer has been authorised to decline to calibrate any meter which, in his opinion, is not sufficiently rigid, both mechanically and electrically, to maintain its calibration over a reasonable period. It, therefore, behoves all those desirous of using the Wireless Institute of Australia calibration service to ensure that their meter is a rigid one, both mechanically and electrically, so that the calibration which is given will maintain its accuracy for at least twelve months. In this connection the council recommends that where finances will permit a thermo-galvanometer be utilised as an indicating device rather than a lamp, but if, as is in very many cases, the cost of the thermo-galvo would be prohibitive, then it is suggested that a quantity of good quality pea lamps be secured, and at least half a dozen matched, so that in the case of one blowing out another matched one may be inserted without any alteration to the calibration. The next meeting of the institute will be held this evening, at which a lecture on aeroplane wireless will be delivered. An interesting programme of lectures has been drawn up for the ensuing six months and all members and their friends and those interested in the science and hobby of wireless communication, are cordially invited to be present in the institute rooms, which as stated before, are situated on the top floor of the Queensland Book Depot on the corner of Albert-street and Burnett-lane, within a few yards of every tram service in Brisbane, and yet out of the noise and dust of the city streets. Any inquiries regarding the institute should be addressed to the secretary, Mr. M. M. O'Brien, Box 5, Post Office, Toowong.[120]

1932 01
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4RB in the team of constructors of the new telephony transmitter for 4WI, almost ready for operation

Among the Clubs. WIRELESS INSTITUTE. At the January monthly meeting, owing to urgent private business the lecturer for the evening was unable to attend, but the secretary (Mr. M. M. O'Brien) stepped into the breach and gave a very complete and interesting account of his visits to the factories of Amalgamated Wireless, Australasia, Ltd., and Messrs. Phillips Lamps Australasia, Ltd., in Sydney during the course of the convention in October last. A description of radio centre, Pennant Hills, where within a very small compass are accommodated some eight or ten complete transmitting stations, was listened to with much interest. The council is arranging to have two lecturers available for each monthly meeting in future, so that in the event of unforeseen circumstances making it impossible for the main lecturer to attend there will be no dearth of instruction and discussion. The Council will meet on Thursday next, January 14, and a considerable amount of business will be dealt with, particularly in regard to classes, rules, finance, publicity, and technical development. NEW STATION. The official telephony station has now been completed and its tests have been successfully accomplished. Good reports have been received and with a few minor adjustments the station will be ready to be used under the call of VK4WI. The work has been done by Messrs. O'Brien, WK4MM [sic, VK4MM], Brown, VK4RB with the collaboration of several other members. The new series of classes which started on January 4 were not as well attended as anticipated but this was due to the holidays and to the disinclination of most people to settle down after the holidays. It is anticipated that a big increase in attendance will be noted this week. An examination for candidates for transmitting licenses will be held at an early date and thereafter exams, will be staged on the first Tuesday of each quarter. The number of members of the institute is growing steadily and the membership roll has never been so large. On New Year's Eve, the president, at the invitation of Chandler's Radio Service, attended Station 4BC and gave a New Year message to the listeners throughout the State. That the broadcast was widely heard was evidenced by the number of favourable comments made upon it at the January meeting. Inquiries regarding the institute or application for enrolment in the instruction classes should be made to the secretary, Mr, M. M. O'Brien, VK4MM, Post Office Box 5, Toowong. In order to derive the maximum benefit from the instruction classes it is necessary that candidates should join as early as possible. Do not delay, but come along and see what is being done by the institute in the interests of wireless telephony and telegraphy.[121]

1932 02
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4RB acknowledged for his efforts in helping to construct the new WIAQ 250 metre telephony service at its opening

Wireless Institute (Queensland Division). ON Sunday, January 31, the new 250 metre telephony station of the Queensland Division of the Wireless Institute of Australia was officially opened by the president, VK4LJ. Major L. J. Feenaghty, who referred to the work of the secretary, Mr. O'Brien, and the technical director, Mr. Brown, in constructing the station. He also gave an outline of the activities of the institute in regard to instructional classes. Several very good reports have been received upon the transmission from this station, although in certain quarters, due to skip effect, the volume is not all that could be desired. The secretary, however, has in mind an alteration of the aerial system which should have the effect of remedying this defect. One feature of the station will make it unique amongst amateur telephony stations — and that is that the type of music to be transmitted will be of the better class. As the station is principally a publicity station for the institute, and a means of keeping in touch with country and city members, the music is only incidental; therefore it is not intended to cater for the public fancy to the same extent as is necessary with an A or B class station or an ordinary experimental station. In pursuance of this policy the inaugural programme of test items transmitted on Sunday last comprised only the better class selections, with a total absence of jazz items. The records were made available through the courtesy of Mr. J. Dempsey. The next meeting of the institute will be held on February 5, when the lecturer will be Mr. P. J. Golden, who will speak on "Q-ships." This will recall memories of the days of 1914-19, during which many deeds of heroism were done by dirty-looking tramp steamers whose deeds, unhonoured and unsung, were just as great as those of the ships of the line. Mr. Golden, as an operator on "Q-ships," is qualified to speak of the work which they per formed. An interesting evening is promised, and all members are in-vited to attend and bring their friends. The meeting will be held at head quarters, top floor, Queensland Book Depot, corner of Albert-street and Burnett-lane. Any inquiries regarding the institute or the instruction classes, which are held on Monday, Tuesday, and Wed nesday evenings, should be addressed to the Secretary, Mr. M. M. O'Brien, VK4MM, Box 5, P.O., Toowong.[122]

WIAQ decides to reduce the fee for calibration of wavemeters using the WIAQ substandard performed by 4RB

AMONG THE CLUBS. WIRELESS INSTITUTE. At the monthly council meeting, amongst other things discussed was the question of a charge for calibrating frequency meters from the substandard owned by the Queensland Division. This substandard was secured from headquarters in Melbourne some time ago, and has been accurately calibrated from the Postmaster-General's research laboratory multivibrator which was especially imported for the purpose of standard frequency transmission. The council some time ago decided to charge a fee of 10s., but at Friday night's meeting it was resolved that any application received prior to March 31, for the calibration of a frequency meter which was then constructed and which was of sufficient rigidity both electrically and mechanically to justify calibration would be calibrated without fee. Any applications received after March 31 would be subject to the usual fee. In all cases where the imposition of a fee might prove a hardship the council has undertaken to consider favourably waiving the charge or substantially reducing it. These conditions, of course, apply only to members and student members of the institute. Meters, together with application for calibration, should be lodged with the Technical Director, Mr. R. J. Browne Church Street, Toowong, or they may be left at the institute rooms, Queensland Book Depot, corner of Albert Street and Burnett Lane, any Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evening by arrangement with Mr. Brown, so that they will be picked up as early as possible.[123]

Photos of the new 4WI constructed by 4RB and 4MM

WIRELESS INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIA RADIO STATION. The new wireless station built for the Wireless Institute of Australia (Queensland Division) by two enthusiastic members, Messrs. M. M. O'Brien (secretary) and R. J. Browne, which will be heard on the air on Sunday mornings, on wave lengths of 128, 248, and 84 metres. The equipment includes monitor, substandard wave meter, amplifier, fader, and changeover, modulating amplifier, modulator valve, and complete oscillator.[124]

Further details of the new 4WI 250 metre telephony transmitter 4WI, constructed by 4RB and 4MM

NEW RADIO STATION. ENTHUSIASTIC AMATEURS. Another broadcast station will be on the air on Sunday mornings now that the official wireless station of the Wireless Institute of Australia (Queensland division) has been completed. The station was the work of Mr. M. M. O'Brien (VK4MM), an enthusiastic amateur, who is both secretary and treasurer of the Queensland division of the institute. The station, which is set up at Mr. O'Brien's home at Toowong, embodies the latest in broadcasting equipment, comprising monitor, telephone line to listening post near by for checking the emitted wave, microphone, gramophone turntable with electric pickup, substandard wave meter, amplifier, fader, and changeover arrangements, broadcast receiving set, modulating amplifier, modulator valve, and complete oscillator. The normal power is 18 watts, but when used between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. the power is 50 watts on the last valve. The station, the call name of which is VK4WI, has three wave lengths — 128, 248, and 84 metres. The equipment, which shows splendid workmanship, was made by Mr O'Brien and Mr. R. J. Browne (VK4RB), with their own materials and in their spare time. Mr. Browne made and presented the institute with the microphone, while Mr. A. E. Walz (VK4AW) presented the wave meter. Work on the station commenced at Chiistmas, and was completed last Monday. The station, which will broadcast regularly every Sunday morning, was originally designed to enable personal communication by voice between the secretary (Mr. O'Brien) and members of the institute resident in the State, even in distant parts of Queensland, as well as with the secretaries of other divisions throughout Australia.[125]

1932 03
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1932 04
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1932 05
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4RB acknowledged at WIAQ AGM for his work done in their AOCP classes

Wireless Institute. In the course of his presidential address at the annual meeting of the Queensland Division of the Wireless Institute of Australia, Major Leo. J. Feenaghty (VK4LJ) reviewed the work done in connection with classes, &c., and voiced his appreciation of the lectures. Many enthusiasts had acted as lecturers from time to time, he said, but a few names stood out pre-eminent amongst them — Messrs. P. J. Kelly, A. Tonge, F. Buch, and L. Williams. Of late the scope of the classes had been widened, and Messrs. Jeffs and Kenna were undertaking the instructional work therein. Messrs. R. J. Browne, A. E. Walz, H. D. Walsh, W. Rohde, and several others also had rendered splendid service with the classes. The president suggested to the incoming council consideration of the formation of a business man's course, consisting of the fundamentals covered by the preliminary class and some elementary practical work. Laboratory work had not proceeded with the degree of vigour he would have liked to have seen, and he hoped that experimental work would receive an added impetus this year. "There is another matter upon which I desire to lay stress," the president added, "and that is what we might term the "window-dressing" of the Institute. In business houses the windows display just the goods people will buy. This is what the institute must do. It is of little use dressing our windows with a display of monthly meetings. We must have a special bargain sale display of laboratory instruments, technical development, post graduate courses, practical station work, field-day exercises, and social events. By this means we will attract customers, and they will enter our shop. Once they are inside we must make 100 per cent. sure not only that we have ample stocks of the goods we display, but also that we deliver them in an efficient and salesmanlike manner. To carry this into effect I consider it is essential that our council should be of the full strength of nine. Of these, say, four should be sufficient to cope with the machinery and business side of the institute, leaving two or three to organise and supervise laboratory work and technical development, and two more to arrange field days and social activities. Classes and instructional work would also form part of the functions of the technical committee of the council. By this means I feel sure greater activity would be manifest, and the greatest number of people would have a definite and useful job of work to do. It would also ensure that the closest touch will be maintained between technical and activities committees (whose appointed member would have a seat on council) and the council itself, thus ensuring that every branch of institute activity would have adequate representation and voice on the governing body. This would obviously serve a dual purpose." Thanks were expressed to the radio inspector (Mr. Armstrong) and others who had assisted during the year.[126]

As previous, 4RB appointed WIAQ treasurer

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. The beginning of the sixth year of the activities of the Queensland Division of the Wireless Institute of Australia, marks the evacuation of office by the original secretary (latterly president), Mr. L. J. Feenaghty, VK4LJ, and the similar retirement of the original president (latterly secretary), Mr. M. O'Brien, VK4MM, a report by the institute says. Mr. P. Kelly and Mr. V. Bouchard are now president and secretary respectively, and Mr. R. J. Browne VK4RB is treasurer. The remainder of the council will be elected at the adjourned meeting to be held in June. The trophy committee has made the following awards: Best station cup, Mr. McKenzie, VK4GK; 10 metres and below (28,000 K/cs. and above), Mr. E. Nissen, Dalby, VK4XN; experimental trophy, VK4AW, Mr. A. E. Walz. "The voice of the W.I.A., VK4WI, Toowong, continues to operate on its usual 8.30 a.m. and 10 a.m., 11 a.m. to noon schedules each Sunday, and occasionally from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. The station will ultimately increase power to 100 watts, and will work on 80 metres nightly for the winter time. It will be capable of putting phone into all U.S.A. States.[127]

4RB offers to calibrate wavemeters from the substandard for free for WIAQ members

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. Amendment of Rules The Wireless Institute of Australia has decided to amend and alter several rules. Circulars and ballot papers have been distributed to all financial members and the result of the ballot will be made known at the adjourned annual meeting on June 17. The second lecture of a fortnightly series was given by Mr. Vern Kenna (VK4FK) on copper oxide rectifiers. These lectures are arranged primarily for those who have passed their examination, but they are of such a nature as to be of interest to the enthusiast. The classes are being well patronised by those who are keen on gaining their amateur operator's ticket. Mr. R. Browne has kindly offered to calibrate frequency meters for members free of charge. These will be calibrated from substandard. The institute has decided to open headquarters on the top floor of Epworth House, corner Burnett Lane and Albert Street, during lunch hours, for the benefit of intending members. The secretary will be in attendance to answer inquiries.[128]

1932 06
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1932 07
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Who was the radio expert on the Chapman expedition?

"ROADS GOOD". Gold Seekers Plan Departure. "The rain has come at an appropriate time," said Mr. C. H. Chapman, who will lead the gold seeking expedition to Central Australia next week. "The roads on our way to Roma and Camooweal will be very bad at present, but the continued spell of fine, cold weather which is forecast should mean that we will be able to make good progress with our trucks next week. We should make the Tennant's Creek district, our first base, within three weeks, comfortably." Mr. Chapman hopes to be able to leave with the main party when it goes, probably on Tuesday, but he may have to remain a day or two longer to complete details and overtake the other members at Roma. Heavy core-boring plant will probably be forwarded to Mt. Isa and there picked up with petrol and another lorry. .Applications for inclusion in the party continue to arrive, Mr. Chapman said. Consideration was being given to journalistic representation, two geological chemists both of whom had excellent credentials, a radio expert, and a cinematographer. WOMAN APPLICANT. "We have even had an application from a woman member of a well known Brisbane family," he said. "She refused to take a negative answer and pointed out that women had done similar things before. We were, of course, obliged to refuse."[129]

Entire Kinetone system on Chapman expedition stated as being invented by Burne without reference to 4RB's component

GOLD EXPEDITION. The Final Plans. Departure on Thursday. An Australian-made Harkness Hornet chemically cooled engine will be installed in the Spartan aeroplane that will form part of the transport equipment of the Chapman Central Australian exploring and gold seeking expedition if present negotiations are successful. Mr. D. Milne, the aircraft engineer who will be a member of the party and will fly out six or eight weeks hence, said that Mr. D. Harkness, of Hark-ness and Hillier Ltd., Ashfield, New South Wales, had been approached and was considering the suggestion. The advantages of a chemically cooled engine were that the engine had to reach a temperature of 300 degrees before evaporation took place. In view of the higher temperatures of the Central Australian areas this would be a big consideration for water cooling was dangerous because of evaporation at comparatively low temperatures. The Harkness, Hilller organisation constructed the motor car engines, Anzac and Stewart Special, with which Norman ("Wizard") Smith broke two world records. Mr. Milne added that the ground party in trucks and utility waggons would put down landing grounds at distances of 100 miles and would es-tablish fuel depots with them. This would ensure the safety of the journey to and from the party and a further precaution would be the carrying of a relief pilot who would also be able to assist with any necessary repairs. FILMS AND PHOTOGRAPHS. Mr. G. A. Burne has arranged to travel with the party to take moving pictures and photographs for newspaper use. The sound equipment to be used will be Kinetone, which was invented and constructed by Mr. A. Burne. Mr. Burne will probably make a full-length feature sound film. A special camera being adapted for the work in Sydney will be employed and as soon as it arrives Mr. Burne will leave to join the party, probably on Saturday or Monday. THE DEPARTURE By a vote taken at the meeting of the party on Monday it was decided that the group should move off from Albert Square, Brisbane, on Thursday, at 11 a.m. A three-ton truck and two motor cars will leave Brisbane and will be joined by a utility waggon and another truck at Roma and another truck at Mt. Isa. The route thence will be through Alexandra Downs, Alroy Downs, and Tennant's Creek, on the overland telegraph line, which will be the first base district. The second base will probably be at Landers Lake, 150 miles further west. Where no surface water is found for 50 miles a bore will be sunk. Boring for water should not take more than two or three days, although where a core of the strata penetrated is desired for prospecting purposes the operation will probably occupy three or even four weeks. Mr. C. H. Chapman, leader of the expedition, remarked that his team was large enough to work in shifts and the boring plant would be kept in operation over the 24 hours. Explosives, packed in accord with Government regulations, would be carried by the expedition to assist in boring through rock. PUBLIC SHARES Ten Shares of £100 each will be offered to the public. The members of the party have subscribed sufficient capital to guarantee the expense and supplies of the party for 20 weeks.[130]

4RB revealed as inventor behind portion of the recording equipment for the Chapman expedition

Letters to the Editor. WHERE CREDIT IS DUE. Sir,— In Thursday's "Telegraph" referring to the equipment of the Chapman expedition, credit is given to Mr. A. Burne for the invention and construction of the talking picture sound recording equipment. This statement is not correct. The sound portion of the talkie unit is my property, and is the only commercial equipment in Queensland. It was invented and constructed by me, and is the outcome of much time and money spent over several years of acoustical and radio reaearch work.— Yours, &c., ROBERT J. BROWNE. Mr. A. Burne states that he is responsible for the Kinetone recording system; that Mr. R. J. Browne built the amplifier which is used in strengthening signals in recording and reproduction; that Mr. Browne's interest ends there; that the amplifier is only part of the Kinetone sound system and that Mr. Browne had nothing to do with the camera, printing, or other parts which are indispensible (sic) and dis-tinctive features of the system.— Editor "The Telegraph."[131]

4RB and 4WD take the Wednesday night Morse class for WIAQ

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. OFFICIAL NOTES. Enthusiastic members have been getting their portable gear into working order for the Aero Pageant which is to be held at Archerfield on August 6. As has been the case in past years the Wireless institute is co-operating with the Aero Club in providing radio communication with official observers stationed around the course. This year all contacts are to be made on telephony, which procedure will result in a considerable speeding up of traffic with the headquarters station at the aerodrome. The assistance rendered by the Wireless Institute is always appreciated by the Aero Club and the working conditions provide good field experience for the radio men. New students have been rapidly filling the places vacated for the classes by the graduating men. The Monday night elementary theory class is now under the guidance of Mr. H. Scholtz, 4HR. Tuesday night's class is for the advanced student and is instructed by Mr. Vince Jeffs, 4VJ, while Messrs. Bill Hepton, 4WD, and Bob Browne, 4RB, take the Wednesday night Morse class. Students and intending students should note that all classes are now commencing at 7.30 p.m. instead of 8 p.m. as has been customary in the past. The secretary, Mr. Vic. Bouchard, can always be found every day, except Thursday, at the institute's rooms in Epworth House between 12 midday and 2 p.m. As the rooms are open during lunch hours students and members are invited to make use of them. A small library is available and also Morse keys for practice. Every Friday is now a meeting night at the institute's headquarters and all members should make an effort to be present every week. Besides the usual general meeting occupying the first Friday of every month the remaining meeting nights are for technical section meetings and lectures. The adjourned annual meeting will be held next Friday. All meetings commence at 8 p.m. in the institute's headquarters, Epworth House, corner Albert Street and Burnett Lane. The postal address is Box 1524V, G.P.O., Brisbane.[132]

1932 08
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1932 09
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4RB and 4WD continue with their Wednesday night Morse classes for the WIAQ at Epworth House

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. OFFICIAL NOTES. A large number of members attended last Fridays' combined five-metre group and technical development section meeting. Mr. P. Kelly led the discussion on five-metre work. Working on data obtained during the last five-metre field tests, he advanced an opinion that ultra-shortwave signals from low-angular radiating or else directional antenna systems should be receivable at all points within visual range from the transmitter. As Toowoomba can be seen from several vantage points around Brisbane the meeting decided to test the theory by arranging with Toowoomba W.I.A. members to listen for 5-metre signals which it is proposed to transmit from the high-level districts around Brisbane. Schedules and full particulars of the transmissions will be made available as soon as replies are received from Toowoomba. After the five-metre discussion a technical talk on "Three-phase Alternating current," given by Mr. V. F. Kenna (VK4FK), was well received, and the lecturer was accorded a vote of thanks. Classes. The new term of instructional classes commences on Monday, October 3. All intending students holding application forms are requested to send them in to the secretary as soon as possible so as to save unnecessary delay in the commencement of the classes. Mr. A. Tonge is back again as a lecturer and will take the Monday night's preliminary class. Messrs. P. Kelly and H. Scholz will instruct the Tuesday night advanced class. Morse classes on Wednesday nights are still in the able hands of Messrs. W. D. Hepton, (VK4WD) and R. J. Browne (VK4RB). All of these classes will commence at 7.30 p.m. Wall space is reserved in the institute meeting room for photos of experimental stations and members' QSL cards. It is hoped to collect quite an attractive display of cards and photos to surround the honour board which has been presented to the W.I.A. by the past president, Major. L. J. Feenaghty (VK4LJ). The Sunday morning radio talks by the secretary, Mr. V. Bouchard, over VK4LW, are proving very popular. These talks will continue until the institute's official station VK4WI comes into operation. The occasional talks through VK4NW, Nundah, have also been instrumental in bringing many inquirers to the W.I.A. headquarters. RELAY CONTEST. The five-point relay contest closes at midnight next Sunday, October 2. Competitors are reminded that all station logs must be in hand at A.R.A. headquarters, Sydney, by October 22. Meetings are held every Friday night at the institute headquarters in Epworth House, corner Burnett Lane and Albert Street, city. Next Friday's meeting will take the form of an "informal" night. The postal address of the Queensland division of the W.I.A. is Box 1524V, G.P.O., Brisbane.[133]

1932 10
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1932 11
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1932 12
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4RB provides a comprehensive log of the inaugural programme of GSD the Empire shortwave station

EMPIRE STATION. Inaugural Broadcast. An Experimenter's Log. A review of the inaugural programme and transmission by GSD the Empire short wave station of the British Broadcasting Corporation was given in "The Telegraph" yesterday, but the following log of experimental station VK4RB (R. J. Browne, Toowong) will prove interesting to readers. Mr. Browne reports on the transmission as follows:— General remarks: GSD on 25.53 metres was received with quite good strength on a two-valve shortwave receiver. Every spoken word was distinctly heard and the technical quality of musical production was very good indeed. The percentage of modulation depth was very high. Fading was not too severe and static was never bothersome. From a technical viewpoint the transmission was splendid but the musical programme was very disappointing. No attempt was made to tune in GSC on 31.3 metres which was operating simultaneously with GSD. 7.10 p.m.: Unmodulated carrier of GSD heard. 7.15 p.m.: "Tune in" signal (a high frequency buzz note) commenced and ran for ten minutes. 7.30 p.m.: "Big Ben" chimes out the half-hour past 9 a.m. (London time) followed immediately by a roll of drums and "God Save the King," sung by a massed choir. 7.35 p.m.: Announcement: "This is London calling the Australasian zone through GSD on 11750 kilocycles, 25.53 metres and GSC on 9585 kilocycles. 31.3 metres . . . The announcer went on to introduce Mr. J. H. Whitley (Chairman of the British Broadcasting Corporation) and Sir John Reith (Director General of the B.B.C.). Mr. Whitley spoke a few words of greeting to listeners in the British Empire overseas while Sir John Reith gave a general outline of the alms and objects of the Empire broadcasts, explaining the zone methods which the B.B.C. has adopted. The next two speakers were Mr. Ashridge (B.B.C. chief engineer) and Captain Graves (Empire Service Director). Both said a few words, Mr. Ashridge remarking that 300 cablegrams and 1,000 letters reporting reception of GSD and GSC had come to hand during the past few weeks from overseas listeners. 7.50 p.m.: Commencing a pianoforte recital by Barclay Mason. The items included, "Fugue in G Minor" '(Bach), "Intermezzo opus 133 No. 1," "Intermezzo Opus 117 No. 3," "Romance, Opus 118 No. 5," the last three compositions by Brahms. The recital concluded with two novelettes by Schumann, Opus 21 No. 1 in F and No. 2 in B. 8.25 p.m.: The announcer read a talk which he stated had been broadcast the previous night by Vernon Bartlett from Budapest. The talk (somewhat of satirical vein) was on the people and customs of Hungary. During this talk (at 8.30 p.m.) a time signal of six buzz notes was heard. 8.45 p.m.: A selection of recorded dance items as follows: "Hello Mike," foxtrot; "Considering," foxtrot; "Rose of Saville," tango; "Lola," tango; "On a Dreamy Afternoon," foxtrot; "Song of the Heart," waltz; "It was so Beau-tiful," foxtrot. 9.14 p.m.: Special announcement regarding the Christmas day programme which, the announcer stated, will conclude with a recorded speech by His Majesty, the King. 9.15 p.m.: The Empire news bulletin, (Here the announcer gave warning that the news was not to be broadcast through loud speakers to the public or printed in newspapers or on lantern slides, &c., without express permission of Reuters.) The news items may be summarised as under: Weather is continuing to be mild throughout Britain, the season being more like that of April than midwinter. Weather prophets predict mild weather will continue. Pantomime season opens in London; "Peter Pan," played by Jean Forbes Robertson at the Palladium, "Dick Whittington" at the Hippodrome, Fay Compton in "The Sleeping Beauty" at the Lyceum, and "Mother Goose" at Daleys (?). Mrs. J. A. Mollison landed at Croydon yesterday after flying from Capetown in just over a week. Here followed a description of her flight across the Sahara by Mrs. Mollison. This talk was recorded on the previous night by the Blattnerphone system. Amy's voice could not be recognised owing to a drumming sort of distortion in the reproduction of the recording but most of the narrative was intelligible. The United States and the war debts question. New Zealand's generous offer to resume payments to Britain. Cricket news: English M.C.C. team versus Tasmania, scores, &c. Sheffield Shield matches, Queensland versus Victoria, scores, &c., special mention made of Fleetwood-Smith and L. Darling. South Australia versus New South Wales, scores, &c. Saturday's football results: (Here followed results of Association, Scottish League, Irish League, Rugby League, and Union matches played, in Britain.) 9.40 p.m.: Announcement regarding the B.B.C.'s publication "World Radio," which the announcer stated is on sale at most of the bookstores throughout Australia and New Zealand. 9.45 p.m.: Close down.[134]

1933 01
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1933 02
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4RB and 4WD continue with their Wednesday Morse classes at Epworth House for the WIAQ

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. OFFICIAL NOTES. The Heartsease's Operator. An interesting visitor to Brisbane is Mr. H. C. Dixon (ZL2BO), radio operator on the 42-yacht Heartsease. Mr. Dixon is an enthusiastic member of the New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters and, under the guidance of Mr. M. O'Brien (4MM), has been paying calls on a number of stations owned by local Wireless Institute members. The transmitter on the yacht was, unfortunately, out of commission during the greater part of the journey from New Zealand owing to salt water playing havoc with the radio equipment. However, before leaving Australia in continuation of the world cruise, all the gear will be fitted into watertight containers. INSTITUTE'S ROOMS. The divisional secretary advises that the institute's meeting room, in Epworth House will be open in future between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. daily. A member will always be found in attendance and any inquiries relating to membership, &c., will receive his attention. The technical reference library in the room is for the use of all members and morse keys are available for code practice. The Monday and Tuesday students' classes are now in the capable hands of Messrs. Hockin and Greenham. Messrs. Hepton (4WD) and Browne (4RB) are still in charge of Wednesday's morse classes. These instructional classes commence at 7.30 p.m. sharp and students should always make an effort to be on time. W.I.A. meetings are held every Friday evening, commencing at 8 o'clock, at headquarters, second floor of Epworth House, corner of Albert Street and Burnett Lane, city. All postal communications should be addressed to the secretary, Box 1524V, G.P.O., Brisbane.[135]

1933 03
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1933 04
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4RB working on the new modulator for 4WI to be transferred to Heindorff House

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. OFFICIAL NOTES. During the Easter Holidays Mr. Bruce Hardie (VK3YX), late Federal secretary of the Institute, was in Brisbane, and met many members of the Queensland division. He was introduced over the air by Mr. M. M. O'Brien through station VK4MM, and the two had quite an informal little chat on Wireless Institute matters generally before the microphone. Mr. Hardie made particular reference to the activities of members of the Air Force Guard. The new modulator for the official station of the Institute (VK4WI) is in course of construction by 4RB (Toowong), and when completed steps will be taken to install the station in the institute's room in Heindorff House. That great interest is being taken in the Institute is evidenced by the fact that 16 new members have been added to the roll recently, two of them sending in their application forms from Proserpine, in the Far North. In addition a new branch has been formed at Toowoomba by Mr. V. Herschell (VK4UK). A new series of classes for beginners, advanced experimenters and for Morse learners will be inaugurated on the second Monday in May and there is every indication that the classes will be well patronised. The hon. secretary (Mr. W. T. Wishart, VK4WT) reports that there is usually a good attendance of members during the lunch hour — 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. — when the Institute's room is always open during week days. Mr. Wishart attends at the room between 1 and 2 p.m. daily to give any information about the Institute and its classes.[136]

4RB reports that a number of memebers are availing themselves of his wavemeter calibration service

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. OFFICIAL NOTES. The annual meeting of the Queensland division of the Wireless Institute will be held next Friday, commencing at 8 p.m., at headquarters in Heindorff House. The reading of the executive reports, including financial statements, and the presentation of trophies will occupy the greater part of the evening while a general discussion on the policy and future activities of the division will conclude the meeting. A field day, to take place about the middle of next month, is being organised and suggestions as to its nature and location will be received at the annual meeting. The field days held in the past have been always extremely interesting besides providing a fair share of amusement to all participants. The student members' section roll book continues to swell. During the last week a large number of new members were enrolled. The new term of instructional classes will commence early next month, and all intending students should realise the advantage of joining up before the term actually begins. WAVEMETER CALIBRATION. The divisional calibration officer (Mr. R. J. Browne) reports that the wavemeter calibration service, free of charge to financial members, is being availed of by a number of local transmitting men. Most of the calibrations are required for the 150m — 175m and 175m — 250m wavebands. The Wireless Institute frequency meter is a substandard of the Commonwealth Government's multivibrator frequency generator in Melbourne. The substandard meter is capable of recording an accurate calibration of all frequencies between 100,000 kilocycles (approx. 3 metres) and 100 k.c. (approx 3,000 metres). The headquarters of the Wireless Institute are located at room 30, third floor, Heindorff House (next Regent Theatre), Queen Street. All postal communications should be addressed to the secretary, Box 1524V, G.P.O., Brisbane.[137]

1933 05
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4RB attends WIAQ AGM, as treasurer advises of improved financial position for the club and is reappointed as treasurer, council member and chief operator 4WI

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. OFFICIAL NOTES. On Friday, April 28, members, of the Wireless Institute gathered once again, on the occasion of the sixth annual meeting, which was one of the most enthusiastic held for some years. Approximately 40 members and students were present, the H.Q. room being filled to capacity, temporary seating accommodation having to be procured. Transmitting members present were: 4FK, 4WT, 4AW, 4GK, 4LJ, 4RY, 4NG, 4RB, 4JM, 4AS, 4LS, 4AH, 4FB, 4TS, 4VJ, 4AG, 4PG, 4XL, 4JY, 4GS, 4EF. At the outset the secretary, Mr. W. T. Wishart (VK4WT) read the minutes of the last annual meeting. The President, Mr. V. Kenna (VK4FK) submitted his report dealing with the Institute past and present, and his remarks on the future were very encouraging. Other reports in reference to treasurer, auditor and official station 4WI were dealt with. It is pleasing to note that the treasurer, Mr. Browne, VK4RB, was able to show a decided improvement over last year's financial position. The election of officers resulted as follows: Past President, Mr. V. Kenna (VK4FK); president, Mr. A. Walz (VK4AW); secretary, Mr. W. T. Wishart (VK4WT); assistant secretary, Mr. L. Williams (VK4LS); treasurer, Mr. R. Browne (VK4RB); traffic manager, VK4AW; chief operator, 4WI, VK4RB; publicity manager, VK4XL; hon. legal adviser, VK4HW; student representative, Mr. Angel, pro tem. Council Members: VK4AW, WT, RB, LS, AH, LJ, TS, and Mr. Tonge. Student representative to be appointed. During the evening the presentation of trophies took place. The "best station cup" was won by Mr. Mackenzie (VK4GK) of Wynnum. Mr. Kenna, in presenting the winner with cup and pennant, commended GK on his excellent station, both in layout and neatness, and also the amount of home construction gear. Mr. Mackenzie suitably responded. The red pennant for second place was won by Mr. W. T. Wishart (VK4WT.), of Graceville, Mr. Kenna remarked on the fine performance shown by Mr. Wishart, and also the neat appearance of the station. In response, Mr. Wishart congratulated Mr. Mackenzie, (4GK) on his performance and also thanked Mr. Kenna for his remarks. The 28 MC. Cup was awarded to VK4XN (Mr. Nissen, of Dalby). The president spoke of his activities, this being the second occasion in which 4XN has won the cup. Any information may be obtained from the secretary, Mr. Wishart, (VK4WT), who will be in attendance at headquarters, Heindorff House, third floor, room 30, daily, between 1-2 p.m. Next Friday night a lantern lecture on whaling in the great white south will be given by Mr. King, of Graceville. All members are requested to invite friends, O.W. and Y.L. The secretary trusts this lecture will be a great success. Others will be arranged in the near future. A meeting will take place on Friday week, May 19, to discuss a camp which it is hoped will be of extreme interest because 5 metre work, with phone, on 40 and 80 metres will be engaged in. A new series of lectures have commenced. Mr. Tonge was the lecturer last Monday night, and it was noted with satisfaction that many new members were present.[138]

4WI goes on the air with new modulator thanks to the efforts of 4RB

WIRELESS INSTITUTE. OFFICIAL NOTES. At the last meeting of the institute plans were discussed for a field day to be held from June 3 to 5. Two parties will set out. The Lower Coomera group will be in charge of VK4TS (Mr. Ted Shorten). The Lahey's Lookout-Tambourine Mountain group will be under the control of VK4AW (Mr. A. Walz). The object of the outing is to experiment on five metres, which should be of great interest to all concerned. The Lower Coomera party will consist of the following members: VK4TS, W.D., J.F., Burmister, Miller, Dore, Lynch, Kemp, and Gallagher. The Tambourine group, VK4AW, WT, Lachlin, McLeod, Houston, Darvil, Bates and Lucas. Each party will carry transmitters as well as numerous receivers. The five metres transmission will be checked up with 40 and 80 metre phone, on duplex. During this test other outside stations, VK4GK (Wynnum) and 4LS (Indooroopilly) will listen in and report. VK4CG (Toowoomba), who will be located at Picnic Point, also will listen. Other Toowoomba members will probably include 4RY and 4UK. Final arrangements will be made at next month's general meeting, Friday, June 2. A council meeting will be held tomorrow night. It has come under the notice of the institute that a man is going round the suburbs wrongly telling householders that he is a radio mechanic attached to the receiver servicing section of the Wireless Institute. The secretary would be glad to receive information on the subject because the institute has no servicing section. Last Sunday VK4WI went on the air with the new modulator, thanks to the efforts of VK4RB, who built the unit. The new lectures are well on the way, and anyone interested may obtain information from the secretary, Mr. W. T. Wishart, VK4WT, at the headquarters rooms situated in Heindorff House, 3rd floor, room 30, or write to Box 1524V, G.P.O., Brisbane.[139]

1933 06
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1933 07
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1933 08
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4PG in advertising his Golden Radio Service, notes 4RB has joined the staff

Wireless Requisites. . . . GOLDEN Radio Service means just that to you, Messrs. P. J. Golden and R. Browne are concentrating on an efficient radio service day or night; ring B5000. radio talkie and amplifier construction and repairs guaranteed; 150 Elizabeth Street.[140]

1933 09
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1933 10
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1933 11
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1933 12
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4RB's father visits Mackay and reminisces about the changes that have taken place over 50 years and recalls early inhabitants

OLD MACKAY. On Saurday morning last, Mr. R. A. S. Browne, a member of the adminis-tative staff of the home for aged people at Dunwich, called at Mackay on his journey south, and spent the day endeavoring to trace some of the spots with which he was acquainted, and relatives of people he knew fifty years ago when he last visited scenes of his childhood days. It was in the period 1870 to 1882 that Daniel Browne, father of the Mr. Browne previously mentioned in this paragraph, occupied the position first as post and telegraph master and latterly as postmaster at Mackay. The hand of time has worked many important changes in Mackay since that time, and when questioned regarding some of the early history Mr. Browne was able to furnish some interesting details. The Post Office occupied the present position, he said, but natural trees and vegetation covered much of the surrounding area now utilised for modern residences or business places. In those days communication with the outside world was maintained by a small coastal steamer, the "Tinoni," of which Captain Fison was the popular skipper. This vessel was also the mail carrier, and when the vessel arrived the mail was delivered at the Post Office by Mr. Browne in a hand cart which was borrowed for the purpose from Mr. A. Sinclair, who owned a timber yard. The country mailmen used pack horses owing to the nature of the country they were compelled to traverse and the only coach Mr. Browne remembers was run by Mr. M. J. Fay, father of the Fay family, whose popularity in this district has extended over many years. Mr. Fay subsequently made his home at the Metropolitan Hotel, which is still being conducted by Mr. Geo. Fay. It was during the period of Mr. Browne's residence that the Prince of Wales Hotel in River-street was erected, and the first licensee was Mr. McPherson, chief steward on the "Tinoni." Of the business houses then in existence, Mr. Browne has recollections of Marsh & Webster, Sharp Deller & Co., Ebenezer Staines, and Daniel Shepherd, who sold the necessary materials to keep the population in clothing and supply the farming community with hardware and implements, while Finch and Weir and Rice and Toussant were the butchers. The health of the community was in the hands or Dr. McBurney, who enjoyed the confidence and esteem of the people, and the educational facilities were in charge of the late J. R. Norris, with Colonel W. G. Hodges as his assistant. An interesting figure in the years mentioned was "Bellman" Carr, who was town crier for Mr. Geo. Smith (the "Great I Will" as he was familiarly known in business circles) into whose hands goods were entrusted to be sold by auction, hence the epithet, "I will"— sell, &c). Motor vehicles were but a dream of the future and horse flesh was in keen demand. This gave lucrative employment to the saddlers, of whom Pat McKenny and John Murtagh were the leading men. Offenders against law and order were apprehended by a small staff of police officers in charge of Sergeant, after wards Inspector, Graham, and when brought before the 'beak,' Captain Goddall was the officiating magistrate. Those who required legal advice and defence usually sought the services of Frank Smith, then a very prominent member of the community who took a keen interest in public affairs apart from his professional duties. The spiritual welfare of the village was in the keeping of Rev. Archie McLaren, of the Anglican Church, and Rev. Father Bucas. Both men were universally beloved and recognised for their many acts of philanthropy and benevolence. The present site of the Belmore Arms Hotel, in Wood-street, was Mr. B. McGuire's cobbler's shop, where the soles of the community were kept in good repair. Our popular "Boniface," Barney McGuire is a descendant of the old cobbler, and conducts the hostelry originally established by his dad. Questioned regarding the sugar industry, Mr. Browne said he was not old enough to be able to give much information as to its development. He remembered, however, that there were large plantations at Pleystowe, Foulden, Te Kowai, Palmyra, Habana, Pioneer, and several other centres. John Spiller was then a familiar figure in Mackay, and the bird sanctuary he established at Pioneer was an outstanding feature of the property. "I cannot tell you what principal varieties of cane were grown remarked Mr. Browne, but I remember it was about ten feet high at harvest time and so far as sweetness is concerned, if taste is any guide the best "eating" canes were Black Java and Ribbon." A number of small mills were required to crush the cane, and the sugar was packed in mats and sent down the river in scow's for shipment at the port. The scows were propelled by long sweeps operated by Kanakas, who walked up and down the full length of the scow when manipulating the sweep. On one occasion a loaded scow foundered in the river opposite what is now the R.C. Presbytery, and provided a great deal of amusement for the youth of the community who were in the habit of bathing in the river. Communication with the north side was carried on by means of a ferry, as the Sydney-street bridge was not in existence at the time. The ferry steps were located opposite the Post Office, and on one memorable occasion a crocodile stuck his ugly snout above the water in the vicinity of the landing, and for a long time the crossing by ferry was undertaken with a certain amount of trepidation by the more timid inhabitants. Mr. Browne spent a very interesting day and was impressed with the progress that has taken place in the half century that has elapsed since his last visit.[141]

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4RB's father at his retirement function

DUNWICH OFFICERS FAREWELLED. Assistant Manager Leaving. MR. R. A. S. BROWNE, Assistant Manager at Dunwich, is retiring after forty years spent in the Government service, during the last twenty seven of which he has been stationed at Dunwich. Beginning his business career with the Queensland National Bank, with which he held a position from 1887 to 1894. Mr. Browne afterwards joined the Civil Service and was appointed clerk and storekeeper at St. Helena on July 26, 1895. He was transferred to Dunwich as storekeeper in January, 1909, promoted to steward in 1914 and made assistant manager in 1928. Mr. P. Bambridge, chief cook, is also retiring under the age limit after being employed at Dunwich for 14 years. First appointed to be second cook in June, 1921, Mr. Bambridge was promoted to the position of chief cook in 1933. The Inmates Entertainment Committee arranged a special concert in honour of Messrs. Browne and Bambridge. During the evening the chairman of the committee, G. Macfarland, voiced the regard of inmates at the officers' departure, and requested the medical superintendent, Dr. P. C. Turnbull, to present each of their guests with a packet of notes. Dr. Turnbull then made the presentations. The members of the staff and the ladies of the local branch of the C.W.A. paid their tributes to the officers at a supper held in the hall when Dr. Turnbull presided. The toast of the guests was supported by Matron Gordon, Messrs. P. Fagern, J. Kelleher, A. H. Kelly, Father Butler, J. Waters, and A. L. McPhail. MANY BENEFITS. The speakers emphasised how much Dunwich owed to Mr. Browne, including the library improvements, the up-to-date picture show, the tennis club and courts, a rifle club, the girls' swimming team and the golf club. Mr. Browne and Mr. Bainbridge replied. Dr. Turnbull on behalf of the staff then presented each with a wallet of notes. At the Golf Club gathering Dr. Turnbull presented travelling requisites and the life membership of the club to Mr. Browne. The president of the C.W.A. (Matron Gordon), acting on behalf of the members, presented Miss Browne with a shoulder spray of sweetpeas and an Eversharp pencil. Miss Browne suitably responded. Mr. Browne is proceeding at an early date on a visit to England and Europe and Mr. and Mrs. Bambridge are taking up residence in Brisbane.[142]

4RB's father retires

DUNWICH OFFICIAL RETIRES. Mr. R. A. S. Browne, who has retired from the position of assistant manager of the Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, which he had held since 1928 will leave Brisbane shortly on a trip to England and Europe. Mr. Browne joined the public service after having been in the employ of the Queensland National Bank for seven years, and in 1895 he became cleric and storekeeper at St. Helena, where he remained for 14 years. He then went to Dunwich Institution as storekeeper. Subsequently he was appointed steward and later he became assistant manager. He always associated himself with welfare movements at Dunwich and his work in this connection was greatly appreciated by the old people.[143]

As previous

DUNWICH LOSES GOOD FRIEND. Mr. R. A. S. Browne Retires. Mr. R. A. S. Browne, who since 1928 has been assistant manager of the Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, has retired after spending 40 years in the Public Service. Mr. Browne was in the employ of the Queensland National Bank from 1887 to 1894, when he joined the Civil Service. In 1895 he was appointed clerk and storekeeper at St. Helena, and in 1909 was transferred to Dunwich as storekeeper. Later he was appointed steward. He was instrumental in adding largely to the amenities of the institution. He increased the library from a few odd books to a collection of some thousands of volumes of up-to-date literature, and he also fostered the picture show. The various associations at Dunwich entertained Mr. Browne before his departure, and presented him with gifts. He will leave shortly on a trip to England and Europe[144]

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NSW Stammerers club invites the formation of a Qld club

A STAMMERERS' CLUB. SIR,— Would you be so good as to allow me space in your columns to suggest to Queenslanders that a Stammerers' Club should be formed in Queensland. The valuable work done by the New South Wales club in providing the most up-to-date treatment known for its members at purely nominal fees (or, in necessitous cases, absolutely without charge) is an example of what can be done by the collective efforts of a body of stammerers. I invite any stammerer or ex-stammerer interested in this suggestion to communicate with me, and every assistance will be given by my club in the formation of a local club in Brisbane.— I am, sir, &c., L. J. HULLICK, Hon. Secretary Stammerers' Club of N.S.W., Sydney.[145]

1936 08
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4RB advise of the formation of a Qld Stammerers Club

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. . . . Fluent Speech. . . . For Fluency. SIR,— The recent inauguration of the Stammerers' Club of Queensland may be of vital interest to a number of readers of "The Telegraph." The first meeting was held on the 12th instant, and was attended by a number of local enthusiasts, all of whom are stammerers. The aims and objects of the club are briefly:— (1) To stimulate interest and research in stammering for its cure and alleviation; (2) to obtain particulars of the most modern methods of treatment used overseas and to organise adult and children's classes at which this treatment may be given; (3) to provide opportunities for friendly intercourse between stammerers and to further their interests in every possible way. The club has been formed for no monetary or personal gain and members are determined that no vestige of commercialism shall ever come into the organisation.— Yours, &c., R. J. BROWNE, Hon. Secretary.[146]

4RB thanks Courier Mail for publishing suggestion to form a Stammerers Club which has now proceeded

STAMMERERS' CLUB. Sir,— On July 16 you published a letter written by Mr. L. J. Hullick, honorary secretary of the Stammerers' Club of New South Wales, suggesting the formation of a stammerers' club in this State. The letter has led, in effect, to the inauguration of the Stammerers' Club of Queensland. The first meeting of this club was held last Tuesday night, and was attended by a number of local enthusiasts, all of whom are stammerers. The aims and objects of the club are briefly: (1) To stimulate interest and research in stammering for its cure and alleviation. (2) To obtain particulars of the most modern methods of treatment used overseas and to organise adult and children's classes at which this treatment may be given. (3) To provide opportunities for friendly intercourse between stammerers and to further their interests in every possible way. The club has been formed for no monetary or personal gain, and members are determined that no vestige of commercialism shall ever enter the organisation. Membership is open to stammerers and ex-stammerers of both sexes; persons interested in the problems of stammering may be admitted as associate members. The fees proposed are nominal, and in necessitous cases, dispensed with altogether. The postal address of the club is Box 776K, G.P.O., Brisbane. I have been instructed by the club to express to The Courier-Mail the thanks of every member for the assistance it has rendered by giving publicity to the suggestion of the New South Wales organisation.— I am sir, &c., R. J. BROWNE, Hon. Secretary, Stammerers' Club of Queensland.[147]

1936 09
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4RB still Hon. Secretary of the Stammerers Club of Queensland

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. . . . The Stammerers' Club. SIR,— In "The Telegraph" of November 7 you published a letter from a correspondent who, under the pseudonym of "Demosthenes," has chosen to criticise several statements which he attributes to Dr. D. W. Johnson, president of the Stammerers' Club of New South Wales. Your correspondent has obviously misread the reported interview with the doctor (vide "The Telegraph," November 2), for in the greater part of his letter he has simply set up his own Aunt Sallies and made some not too successful attempts to knock them down. None of the reported statements of Dr. Johnson referred to the causes of stammering. The allegation by "Demosthenes's" slur, of apathy on the part of the medical profession is quite unfair and decidedly incorrect, when we consider the amount of research into the nature and cure of stammering that has been undertaken by doctors and medical institutions in different parts of the world. His charge of lack of interest on the part of the Government more nearly hits the mark. Fortunately, however, this cannot be said of the Queensland Government, which has appointed a speech-training expert to the Education Department, so that any stammering child attending any school in the metropolitan area may receive treatment, free of charge; upon application to the proper authority. As honorary secretary of the Stammerers' Club qf Queensland, I extend to your correspondent an invitation to be present at any ordinary meeting of the club. He will here have an opportunity to discuss his problems with a medical man, and also to receive the benefit of lectures and instructions on the treatment of stammering. Meetings of the club are held every Friday night in the rooms of the Town and Country Women's Club, Commercial Bank Chambers, Albert Street.— Yours, &c., R. J. BROWNE. Hon. Sec., the Stammerers Club of Queensland.[148]

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4RB passes examination for appointment as Mechanic Grade 1, Telephone Installation and Maintenance Section within PMG Dept

Examination No. 2132. For Appointment, Transfer or Promotion as Mechanic, Grade 1, Fourth Division, Telephone Installation and Maintenance Section, Postmaster-General's Department, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia Held 19th March, 1938, and subsequent dates. THE following are the names of the successful candidates in their order of merit. Attention is directed to the conditions published in the Common-wealth Gazette of 6th January, 1938. Candidates who are not returned soldiers will be eligible for appointment during the ensuing period of twelve months, that is, up to and including 9th November, 1939. Where two or more candidates secured the same number of marks, their order of merit has been determined (a) by the number of marks obtained in the Practical Tests, and (b) by lot. No successful candidate can be appointed upon or after attaining the age of 51 years. If a successful candidate changes his address, he should immediately notify the Commonwealth Public Service Inspector in the State under which his name appears. Order of Merit. Name. Total Marks. . . . 17. Browne, Robert John. 363.[149]

4RB is best man at his brother James Alec Cosmo Browne's wedding

ORCHIDS FAVOURED. Browne — Gashler Wedding Ceremony. Both the bride and her matron of honour favoured orchids for their shoulder posies at the Browne-Gashler wedding, which was celebrated this morning at St. Mary's Church, Merivale Street, South Brisbane. THE bride, who was Miss Gudrun Maude Gashler, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Gashler, Melbourne, featured a street length frock of jacaranda blue cloque. The moulded bodice, which was defined by buttons from the neck to the waistline, was fashioned with heavily shirred short sleeves and allied with a swing skirt. Her beaded French cowl clip and buckle toned with her wide brimmed hat of navy blue sisol which matched in colouring her accessories. A spray of orchids sent by her aunt from Sydney was also worn by the bride. She was given away by her brother, Mr. Harald Gashler. Mrs. Claude Jennings (Beaudesert), who attended her sister as matron of honour, chose a street length frock of maize cloque. The skirt was adorned with shirring and the bodice outlined by minute buttons from the neck to the girdle. Her wide leafed hat of cinnamon brown ballibuntle was softly draped with an eye veil and her accessories repeated the brown note. Like the bride she wore orchids sent by her aunt from Sydney. The bridegroom, Mr. James Alec Cosmo Browne, youngest son of Mr. R. A. S. Browne, New Farm, and the late Mrs. Browne, was attended by Mr. Robert Browne as best man. Dean Cashman officiated at the ceremony. Carnations and frangipani were combined with Michaelmas daisies and roses in decorating the church. The guests were entertained at Wahroonga, Edmonstone Street, Newmarket, the home or Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kerr. Bowls of Michaelmas daisies, pansies, pink roses, and multicoloured gladioli adorned the reception rooms. Mrs. Kerr chose a gown of dusty pink sweetheart crepe. With it she allied navy accessories and a shoulder spray of orchids. On leaving to spend the honeymoon on the north coast the bride wore with her wedding frock a navy blue water weave taffeta redingote showing a knife pleated skirt.[150]

As previous

WEDDINGS. ST. MARY'S CHURCH, Merivale Street, South Brisbane, was the setting chosen for the wedding of Gudrun (Chuckle) Gashler, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Gashler, of Melbourne, and Jim Browne, youngest son of Mr. R. A. S. Browne, of New Farm, and the late Mrs. Browne. The pretty bride, who was given away by her brother Harold, finished her jacaranda blue frock with a posy of orchids and her sister, Mrs. Claude Jennings, of Beaudesert, who was matron of honor, wore orchids also on her maize cloque frock. Mr. Robert Browne was best man, and after the ceremony the guests were entertained at a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kerr, where pansies and roses were effectively employed in the floral decorative scheme. Later the young couple left for the north coast, where they will spend their honeymoon, and the bride wore a navy redingote coat over her wedding frock for travelling.[151]

1938 12
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4RB's WW2 service record

National Archives of Australia

  • Title: BROWNE ROBERT JOHN VINCENT : Service Number - 300079 : Date of birth - 05 Apr 1907 : Place of birth - BRISBANE QLD : Place of enlistment - BRISBANE : Next of Kin - BROWNE ROBERT
  • Contents date range: 1939 - 1948
  • Series number: A9301
  • Control symbol: 300079
  • Citation: NAA: A9301, 300079
  • Item barcode: 5548161
  • Location: Canberra
  • Access status: Not yet examined
  • Date of decision: 01 Jan 1970
  • Physical format: PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
  • Records authority class number: 1010873
  • Date registered: 20 May 2002[152]
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Journalist recalls with 4RB's father, his trip to Germany to pray for peace

Brisbane Diary. SOMETIMES the world seems a very small place. Bromidic, perhaps, but at times the bromidic justifies itself. It does in this instance. Yesterday I wrote a paragraph for the Diary, asking who was the "Mr. Brown, of Brisbane," who once prayed in Munich with the Rev. Norman Webster, of St. Andrew's Church, for the peace of Europe? It seemed "a thousand against a peanut," to use a "Harvester" phrase, that I'd find him, but yesterday afternoon he called upon me, bringing photographs of the tour mentioned by the Rev. Norman Webster. He is Mr. R. A. S. Browne, of 116 Merthyr Road, New Farm, who travelled through Europe in 1936, and assisted in placing the wreath on the Unknown Soldier of Germany, and joined with the Rev. Webster in the prayer for peace. What is more, we found that we had known each other in the long ago. Years ago Mr. Browne was assistant manager at Dunwich, and his brother, Captain Jack Browne, used to be a journalist on the old Daily Mail. He did not tell me this, but I know it. He belongs to the Brownes of Sligo, an offshoot of the family of Earl Kilmaine; and, if I remember rightly, his father used to be postmaster at Mackay in pre-federation days. Anyhow, the Rev. Norman Webster and Mr. Browne, of Brisbane, are going to meet again.[153]

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4RB's sister Shiela Mary Browne's marriage notice

MARRIAGE NOTICES. . . . WETHERELL — BROWNE.— On the 30th December, at the Holy Spirit Church, New Farm, by the Rev. R. G. Tynan, Arthur Dibdin, younger Son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wetherell, of Northgate, to Sheila Mary, youngest Daughter of Mr. R. A. S. Browne, New Farm, and of the late Mrs. Browne.[154]

1940 02
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4RB, already in the PMG and classified Mechanic Grade 1, passes examination for promotion as Mechanic Grade 2 and thereby automatically advanced as at 1 July 1939

Examination No. 2190. For Appointment, Transfer or Promotion as Mechanic, Grade 2, Broadcasting, Engineering Branch, Postmaster-General's Department. All States. Held 27th May, 1939, and subsequent dates. THE following are the names of the candidates who were successful at the above examination. Attention is directed to the conditions published in Commonwealth Gazette, No. 5, dated 26th January, 1939. The following information should be noted:— (i) Successful candidates who are designated Mechanic, Grade 1, will be advanced as Mechanic, Grade 2, as on 1st July, 1939. (ii) Vacancies will be filled by qualified officers to the extent to which they are available. Thereafter appointments will be made, as required, of qualified candidates from without the Service in their order of merit at this examination subject to preference to (a) returned soldiers temporarily employed in the Commonwealth Public Service, and (6) other returned soldiers. (iii) Successful candidates from outside the Service who are not returned soldiers will be eligible for appointment until and including 6th March, 1941, but the eligibility of any such successful candidate who attains the age of 51 years within the period of eligibility mentioned will thereupon cease. (iv) Mechanics, Grade 2, and the Senior Mechanic who were successful will be considered for transfer as Mechanic, Grade 2, Broadcasting, in accordance with the provisions of section 50 of the Commonwealth Public Service Act. (v) Where two or more successful candidates obtained the same total of marks in the Practical Tests and in-Theory, their order of merit has been determined by the number of marks gained in the Practical Tests, or, if those numbers were equal, by lot. . . . Queensland. Officers classified as Mechanic, Grade 1. Browne, Robert John Vincent.[155]

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War report from 4RB's sister in London

Piece of Bomber Sent Home To Brisbane. MR. R. A. S. BROWNE, of Solar Street, Coorparoo, former assistant-manager of the Dunwich Benevolent Asylum, brought to The Courier-Mail office yesterday a piece of a Heinkel bomber, half an incendiary bomb, and several fragments of shrapnel. They had been sent to him by his daughter, Mrs. T. Ammer, formerly Miss Kitty Browne, of the E.S. and A. Bank, Brisbane. Mrs. Ammer for the last five years has lived with her engineer husband in a suburb on the Thames Estuary. The bomber crashed in her front garden. "Her husband works with the Briggs engineering works, Dagenham, near King's Cross, London," said Mr. Browne, "and although Briggs' factory has been almost blown to bits, the firm is carrying on." Mr. Browne read a passage from his daughter's last letter, in which she said: "We seem to have more bombs round here than anywhere else. The bomb squad is up and down all the time. It removes the time bombs and does other work. 'I feel I'm really seeing some of the war. The other day I toured our area in a car. I didn't pass out of sight of one bombed building without coming to another. All this was on the main road. Goodness knows what the other parts look like." Mrs. Ammer said that Briggs' works had been bent and twisted like a sea serpent. Mr. Browne said that his daughter kept their only child in a crib in an Anderson shelter.[156]

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Birth of 4RB's neice

BIRTHS. BROWNE.— To Gudrun (nee Gashler), Wife of Sergeant J. A. C. Browne, A.I.F., Abroad, at the Brisbane Women's Intermediate Hospital, on 28th April — a Daughter (Diana Elizabeth).[157]

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Qld marriage registration for 4RB

  • Qld BDM
  • Marriage registration: Robert John Vincent Browne
  • Marriage date: 04/04/1942
  • Spouse's name: Myra Irene Blundell
  • Registration details: 1942/C/2908 [158]
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Birth notice for 4RB's son

BIRTHS. . . . BROWNE.— At Lister Private Hospital, Townsville, on 13th April, to Myra (nee Blundell), wife of R. J. Browne, Radio Station 4QN, Clevedon, N.Q., a Son.[159]

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Obituary of 4RB's father

OBITUARY. Mr. R. A. S. Browne, of New Farm, who died on Sunday, was at one time assistant manager at Dunwich. He was a member of the Coorparoo Bowling Club and of the Commercial Travellers' Association.[160]

1945 04
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Honour roll for 4RB's brother James Alec Cosmo Browne, died in a Japanese POW Camp

Honour Roll. . . . Sgt. James A. C. Browne, husband of Mrs. G. M. Browne, Solar Street, Coorparoo, and son of late Mr. and Mrs. R. A. S. Browne, died in Japanese prison camp.[161]

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1946 05
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1946 06
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1946 07
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1946 08
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1946 09
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4RB afforded a presentation and farewell on his transfer from 4QN Townsville to Brisbane after 7 years as supervising technician

PERSONAL. . . . A presentation and farewell was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Browne, by the staff at Radio Station 4QN on Wednesday on the eve of their departure on transfer to Brisbane. They were presented with a handsome travelling bag suitably inscribed. Mr. Browne has been acting in the capacity of supervising technician of 4QN for seven years. Goodwill messages were also received from test room staff at G.P.O. Townsville. A welcome was also tendered to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walker. Mr Walker is taking up duty as supervising technician at 4QN after having served in that capacity at radio 4AT Atherton for a number of years [162]

1946 10
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1946 11
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1946 12
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1947 01
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1947 02
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1947 03
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1947 04
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1947 05
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1947 07
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1947 08
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1947 09
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1947 10
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1947 11
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1947 12
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1948 01
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4RB included in a belated list of permanent officers of Commonwealth Public Service on 30 June 1946

INDEX TO LIST OF PERMANENT OFFICERS OF THE COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE ON 30th JUNE, 1946. Name. Page. No. on Page. . . . Browne, Robert John Vincent .. .. 603 4.[163]

1948 02
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1948 03
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1948 04
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1948 05
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1948 06
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1949 01
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1949 02
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1949 03
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1949 04
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Birth notice for 4RB's nephew

BIRTHS. AMMER.— At Women's Intermediate, April 12, Richard and Kitty (nee Browne), Caltowie, Archer St., Upper Mt. Gravatt — a Son (Richard O'Donovan).[164]

1949 05
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1949 07
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1950 01
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1951 01
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1951 02
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1951 04
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1951 05
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1951 06
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1951 07
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1951 08
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4RB passes examination entitling him to promotion or transfer as Senior Technician, Radio and Broadcasting within Postmaster-General's Department.

Examination No. 3706. For Promotion or Transfer as Senior Technician, Radio and Broadcasting, Postmaster-General's Department. All States. Held 18th November and subsequent dates. THE officers named hereunder were successful:— . . . QUEENSLAND. . . . Browne, Robert John Vincent.[165]

1951 09
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1951 10
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1951 11
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1951 12
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1952 01
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1952 02
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1952 03
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1952 04
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1952 06
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1952 07
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1952 08
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1952 09
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1952 10
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1952 11
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1952 12
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1953 01
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1953 02
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1953 03
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1953 04
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1954 01
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1955 01
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1960 01
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1961 01
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1963 01
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1963 02
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1963 03
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1963 04
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1963 05
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1963 06
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4RB promoted within Postmaster-General's Dept to Supervising Technician (Telecommunications), Grade 1 in Radio Section, Radio Telephone Division, Brisbane with duties Officer-in-charge, radio laboratory.

PROMOTIONS — continued. Name and Personnel Number (also seniority reference if Regulation 109G applies). Present Designation, Salary ScaIe, Division and Location. Position to which Promoted, Salary Scale, Division, Location and Position Number. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT — continued. Queensland — continued. Engineering Division — Country Branch — continued. Browne, Robert John Vincent. 59/15989. Senior Technician (Telecommunications) (£1,168 - £1,252), Fourth Division, Engineering Division. Supervising Technician (Telecommunications), Grade 1 (£1,448-£1,504), Fourth Division, Radio Section, Radio Telephone Division, Brisbane§ Duties — Officer-in-charge, radio laboratory.[166]

1963 07
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1963 08
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1963 09
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1963 10
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1963 11
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1963 12
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1964 01
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1964 02
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1964 03
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1964 04
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1964 05
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1964 06
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1964 07
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1964 08
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1964 09
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1964 10
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1964 11
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1964 12
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1965 01
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1965 02
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1965 03
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1965 04
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1965 05
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1966 01
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1966 02
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1966 03
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1966 04
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1967 01
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1967 02
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1967 03
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1967 04
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1967 05
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1965 06
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1965 07
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1967 08
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1967 09
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1967 10
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1967 11
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1967 12
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1968 01
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1968 02
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1968 03
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1968 04
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1968 05
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4RB promoted within Postmaster-General's Department to Supervising Technician (Telecommunications), Grade 2 with duties Officer in charge of installation of low capacity and single channel radio telephone systems throughout the State.

PROMOTIONS — continued. Name and Personnel Number (also seniority reference if Regulation 109G applies). Present Designation, Salary ScaIe, Division and Location. Position to which Promoted, Salary Scale, Division, Location and Position Number. POSTMASTER-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT — continued. . . . Engineering Division — Country Branch, Radio Section — Radiocommunications Sub-section. Browne, Robert John Vincent. 59/15989G. Supervising Technician (Telecommunications), Grade 1 $4,023-4,269, Fourth Division, Engineering Division Supervising Technician (Telecommunications), Grade 2 $4,515-4,761, Fourth Division, Brisbane*; Duties — Officer in charge of installation of low capacity and single channel radio telephone systems throughout the State.[167]

1968 06
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1968 07
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1968 08
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1968 09
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1968 10
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1968 11
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1968 12
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1969 01
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1969 02
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1969 03
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1969 04
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1969 05
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1969 07
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1969 09
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1969 10
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1969 11
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1969 12
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1970 01
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1971 01
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1971 10
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1971 11
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1971 12
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1972 01
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Qld death registration for 4RB

  • Qld BDM
  • Death registration: Robert John Vincent Browne
  • Death date: 01/01/1972
  • Mother's name: Margaret Grace O'Malley
  • Father/parent's name: Robert Alexander St. Stephen Browne
  • Registration details: 1972/B/29356 [168]
1972 02
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1972 03
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1972 04
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1972 05
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1973 01
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1974 01
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