History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1937 03

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WorldRadioHistory.com's scan of Australasian Radio World - Vol. 01 No. 11 - March 1937 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: ARW 1937 03

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been entered here and text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

Front Cover

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The Australasian Radio World

March 1, 1937; Vol. 1 - No. 11; Price, 1/-

Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical

Cover Photo: Photo of Field Tests on First Air Cell Receivers (see story on page 4)

Highlighted Contents: "Companionette Three": Regenerative S.W. Pre-Selector Unit: Big W.I.A. Five-Metre Field Day on March 7: World Shortwave Stations - Latest Additions: Story of the Air-Cell

Inside Front Cover - Amalgamated Wireless Valve Co. Ad

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P.01 - F. J. W. Fear & Co. Ad

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P.02 - Editorial Notes

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Editorial Notes . . .

The terrible disaster that overtook the Sydney-Brisbane airliner last month affords a tragic instance of how far Australia lags behind other countries in developing her air services. That 'planes providing a daily mail and passenger service both ways between Sydney and Brisbane, flying about 400 miles each trip over country that is subject to sudden cyclonic disturbances, do not carry the latest in two-way radio telephony equipment is difficult to understand. Actually, the Stinson that crashed did not carry radio at all. Two others flying the same route carry radio telegraphy equipment, but it is evidently unsuitable for the job. While speaking to the "Radio World" recently about the value of radio in aviation, Pilot Rex Boyden, who was in charge of the liner that was lost, remarked that in the radio-equipped Stinsons, heavy static more often than not completely obliterated signals for the greater part of the trip. Apart from the fact of not being able to receive messages, the tremendous strain that pilots must be under in trying to decipher signals and pilot the 'plane at the same time is not hard to imagine. Evidently one fault with the equipment lies in the long wavelength used; surely the short waves would provide a far better service in every way. Secondly, no pilot should be asked to divide his attentions between piloting his ship and straining to decipher code signals with static crashing in the 'phones practically all the time. Suitable equipment to provide reliable two-way communication on telephony should not be hard to develop — especially as the Stinson and Douglas air-liners in America are carrying it. Along the air routes of other countries, and especially in the States, where commercial aviation is so far developed, radio has time and again proved its worth as a saver of human lives. It is quite possible that the latest tragic air disaster in this country could have been averted if the 'plane had carried radio, and from now on no effort or expense should be soared to so equip every air-liner, and to provide the necessary radio beacons and ground stations. The cost will be heavy, but it will ensure as far as humanly possible the safety of both passengers and pilots.

P.02 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Managing Editor - A. Earl Read, B.Sc.

Vol. 1. - MARCH, 1937 - No. 11.

P.02 - Contents

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The Story Of The Ever Ready Air Cell . . . . 3

Field Tests On First Air Cell Receivers . . . . 4

The Companionette Three . . . . 5

Fidelity Broadcast Five — Adding Bass Boosting . . . . 7

The A.T.R.S. Bulletin . . . . 8

Radio Ramblings . . . . 10

Building A Regenerative S.W. Pre-Selector Unit . . . . 14

Amateur Transmits From Bed In Hospital . . . . 18

Breaking Into The Amateur Game (2) . . . . 20

The Story Of Television (4) . . . . 24

Background Hiss In Superhets . . . . 26

Radio Step By Step (7) . . . . 29

A Portable Line Amplifier . . . . 32

What's New In Radio . . . . 33

Radio Book Reviews . . . . 35

All-Wave All-World DX News . . . . 37

Round The N.Z. "B" Stations (2) . . . . 38

Shortwave Stations Of The World (7) . . . . 39

DX Notes And News . . . . 41

Manly Radio Club Notes . . . . 42

Some DX Highlights . . . . 43

Ham Jargon . . . . 44

VK Amateur Stations — Additions And Amendments . . . . 45

Big Five-Metre Field Day Planned for March 7 . . . . 46

Leaves From A Dxer's Logbook . . . . 47

New Members All-Wave All-World DX Club . . . . 48

P.02 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by Trade Publications Proprietary, Ltd. Editorial offices, 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone BW6577. Cable address: "Repress," Sydney. Advertisers please note that copy should reach office of publication by 15th of month preceding that specified for insertion.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand. Subscribers in New Zealand can remit by Postal Note or Money Order.

Printed by Bridge Printery, 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietors of the "Australasian Radio World," 214 George St., Sydney (Footnote P.48)

P.03 - The Story Of The Ever Ready Air Cell

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P.04 - Field Tests On First Air Cell Receivers

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P.05 - The Companionette Three

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P.07 - Fidelity Broadcast Five —Adding Bass Boosting

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P.08 - The A.T.R.S. Bulletin

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P.10 - Radio Ramblings

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P.14 - Building A Regenerative S.W. Pre-Selector Unit

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P.18 - Amateur Transmits From Bed In Hospital

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P.20 - Breaking Into The Amateur Game (2)

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P.24 - The Story Of Television (4)

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P.26 - Background Hiss In Superhets

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P.29 - Radio Step By Step (7)

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P.32 - A Portable Line Amplifier

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P.33 - What's New In Radio

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P.35 - Radio Book Reviews

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P.37 - All- Wave All- World DX News

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The All-Wave All-World DX News Official Organ of the All-Wave All-World DX Club.

North Suburban Radio Club Notes And News. By CB-GV. T HE first annual dinner of the I North Suburban Radio Club will be held on Tuesday, March 16, at the club rooms (corner of Brown St., and Pacific Highway, Chatswood). All radio fans are invited, and are assured of a good time by the committee, VK2NN, 2BJ, 2VG, Mr. G. Taylor, and if available, Mr. W. Montieth. No efort will be spared by the committee to make the dinner a great success. Club Contest In April. On the first two week-ends in April, the N.S.R.C. are holding their 1937 inter-club transmitting and receiving contest. The hams have to pass a 10-letter cypher to each other on contact, the total score being multiplied by the number of bands on which contacts are made. Those taking part are going to attempt to contact each other on every amateur band, from 5 to 160 metres. The listeners have to hear as many contacts .as possible, and log the cyphers passed. First prize in the transmitting contest is a Jones 1937 "Radio Handbook," suitably bound and embossed. First prize in the Receiving contest is the "A.R.R.L. Handbook," also bound and embossed. The contest should prove very popular and will be keenly contested. The prizes have been donated by VK's 2K.T, 2GV, 2CB, 2NN, 2VG, 2ADQ and 2HL. Club Jottings. The latest amateurs to join the club are VK2KJ, one of the oldest amateurs on the North Shore, and VK2ADQ, one of the latest. Owing to pressure of work, VK2VG had to resign his position as Secretary-Treasurer, his resignation being accepted with the deepest regret. The position has been filled by VK2BJ and VK2NN. The club now has two code classes in progress (fast and slow), and the members are making excellent progress. Anyone interested in radio

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is invited to join. The club meets every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. Information can be obtained from the Secretary, VK2NN, 62 William Street, Roseville. Too Long Between Issues! Allow me to congratulate you on your fine magazine, which seems to improve with every issue. The articles on amateur radio are going to prove very educating, especially to we fellows who in the near future hope to become successful candidates in an A.O.P.C. examination. My one and only growl is about the long time in between issues. A month's a mighty long time to wait for such a fine magazine, but still, it is worth waiting for. The pictures on the front covers are very well got up, and I am seriously thinking of purchasing a binder of some sort to keep my back numbers in good condition. Best of luck to members of the DX Club. —Cedric W. Marley (AW150DX ), Sth. Brisbane, Q'land.

Application for Membership

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Application for Membership

The Secretary,

All-Wave All-World DX Club,

214 George Street,

Sydney, N.S.W.

Dear Sir,

I am very interested in dxing, and am keen to join your Club.

The details you require are given below:



[Please print both plainly.] .................................


My set is a...................................................

[Give make or type,

number of valves, and

state whether battery

or mains operated.]............................................

I enclose herewith the Life Membership fee of 3/6 [Postal Notes

or Money Order], for which I will receive, post free, a Club badge and

a Membership Certificate showing my Official Club Number.

(Signed) ...................................................

[Note: Readers who do not want to mutilate their copies of the "Radio World" by

cutting out this form can write out the details required.]

P.38 - Round The N.Z. "B" Stations (2)

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Round the N.Z. "B" Stations . . . . 2

1ZB . . . AUCKLAND, The "Friendly Road" Station.

At present all eyes are turned on 1ZB Auckland, the first "B" station to commence advertising in New Zealand, under the Government's new commercial station scheme. This interesting article is the second from the pen of "The Southlander" ("The Southlander" was Merv Branks, then of Winton, later Invercargill - Ed.)

"LET me live in a house by the side of the road, and be a friend to man." The inauguration of the Friendly Road by the Rev. C. G. Scrimgeour, affectionately known to thousands as "Uncle Scrim," has been one of the outstanding events in the history of New Zealand radio. All New Zealand listens to the heart-to-heart talks by the Road-mender of the Friendly Road. History Of The "Friendly Road." The Fellowship of the Friendly Road originated, from the studio church services conducted by Uncle Scrim over station 1ZR, Auckland. He had been a Methodist mission worker in Auckland, and achieved prominence by his unorthodox methods of conveying God's message. He recognised the value of the air as a means to draw all classes of people together, to tread the "friendly road" in the footsteps of Uncle Scrim. 1ZR came on the air in 1930, but at the end of 1933 was bought out by the N.Z. Broadcasting Board, which under the call of 1YL used it as a subsidiary station to 1YA. The Friendly Road had gained a large hold in the hearts of thousands, and immediate agitation was made for its continuance. At this time the "B" stations were not in a very happy position. The copyright question, and the then Government's policy, which was moulded on the B.B.C. policy of no "B" stations, both presented serious difficulties to these private broadcasters. However, popular demand prevailed, 1ZM and 1ZB came to the rescue, and the latter station was acquired by the Fellowship of the Friendly Road. Supported By Public Subscription. From then on 1ZB was supported entirely by public subscription, but although the programmes were of a high standard and the station was most popular, the technical staff was considerably handicapped in its endeavours to increase power and keep the station up-to-date. However, with the advent of the Labour Government, the outlook has changed for 1ZB. In October last it was made the first commercial advertising station in New Zealand, with the Rev. C. R. Scrimgeour as Controller of National Commercial Broadcasting. Station Improved And Staff Increased. Immediately things began to happen at 1ZB. The studios above Queen Street were renovated and enlarged, the station's equipment modernised, the hours increased to 82 a week, several new features incorporated in the programmes, and the personnel of the staff increased. Included in the latter is Miss Dorothy Woods, formerly of 2GB, Sydney, as programme organizer, and Mr. B. T. Sheil, colleague of the late Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, as advertising manager. John Stannage, also of "Southern Cross" fame, has also been connected with 1ZB on the technical staff. Listeners have so far found the programmes delightfully attractive. People who formerly criticised commercial broadcasting have been pleasantly surprised. The entertainment has been bright and original, advertisers are anxious to give only the best to the radio audience, and the result is certainly a higher standard of entertainment that will make the "A" stations "keep up to scratch." Commercial Radio — Greatest Advance In N.Z. Yet. The new Controller says that "commercial radio spells the greatest advance in New Zealand radio since its inception." No doubt it is a sensational event in N.Z. radio history. A commercial station in each of the other three main centres is to follow. A Tribute To Uncle Scrim. In the passage way of 1ZB stands a beautiful piece of Maori art in the form of a carved Maori warrior. lnscribed thereon is the following:— "Presented to the Rev. C. G. Scrimgeour (Uncle Scrim), Director of the Friendly Road, by the Rt. Hon. M. J. Savage, P.C., M.P., Prime Minister, on behalf of the people of New Zealand who have benefited by Friendly Road Services. This is a token of their high esteem for and gratitude to Uncle Scrim, for services given in fellowship on the Friendly Road. August 23, 1936." It is a fitting tribute to one of New Zealand's outstanding radio personalities.

Photo - Rev. C. R. Scrimgeour

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(Start Photo Caption) The Rev. C. R. Scrimgeour — "Uncle Scrim" of the Friendly Road, and now controller of commercial broadcasting in New Zealand. (End Photo Caption)

Some Facts about 1ZB

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Call and Location:— 1ZB — Studios, Queen Street, — Transmitter, Symonds St., Auckland. Owners:— Government Commercial Station. (The Fellowship of the Friendly Road.) Frequency:- 1090 k.c. Power:- 150 Watts in aerial. Transmission Times:— Monday to Friday, 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday, 5 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. (All times are A.E.S.T.) Type of Transmitter:— C.C. Osc. 2 Buffers. 250 Watt final Class "B" Modulator - 2/212 D.S. Antenna:— "L" type. Special Features:— Devotional Services, sponsored programmes. Most Notable Transmissions:— Uncle Scrim's Talks. Manager of Station:— Rev. C. R. Scrimgeour. Operator of station:— R. E. Grainger. Announcers of Station:— A. Collyns, Ed. Silver, Marcus Toger.

P.39 - Shortwave Stations Of The World (7)

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P.41 - DX Notes And News

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P.42 - Manly Radio Club Notes

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P.43 - Some DX Highlights

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P.44 - Ham Jargon

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HAM JARGON . . . As a heritage from the days when the code was universally used by the amateur, today he has a language of his own that to the uninitiated sounds meaningless. The commonest abbreviations are quoted in the article below . . . By D. E. EVANS AM lingo — the language of the radio amateur — is snappy, amusing, and highly descriptive. It is made up of idioms, abbreviations, technical terms and phonetic words. It's Greek to the public and a source of distress to the beginner. It is enough to set anyone on his ear! Some of the idioms used by the ha m have their roots in the field of co mmercial wire and radio telegraphy. The old-ti me Morse telegraphists originated the word "bug" as a happy and brief tag for the semi-auto matic code keys used then, and now, for high speed trans mission. The early type of hand keys were made of brass, and the operators of such keys were dubbed "brass pounders." If an operator worked his key well, it was said of hi m that he had a "good fist," just as one might say that a singer had a good voice. Hand key operators were often subject to a temporary or permanent loss of muscle reaction which affected their sending, in which case they were said to have developed "glass arms." Double acting keys were known as "side swipers." These and other idioms originating with the old-ti mers have been kept alive by the ham. Many of the abbreviations had their origin in the field of telegraphy. Such short-cuts as "abt" for about, "ck" foi check, "fm" for from, "hr" for here, "sig" for signature, and "tks" or "tnx" for thanks, are good examples of a few of the many abbreviations the early amateur radio telegrapher appropriated for his own use. The substitution of the letter "x" for parts of a word, such as "tax" for thanks, "dx" for distance, "px" for press, and "wx" for weather, had also been taken up by the ham, and he has added a few others of his own, with the "x" tacked on to the front end of the word, such as Judging by the caela on the. wall, amateur station LU4DO, in the Argentine, has been "getting out" to some efect. "xtal" for crystal, and "xmti" fOr trans mitter. A reversal in form is shown in the use of "rx" for receiver. The ha m also uses the International "Q" Code, together with a few co mbinations of his own making. He eihploys such universal signs as "R," meaning okay; "K" meaning to go ahead; "SK" indicating the termination of a transmission; "73" meaning kind regards; and "88" meaning love and kisses. Amateur Abbreviations But ham lingo is far from being .a borrowed language. When it comes to trick idioms and phonetic spelling, the ham has it all over the co mfnercial crew. It all started before vacuu m tubes were in use, when powerful spark transmitters were called "rock-crushers," synchronous rotary spark gaps were called "sinks," and headphones other straightforward short-cuts, he were called "cans." The first continu- sticks fairly close to phonetic spelling. ous wave (c.w.) tube trans mitters were À few examples are: "fone" for phone. cynically referred to as "peanut ;)egtei" for good, +4cum" for come, "sez" whistles" and their operators as ??? ! _ fax says , "cud" for .could, "ur" for A particular type of transformer *'eidl. ' ' ,y,qpr„and ';sed" for .said. Some words called a "cofin," and an aerial becarné" aré given the phonetic spelling and known as a "sky hook." When lic - additionally abbreviated, such as: ses came into being they were kn "s as "tickets," and transmitting tees were christened "bottles." The Distet Radio Inspector became the "R.i." "- There were no radio-phone statkprts,. in those days, and it was a task, for one ha m to carry on a lengthy "ragchew" with another ha m by means of telegraphy unless he resorted to various forms of abbreviation. It thus developed that laughter was registered by simply transmitting the letters "HI," and the natural enthusias m the, - ha m had for the ga me was aired everY"" few minutes by merely sending the, letters "FB"— which, to you, is "fine business." Then, surprisingly enough, all ha ms, no matter their age, became old men, or simply "O M," over the sir. Mother was referred to as "O W," which was .alright since she couldn't decipher the code, and the girl friend became the "YL." If the ham mar- .ried. she immediately beca me an "XYL," which has never see med quite

co mpli mentary but the girls lap it up.

And then there was the phonetic spelling interspersed with abbreviations. Typical copy would read something like "SA OM IS TT UR YL SA W U WID LAST NITE? SHES A: 'S'W`L NO ES H W! HI!" •Translatee. ;into English, this copy reads: "Say old man, is that your girl friend I saw you with 'last night? She's (a swedl nu mber and how! (Laughter)." The .c.w. ham of to-day continues -alp use of the abbreviated form in his transmissions, but he is not, as a rule, apt. do carry It to extre mes. Asirle fro m, "es" for and, "tt" for that, "hr" for .'it e, "hw" for how, and a few 'd" for schedule, "freak" for fre- .1que , and "si "n' for sign or signature. New Developments Brought New Terms Inrprovements in vacuu m tube transmitters brought on a new group of words. High voltage, radio frequency cnrrents were being used, and the word "hot," employed by electricians 4to denote a live wire circuit, came into use. Later on, "high power radio-frequexlcy current came to be known as "soup." This term is also used to • denote background noise in reception, and if a signal is lost in such ribrference it is said that the signal is cipwn in the soup" or "in the mud."

W hen the ha m co m menced using radiophone equip ment, such phonetic abbreviations as "mike" for microphone, and "fone" for radiophone, ca me into use. So me of the lingo of the c.w. ha m was carried over, and it is far fro m unco m mon to-day to hear a ha m on fone use the abbreviation "HI" when he could just as ett•-ily laugh. It's just a case of habit. It's the sa me with "K" and "S K"; most 'phone ha ms have resorted to such ter ms as "take it away," "toss it to you," "co me in so mebody," "over," or so me such phrase when they are turning it back to the other fellow, but so me of the fellows hang on to the "K" of their code days, and to when they are signing of. The "Q" signals used by the ha m are identical with those established by the International Radiotelegraph Convention. Each signal can be for med as a question or an answer. "QRA"? for exa mple, means: W hat is the na me of your station? The answer would be "QRA " with na me of the station. There are a large nu mber of these "Q" signals, many of which are of no use to the ha m. Those he does use are often given a slightly diferent Amateur radio station VK2VG. owned and operated by F. L. Cook, of the North Suburban Radio Club. The receiver is a t.r.f. four-valver, while the trans mitter uses a 53 as crystal oscillator and doubler, with a 45 in the final (with 20 watts input). 2GV generally operates on 40 and 20 metres and has W.A.C. on his present rig. or broader meaning so that they may better fit conditions. For instance, the original meaning of QSO? is: "Can you co m municate with direct (or through the mediu m of )?" But the ha m also uses QSO to mean a two-way contact or conversation. In talking to another ha m, he may pass the re mark that he had a line QSO with such-andsuch a station, and in this sense the signal has practically the sa me meaning as the word "talk." The following list of "Q" signals is not co mplete, but it contains the letter co mbinations most frequently used in amateur co m munications. The interpretations given are those adopted by the ha ms and are not necessarily identical with the originals. Each one can be used as a question or an answer. QRA - What is your address? QRG - What is my frequency? QR K -Are my signals good? QR M - Man- made interference. QRN -Static interference. QRP -Shall I decrease power? QRT -Shall I stop sending? QRX -Stand by. QSA - What is my signal strength? QSB -Do my signals fade? QSL -Please acknowledge our QSO. QSO -Two-way contact. QSY Shall I change frequency? QTR What is your time? Everybody knows the fa miliar CQ or general call, while the QSA and R signal sy mbols have appeared regularly in this magazine since the first issue in May of last year. (to be continued).

P.45 - VK Amateur Stations —Additions And Amendments

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VK A MATEUR STATIONS . . . Additions and A mend ments Additions. CALL SIGN. NAME. ADDRESS. CA W-- Watkins, A. P., 131 Davis St., Boulder, W.A. 2AFC -McDonald. A. H., 6 Little Villiers St., Grafton, N.S. W. 2AFD -Kerr, A. A., Thurgoona, N.S. W. 2AFG -Patterson, J. H., 54 Birrell St., Waverley, N.S. W. 4WG -Grant. W. P., Ward St., Indooroopilly, S. W.2. Qld. 6WZ -Atkinson, R. H., 27 Rathay St., Victoria Park. W.A. ANL -Dangerfield, N. G., Pioneer Estate, Lower Burdekin, Nth. Qld. 3SZ -Errey R. 0., 48 McGregor St., East Malvern, SES, Vic. 4WM -McNichol, R. W. E., 37 Florence St., Tenerife. N.I, Qld. 6GB -Gabbertas. J., 254 Guildford Road, Maylands, W.A. 2BY -Olds, E. C. M., 225 Jamieson St.. South Broken Hill, N.S. W. ZAFE -Magennist. A. E. A.. 38 Pine Road, Auburn, N.S. W. ADY - Wright, E. J., Ekibin Road, Annerley, S.3, Qld. 2RT -Felton, W. R., C/o R. H. Jones, 319 Princes Highway, Kogarah, N.S. W. Alterations to Call Signs. 3SR--Marriott, R. J., 187 Kooypng Road, Toorak, S.E.2, Vic., Now VK3SI. 30P--Brown. L. A., 16 Park Terrace, Eastwood, S.A. Now VK3OB (See also Changes of Address). 2ACJ--Rutter, G. A., 28 Mu tama Road, Arta rmon, N.S. W. Now VK2CB. ADE -Ewing. J. 0., 5 Cairn St., North Sydney, N.S. W. Now VK2AF1 (See also Changes of Address). 2AEP----Peppercorn, A. E., 33 Regent St., Bexley, N.S. W. Now VK2QJ. Changes of Address. 5DB -Berry, L. D., 24 Moulden St.. Norwood, S.A. 3Y W - Waring, C. C., 161 Burke Road, Kew, E.4, Vic. CALL SIGN. NAME. ADDRESS. 30P -Brown, L. A., 16 Park Terrace, Eastwood, S.A., (See also Alterations to Call Signs). 7CL -Conway, M. L. D., 33 Welman St., Launceston, Tas. 3FL -Johnson, A. L., 44 Carramar Avenue, Camberwell, E.6, Vic. 4FN -Nolan, F. M., 25 Park Road, Wooloowin, N.3, Qld. 2AP -Reynolds, A. P., 37 Orange Road, Parkes, N.S. W. ADE -Ewing, J. D., 5 Cairo St., North Sydney, N.S. W. (See also Alterations to Call Signs). SLD -Deane, L. A., 21 Davenport Terrace,. Hazelbrook Park, S.A. 7NC -Campbell, N. D.. 25 Joynton Avenue, Hobart, Tas. 6FL -Lambert, F. C., 9 Gregory St., Wembley, W.A. 2GQ -Barlow, E., Flat No. 2, 51 Spit Road, Mosman, N.S. W. 2XQ -Traill, R. J., 47 Regent St., West Maitland, N.S. W. 2BB -Eastwood Radio Club, 134 Rowe St., Eastwood, N.S. W. 2WR -Shipley, A., 34 Palmer St., Vaucluse, N.S. W. 2YU -Chessell, J., 2 Esplan Court, The Esplanade, Ash field, N.S. W. 2MQ -McGowan. W. E. C., 120 Queen's Road, Five Dock, N.S. W. 3NA -Gardner, Dr. J. K., Royal Melbourne Hospital, Lonedale St., Melbourne, Cl, Vic. 2ADZ - Wilson, V. H., 15 Karen i Flats, El zabeth Bay Road, Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, N.S. W. 3FC -Clark, F. T.. 16 Mason Avenue, Elwood, S.3, Vic. 3CX -Brown, A. G., 8 Mangarra Road. Canterbury, E.7, Vic. 6KM -Saar, A., 193 Sixth Avenue, Maylands, W A. Amendments. 3DH -Morgan, I., C/o Station 3SR, Congupna Road, Shepparton, Vic. 2T1 -Ryan, W. G., 21 Tunstall Avenue, Kingsford, N.S. W. Cancellations. 2H1 -Hailstone, F. H., 93 Muston St., Mosman, N.S. W. SAL -Lum, A. D., 28 First Avenue, Joslin, SA. 2FT -Tregurtha, F. C., 72 Upper Pitt St., Kirribilli, N.S. W. 30Q -Pinkney, R. C.. 348 Rathdown St., North Carlton, N.4, Vic. 5DQ -Horan, K. J., Prince Albert Hotel, Murray St., Gawler, S.A. 3FH -Melbourne High School Amateur Radio Club, Forrest Hill, South Yarra, S.E.I, Vic. 4WM -McNicol, R. W. E., 17 Florence St., Tenerife, N.1, QI(1.

P.46 - Big Five-Metre Field Day Planned for March 7

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BIG 5- MET RE FIELD D A Y PL A NNE D FO R M A RC H 7 Five MobileStationsTaking Part By VK2VN LL amateurs and others interested in the ultra-high frequencies are advised that on Sunday, March 7, the Ultra-High Frequency Section of the W.I.A. (N.S. W. Division), is staging the biggest 5-metre field day yet held in this state. When arrangements are finalised it is hoped that there will be at least five mobile stations on the air. The locations have not been definitely decided upon, but there will probably be a station at each of the the following places —Mount Victoria, the Gib at Bowral, Kurragong, Bulli and Mount Elliot. In addition to these, several Sydney stations, including 2LZ and 2NO, will be taking part, while 2BP will be on the air at Hazelbrook. The occasion will aford amateurs and experimenters a unique opportunity to check up on the performance of equipment over greater distances than are possible under normal circumstances. It is hoped that all stations will be able to contact each other, though a master station will be operated at the most favourable spot to handle trafic if necessary. Anyone interested should endeavour to attend the next meeting of the U.H.F. Section of the W.I.A., to be

held at the Y.M.C.A. Buildings, Pitt Street, on March 4, at 8 p.m. Those who are unable to attend can obtain final details by writing the Section, Box 1734 JJ, G.P.O. Sydney, or by ringing Y 1928 (2VN). Reports would be greatly appreciated, and should be forwarded to the above address. Activities Of The U.H.F. Section Of The W.I.A. The Ultra-High Frequency Section of the Wireless Institute of Australia (N.S. W. Division), formed in October last to cater for all members interested in 28 m.c. and higher, has been making excellent progress lately. Our first field day was held on January 24, when Mr. J. Moyle (2JU), accompanied by 2HZ and 2VN took a portable to Mount Elliot, which is about 800 feet high and 40 miles air-line north of Sydney. 2XP, 2TX and 2XL, of the Northern gang, had chosen the spot, and made the necessary arrangements with the owner. The first aerial tried was two horizontal half waves in phase, with a stub in the centre and twisted pair feeders. Though this arrangement had worked well in Sydney beforehand, it was definitely not a success. However, changing to a vertical doublet made all the diference. Immediately the receiver was switched on, 2LZ was heard at R8 with music, but unfortunately, although Con. was on all day for our benefit, contact was not established till late in the afternoon. 2NO was worked at various times throughout the day, his signals, coming from a Bruce array, being very strong. 2XK at Maroubra was also QS0'd, but signals were too weak at both ends. Other stations heard weakly were 2AZ and 20D. Monthly Meetings Held. The general meetings of the Wireless Institute of Australia (N.S. W. tivision), are held on the third Thursday in each month at the le- e.C.A. The U.H.F. Section holds an additional meeting on the first Thursday at the same location. Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend.

P.47 - Leaves From A Dxer's Logbook

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Leaves Fro m A Dxeres Log - Book W orld- Wide DX On Short wave By ALAN H. GRAHAM January 22 Conditions just after 6.30 a.m. were quite good on 31 m., on which band I2R0 was putting in the best signal. W3XAU was easily the best for so me time past -being a good R7. At 7 a. m. GS0 ca me on the air with a very strong signal; while W2XAF and GSB opening at the sa me time were also at good speaker strength. Just before 7 a.m. a mediu m signal was logged on 30.4 m., and this proved to be Madrid (EAQ). Just after 7 o'clock a talk in English was heard - the speaker vividly describing the havoc wrought by the aerial bo mbardments which have devastated the city. Probably the best quality reception of the morning was fro m the 26m. Cuban station COCX, which gradually gained strength, peaking just after 8 a. m. On 25 m., W1XAL was easily the best station. Two other A mericans on 19 m. were also at good strength, na mely W8X K and W2XE. During the day conditions were very poor, not a single station being heard until 5.30 p. m., when the Ger man stations DJA, DJN and DJB were logged. The last-na med station's signals were R. max. After sundown local QR M (an everpresent source of vexation) prevented reception above 16 m. On that band, W E was a point louder than OSO, while on 13 m., OSII was R7 with very little fading. January 23 Up before 6 a. m. this morning, and OR K was heard on 29 m. at R6. Bad fading, however, marred reception. Before the other bands could be examined, bad local QR M began, and continued for about an hour. At this time (7 a. m.) W2XAF, GSC and GSB were again best on 31 m. Again the best signals of the morning were fro m COCX: R9 at 8 a. m. with practically no fading. W8X K and W2XE on 19 m, were again very good. January 24 Conditions on the whole were distinctly poorer than on the two previous days. Strangely enough the loudest signal of the morning was fro m a 19 m. station not often logged here, M ICA"), whose progra m me of dance music was a good R8. On 19 m. W2XE and W8XK: on 25 m. GSD and W1XAL: and on 31 m. GSB, GSC, W3XAU, W2XAF, M N and I2R0 were only very moderate speaker strength. Less regular stations logged were DZC on 29.16 m., and the A merican 'phone station W OF. Located in Lawrenceville, N.J., W OF trans mits on 30.77 m. January 25 Reception during the whole day was very patchy. After W3XAL was logged on 16.87 m., conditions took a very rapid turn for the worse. Only Special Features For Next Month's "Radio World' Next month's "Radio World" will contain a co mplete description of the 53 -6P6 two-band crystal-controlled trans mitter illustrated above, while for set-builders there will be so mething outstanding in a three-band superhet designed around the new Radiokes Tri-Wave Coil Assembly. Make sure of YOUR copy now by booking it at your newsagent, or fill in the Annual Subscription For m on page 40 and have the next twelve copies sent post-free direct to your ho me, W8X K (19.7 m.) and a couple of east coast A merican ha ms on 20 m, were above R2-3. W3XAL's signals at 6.45 a.m, were very good, and every word of the review of the flood situation in the Ohio valley could be copied. During the rest of the day the only station audible was ZMBJ, the s.s. "Awatea," in co m munication with Wellington during her trans-Tas man crossing. After 7 p. m. the noise-level -co mbination of static and local QR M -was unbearably high. January 26 The outstanding feature of the morning was the improved reception on 25 m. W1XAL was the loudest station there, but GSD, TPA3 and JZJ (25.4 m.) were also good. On 31 and 19 m, the usual stations were heard, GSC and W8XK being outstanding. Again conditions during the day were most disappointing - not a trace of any station was to be found. A less vicious noise-level per mitted an exa mination of the bands between 13 and 31 m. between 7 and 10.15 p. m. OSO, GSF, D.IB, DJQ and TPA2 on 19 m.: GSG, DJE on 16 m.: ZB W, DJA and GSB on 31 m.: and JVN were all audible. 19 m, reception was easily the best. January 27 W3XAL on 16 m, was outstanding. EAQ and COCX showed a falling-of in strength. At 9.30 a. m. the D.E.I. station YDC opening on 19.8 m. with the 7 o'clock chi mes (2?, hours behind E.S.T.) were R7. Apart fro m this the only notable feature of the day's reception was the chi mes (2 hours behind E.S.T.) was lif31V WX was heard at 11.30 a.m. January 28 25 m. was easily the best band this morning: GSD (R9), W1XAL (R7), TPA3 (R7) and JZJ (R5). 19 m, continued to deteriorate slowly - W8X K and W2XE being very poor. W2XAF, GSC (31 m.) and YDC (19 m.) held on much longer than usual, and were still audible after 10 a. m. After 10 p. m. COCQ nearly wrecked the speaker with a terrific signal!! Nearly as loud was JZI on 31.4 m. January 29 The only feature of this day's reception was the nice signal of CS W on 27.2 m. between 6.45 and 7.15 a. m. W hen first heard CS W was R7, and gradually improved to R9 just after 7 a. m. After 7.15 the signals rapidly faded out. JZI, JVN, YDC, PLP (27.2 m.), DJB, DJQ, OSO, OSII and DJE were all logged after 8.30 p. m. -and were all

at good strength except for GS H on 13m. February 1 W2XAD turned up quite unexpectedly on 19 m. at 6.40 a. m. Signals were only fair. February 3 Good conditions on 19 m. W2XE's review of the flood situation was of considerable interest. The broadcast was fro m Me mphis, Tenn., which is on the Mississippi, about 100 miles below Cairo, which was the centre of the flood at this time. After 9 a. m. the 10 m, amateur was found to be very fine. An East coast ham WI D EY was logged at fair strength - this being the first East coast ham heard on 10m. 'phone. Several other hams were logged, including W5EZ H at R9. At 8 p. m. the 20 m, amateur band was fairly good, with KAlE R and XU8I1 W outstanding. On 19 m. YDC was exceptionally good with an entertaining musical progra m me on opening at 8.30 p. m. February 4 ZB W on 31 m, was easily the best station on the air to-night. On approx. 25.2 m. a stranger was heard -was apparently a Japanese or Chinese. Signal strength was weak, and the station had to re main unidentified. February 5 At 6 p. m., Berlin (DFB) was heard calling Bangkok on 17 m. The amateur bands were good to-day: both 10 and 20 m. PKIRA on 20 m. was very loud at 9.45 p. m. February 7 The 10 m, amateur band was exceptionally good between 9 a. m. and 1 p. m. In the evening, ZMISJ was heard on 34 m. working Wellington: and a little later GBC (23A m.) working GFJY, a ship station. Finally just about 10 p. m. IBC was heard calling As mara. February 8 Outstanding in this day's log was the logging of CNR, Rabat, Morocco, on 23A m.: and the reception of a test progra m me fro m VK6 ME, Perth, on 31.2 m. A new amateur on 20 m, was the Chinese station XU8TT. February 9 • An early surprise was a tre mendous signal on 49.75 m., originating fro m Prague. They were R9 at 6 a.m. At 7 a.m. Moscow opened on 50 m. JZJ on 25.4 m. was also good at 7.15 a. m. Towards noon, VLZ was heard calling ZLT on a new w/1.-22.4m. CNR was again audible at 8 p.m.: and at 10 p.m. the "Kanimbla" (V119 MI) presented an entertaining progra m me on 49.9 m. February 10 Two A mericans were outstanding - W2 XE (19 m.) describing the Carnival

at New Orleans: and W1XAL, presenting a special news su m mary at 7.45 a.m. Another "mystery station" was heard on 25.6 m. -a foreigner, heard at good strength at 7.30 p. m. February 11 A nice batch of 20 m, amateurs logged included KALID, X U811 W, VS6AB, KAIB H and KAIAN. On 49.9m., HPS K was at good strength, opening at 10 p. m. February 12 W2XAF's special Red Cross progra m me was heard at R7 between 4.30 and 6.30 p. m. Nu mbers were contributed by a large nu mber of fa mous stage, screen and radio stars. Two 'phone stations on 18 m. were Shanghai (XOJ) and Bangkok. February 14 HJ1ABP was heard testing on 31 m., endeavouring without success to contact an A merican amateur, W2GEZ. PHI, GSG and DJE were a good 16 m. trio at 10 p. m. February 15 Another batch of 20 m. amateurs - HI7G, PK1 MX, KA1 MD, H KIZ, CO7CX, 0A4R, PKIGL, CEIA H and XU8I1 W. During the afternoon FZS, Saigon, was heard calling Tokio on 16m. February 16 A splendid progra m me fro m PCJ (19.7m.) was the high-light of the day's reception. YDC, PLP, and P MN were all on the air at 9.15 p. m.

P.48 - New Members All-Wave All-World DX Club

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AW109DX - Gilbert S. Hayman, "Monmouth," 166 Macpherson Street, Bronte, N.S.W.

AW110DX - Wynton Faulkhead, 28 Villeroy Street, Hampton, S.7, Melbourne, Victoria.

AW111DX - C. V. Stewart, 36 Main Street East, Ballarat East, Victoria.

AW112DX - W. M. Chapman, 3 Dowling Street, Moore Park, Sydney, N.S.W.

AW113DX - A. B. McDonagh, 4 Queen Street, Wellington, N.Z.

AW114DX - J. A. Roe, 17 Tyrone Street, South Yarra, S.E.1, Victoria.

AW115DX - T, Basso, Post Office, Silkwood, North Queensland.

AW116DX - Carl Broel, 10a High St., Marrickville, Sydney, N.S.W.

AW117DX - Jack Glenn Jones, 72 Eastern Ave., Sth. Kensington. N.S.W.

AW118DX - Patrick William Stanley, 34 Langlee Ave, Waverlev, N.S.W.

AW119DX - G. S. Rogers, 28 Poplar St., Sth. Caulfield, S.E.8,. Melbourne, Vic.

AW120DX - R. Connor, Peketurua, Putaruru, New Zealand.

AW121DX - William Henry George Dawson, c/o Railways, Tailem Bend S.A.

AW122DX - Ronald Cook, Norris Street, Bowen, Nth. Q'land.

AW123DX - V. E. Deadmond, Belmore St., Arnelife, N.S.W.

AW124DX - Arthur J. Richards, 33 Owen St., Lindfield, N.S.W.

AW125DX - E. J. Mannell, 9 Elizabeth Street, Masterton, N.Z.

AW126DX - Ray Bramwell, Herbert St., Bowen, Nth. Q'land.

AW127DX - Gordon Thomas Farmer, Conlan St., Roma, Q'land.

AW128DX - Peter E. Thornley, c/o Manifold House, Geelong Grammar School, Cono, Vic.

AW129DX - James Ferrier, Winninburn, Coleraine, Vic.

AW130DX - Edward H. Barker, 713 Ferry Rd., Christchurch, N.Z.

AW131DX - Charles O. Pepperell, Rahotu, Taranaki, New Zealand.

AW132DX - B. Johnstone, Palmerston St., Riverton, Southland, N.Z.

AW133DX - George B. Lance, 5 Darling St., Warrnambool, Vic.

AW134DX - Keith Francis Peters, 7 Halford St., Castlemaine, Vic.

AW135DX - Vincent H. Leonard, 80 Charles St., Abbotsford, N.9, Vic.

AW136DX - Reuben Henry Neils Jolley, 120 Hargreaves St. Castlemaine, Vic.

AW137DX - L. F. Thiemann, c/o Star Theatre, Cunningha St., Dalby, Q'land.

AW138DX - S. A. Ellwood c/o Chippindall's Pharmacy, Bundaberg, Q'land.

AW139DX - A, Greening, Inglewood, Taranaki, New Zealand.

AW140DX - Hector James McConnell, c/o 104 Grove St., Nelson, N.Z.

AW141DX - Ronald Bothwell, "Henwin," Lower Bowen Terrace, New Farm, N.I., Brisbane, Q'land.

AW142DX - G. P. Hawkins, Deven St., New Plymouth, N.Z.

AW143DX - Robert Charles Viner, 48 Terrace St., Paddington, W.2, Brisbane, Q'land.

AW144DX - A. B. Liedl, 187 Dawson St., Lismore, N.S.W.

AW145DX - John William Cameron, 10 Morrin St., Ellerslie, Auckland, S.E.6, New Zealand.

AWIA6DX - Joseph F. Bull, State School, Beria, W.A.

AW147DX - Robert King, c/o Mordialloc House, Centreway, Mordialloc, S12, Victoria.

(to be continued).

P.48 - Printer

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Printed by the Bridge Printery, 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S. W., for the proprietors of the "Australasian Radio World," 214 George Street, Sydney.

Inside Back Cover - Vealls Ad

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EVERYTHING to build the "SYMPHONY" BATTERYLESS FOUR 14 Everything — Valves, Accu mulator, Speaker, etc., to build the wonderful 4-valve dry-batteryless receiver that operates from a 6-volt "A" battery. This set was tried and proved in the "Listener In" Laboratories and described in the "Listener In" dated Dece mber 12th. Remember, Veall's pay freight on all Victorian Retail orders except radio cabinets. ORDER YOUR KIT TODAY A Set Builder Says READ THESE RESULTS, as obtained by a set builder in the North- West District: — "Even during the daytime, with an inside aerial of only 10 feet, I easily tune in any Victorian or South Australian stations that I want. I can also get several New South Wales stations. Selectivity and tone are inco mparable, and there are no unwanted noises. "It is a real live set —there is no messing with the controls to gel stations. Turn the dial to the station wanted and it is there. The volu me control is very eficient. A local-distance switch is not needed. Thanking you for a jolly good set." MUMS GREATER DISTANCE- -LESS NOISE a It .4.t41S'ii 14ONSt tim..\ IXONt 9.,,ECtIrnus1-1 tey tmcmerEE Et. e.tt, - &e we,. *el BRING IN NE W STATIONS. Local static vanilhes and reception improves 20 per cent. to 73 per cent. KIT embodies everything necessary for a perfectly engineered transposed aerial, including the patented Antennex aerial energise]. unit. Price—the complete kit. 5 2 / 6 otwatiot y.w....0 % /ftimoss or • • • Vealls have the Fastest Mail Order Service in Australia An expert staf gives every order individual attention. Accurate, speedy execution of all orders and . . . Veall's pay freight on all Victorian retail orders, excepting radio cabinets, and interstate retail orders, excepting batteries and cabinets. Try Veall's with your next order . . . the most comprehensive stocks in Australia. 'I II, NE 1.% , .-/ - . Piezo Self.

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. Tracking Pickup \-, • Tracks perfectly on either 10-12 or 16-inch "AMPHENOL," MEHNE" ULTRA HITONE records. Cuts down T HE F'ER FECT VALVE SOCKET BUZZER in. in All metal case, 2 dia meter. A perfect high tone for Morse practice or THE NE W OR MOND SLO W M OTION DIAL For short-wave sets. Test equip ment, etc. An accuneedle scratch by 50%. Gives greater life to records. pin . 5d. each. 7 & 7a pin . 6d. each. testing . . . 5/9 each MEHNE, 3, 5 and 8 volt .5 amp. Bell Transformers, rate dial with hair line divisions, all geared, backlash. New stocks justno Price £5e5p- 8-pin Octal . 9d. each 6 each landed. 2 in. diameter. VALVES SA Equivalent to battery types shown below. A409 type UX 4v. General Purpose . . A415 type UX 4v. Detector . . A442 type UX 4v. Screen Grid .. B405 type UX 4v. Power . . . B605 type 6v. Power . . 506 type UX 4v. Rectifier . VALVES TESTED FREE 6/11 6/11 8/6 6/11 4/11 5/11 Bring your valves to Veall's and have them tested on the Calston Tube Checker free. Will accurately test 400 diferent types of valves. CRIFICED BOND VALVES —BRAND NE W AND TESTED 27 General Purpose AC . 201A General Purpose Battery . 235 Variable Mu A.C. . . 245 A.C. Power . . . 280 A.C. Rectifier DEALERS 3/11 3/11 4/11 6/11 7/11 Write for folder iully describing all Calston Analysers, Tube Checkers, Oscillators, Meters, etc., and stating our easy terms. VEAL'S 243-249 SWANSTON L E IO CA STORES 299-301 CHAPEL STREET, MELBOURNE 168 SWANSTON STREET, MELBOURNE STREET, PRAHRAN 3-5 RIVERSDALE ROAD, CA MBER WELL CENTRAL 3058 (7 lines) • él • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Back Cover - Australian Radio College Ad

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"YOU CAN EARN BIG MONEY IN RADIO TELEVISION" Do you Want to earn more juoiIe . to better your position, to write "SUCCESS"1kfter your name? You can do this. Get into Radio-Television; make your career in to-day's greatest industry. - WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITIES.. Would you like to be an engineer in one of Radio's many branches. To handle equipment costing thousands of pounds, to perhaps meet world celebrities? Maybe you would rather train to run a profitable business of your own. Once you are trained, the whole field of Radio Opens up for you —you can steer for any position, from Radio mechanic to an executive controlling a big firm's activities. TRAINED MEN WANTED. There's a shortage of trained men in Radio. Employers on all sides are looking for them. Trained men earn good money —executive engineers up to £1,500 a year, managers, laboratory engineers, etc., up to £800 a year. and sales-service engineers up to £10 a week. With specialised training, these jobs are within your reach. TELEVISION. This wonderful new branch of Radio is already established overseas —soon it will be here. Think of the thousands of openings it will bring for trained men. There's time for you to prepare for one of these. Get started training now —prepare you01'01f for a future as big as you Eke to make it. JOBS FOUND. Once you are prepared with the necessary training. the A.R.C. Free Employment Sersice will help you find a job. Do you know. so heavy has been the demand. we have frequently been forced to refuse good positions. COSTS LITTLE. Think of this--for a few pence each day—actually less than many fellows spend on tisbarro —you can prepare yourself for a good-pay position in Radio-Teles ision. Na, e you the ambition to bring yourself. into line with one of these openings? FREE BOOK. Send now for the free book, "Careers in Radie and Telmi.ion." Read what Radio's leading men advise you to do: read about Radio's splendid careers; how other A.R.C. students hase succeeded and how you can do likewise. This is a book 'every ambition. man and youth should read. Post the coupon for your copy it'- free to you. POST COUPON NO W! Tri. Mr. L. B. GRA HA M, Principal. Australian Radio College Ltd., Dear Sir. Please send me, without obligation qn my ¡Me, the free book. "Care rs i Radio and Television." . Na me Address Are you interested in Night Classes or Correspondence Training? Broadway (Opp. Grace Bros.), Sydney.