History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1937 04

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WorldRadioHistory.com's scan of Australasian Radio World - Vol. 01 No. 12 - April 1937 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: ARW 1937 04

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been entered here and text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

Front Cover

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The Australasian Radio World

APRIL 1, 1937; Vol. 1 - No. 12; Price, 1/-

Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical

Cover Photo: Photo of Portion of the huge aerial arrays used by PCJ and PHI (see story on page 4)

Highlighted Contents: 1937 International All-Wave Six: More About the "Companionette": Two-Band Crystal-Controlled Transmitter: B.B.C. Television Signals Heard in Africa: List of ZL Amateurs.

Inside Front Cover - Ever Ready Co. Ad

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P.01 - Clyde Engineering Co. Ad

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P.02 - Editorial Notes

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Editorial Notes . . .

With the publication of this issue of the "Radio World," completing Volume 1, it is interesting to look back over the past twelve months and review the progress the paper has made in that time. The idea of a magazine designed specially to cater for set-builders, dxers, servicemen, dealers — in fact, for everyone interested in radio technically — was conceived early last year, and on May 1 the first issue saw light of of day. That such a magazine was badly needed in Australia was immediately proved beyond all doubt by the enthusiastic welcome it was given, not only by those who follow radio as a hobby, but by the trade generally as well. Letters of congratulation and appreciation soon began to pour in from all parts of the Commonwealth, and during the past eleven months the volume of mail has increased steadily until now letters are arriving at the rate of about four hundred a month. Requests for circuits and technical information, suggestions for new receivers, reports on the performance of "Radio World" sets, general amateur and DX news — almost every conceivable radio topic under the sun is covered by readers in all parts of Australia and New Zealand, in New Guinea, Fiji, and even as far afield as America. This keen widespread interest is not only very gratifying, but it also proves beyond doubt that the magazine is now thoroughly established. The "Radio World" has only one policy, and that is to give service to those it caters for. One important outcome of the enthusiastic support that has been forthcoming is that it makes possible various improvements to the magazine. Many of these have already been planned, and will gradually be put into effect as the paper progresses.

P.02 - Contents Banner

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Incorporating the


Managing Editor: A. EARL READ, B.Sc.

Vol. 1. - APRIL, 1937. - No. 12.

P.02 - Contents

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When PCJ Was PCJJ . . . . 3

The 1937 International All-Wave Six . . . . 6

Radio Ramblings . . . . 10

B B.C. Television Signals Heard In Africa . . . . 14

DX Notes And News . . . . 16

Assembling And Wiring The Companionette Three . . . . 18

ZL Amateur Transmitters . . . . 21

A Two-Band Crystal Controlled Transmitter . . . . 29

Verifying All Continents . . . . 36

Breaking Into The Amateur Game . . . . 38

The A.T.R.S. Bulletin . . . . 39

Intermittent Faults Are Hardest To Locate . . . . 39

All-Wave All-World DX News . . . . 43

What's New In Radio . . . . 44

Leaves From A Dxer's Log-Book . . . . 45

"Radio World" Vol. 1 — Index To Technical Features . . . . 48

P.02 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by Trade Publications Proprietary, Ltd. Editorial offices, 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone BW6577. Cable address: "Repress," Sydney. Advertisers please note that copy should reach office of publication by 15th of month preceding that specified for insertion.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand. Subscribers in New Zealand can remit by Postal Note or Money Order.

Printed by Bridge Printery, 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietors of the "Australasian Radio World," 214 George St., Sydney (Footnote P.48)

P.03 - When PCJ Was PCJJ

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P.06 - The 1937 International All- Wale Six

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P.10 - Radio Ramblings

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P.14 - B B.C. Television Signals Heard In Africa

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P.16 - DX Notes And News

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P.18 - Assembling And Wiring The Companionette Three

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P.21 - ZL Amateur Transmitters

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P.29 - A Two-Band Crystal Controlled Transmitter

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P.36 - Verifying All Continents

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P.38 - Breaking Into The Amateur Game

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P.39 - The A.T.R.S. Bulletin

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P.39 - Intermittent Faults Are Hardest To Locate

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P.43 - All- Wave All- World DX News

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P.44 - What's New In Radio

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P.45 - Leaves From A Dxer's Log-Book

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P.48 - "Radio World" Vol. 1—Index To Technical Features

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