History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1936 11

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WorldRadioHistory.com's scan of Australasian Radio World - Vol. 01 No. 07 - November 1936 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: ARW 1936 11

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been entered here and text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

Front Cover

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The Australasian Radio World

Nov. 2, 1936; Vol. 1 - No. 7.; Price, 1/-

Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical

Cover Photo: Illustration of The Outdoor Portable construction project (see story on page 6)

Highlighted Contents: "Outdoor Portable Four": "Beginner's Battery Two": Making a Reiss Microphone: Five-Metre Receiver: Output Meter: World S.W. Stations: Sydney Ambulances to Carry Radio.

Inside Front Cover - Philips Lamps Ad

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P.01 - F. J. W. Fear & Co. Ad

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P.02 - Editorial Notes

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Editorial Notes . . .

The Radio Service Industry

In step with the tremendous increase during the past few years in the number of licenses taken out annually in the Commonwealth, the radio service business has advanced to the position where it now must be recognised as a separate industry. The task of keep ng over 800,000 receivers in order is a tremendous one, that alone would make the men who perform it a force to be reckoned with, but there are other reasons why servicing as a profession is becoming increasingly more important. Of everyone in the chain between set manufacturer and buyer, the serviceman has perhaps the closest and most constant contact with the latter. Once he has obtained the confidence of his clients as a result of his experience and integrity, his recommendations regarding valve or set purchases are generally followed without question. Manu acturers who realise this can build up valuable goodwill among servicemen, and thus among listeners, simply by "servicing the serviceman" — by keeping him supplied with plenty of service data on their receivers and valves. A second reason why radio servicing is now forging ahead is that the serviceman of today must of necessity be equipped with a wide and thorough knowledge of radio from both the practical and theoretical angles. With improved methods of manufacturing, sets are being made more and more "breakdown proof," but against this they are far more complex than they were a few years ago, which means that service calls per set average little fewer today than they did before the advent of dualwave receivers, with their host of modern refinements. This increase in complexity also means that the day is well past when radio repair work can be performed by experimenters or electricians with a voltmeter, soldering iron, and a pair of pliers. Elaborate service equip ment, plus a thoroughly sound and up-to-date knowledge of radio are essentials for anyone in the service game today. The equipment needed is expensive, and the training required means years of concentrated and costly study, but for good men the opportunities offering are endless. As an established profession, radio servicing is only in its infancy.

P.02 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Managing Editor - A. Earl Read, B.Sc.

Vol. 1. - NOVEMBER, 1936 - No. 7

P.02 - Contents

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"Pick-Ups" . . . . 3

Radiokes Factory Makes Thousands of Parts Weekly . . . . 4

Sydney Ambulances To Carry Radio . . . . 5

The Outdoor Portable . . . . 6

Hints And Tips For Set Designers . . . . 8

The Beginner's Battery Two . . . . 10

The Month On Shortwave . . . . 13

The Air-Ace Dual-Wave Five . . . . 14

What’s New In Radio . . . . 16

Newcastle Hamfest A Great Success . . . . 18

This Pentode Business . . . . 20

Acoustical Labyrinth In New Stromberg-Carlson Release . . . . 23

XMHD— A Popular Chinese Broadcaster . . . . 26

A Super-Regenerative Five-Metre Receiver . . . . 27

Radio Ramblings . . . . 30

Making A Reiss Microphone . . . . 32

Building An Output Meter . . . . 33

The A.T.R.S. Bulletin . . . . 35

The Cathode Ray Oscillograph At Work (3) . . . . 36

All-Wave All-World DX News . . . . 39

Shortwave Stations Of The World (3) . . . . 40

DX Doings On The Short Waves . . . . 43

VK Amateurs — Additions and Amendments . . . . 44

Shortwave Station Addresses . . . . 45

DX Notes and News . . . . 46

All-Wave All-World DX Club — List of Life Members . . . . 48

P.02 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by A. E. Read. Editorial offices, 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone BW6577. Cable address: "Repress," Sydney. Advertisers please note that copy should reach office of publication by 15th of month preceding that specified for insertion.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year ( 12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand. Subscribers in New Zealand can remit by Postal Note or Money Order.

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietors of the "Australasian Radio World," 214 George St., Sydney (Footnote P.48)

P.03 - "Pick-Ups"

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P.04 - Radiokes Factory Makes Thousands of Parts Weekly

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P.05 - Sydney Ambulances To Carry Radio

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P.06 - The Outdoor Portable

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P.08 - Hints And Tips For Set Designers

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P.10 - The Beginner's Battery Two

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P.13 - The Month On Shortwave

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The Month on Shortwave - By Alan H. Graham Conditions on all b a n d s c o n tin u e to b e first-class, q u ite a n u m b e r o f n e w tr a n s m itte r s h a v in g m a d e th e ir a p p e a ra n c e . “R a d io S a ig o n ” h a s b e e n c a u s in g p le n ty o f in te r e s t on 25.7 m e tre s . T h is s ta tio n o p e n s a t a p p ro x im a te ly 9 p.m ., a n d c o n tin u e s its tra n s m is s io n till 12.30 a.m . O n O c to b e r 8, sig n a ls re a c h e d R 7 a t 9.40 p .m . A n n o u n c e m e n ts a r e m a d e in F r e n c h a n d E n g lish , g iv in g th e a d d re s s a s P.O . B ox 295, S aig o n , F r e n c h In d o -C h in a. A n o th e r n e w s ta tio n h a s b e e n r e p o rte d on th e 3 1 -m etre b a n d . T h is is CB9600, S a n tia g o , C hile, on 31.25 □

m e tre s , w h ic h h a s b e en re p o rte d on S u n d a y a fte rn o o n s. A n o th e r C u b a n O n T h e A ir Y e t a n o th e r C u b a n h a s a p p e a re d on th e a ir. T h e f a c t t h a t th e se n e w c o m e rs a r e on w a v e -le n g th s below 32 m e tre s m a k e s th e ir re c e p tio n a co m p a ra tiv e ly e asy m a tte r . T h e la te s t C u b a n is CO C X on 26 m e tre s, “L a Voz de la R a d io P h ilc o .” I t com es on th e a ir a ro u n d 11 p.m . T h e H o n g k o n g s h o rtw a v e s ta tio n h a s a lso m o v ed to th e 31m. b a n d , w h ic h is b e c o m in g a b so lu te ly o v e rcro w d ed . T h e a llo c a tio n s f o r H o n g k o n g a r e a s fo llo w s:—ZBW 2, 34.2 m .; Z B W 3, 31.4 m .; ZBW 4, 19.7 m .; a n d ZB W 5, 16.9 m . L is te n fo r th e 31 m . tr a n s m i t te r a ro u n d 9 p.m . O th e r s ta tio n s on th e a ir a t p r e se n t, w h ic h w ill re p a y a fe w m in u te s ’ a tte n tio n a r e :—Z H J, P e n a n g , on 49.34 m .; VUC, C a lc u tta , on 49.1 m .; T W G , G u a te m a la C ity, on 31.75 m .; H J IA B P , C a rta g e n a , on 31.25 m .; O R K , R u y sseled e, on 29.04 m .; L S X , B u e n o s A ires, on 28.98 m .; T J F , Ic e la n d , on 24.5 m . L a te s t R u s s ia n S.W . S ch e d u le s L a te s t in fo rm a tio n fro m R a d io C entre , M oscow , c o n ta in s th e fo llo w in g f a c ts :— T ra n s m is s io n s a r e th r o u g h R A N (31.25 m .), R N E (25 m .), R K I (19.81 m .) a n d R V 96 (19.76 m .). T h e sc h e d u le fo r th e s e tr a n s m itte r s is:—- Su nd ay 10—10.30 a .m ............. R A N 9—10 p .m .................... R N E M onday 1—2 a m ...... R K I & R N E 4.30—5 a .m ................ RV96 7—8 a .m ...................... R N E 10— 10.30 a .m ............. R A N T u e s d a y 7—8 a .m ...................... R N E 10—10.30 a .m ............. R A N W ednesd ay 10—10.30 a .m ............. R A N 9—10 p .m .................... R N E T hu rsday 10—10.30 a .m ............. R A N F rid ay 10—10.30 a .m ............ R A N S a tu r d a y 7—8 a .m ..................... R N E 10— 10.30 a .m ............ R A N A ll tim e s g iv e n in th e s e n o tes a rc A .E.S.T . A v e rifica tio n fro m P C J , N.V. P h ilip s R a d io , E in d h o v e n , H o llan d , g ives th is sc h e d u le fo r t h a t s ta tio n ’s e x p e rim e n ta l tra n s m is s io n s— T u e s d a y —7—9 p.m . on 19.7 m . W e d n e sd a y —10 p.m .—2 a.m . (T h u r s d ay ) on 19.7 m. T h u rs d a y —10 a.m .—1 p.m . on 31.28 m . ZBW 4, H o n g k o n g , w a s h e a rd a t sp le n d id s tr e n g th on 19.75 m . on Oct. 13, a t 9.30 p.m . A n e w S p a n is h s ta tio n E A H , M ad rid , h a s b e en r e p o rte d on 31.65 m . T h e c all-sig n o f th e P r a g u e t r a n s m itte r is O LR . T h e 20 m . a m a te u r b a n d is still r e m a r k a b ly good. O u ts ta n d in g “h a m s ” re c e n tly lo g g ed in c lu d e th e fo llo w in g : PK 1M X , B a ta v ia ; K A 1B H , M a n ila ; H K 1Z , C o lo m b ia; V U 2B G , In d ia ; V S2A K , M a la y a ; V S6A H , H o n g k o n g ; F 8 D R , P a r is ; a n d a n u m b e r o f G ’s,

P.14 - The Air-Ace Dual-Wave Five

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P.16 - What’s New In Radio

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P.18 - Newcastle Hamfest A Great Success

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P.20 - This Pentode Business

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P.23 - Acoustical Labyrinth In New Stromberg-Carlson Release

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P.27 - A Super-Regenerative Five-Metre Receiver

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P.30 - Radio Ramblings

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P.32 - Making A Reiss Microphone

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P.33 - Building An Output Meter

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P.35 - The A.T.R.S. Bulletin

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P.36 - The Cathode Ray Oscillograph At Work (3)

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P.39 - All-Wave All-World DX News

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P.40 - Shortwave Stations Of The World (3)

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P.43 - DX Doings On The Short Waves

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P.44 - VK Amateurs— Additions and Amendments

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P.45 - Shortwave Station Addresses

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P.46 - DX Notes and News

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P.48 - All-Wave All-World DX Club — List of Life Members

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All-Wave All-World DX Club

List of Life Members

(Continued from August issue)

Club No. - Name and Address

AW59DX — Robert R. Thomson, “Blair Adam,” 11 Clarence St., Hilton, Adelaide, S.A.

AW60DX — Jack Harrower, 14 Tongue St., Seddon, W.13, Melbourne, Victoria.

AW61DX — W. T. Choppen, 4 Marston Rd., Timaru, New Zealand.

AW62DX — Mervyn M. Macknamara, Robbs Rd., Werribee Sth., Victoria.

AW63DX — Ivan R. Moyle, “Leriwa,” Perekerten, N.S.W.

AW64DX — Ern Neill, Smith St., Ipswich, Queensland.

AW65DX — J. M. Klein, Cromwell St., Cooma, N.S.W.

AW66DX — W. V. Carroll, 109 Nicholson St., Coburg, N.13, Melbourne, Vic.

AW67DX — C. D. Moller, Temora Rd., Coolamon, N.S.W.

AW68DX — J. L. Sullivan, Alpha St., Cambridge, N.Z.

AW69DX — Harry Whyte-Meach, "Leith," 55 Godfrey St., Artarmon, N.S.W.

AW70DX — Leon S. Stone, Elgin St., Gordon, N.S.W.

AW71DX — J. H. Edney, 82 Queen St., Regent, N.19, Melbourne, Victoria.

AW72DX — Mrs. E. M. A. A. Heathorn, Glenheath, P.O. Box 34, Smithton, Tas.

AW73DX — Robert W. Hudson, c/o Post Office, Quorn, South Australia.

AW74DX — R. A. McGhee, 1 Kyabra St., Valley, Brisbane, N .l, Queensland.

AW75DX — Alan Walkley, 37 Northcote St., Haberfield, N.S.W.

AW76DX — Joseph B. Guest, 13 Hillside, Yallourn, Gippsland, Victoria.

AW77DX — Maurice Tierney, 62 Connemarra St., Bexley, N.S.W.

AW78DX — Jeffrey P. Rosewarne, "Widgiewa," Kardina East, South Australia.

AW79DX — Harry D. Hibberd, 462 Hargreaves St., Bendigo, Victoria.

AW80DX — J. E. Shrubb, "Eleanora," Sea View St., Byron Bay, N.S.W.

AW81DX — Ronald E. Keegan, 69 Palm Avenue, Leeton, N.S.W.

AW82DX — Angua D. Macdonald, Kadina, South Australia.

AW83DX — David E. Evans, T.S.M.V. "Manoora," c/o Adelaide S.S. Co. Ltd., Bridge Street, Sydney.

AW84DX — Harold Rogers, 28 Edward Street, North Geelong, Victoria.

AW85DX — Thomas C. Dalziel, 69 Palm Avenue, Leeton, N.S.W.

AW86DX — William Brown, Panmure, Auckland, N.Z.

AW87DX — H. W. Lane, Rous Mill, via Alstonville, Richmond River, N.S.W.

AW88DX — Robert R. Thomas, 127 Tramway Road, Invercargill, N.Z.

AW89DX — Ian Hamilton Drysdale, "Invermay," Loch Park Road, Traralgon, Victoria.

AW90DX — Les McIntyre, Box 36, Murtoa, Victoria.

AW91DX — K. Longfield, 52 Henry Street, West Kogarah, N.S.W.

AW92DX — Norman E. Booth, Gungal, N.S.W.

AW93DX — Walter J. P. Matthews, Tailem Bend, S.A.

AW94DX — H. M. Lindsay, c/o The E.S. & A. Bank Ltd., Nambour, Queensland.

AW95DX — Don Gray, 5 Sussex Street, Middle Brighton, Melbourne, Victoria.

AW96DX — John E. Corlis, "Laurel Vale," Garah, N.S.W.

AW97DX — Tom D. Dowling, "Glenesk," via Swan Hill, Victoria.

AW98DX — Charles R. Nelson, 33 Dean Street, Ararat, Victoria.

AW99DX — E. H. S. Foot, "Reumah," 19 Knutsford Street, Balwyn, E.8, Victoria.

AW100DX — Henry C. Pickard, Patterson Street, Ainslie, Canberra, F.C.T.

AW101DX — Joseph Holschier, "Oakvale," Moira, N.S.W.

AW102DX — R. G. O. Connor, c/o P. McKeirnan, Tygalgah, Murwillumbah, Tweed River, N.S.W.

AW103DX — John T. Smith, P.O. Box 26, Glen Innes, N.S.W.

AW104DX — T. Ross Cuttle, Canterbury Road, Forest Hill, Victoria.

AW105DX — Robert Raw, 62 Oakley Avenue, Avondale, S.W.3, Auckland, N.Z.

AW106DX — H. G. Manson, c/o The Radio House, Taumarunui, King Country, N.Z.

AW107DX — Harry Melrose, Glenroy Station, via Bellata, N.S.W.

AW108DX — R. R. Harris, Opaki Road, Masterton, N.Z.