History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Clubs/Queensland Wireless Institute/Notes

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Queensland Wireless Institute – Transcriptions and notes

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1919 01
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WIRELESS RESTRICTIONS RELAXED. MELBOURNE, January 1. The restrictions imposed on the use of wireless messages between shore and ships have been, to some extent, lifted. It now is possible for wireless to be used fully for the working of ships, but messages cannot yet pass from the passengers to the shore or from the shore to the passengers.[1]

Wireless Messages. PEACE ROUTINE ADOPTED. MELBOURNE, January 2. In regard to wireless communication with ships, the Acting Minister for the Navy intimates that peace routine now has been adopted for wireless communication between the radio stations in the Commonwealth, including the islands under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth and ships of the mercantile marine, except in cases of ships in the Mediterranean Sea, White Sea, Baltic Sea, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, and Red Sea, and approaches to Vladivostock. The public now may utilise the facilities offered by the Commonwealth radio stations for transmission of private messages to and from vessels of the mercantile marine. Such messages will be accepted at post offices. The new arrangements take effect immediately.[2]

ARMISTICE EXTENSION AFFIRMED. GERMAN WARSHIPS COMPLETELY DEMOBILISED. BUTER FACTION FIGHTING IN BERLIN. FURTHER IMPERIAL CABINET APPOINTMENTS. THE ARMISTICE AGREEMENT. PROLONGED BEYOND JANUARY 17. GERMAN WIRELESS ANNOUNCEMENT. PLENIPOTENTIARIES AGAIN MEETING. LONDON, Saturday. A German wireless message states that Generalissimo Foch has telegraphed that the Allied Armistice Commission approves of the prolongation of the armistice agreement beyond January 17. The Allied and German plenipotentiaries will, therefore, meet on January 14 at Treves, and come to a new agreement for the prolongation of the armistice.[3]

1919 02
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PUBLIC NOTICES. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND TELEPHONY. PROPOSED QUEENSLAND WIRELESS INSTITUTE. Persons interested in the formation of the above Institute, are requested to call or write for further particulars, to the Hon. Organising and General Secretary, pro. tem, No. 25 Adelaide street, city. S. V. COLVILLE.[4]

Proposed Wireless Institute. A movement is afoot to inaugurate an institute, having for its object the association of persons interested in the study of electricity, especially as applied to wireless telegraphy and telephony. It is proposed to open the institute immediately inducement offers for theoretical study and Morse code instruction. Further particulars are advertised.[5]

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND TELEPHONY. PROPOSED QUEENSLAND WIRELESS INSTITUTE. PERSONS interested in the formation of the above institute are requested to call or write for further particulars, to the Hon. Organising and General Secretary, pro term. S. V. COLVILLE.[6]

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND TELEPHONY. With regard to the announcement that efforts are being made to establish a Queensland wireless institute it may be mentioned that persons interested in wireless telegraphy and telephony are requested to call on or write to Mr. S. V. Colville, Chelmer, for particulars.[7]

Proposed Wireless Institute. It is notified by advertisement that a meeting of persons interested in the formation of the proposed Queensland Wireless Institute will be held in the rooms of the Chamber of Manufactures, City Buildings, Edward-street, next Wednesday, at 8 p.m.[8]

WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND TELEPHONY. Proposed Queensland Wireless Institute. A MEETING of persons interested in the formation of the above Institute will be held at the rooms of the Brisbane Chamber of Manufactures, City Buildings, Edward street, on WEDNESDAY, 26th instant, at 8 p.m.— S. V. COLVILLE, Hon. Org. and Gen. Secretary, pro tem.[9]


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  1. "WIRELESS RESTRICTIONS RELAXED.". The Telegraph (Queensland, Australia) (14,385): p. 8. 2 January 1919. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article176309476. Retrieved 20 April 2019. 
  2. "Wireless Messages.". The Telegraph (Queensland, Australia) (14,385): p. 5 (SECOND EDITION). 2 January 1919. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article176309202. Retrieved 20 April 2019. 
  3. "ARMISTICE EXTENSION AFFIRMED.". The Brisbane Courier (Queensland, Australia) (19,029): p. 7. 14 January 1919. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article20243553. Retrieved 20 April 2019. 
  4. "Advertising". The Telegraph (Queensland, Australia) (14,413): p. 3. 4 February 1919. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article176302348. Retrieved 20 April 2019. 
  5. "Proposed Wireless Institute.". The Brisbane Courier (Queensland, Australia) (19,049): p. 4. 6 February 1919. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article20278440. Retrieved 20 April 2019. 
  6. "Advertising". Queensland Times (Queensland, Australia) LX, (10,284): p. 10 (DAILY.). 8 February 1919. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article120430438. Retrieved 20 April 2019. 
  7. "WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY AND TELEPHONY.". Queensland Times (Queensland, Australia) LX, (10,290): p. 8 (DAILY.). 15 February 1919. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article120433658. Retrieved 20 April 2019. 
  8. "Proposed Wireless Institute.". The Brisbane Courier (Queensland, Australia) (19,064): p. 9. 24 February 1919. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article20242921. Retrieved 20 April 2019. 
  9. "Advertising". The Telegraph (Queensland, Australia) (14,430): p. 9 (SECOND EDITION). 24 February 1919. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article185316307. Retrieved 20 April 2019.