History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1939 02

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WorldRadioHistory.com's scan of Australasian Radio World - Vol. 03 No. 10 - February 1939 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: ARW 1939 02

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been entered here and text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

Front Cover

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The Australasian Radio World

February 10, 1939; Vol. 3 - No. 10; Price, 1/-

Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical

Cover Photo: Photo of 5 and 10-Metre Crystal-Controlled Phone and C.W. Transmitter (See Page 3.)

Highlighted Contents: 5 and 10-Metre Crystal-Controlled Phone and C.W. Transmitter: More about the "One-Four Portable-Five": Building a Field Strength Meter: Home Recording Hints: Latest World Shortwave News

Inside Front Cover - Amalgamated Wireless Valve Co. Ad

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P.01 - Fox & MacGillycuddy Ad

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P.02 - Editorial Notes

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Editorial Notes . . .


P.02 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Managing Editor - A. Earl Read, B.Sc.

Vol. 3. - FEBRUARY, 1939 - No. 10

P.02 - Contents

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5- And 10-Metre 'Phone And C.W. C.C. Transmitter . . . . 3

Palec Primary Frequency Standard . . . . 10

Radio Ramblings . . . . 13

Building A Field Strength Meter . . . . 14

Assembling And Aligning The "One-Four Portable Five" . . . . 18

Home Recording (3) . . . . 21

Photographing Heart Beats . . . . 24

The D.B.K. 9- To 1000-Metre Communications Receiver . . . . 26

DX On The "Ultra-Highs" . . . . 29

Rola Gesture To Bush Fire Sufferers . . . . 32

What’s New In Radio . . . . 33

Vibrator Unit : Trans-Tasman P.B. Five . . . . 36

The All-Wave All-World DX News . . . . 37

Shortwave Review . . . . 38

Hourly Tuning Guide . . . . 45

P.02 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by Trade Publications Proprietary, Ltd. Editorial offices, 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone BW6577. Cable address: "Repress," Sydney. Advertisers please note that copy should reach office of publication by 14th of month preceding that specified for insertion.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand. Subscribers in New Zealand can remit by Postal Note or Money Order.

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietors of the "Australasian Radio World," 214 George St., Sydney (Footnote P.48)

P.03 - 5- And 10-Metre 'Phone And C.W. C.C. Transmitter

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P.10 - Palec Primary Frequency Standard

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P.13 - Radio Ramblings

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P.14 - Building A Field Strength Meter

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P.18 - Assembling And Aligning The "One-Four Portable Five"

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P.21 - Home Recording (3)

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P.24 - Photographing Heart Beats

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P.26 - The D.B.K. 9- To 1000-Metre Communications Receiver

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P.29 - DX On The "Ultra-Highs"

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DX On The “U ltra Highs" In this article the author— a well-known contrib' utor to Am erican radio magazines of items of u.h.f. interest— appeals to Australasian dxers to turn their attentions towards the ultra high frequency bands, which are now rapidly coming into prominence throughout the world. Full details, in c lu d in g transm ission tim es in EeA.S.T. are given of a wide variety of u.h.f. stations in the States now operating on regular schedules. By P E R C Y FER R ELL, Jr. Linwood, New Jersey, U.S.A. S lN C E shortwave and broadcast band DX is becoming more and more “cut and dry,” it is high time that more dxers took advantage of the super DX the ultra-high frequencies offer. Those listeners who only tune through the band occasionally have missed much, for a little probing will bring to light a world of new and unusually interesting DX. Heterogeneous broadcasting services, such as regular, experimental and television, police and marine fire radio, a doctor’s emergency telephone service, point-to-point and ship-to-shore telephones, flood and irrigation control and forest fire radio services provide just a few of the broadcasts that make the u.h.f. bands cram ­ med full of thrills for the DX listener. With the realisation that many dxers are partially or wholly unfamiliar with what and where to listen for u.h.f. DX, the author has collated in this article the most complete information concerning the u.h.f. that has ever been brought between two magazine covers! Why not get down to business on this super u.h.f. DX, and send in reports of reception of these stations? Your cards and letters would be of great help to the American stations, and your reward, the gratitude of station engineers and verifications that you may be justly proud of. The 11-Metre Broadcast Band The 26 megacycle band needs no introduction, as it is very popular both in Australasia and United States. However, as yet there are no stations other than those in U.S.A. in operation, although many are licensed. W6XKG, 25.95 m.c., Los Angeles, Calif., “The 24-hour Station,” is still The 100-watt W6XKG. a favourite among many Australasian and east coast American dxers. Two special program m es are given each Tuesday, T hursday and Saturday a t the unsuitable tim es of 4.15 a.m. and 5.15 a.m. However, it is noted th at on m any occasions both broadcasts w ere postponed for one or two hours for undisclosed reasons. The form er broadcast is a talk on popular astronomy, and the latter is an interesting and inform ative DX talk—both ably conducted by that very well-known Pacific coast dxer, E arl G. Dehaven. Verifications from this station are by a handsome blue QSL card. Address c/o. KGFJ, Los Angeles, Calif. W9XUP, 26.15 m.c., St. Paul, Minn., very courteously moved to this frequency last December to leave W6XKG a clearer channel. At writing, tests are being carried out, and no schedule is in force. However, from all appearances the old schedule of 10 p.m. to 4 p.m. next day will be resumed. A very neat QSL is being used. Address: C/o. KSTP, St. Paul, Minn. W2XJ1. 26.30 m.c., Newark, N.J., is definitely on the air 11 p.m. to 4 p.m. the next day. Since Newark, New Jersey, is the home of the NNRC (Newark News Radio Club) a special program m e is given each Wednesday a t noon. A QSL is being used to answer all reports addressed to the Bamberger Brdcstg. Co., Newark, N.J. W2XQO, Flushing, N.Y., is now testing on 26.55 m.c. in the early morning, re-broadcasting the program m es of WMCA. No notice of a definite schedule has been received from this 100-watter, although they have lately signed off regularly at 7.30 a.m. Reports asked for and should be sent to The Knickerbocker Broadcasting Co., Inc., 1697 Broadway, New York City, N.Y.

W9XA, 26.45 m.c., Kansas City, Mo., came on the air on October 13, 1938, and has overnight become the talk of dxers the world over. A variety of programmes of interest to dxers are broadcast irregularly. Among them is a mailbag programme daily at 8.30 a.m., excepting Mondays, a DX talk a t 6 a.m. each Monday morning and code classes (irregularly) in the mornings. (At writing there is contemplated a series of lectures on “Sirela,'’ the new universal radio language. All who would be interested in learning “Sirela” should watch for these broadcasts.) The verification used by W9XA is most unusual, as it is a four-page folder. This large pamphlet not only verifies your report, but gives a pictorial description of the station and the station personnel, with many Verification used by W NYF and for fireboats pictured. The New York City fireboats operate on 35.58 m.c., with 50 w atts, and may be heavd testing around

other interesting facts about the station and its purpose. I t is very worth while, and all should try to earn one. The schedule of W9XA is mostly 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. and 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., and other times irregular. The power is 1000 watts, although at writing it is 500 watts and is being very slowly increased to the maximum. Address: The Commercial Radio Equipment Co., Kansas City, Mo. W8XNU, 25.95 m.c., Cincinnati, Ohio, using a four-element di-pole, arranged as a turnstile antenna, is now on the air daily, 10 p.m. to 4 p.m. the next day. At present no special program m es are under consideration, as they are working toward maximum ground-wave coverage. The sky wave, despite the usage of a turnstile (famed sky-wave killer) is extremely strong, and may be heard often competing against W6XKG. All reports appreciated and will be verified when addressed to WSAI, Crosley Corporation, Cincinnati, Ohio. W9XTA, 26.5 m.c., Harrisburg, Ill., has notified us that they are now continuing their tests postponed from last July, and will try to operate to the schedule, 4 a.m. to 9 a.m. 500 watts is the output, and the correct address for reports is c/o. Schonert Radio Service, Harrisburg, Ill. W9XAZ, 26.4 m.c., Milwaukee, Wise., is officially off the air. W9XTC, 26.05 m.c., Minneapolis, is now using its 150 w atts irregularly, although schedule is supposed to be 12 a.m. to 12 p.m. A very neat QSL card is being used for all reports addressed to The Minnesota Broadcasting Corp., Minneapolis, Minn.

W9XJL, 26.10 m.c., Superior Wise., a very faithful performer, is on the air daily 11 p.m. to 12 p.m. next day. 250 w atts is the power and the same colourful QSL is being used. Address: Telegram Building, Superior, Wise. W8XNO, 26.10 m.c., Charleston, West Va., and W9XH, 26.05 m.c., South Bend, Ind., are under construction. Both to be on the air shortly. W3XEX, 26.05 m.c., Norfolk, Va., and W4XH, 25.95 m.c., Evanston, S.C., have made no releases for the last several months, and whether they are in operation or not is very doubtful.

W1XOV, 27.10 m.c., Boston, Mass., should be easily heard in Australasia when they contact W1XER a t 7 and 10.25 a.m. daily. It is remembered th at this station is one end of the communication link between the sum it of Mt. Washington, New Hampshire and Boston, Mass. All reports

are verified when return postage is included. Address: The Yankee Network, 21 Brookline Avenue, Boston, Mass. Passing out of the 11-metre band and down the wavelengths through the 10-metre amateur band, which needs no discussion, into the nine metre broadcast band, we find a single channel occupied by twelve stations. Tuning sometimes becomes very irksome because of the heterodyne interference; however, many tim es it will be found that one station is coming through and all others are too weak to cause an interference problem. This skip dissolution is quite prevalent on all the u.h.f. bands, and dxers with a little patience will be well rewarded. (During a freak reception period in U.S.A. one dxer managed to get a verifiable log on seven stations in one evening because of skip dissolution.)

The Nine-Metre Broadcast Band (All stations operate on 31.6 m.c.) STATION. LOCATION. POWER. SCHEDULE. VER1. (w atts) W1XEQ— New Bedford, Mass............. 100 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. Letter W1XKA*—Boston, M ass........................ 50 Off the air. Letter W1XKB—Springfield, Mass................... 50 9.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Letter W2XDV—New York, N.Y.................... 50 Irregular. Card W3XEY—Baltimore, Md........................ 100 12 a.m. to 8 a.m. Card W3XKA**—Philadelphia, P a ............... 50 Off the air. Card W4XBW—Chattanooga, Tenn.............. 100 11 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. Letter W4XCA—Memphis, Tenn....................... 250 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. Card W5XAU—Oklahoma City, Okla. . . 100 Irregular. Letter W5XD— Dallas, T e x a s ........................... 100 2.30 to 4.30 a.m. Letter W8XAI— Rochester, N .Y ..................... 100 9.30 to 3 p.m. Card W8XOY—Akron, O h io .......................... 100 10 p.m. to 3 p.m. Letter W8XKA***—Pittsburgh, P a ............... 50 Off the air. Card W9XHW—Minneapolis, Minn.............. 50 12 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Card W9XPD— St. Louis, Mo......................... 100 12 a.m. to 4 p.m. Letter

  • Antenna lost in hurricane.
    • License not renewed.
      • Planning move the 7-metre band.

THIS CONFIRM S YOUR RECEPTION REPORT AS CORRECT ON . September 1, . 1938................. BETWEEN ;0|45.A. .«•. and.l2.!.5p.p.. .551; W3XEY 31,600 KILOCYCLES........... 100 WATTS Owned and Operated by T H E B ALT IM O R E RADIO SHOW. Inc. Baltimore, Md. - U. S. A. • _____________________________ _ Over

The Eight-Metre Broadcast Band. W3XES, 35.6 m.c., Baltimore, Md., using 300 w atts into the antenna from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily, is very well worth looking for, and should be heard in Australasia whenever nine metres is open for the U.S.A. Atlantic coast stations. W3XES carries on a very extensive experimental program m e and would sincerely appreciate your report. Address: Monum ental Radio Company, Baltimore, Md. W9XUY, 35.6 m.c., Omaha, Nebr., sends word th a t they are now operating on this frequency from 10.30 p.m. to 4 p.m. with 100 w atts output. This station, which verifies all reports with a very neat QSL, seems to make a habit of changing frequency. They first came on 31.6 m.c. and after several months moved to 41.0 m.c.. and now they have shifted down to 35.6 m.c. The signal of this station should be very strong as a very large building shadows their antenna to the east and makes for maximum signal strength in a westerly direction. Address: Central States Broadcasting Co., Omaha, Nebr. W8XNT, 38.6 m.c., Cleveland, Ohio, using 50 w atts on a clear channel, has a most promising signal. With the help of said channel and the usage of an excellent antenna 758 feet above ground, W8XNT has been reported all over the N orth American continent, and everyone feels sure th a t it could be heard a t distant points under favourable conditions if dxers will watch for them daily, 1 a.m. to 3 p.m. Reports verified very quickly when addressed to: Radio Air Service Corporation, 1311 Terminal Tower, Cleveland, Ohio. W2XDG, 38.65 m.c., Bound Brook, N.J., although on another clear channel and with more power than W8XNT, it has a very slight chance of being picked up in Australasia, because a beam antenna pointed toward New York City is now used. (It might, however, be possible th at the signal may try travelling the long way to Australia, such actions have been noted on the u.h.f.) The schedule is now 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. All reports verified by card. Address: National Broadcasting Co., 30 Rockfeller Plaza, New York City, N.Y. The Seven-Metre Broadcast Band The seven-metre band is the u h.f.’s most unusual, and when conditions are right is the most thrilling band in use. A t first glance, quite a bit of amazement will be expressed in trying to believe a station operating so close to the maximum usable frequency can be possibly heard 7000 to 9000 miles away. However, quoting from experiments made while receiving these stations in U.S.A., it has been found that the sky-wave transmission between two points during this period of sunspot activity is very consistent. In fact, W8XWJ was heard every day in Los Angeles, Calif., and Phoenix, Ariz., during the month of November. (The writer, although not in a geographical location suitable for seven-metre broadcast reception from U.S.A. stations, was able to intercept several of the European television transmitters on even higher frequencies with practically the same success!) Tuning on the seven-metre band is extremely critical, and patience is truly a worthy virtue here. After one or two weeks of practice tuning, a peak time of reception will be noted. This period may be only five minutes long in some cases, and in others may be as long as fifteen minutes. Nevertheless, seven - metre trans-Pacific reception is most likely to repeat itself in this period. Again we m ust stress the use of a sensitive receiver (forget selectivity if you have to, but make it sensitive) and a suitable antenna. If a t all possible, use some sort of beam antenna. “Spot tuning will also be a great help in case a station is in a long deep fade. W1XER, 41.0 m.c., summ it of Mt. W ashington, N.H., using 500 w atts into a turnstile antenna erected last summer, is not as yet in scheduled broadcast operation, but can be heard contacting W1XOV daily at 7 a.m. and 10.25 a.m. to report w eather conditions, as this mountain is quite a skier’s paradise. All reports verified. Address: The Yankee Network, 21 Brookline Avenue, Boston, Mass. W1XOJ, 43.0 m.c., sum m it of Asnebumskit Hill, Paxton, Mass., is licensed for a maximum power output of 50.000 w atts. Lately they have been testing with reduced power. All reports verified and address is same as W1XER. W1XPVV, 43.4 m.c., H artford, Conn., has been testing on this frequency in preference to their licensed frequency of 40.3 m.c. 1000 w atts is the power and the address is: C/o. WDRC, Inc., H artford, Conn. W2XHG, 41.0 m.c., New York City, N.Y., re-broadcasting W EAF with 150 w atts daily from 12 a.m. to 3 p.m. Card verification from National Broadcasting Co., 30 Rockfeller Plaza, New York City, NY'. W2XMN, 42.8 m.c., Alpine, N.J., now tests irregularly with 20,000 to 40.000 w atts, and has been heard 3000 miles away with a level of 72 db or R14! All reports verified by Mr. Edwin H. A rm strong, Columbia U niversity, New York City, N.Y. W2XOY, 41.0 m.c., Albany, N.Y., is using 150 w atts from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and S aturday. Card verifications from General Electric Co., 1 River Road, Schenectady, N.Y. W3XIR, 41.0 m.c., Philadelphia, Pa., tests irregularly about 10 a.m. A very neat card verification. Address: C/o. WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa. W8XH, 41.0 m.c., Buffalo, N.Y., uses 100 w atts at present, although 1000 will soon be used, from 8.45 a.m. to 12 p.m. Address: WBEN, Inc., Buffalo, N.Y. W8XWJ, 41.0 m.c., Detroit, Mich., w ith a new high fidelity 500-watt transm itter is a seven-metre dxer’s best bet. Operating from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily, they are reported to verify with a new QSL, but every U.S.A. dxer who has heard this station has been so fa r unable to obtain one (your w riter included, who heard them three tim es on short skip). Address: 4465 Penobscot Building, Detroit, Michigan. A new advancement was made in the a rt of broadcasting in 1938 when WBOE, 41.5 m.c., Cleveland, Ohio, a non-commercial educational broadcast station came on the air. This station using 500 w atts, is on irregularly and has an excellent signal, judged by the number of reports received. WBOE will soon be joined by WCNY, 41.1 m.c., from Brooklyn, N.Y. Television Stations— (Voice T ransm itters Only.) A lexandria Palace, London, E ngland, a B.B.C. station on 41.5 m.c., operates daily from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. and from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. w ith 3000 w atts into the antenna. This station

is very consistent and in U.S.A. it can practically be logged from coast to coast. Reports will be verified and are very much appreciated. P aris PTT, Paris, France, is also on daily. 42.0004 m.c. is the exact frequency, although power, schedule and address are unknown. Berlin, Germany, 43.0 m.c., can also be heard from tim e to time. Schedule is 1.30 a.m. to 3 a.m. and power to their antenna is 16,000 w atts. Only one American transm itter is really in scheduled operation and th at one is W6XAO, 52.0 m.c., Los Angeles, Calif., w ith 150 w atts from 6 to 8 a.m. and again from 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. (Persons interested in trans-Pacific five-metre signals m ight look for W6XAO, whose signal would be a sure guide w hether this band is open or not.) Experimental Stations. Scattered throughout the entire u.h.f. spectrum is an endless procession of stations falling under the “experim ental” classification. The first and largest group of these which we will trea t is the police stations. W ith the F.C.C. Order 19 being put partially in effect, a m ost complete and drastic revision of police calls and frequencies was enacted. For police headquarter’s transm itters operating under the “No Power Lim it” listing, these frequencies are in use: —30.70 m.c., 31.10 m.c., 31.90 m.c., 33.10 m.c., 33.94 m.c., 35.50 m.c., 37.50 m.c., 39.10 m.c., 39.90 m.c. F or those headquarter transm itters th at will not use power over 250 w atts, the following are used:—31.50 m.c., 33.50 m.c., 35.90 m.c., 37.10 m.c., 37.90 m.c., 39.50 m.c. For police car use, both portable and portable-mobile, the following are used (in some cases the same fre ­ quency as the headquarter’s transm itter is u se d ):—30.85 m.c., 30.98 m.c., 31.78 m.c., 33.22 m.c., 33.78 m.c., 35.10 m.c., 35.22 m.c., 35.78 m.c., 37.22 m.c., 37.38 m.c., 37.78 m.c., 39.18 m.c., 39.38 m.c., 39.78 m.c. In regard to the new calls, at the moment it is impossible to obtain a complete listing. However, “W1X,” “W2X,” etc., are no more for police use, calls beginning w ith “WQ,” “W E,” “KQ,” “KR,” and “WW” being substituted instead. Chance reception is always possible of one of the 500 relay broadcast stations th a t operate irregularly on 31.1 m.c., 34.6 m.c., 37.6 m.c. and 40.6 m.c. with powers from .5 w att to 250 w atts . . . of the various emergency stations th at use 31.42 m.c., 39.66 m.c. and 39.86 m.c., w ithout lim itation of power . . . of one of the many forestry service stations th a t use 30.94 m.c., 35.74 m.c., 31.34 m.c., 31.58 m.c., 31.94 m.c., and 35.94 m.c., besides numerous other frequencies near seven m etres . . . of the Doctor’s Emergency Telephone Service in New York City, N.Y., th at operates on 31.42 m.c., w ith 1000 w atts. (This station operates in a sim ilar m anner to police communication and may be used to call doctors to hospitals, etc., in cases of em ergency . . . of one of the any number of stations th a t operate on 31.6 m.c., 35.6 m.c., 38.6 m.c., and 41.0 m.c., classified as general experim ental and include two-way communication between gliders (in flight) and ground stations, stations used by Motion Picture Companies, a ship to shore h arbour telephone service in Philadelphia, Pa., and a Pilot Boat service in Norfolk, Va. . . . of the communication link between Mt. Palom ar, Calif, (the site of the 200-inch telescope) and Pasadena, Calif., which has been heard several tim es across the continent and are reported to have schedules at 7.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. . . . and of anyone of the seemingly countless stations th a t make the u.h.f. their home and operate irregularly and are only by chance. DX On Five Metres. The reception of 5-metre DX signals is an unequalled thrill, in the w riter’s opinion, who has been fortunate enough to log stations in New Je rsey, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Iniana, Illinois, Michigan, Kentucky, W est Virginia, Florida, Minneasota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Connecticut (not forgetting the double thrill of hearing the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, Canada). Of course, in discussing five-metre DX our thoughts immediately rest on th a t bugaboo, “sunspots.” Recent observations by the Mount Wilson Observatory staff has indicated th a t a double maximum of sunspot activity occurred, one in the summ er of 1937 and another in the summ er of 1938, the la tte r being the stronger of the two. (There is also a possibility of the maximum not having been reached to date, although this chance is remote.) D uring December, 1938, a series of ionosphere disturbances happened that startled every student of radio, and on eight different occasions the condition of “short skip” was noted. Also, on one busy afternoon—a Sunday, by coincidence—five-metres opened up, and many more DX contacts along the Chicago-New York-Boston path were made. Reviewing the u.h.f. spectrum, we find the most unstable DX band in existence. Nevertheless, we, too, like uncertainty w ith our listening, and we feel th a t many more of you will be badly sm itten when you try ultrahigh dxing. Those readers who desire more specific inform ation or who would care to report their results on the u.h.f. may contact the w riter a t the following address:— Perry Ferrell, jnr., Linwood, New Jersey, United States of America. All inquiries and bits of inform ation are welcomed— the w riter will try to answer all cards and letters received. This receiver photograph was sent in by DX club member John Taylor. Hurstville, N.S.W. The large dial has the celluloid cover and pointer removed and a 4!4" pointer extended outside on to a scale on the panel; this gives a bandspread of 3" on a /9" scale on 20 m. The pointer on the left controls the coupling link to the pre-selector. The power supply on the right also includes a pair of 2A5’s in push-pull for speaker operation.

P.32 - Rola Gesture To Bush Fire Sufferers

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P.33 - What's New In Radio

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P.36 - Vibrator Unit : Trans-Tasman P.B. Five

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P.37 - The All-Wave All-World DX News

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The All-Wave All-World DX News

Official Organ of the All-Wave All-World DX Club.

Sixth "Radio World" Shortwave Contest Closes On June 30. The sixth “Radio World” Shortwave DX Contest will close on June 30, and entries can be forwarded at any time up to this date. The rules are as follows:— 1. For this Contest a trophy (a trophy (a Replogle World Globe with time converter, value 59/6) will be awarded to the reader who submits the best individual verification. 2. Verifications from any shortwave station between 5 and 100 metres may he submitted. Thus cards from broadcast, commercial, radiophone and am ateur transm itters are all eligible. 3. All verifications must bear a date (a post-mark on the card or envelope will suffice where no date is given on the actual verification); and the frequency on which the station has been received must be clearly indicated. 4. Only verifications of reception between June 1, 1938, and closing date will be eligible. 5. In judging the entries, the judges will take into account the power of the station received, the frequency on which the station was heard, and the type of receiver used. 6. There is no limit to the number of verifications which may be submitted by any entrant. 7. The decision of the judges will be final; and the result of the sixth competition will be announced in the August, 1939, issue of "R. W." 8. All entries should be addressed to the Shortwave Editor, and should be endorsed “DX Competition.” All verifications subm itted will be retu rn ­ ed by registered post as soon as possible after the closing date. —The Shortwave Editor. DX Notes And News Recent Shortwave Loggings. 20-metre ham s: WlCOO, JFG, W2JKQ, EVI, IVIv; W3‘s SII, FN; W4’s DLH, BYY, KT; W5’s DQ, EIH ; W6’s NYD, LII, BKY, DRL, NNR; W7’s FQK; W8’s NOC, QVR, LNE; W9’s KWR, CEM; K6's MBH, BNR, OQE, AGM, FKN, 1LW; K A l’s ME, JR, ER, JM, CS; PK ’s 3GD, 1VX, 4JD, 4KS, 4VD, 6XX, IVY, 1RI, 2AY; ZL’s 2BE, 2QL, 4GM; VU2CQ, VU2LL; W1AX, CMD; XU8ET, LU4BC, HC1JW. 40 m etres: PK3GD, VK8SK, 9MI. Commercials: ZBW (31.49 m.), KZRM (31.33 m .), W3XAL (31.02 m .), TI4NRH (31.02 m .), ZHP (30.96 m .), Spain (30.43 m .), COCQ (30.77 m .), XEWW (31.58 m .), KEI (31.61 m .), DJZ (31 m .), VK3ME (31.55 m .), VLR3 (31.32 m. and 25.25 m .), KZRM (25.34 m .), WSXK (25.26 m .), JZ J (25.45 m .), W1XAL (25.43), WSXK (19.72 m .), W2XAD (19.56 m .), W2XE (19.64 m .), OLR5B (19.58 m.), OLR5A (19.7 m .), KAY (20.03 m.), XGOX (19.7 m .), WOF (30.77 m.). Reports are out to VK2ACL, PK1RI, VK3BS, XZ2DY, VU2CQ, VK6MW. Cards received from ZL2BE, VPD2, VK2DI and VK3QK.— Wm. Bantow (AW353DX), Edithvale, S.14, Victoria. “Air-Ace” Best Short waver Yet. I have just finished building the “Air-Ace Communications Four” receiver and would like to say th at it is the best shortwave set I have yet built. On the 40-metre band “ham s” come in by the score, and I could w rite reports for weeks if I had the tim e to spare.— Norman E. Booth (AW92DX), Gungal, N.S.W.

P.38 - Shortwave Review

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Shortwave Review Conducted by Alan H. Graham

World Shortwave Stations — Additions And Amendments - Reports From Observers Hourly Tuning Guide

General Conditions Patchy ^ Ultra-High Frequency I^fotes * Latest Station News From Observers * Observers’ Reports -f Amateur Review * Hourly Tuning Guide.

Summary Of Present Conditions From reports received from observers, it seems th at the rather abnormal w eather conditions now being experienced have resulted in rath er patchy conditions on the S.W. broadcast bands. Most reports indicate th at conditions are not very satisfactory when taken as a whole, but th a t good DX has been possible a t intervals. For those who have the patience to listen on the higher wavelengths where the noise-level is pretty te rrific, some really good results are obtainable after 10 p.m. Any of the following stations m ay be heard:— XYO, Rangoon, 49.9 m.; TG-2, 48.4 m.; W8XAL; Saigon, 48.2 m.; XEXA, 48.93 m.; VPB, 49.1 m.; CFRX, Toronto, 49.4 m.; ZHJ, Penang, 49.5 m.; HP5K, 49.96 m.; and COCW, 47.4 m. SBO, 49.46 m., is an early a.m. catch on 49 m. On 31 m etres TAP and the Ita lian transm itters are best in the mornings; w ith the Europeans OFD, OZF, and LKC ju st fair. A t night look out for HS6PJ (Thursdays 11 p.m.), XEWW, Radio Tananarive, 31.96 m..; ZHP; Saigon, 30.72 m.; and the Cubans between 30 and 34 metres. Down on 25 m etres the Americans are easily the best m orning stations (W2XE, W8XK and W 1XAL). Ju st below the 25 m. band watch out for the new Chinese station in Shanghai, XMHA, in the evenings; and also for the Ecuadorean station, HCJB, on 24.1 m. On 19 m etres, ap art from the regulars, W2XE in the mornings; and XGX, Chungking, at night are worth some attention. On 16 m etres the new Rome station, 2RO-6, 16.84 m., can be heard on occasions in the late evenings. Ultra High-Frequency Notes Present Conditions. D uring the past month the 11- metre band has been found to be much better than the 9.49-metre channel. Reception afte r 10 a.m. has been very satisfactory with quite a number of good signals audible; usually these signals “peak” around 11 a.m. W9XUP is generally the loudest on the band, with W6XKG. W9XTC, W9XJL and W9XAZ also fairly strong. On occasions W9XA and W2XJI may be heard. The 9.49-metre band has not been so good (in Victoria, at least, although better results are reported from New South Wales). W9XUY is about the best (incidentally W9XUY has returned to 9.49 m etres after a series of tests on 8.4 m etres). Also W9XPD and W8XNU. The 10-metre amateur band is apparently not so good as during the later part of last year. Daytime reception is not so bad, but the fallingoff is very noticeable during the evenings, when signals from Europe are not nearly as good as form erly. Overseas Station News. W2XBF, New York City, will conduct a series of test transm issions on 42,460 k.c., 7.06 m. Power will be 1 kw. It is rather unlikely that any Australasian S.W.L. will log this station, but one never knows. WBOE is also testing on 7 m etres— on 41,500 k.c., 7.2 m., to be exact. Schedule is m idnight to 2 a.m., sometimes later. Finally there is VK2MA, Sydney, on 42,860 k.c., 6.99 m. Transmissions are every Sunday. On 9.49 m. a newcomer is W5XD, Dallas, Texas, which is now on the air from 2.30 to 4.30 a.m. Several new stations are listed on 11 m etres:— W2XQO, New York City, 26,550 k.c., 11.29 m., is ju st recently on the air. As yet no schedule is to hand. W8XNU, Cincinnati, 25,950 k.c., 11.56 m., is transm itting, but no details of schedule are available. Schedules of 11-Metre “Regulars.” The schedules of the more regular of the 11-metre transm itters m ay be of interest:— W9XA: N ot quite definite, but audible during the m ornings. This station verifies w ith an attractive fourpage folder giving details of equipnient Gtc. -.W9XAZ: Relays WTMJ from 4 a.m. till afte r noon. W 2XJI: Relays WOR from 11 p.m. till 4 p.m. next day. W9XJL: Relays WEBC. W9XTC: Relays WCTN from 12 midnight to 4 a.m., and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. W6XKG: Relays KGFJ 24 hours daily. W 9XUP: Relays KSTP approximately from 12 m idnight to 2 p.m. W9XUY, Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A. A verification is ju st to hand from W9XUY, confirming reports on their 9.4 and 8.4 m. signals. They mention th at they have returned to their 9.4 m. channel, as very few reports were received when they transmitted on 8.4 m. W9XUY is owned and operated by the Central States Broadcasting System (BCB stations KOIL, KFOR and KFAB). The transmitter is a 100 w atts Collins job. The antenna used is a vertical J, 12 floors above street level. During 1939 W9XUY will carry special program m es for SWL’s. NBC “Blue,” MBS and CBS program m es will be available in addition to the usual studio shows from W9XUY itself.

Connected w ith the station are the following am ateurs: — W9BWH, W9UZE, W9FDF, W9PDI and W9EQS (the above inform ation being furnished by the last mentioned ham, Mr. H. M. Fulm er). ★ Latest Overseas News Argentina. LRA, Radio del Estado, Buenos Aires, which broadcasts regularly on 9690 kc., 30.94 m., has lately been reported as conducting tests on 11,730 kc., 25.57 m. These special program m es are usually heard from 2 to 4 a.m. By the way, LRA will forward their program m e schedules for each month upon request. Austria. The German authorities have now changed the call-letters of the Austrian broadcasting stations, which now relay the normal Berlin transmissions. AH the stations are now using a power of 50 kws. DJW (formerly OER-5), 15,190 kc., 19.75 m.; irregular. DJZ (formerly OER-3), 11,801 kc., 25.42 m.; daily, 7.15 a.m. to 1.50 p.m. DJX (formerly OER-4), 9570 kc., 31.35 m.; daily, 6.50 to 7.30 a.m. DJY (formerly OER-2), 6072 kc., 49.4 m.; daily, midnight to 8 a.m. Azores. CT2AJ, Ponta Delgado, which now operates on 4002 kc., 74.99 m., from 8 to 10 a.m. on Sundays and Thursdays, has a limited area for reception on account of its unusual frequency. Accordingly, efforts are being made to induce the station to shift its frequency so that a far greater number of SW L’s may have the pleasure of logging its signals. Bulgaria. LZA. Sofia, 8465 kc., 35.4 m., now transm its a t the following tim es: Daily, 2.30 to 7 a.m., and 8 to 9.30 p.m.; Mondays, 3 to 8 a.m.; Thursdays, 1.30 to 8 a.m. Burma. Rangoon on 6007 kc., 49.9 m., is believed to be using the call-letters XYO. Their transm issions are being heard rath er well at present; closing at 12.45 a.m. Canada. In these columns last month it was stated th at VE9HX was now known as CHNS. That statem ent was erroneous, the call now being CHNX. Chile. Two new stations, both located at Valparaiso, have recently come on the air. CB970, 9700 kc., 30.9 m., operates daily from 10.30 to 2.30 p.m. The other station is on 9730 kc., 30.8 m. Call is unknown, the station announcing as “La Voz de Chile.” Schedule is indefinite, from 9.30 a.m. China. Despite the hostilities in the F ar E ast a surprising num ber of Chinese stations continue regular broadcasts. Inform ation regarding some of these transm itters is rath er difficult to obtain, but the following data will be found reasonably accurate. • XGOX now at Chung-king, the present capital of the Chinese Government, operates on approxim ately 15,200 kc., 19.74 m. A news session in English is broadcast in English every night a t 12 midnight. XMHA, located in Racecourse Rd., Shanghai, transm its on 12,320 kc., 24.2 m. Announcements are given by an American. This station is apparently on the air every evening from about 9 p.m. till afte r midnight. On 9565 kc., 31.35 m., a station relays XGAP, Peiping, from midnight to 5 a.m. It is uncertain w hether the call is XGAP or XUD. (Woman announcer.) XGXA, location uncertain, on 6980 kc., 42.9 m., is reported after midnight. (Woman announcer.) XTJ, “The Voice of China,” is on 11,691 kc., 25.66 m. Regular schedule is 3 to 3.30 p.m. and 10 to 10.30 p.m. XGX, previously a t Hankow, but now thought to be in Chung-king, relays BCB station XGOW on frequencies between 9180 and 9300 kc., 32.2G and 32.6 m. Schedule is from 11 p.m. to 12.05 a.m. The following Chinese phone sta ­ tions are reported as still on fairlv regular schedules: XTR, XTS. XTK and XTV. At present very little is known of two new transm itters a t Cheng-tu. These are XOY, 9370 kc., 32.02 m., and XOZ, 15,510 kc., 19.34 m. Schedule is understood to be 12.45 to 1.30 a.m. Cuba. COCM, now on 9833 kc., 30.5 m., will relay CMBL in future (not CM CM as form erly). The station has recently changed hands. COCQ has shifted frequency from 9708 to 8840 kc., 30.9 to 33.5 m. On the air from 6.45 p.m. till 4 p.m. the following day. Columbia. F urther alterations of frequency, mainly a continuation of the move to 60 m., have occurred am ongst the Columbian stations; and in addition many changes in call-letters have now been made. HJ7ABB is now HJ7GAB, 4775 kc., 62.82 m., Bucaram anga; HJ6ABC is now HJ7FAC, 4795 kc., 62.51 m., Ibague; HJ2ABC is now HJ2BAC, 4815 kc., 62.3 m., Cucuta; HJ3ABD is now HJ3CAB, 4845 kc., 61.93 m., Bogota; HJ3ABF is now HJ3CAF, 4855 kc., 61.78 m., Bogota; H J2TBJ is now HJ2BAJ, 4865 kc., 61.63 m., Santa M arta; HJ3ABH is now HJ3CAH, 4895 kc., 61.2 m., Bogota; HJ3ABX

is now HJ3CAX, 6020 kc., 49.83 m., Bogota; HJ7ABD is now HJ7EAH, 4890 kc., 61.3 m., Bucaram anga. Dutch E ast Indies. Amongst the more unusual D.E.I. commercials which may be logged at present are the following: YBG, Medan, Sum atra, 10,430 kc., 28.76 m.; PNI, M akassar, Celebes, 8775 kc., 34.19 m.; and YCP, Balikpapan, Dutch Borneo, 9120 kc., 32.9 m. These stations are usually on the air around 7.30 p.m. phoning the Javanese commercials. Reports to Engineer-inCharge, Java W ireless Stations, Bandoeng, Java, will be verified. Finland. The following Finnish transm itters are listed as operating on regular schedules:— OFE, 11,780 kc., 25.47 m., 1 to 3.30 a.m., 4.05 to 6 p.m., 8 to 9.20 p.m.; OFO, 15,190 kc., 19.75 m., midnight to 3 a.m., 3.15 to 8 a.m., 4-6 p.m.; OFD, 9500 kc., 31.58 m., 3.15 to 8 a.m. Guadeloupe. One of the latest comers to the SW. bands is the new French station FG8AA, Pointe a Pitre, Guadeloupe, W est Indies. This station operates on 7150 kc., 42.6 m., from 9 to 10 a.m. Guatemala. The latest list of Guatemalan stations is this:— TGWA, 15,170 kc., 19.77 m.; relays TGW. Schedule: Daily except Monday, 3.45 to 4.45 a.m.; Mondays, 3.45 to 8.15 a.m. TGWA, 9685 kc., 30.96 m.; relays TGW. Schedule: Daily except Monday, 1 to 2.30 p.m.; Mondays, 10 a.m. to 1.45 p.m. TG-2, 6180 kc., 48.52 m.; relays TGL. Schedule: Monday and Friday, 10.30 p.m. to m idnight; Monday, 6 to 11 a.m.; Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 10.30 p.m. to m idnight; Sunday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 10.30 p.m. to 2 a.m. (Monday). TGQA, 6420 kc., 46.6 m.; relays TGQ. Schedule: Sunday, 1 to 4 p.m.; Monday, 4 to 6 a.m.; Tuesday and Saturday, noon to 2 p.m. TGWB, 6490 kc., 46.2 m. Schedule: Daily, 1 to 3.15 p.m. TG2X, 5945 kc., 50.42 m. Schedule: Tuesday and Friday, noon to 2.30 p.m.; Sunday, 1 to 3 p.m. and 5 to 8 p.m. TG25E, 5790 kc., 51.81 m. Schedule irregular. TGB, 5732 kc., 52.3 m. National Airport, Guatemala City. Continuous service. TGS, 5713 kc., 52.4 m. Schedule: Thursday, Friday and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. TGT-5, 5610 kc., 53.4 m. Commercial phone station; irregular. TGF, 14,480 kc., 20.7 m. Commercial station; phones WNC, evenings. Hawaii. KQR, 14,920 kc., 20.1 m., now relays the Hawaiian programmes to the United States, and will verify all correct reports. Transmissions may be heard a t these tim es: Mondays, 3 to 3.30 p.m.; Fridays, 3.15 to 3.30 p.m.; Sundays, noon to 12.30 p.m. India. Regarding reports to the various Indian stations, merely address them OFFICIAL S.W. OBSERVERS. N.S.W .: V. D. Kemmis (AW301DX), “Brampton Hall,” 49 Kurraba Road, Neutral Bay, Sydney; A. R. Payten (AW352- DX), High Street, Coff’s H arbour. SOUTH AUSTRALIA: J. C. Linehan (AW323DX), 181 South Terrace, Adelaide; A. E. Bruce (AW171DX), C /- 54 Currie Street, Adelaide; R. S. Coggins, 8 Glen Rowan Road. Woodville. QUEENSLAND: J. K. Sorensen (AW316DX), “Fairholm e,” Station Road, Gvmpie; E. Neill (AW64DX), 23 Canning Street. N th Ipswich. WEST AUSTRALIA: G. O. La Roche (AW155DX), 62 Gladstone Avenue, South P erth; W. H. Pepin (AW402DX), Seventh Avenue, M aylands; C. J. Anderson (AW417DX). Dumbleyung. TASMANIA: H. A. Callander (AW304DX). 1 Franklin Street, West Hobart. VICTORIA: J. Ferrier (AW129DX), “W inninburn.” Coleraine. NEW ZEALAND: H. I. Johns (AW407DX). Mount Pleasant Avenue, Nelson, N.Z. to “All India Radio” in the particular city in which the station heard is located. Indo-China. Radio Hanoi II has been reported on 11,900 kc., 25.21 m U sing 150 w atts, they operate from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. daily. There is also Radio Hanoi L on 9510 kc., 31,55 m., w ith a power of only 15 w atts. Both these stations were built by Rene Lebon. wellknown as the owner-onerator of FI8AC. QRA for Radio Hanoi is Radio Club de l’Indiochine, Hanoi. Japan. Readers will notice th a t a new transm itter is being used fo r the regular Tokyo transm issions—J;LG, 7285 kc., 41.18 m. Incidentally, the Jap. SW. broadcasters now verify w ith an attractive card, not a letter as formerly. Lithuania. LYR, Kaunas, 9320 kc., 32.19 m., is on a regular daily schedule from 10 p.m. till midnight. Luxembourg. The famous BCB station “Radio Luxumbourg” m ay be heard shortly on the SW. bands, when its new transm itter at Junglm ster is completed. Mexico. XECR, station of the Foreign Office in Mexico City, is continuing its regular transm issions on 7380 kc., 40.65 m., in addition to irregular tests on 15,150 kc., 19.8 m. New Zealand. ZL2ZB (announcing as 2ZB, Wellington) has a regular schedule for its three frequencies:— 3480 kc., 86.2 m„ daily 3 to 10 p.m.; 6960 kc., 43.1 m., daily 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) 13,920 kc., 21.6 m., daily 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Power is 200 w atts. New Caledonia. FK8AA, Noumea, 6120 kc., 49.02 m., transm its on W ednesdays and Saturdays from 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. Power is only 20 w atts. This is really an am ateur station, owned and operated by Charles Gaveau, and also operates on 20 m., using phone or CW. Nicaragua. YN3DG, Leon, 7130 kc., 42 m„ is on irregularly from noon till about 1 p.m. Norway. LKC, Jeloy, are now using a new high-powered tran sm itter on 9530 kc., 31.48 m. It transm its from 11 a m. to noon, and from 1 to 2 p.m. All reports to Norsk Rikskringkasting, Stortingsgaten 24, Olso, Norway. Papua. VIG, P ort Moresby, relays VK4PM twice a m onth; on the first and third Sundays at 6 p.m. (not on Saturdays as stated in these columns last issue). Transmissions are on 7310 kc., 41 m. Persia. It is learnt th a t the new 20 kw. transm itter now being constructed at Teheran will operate on 6160 kc., 48.7 m. Peru. OAX4X, Trujillo, has settled down on 11,840 kc., 25.35 m. It uses the slogan “Rancho Grando.” Announcem ents in English are given at intervals. Siam. A new station at Saladeng. Bangkok, is thought to be operiting on 6110 kc., 49.1 m. Schedule is a trifle uncertain, but apparently the station comes on between 10 and 11 p.m., closing around 1 a.m.

Spain. A new transm itter is now broadcasting from N ationalist headquarters a t Burgos. Frequency is 10,330 kc., 29.04 m. A program m e in E nglish for the United S tates is given from noon to 1 p.m. A nother well-known N ationalist transm itter, RR-6, V ittoria, “Radio Requete,” has shifted to 11,991 kc., 25 m., transm itting from 4 to 5 a.m., from 7 to 8 a.m., from 7 to 8 p.m., and from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. daily. EA2BH, Jaca, broadcasts news in English at 11 a.m., on 14,115 kc., 21.2 m. St. K itts. VP2LO, 6385 kc., 47.4 m., has now changed its call-letters to ZIZ. Turkey. The Turkish broadcasting stations commenced transm issions on October 29 last, using TAP, 9465 kc., 31.7 m., and TAQ, 15,195 kc., 19.74 m. (Those calls are definite a t last, OM’s.) Reports which are verified by letter should be sent to Station Director, Station TAP-TAQ, Turk Muhendisler Birligi, 5 No. Lu Oda, Yeni-Sehei, Ankara, Turkey. (Whew!) These stations have frequently relayed program m es from Rome, 2RO-4. U ruguay. The best time to try for CXA-8, Colonia, 9640 kc., 31.12 m., seems to be on Sundays, when the station remains on the air until 5 p.m. United States. W2XE, New York, has a new channel on the 31 m. band, 9650 kc., 31.38 m. Transm issions are from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Vatican City. HVJ is now testing irregularly on 11,740 kc., 25.55 m. ★ Reports From Observers Mr. J. Ferrier (Coleraine, Victoria). As fa r as the am ateur bands are concerned, 20 m etres is poor, and 10 metres is the w orst it has been for quite a few months. The best DX on 10 m etres was KA1ME, VSSAO, SU1MW and a few Europeans. SU1MW comes in very strongly around 9.30 p.m. Signals have been a consistent R9. On Ja n ­ uary 5 a couple of French hams were heard until afte r m idnight—unusually late. The 11-m etre broadcasters have been coming through very well; it has been apparent th at there is no connection between conditions on 11 m etres and those on the 10-metre am ateur band. It may be of interest th at there is a rum our going around th at the 40- metre am ateur band is showing signs of a retu rn to its form er high standard of some years ago, when real DX was obtainable on these frequencies. Mr. W. H. Pepin (Maylands, West A ustralia). There has been very little change in DX conditions during the past three months. Generally speaking, reception has not been as good as in previous years. Perhaps the most interesting feature of the past month was the All Continents hook-up on 20 m etres. On January 3 I heard W4DLH making arrangem ents for the “Round Table” conference on the following day. On January 4, a t 8.45 p.m. P erth time, W4DLH began the test, and it was successfully completed in the record time of 1 min. 50 sec. Another simiROUND THE SHACKS Amateur operators desirous of having their transmitters and activities featured under this heading are requested to forward details to “Reporter,” C/- “Radio World,” 214 George St., Sydney. Articles should be similar in style to those already appearing in the series, and should, where possible, be accompanied with photographs of operator and transmitter. lar test will be made on January 4, 1940. On the broadcast bands things are much the same. 13 m etres: GSJ. 16 m etres: GSG and DJE (only fair). 19 m etres: YDB and YDC; W2XE and the usual German, English and French transm issions. 25 m etres: WSXK is outstanding in the m ornings; also W2XE. 30 m etres: EAQ were very strong on January 4 at 5.15 p.m. P erth time. COCM on 30.6 m. is a strong signal. 33 m etres: COCQ has been heard on their new frequency. Results on 20 m etres have been fairly good. Best loggings include SU1MW, ZS5CO and ZS4H, PAOMZ, VS2AJ, VS2AP and VS2AS. Mr. G. O. La Roche (South Perth. West A ustralia). Conditions have been rath er poor during recent weeks, only the regular stations having been heard. The only real DX catch was the 20 m. am ateur station ZC6EC. On the same band the W4DLH sextet broke all records by hooking up in 1 min. 50 sec. As mentioned above only the regulars were of much interest on the broadcast bands. W9XF on 25 m. was the sole exception. Much tim e was spent on 20 m. (as 10 m. proved a “dud”), and ap art from ZC6EC quite a num ber of good loggings were made: ZS6PJ, ZS2AZ, ZS2MF, ZS1Z, ZS1AL, ZS1BL, ZS2AY, ZS6BZ and ZS1BO (South A frica); VP9R (Berm uda); G3BM, G2MF, G8MA, G5BI (England and Europeans are getting scarce); and a num ber of Indians, Cubans, D.E.I.’s, etc. Enclosed is a report from Mrs. Nicholls, of Subiaco, W.A. O utstanding loggings are W3XL (16); KQK (20); JIB (28); JDY (30), ZHP, VUD-2, YDB, HS6PJ, KZRM, KZIB (30-31); ZHO, XYO (49); VUM-2, VUC-2, VUD-2 (60-62); and a number of NIROM stations between 58 and 105 metres. Mr. A. R. Payten (Coffs Harbour, New South W ales). Generally speaking, DX has been very poor indeed for some weeks now, owing no doubt to the abnormal weather. Actually, the only DX worth anything has been on the am ateur bands, for only the usual broadcasters have been logged. I have been busy erecting a rotary beam antenna for 10 m etres, and hope for some U H F DX in the near future. I tried the 10 m. band between 10.10 and 11.25 a.m. on Ja n ­ uary 29, and was very pleased to hear a number of W ’s and ZL’s at good strength. The 20 m. band has definitely had its brighter moments: K7AOC; KF6DHW, Canton Island; XU8RV, XU7HV; TG9BA; FB8AD; YV4AV, YV4AE; VE2FU, VE4SS; and PK6XX. Only the usual broadcast stations have been much good; reception above 44 m. has been impossible on account of heavy QRM. There is a new Japanese station on approxim ately 42 m. (Probably JLG, 41.18 m.— SW. Ed.) Mr. R. S. Coggins (Woodville South, South A ustralia). A g reat improvement in reception conditions has been noted here this month, despite the fact th a t noise levels have remained very high. Some interesting DX has been logged on the 20 m. band. PK6XX, the transm itter of the American expedition in New Guinea, has been putting in a nice signal. Several interesting inform al “talk s” have been heard from PK6XX, giving inform ation regarding the natives and the surrounding country. Another consistent 20 m. am ateur is . the Guatemalan TG9BA. O ther interesting-loggings: XU8ET, VS2AP, VS2AO; VK9GW, VK9WL;

ZC6EC: SU1AM, SU1RO, SU1RG, SU1WM, SU1RD; ON4PZ; HK5AR; K5AF and HI5X. Mr. J. C. Linehan (Adelaide, South A ustralia). DX has shown a distinct improvement this month, particularly on 20 metres, where the reception of W ’s till as late as 10 a.m. seems to indicate th a t better days are ahead. A highlight of the month was a description of the rescue of the survivors of the Hying-boat “Cavalier,” heard over station W3XAL on 31 metres. They were relaying from the tanker which effected the rescue. This was on January 22, at 5.30 p.m. Interesting broadcast loggings this month include TAP and TAQ; CR7BH (25); ZHP; and EAQ a t good strength. The best 20-metre am ateur logging has been KF6DHWy Canton Is. This station has been heard in contact with KA1CS. It appears th a t there are eight people on the island, and they maintain communication with the outside world through KF6DHW. Stores are delivered every three months, the only tim e a boat calls at the island. Also logged: TG9BA; SI1DW, SU1WM; YR5PB (Roum ania); CR7AU (Mozambique) and XU8RB. The 10-metre band has been very disappointing—only a few W ’s and ZL’s having put in an appearance. Mr. H. I. Johns (Nelson, New Zealand). Reviewing the past month w ith regard to SW. reception, the first three weeks were only fair, due no doubt to the very bad w eather conditions experienced over here. However, the last few days have seen a definite improvement in both w eather and DX reception. A letter from JDY gives the following inform ation: Frequency 9925 kc., 30.2 m.; power, 10 kws. Daily program m e as follows: 10 p.m., music and news in Japanese; 10.45 p.m., news in English; 11 p.m., close. E nglish broadcasts are given over the U.S.S.R. stations at the following tim es: Sundays, 8 a.m. (25); 10 a.m. (31 and 1S.8); 6 p.m. (19.76); 9 p.m. (25). Mondays: 1 a.m. (25), 7 a.m. (25), 10 a.m. (19.89), 6 p.m. (19.76); Tuesdays, 7 a.m. (25), 10 a.m. (19.89), 6 p.m. (19.76); Wednesdays, 10 a.m. (19.89), 6 p.m. (19.76), 9.30 p.m. (25); Thursdays, 10 a.m. (31 and 19.89), 6 p.m. (19.76); Fridays, 8 a.m. (25), 10 a.m. (31 and 19.89), 6 p.m. (19.76); Saturdays, as Tuesdays. H ere is a list of stations reported to in the p ast five months. The figures in brackets indicate the number of weeks elapsing before a verification was received:—W6XKG (16), XEUZ (10), COCM (10), SPW (12), OLR4B (11), KZRM (7), EAJ43 (14), VPD-2 (10), W8XK (8), W2XE (14), PCJ (12), DJD, DJC (11), TG-2 (13), HJ4ABE (10), PMN (10), HCJB (14), COBZ (12), IR F (16), XEXA (13), JVN (16), PSE (12), CXA-8 (11), TIPG (14), HBQ (16), ZHP (3), COBC (10), M alaga (12), OAX1A (11), OAX4J (12), TG2X (11), TFJ (14), YQ7LO (14), SF-1'J (11), VUD-3 (8), JDY (20), and CR7BH (22). Station LZA on 20.04 m. will be used in future for commercial ’phone work only. COCQ has been heard very strongly on their new 33 m. channel. Another new station heard recently is XMHA on 24 m. A strong signal is heard from 8 p.m., but CW QRM is usually bad. O ther broadcast loggings fo r the m onth:— 13 m etres: GSH. 16 m etres: W3XL. 19 m etres: YDC, RV-96 and VUD-3. 24 m etres: HCJB. 25 m etres: VLR-3, SBP, W1XAL, CR7BH. 27 m etres: CSW. 30 m etres: ZHP, TGWA, COCM, EAQ, JDY. 31 m etres: VLR, XEWW, W3XAL. 47 m etres: TG-2. 49 m etres: W9XF, W2XE, W8XK. Best 20-metre am ateur stations have been: PK6XX, TG9BA, KF6DHW, HK3CO, LU3HK, HC2CC, and VK9WL (6 w atts). Senor Richard F. Rubio (Habana, Cuba). DX conditions are improving, but are not quite as good as could be expected. 10 m etres seems to be opening up; w hilst 20 m etres is good, so good th a t I have spent most of my time on this band. Stations heard: TILS (Costa Rica), YN3DG (N icaragua), XGAP (Peiping), XTJ (Hankow), FZE-8 (Fr. Somaliland), FK8AA (New Caledonia), 2ZB (New Zealand), Baghdad. A m ateur loggings: ZS- 3F, 2N, 6DY, 6BB, 2X and 6DW; EA- 8AE and 8A F; VS9AC, CN1AF; J- 7CR, 7CB, 5CC and 2MI; XE- 1GK and 3AQ; VU- 2LL and 2JK ; CE2AR. Incidentally VS9AC is a new am ateur at Aden, using a frequency of 14,335 k.c. He is usually on the air on Wednesday mornings (Aust. E.S.T.). The two EA stations mentioned are both on 41 m., giving w ar news around m idnight (Aust. E.S.T.). Mr. C. J. Anderson (Dumbleyung, W est A ustralia). The new year came in very well as fa r as 20-metre am ateurs were concerned with the logging of some verv fine DX, such as YR5AA, HA8N. GM5NW, SV1CA, ZC6EC and FB8AH during the evenings; and VP9R, YP9L, VP9G, VP7NS and TG9BA in the mornings. Towards the end of the month, however, conditions were bad on account of heavy and continuous QRN. On the broadcast bands there is nothing startling to report. The Shanghai station XMHA on 24 m etres comes in well, though sometimes CW QRM is bad. Radio Philco on 25.57 m etres puts in a good signal at 8.30 p.m. (Perth tim e); also COBX (32 m .), and COCW (47 m .). ★ From Readers Mr. W. T. Choppen (Tim aru, New Zealand). I am forw arding the following inform ation which m ay be of interest to other DX club members. Radio Requete, RR-6, 11,991, 25 m., sends under registered mail their QSL card, together w ith six post cards and a packet of stam ps. Also under separate cover they forw arded the first issue of a new periodical entitled “Radio Nacional.” They give their schedule as (in Aust. E .S .T .): 7 to 7.30 p.m., first news bulletin in Spanish; 11 p.m. to 1 a.m., second news bulletin in Spanish and music; 4 to 4.30 a.m., music for wounded soldiers in hospital; 4.30 to 4.45 a.m., news in French and E nglish; 7 to 10 a.m., last news and music. Every W ednesday and Saturday they broadcast a special session for Spanish America from 11.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. And, finally, every Tuesday and Sunday, from 12.30 to 1 a.m., they relay from the station “Radio N acional.” QRA is Postas 19, V ittoria, Spain. XEFT, “La Voz de V era Cruz,” 9550 k.c., 31.41 m., using 20 w atts, verifies w ith a cream coloured card, with call in red and Aztec calendar in the centre. Schedule is from 12.30 to 7.30 a.m., and 9.30 to 2.30 p.m. QRA, Ave. Independencia 28, Vera Cruz. I have run short of QSL cards a t present, but will reply to all SWL’s who have sent me their cards as soon as a fu rth er supply comes to hand. (Very many thanks^ for interesting “dope” supplied, O il. Please w rite again.— SW. Ed.)

Amateur Review Bush Fires on 40 Metres. D uring the recent tragic bush fires which devastated a g reat area of Victorian forest areas, SWL’s were treated to some interesting and exciting transm issions on the 40-metre am ateur band. As the fires destroyed telephone lines many of the th reatened districts were cut off from Melbourne, and communication was only restored by the splendid work done by m any of the VK3’s. Spectacular work was done by the Omeo station VK3WE (Mr. A .'W illiam s), which broadcast appeals for medical assistance, etc., when the town was destroyed by the flames. O ther stations noted on the 40- metre band were VK- 3FL 3UM, 3SG, 3ML, 3QK, 3ZV and 3VO. Conditions on 20 M etres. Conditions on 20 m etres continue fairly good, w ith a good variety of stations audible a t fa ir strength. The most interesting station logged this month w as KF6DHW, located on Canton Island in the South Pacific. On January 4 the members of the “All Continents Round T rhle” again got together and succeeded in lowering their previous record of 3 njins. 20 secs, to the rem arkable tim e of 1 ■min. 50 secs. A full report of the hook-up, specially w ritten by South A ustralian Observer, Mr. R. S. Coggins, appears below. ★ SWL Card Exchangers’ Section All the following SWL’s guarantee 100 per cent. QSL:— G. Miles, 73 Palm Avenue, Footscray, Kent, England; Denys Crampton, 35 York Road, Southport, England; Robert Guest, 359 N. Charlotte Street, Pottstow n, Penna., U.S.A.; Peter A. Clarius, 11 M arianne Street, P ort Richmond, Staten Is., N.Y., U.S.A.; D. V. Young, 615 Euclid Street, Santa Monica, Calif., U.S.A.; Lee F. Peer, Box 775,, Ely, Nevada, U.S.A.; R. Adachi, 110 N orth Grant Street, San Mateo, Calif., U.S.A.; W ally H allgren, Box 31, Santa Rosa, Calif., U.S.A.; Don Reid, P.O. Box 168, F t. Morgan, Colo, U.S.A.; Charles Baxa, 2678 N. H alsted St., Chicago, 111., U.S.A.; Nicholas Spanos, 340 M arket Street, Lowell, Mass., U.S.A.; M arie and Vince Stasen, 5347 Priscilla Street, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A.; Roy H. Babbitt, R 1, Killingly, Conn., U.S.A.; Noel E. Kurtz, Xenia, Illinois, U.S.A.; A rthur E. Coleman, 1208 4 Ave., W atervliet, N.Y., U.S.A.; Hensley Morehen, 66 Curtis Street, San Francisco, Calif., U.S.A.; Luther Schnake, 1608 Campbell Avenue, Des Plaines, 111., U.S.A.; John L. Tate, 612 H alifax Street, Petersburg, Virginia, U.S.A.; Mac Elwyn Van, Sandy R.F.D., Box 332, Union, U tah, U.S.A.; Dick Winne, 10 E lm hurst Avenue, Stop 39 Schenectady Road, Albany, N.Y., U.S.A.

Latest Schedules Below are set out in detail the la test available schedules for the “regula r” overseas shortwave stations. ENGLAND—London. Transmission 1: 6 to 8.15 p.m., GSI, GSO, GSF, GSE and GSD. Transmission 2: 8.45 p.m. to midnight, GSJ, GSH, GSG, GSF and GSE. Transmission 3: M idnight to 3 a.m., GSH, GSG, GSF, GSD, GSB and GSA. Transm ission 4: 3.20 to 7 a.m., GSG, GSP, GSA, GSD, GSB and GSI; 7.15 to 9 a.m., GSO, GSD, GSC, GSB and GSA. Transm ission 5: 9.20 to 11.30 a.m., GSO, GSD, GSC, GSB and GSL. Transmission 6: 12.20 to 2.20 p.m., GSC, GSB and GSL. T ransm itters mentioned above operate on the following channels:— GSA. 6050 kc., 49.59 m.: GSB, 9510 kc., 31.55 m.; GSC, 9580 kc., 31.32 m.; GSD, 11,750 kc., 25.53 m.; GSE, 11,860 kc., 25.29 m.; GSF, 15,140 kc., 19.82 m.; GSG, 17,790 kc., 16.86 m.; GSH, 21,470 kc., 13.97 m.; GSL, 15,260 kc., 19.66 m.; GSJ., 21,530 kc., 13.93 m.; GSL, 6110 kc., 49.1 m.; GSO., 15,180 kc., 19.76 m.; GSP, 15,310 kc., 19.62 m. GERMANY—Berlin. Transmissions for A ustralia and Asia: From 3.05 p.m. to 2 a.m., DJA, DJR, DJN and DJQ; from 3.05 p.m. to 8.50 p.m., D JE; from 3.05 p.m. to 8.30. p.m., DJS. Transmissions for A frica: From 1.35 to 7.25 a.m., DJL and DJX; from 2.30 to 7.25 a.m., DJD; from 4 to 7.25 a.m., DJC; from 3.05 to 5 p.m., DJL. Transmissions for South America: From 2.10 to 3.25 a.m. (Mondays only), DJQ; from 7.50 a.m. to 1.50 p.m., DJN and DJQ; from 9 to 10.50 p.m., DJJ and DJE. Transmissions for N orth America: From 2.10 to. 3.25 a.m. (Mondays only), DJB; from 7.50 a.m. to 1.50 p.m., DJB, DJD, DJZ and DJM; from 11 p.m. to midnight. DJL. Transmissions for Central America: From 7.50 a.m. to 1.50 p.m., DJA; from 11 p.m. to midnight, DJB. Transm itters mentioned above: DJA, 9560 kc., 31.38 m.; DJB, 15,200 kc., 19.74 m.; DJC, 6020 kc.. 49.83 m.; DJD, 11,700 kc., 25.49 m.; DJE, 17,760 kc., 16.89 m.; DJL, 15,110 kc., 19.85 m.; DJN, 9540 kc., 31.45 m.; DJQ, 15,280 kc., 19.63 m.: DJR, 15,340 kc., 19.56 m.; DJS, 21,450 kc., 13.99 m,; DJZ, 11,801 kc., 25.42 m.; DJJ, 21,565 kc., 13.92 m.; DJM, 6079 kc., 49.35 m. FRANCE—Paris. From 12.30 to 2 a.m., TPB-3; from 2.15 to 9 a.m., TPA-3; from 10 a.m. to 12.15 p.m., TPA-4; from 12.30 to 3 p.m., TPB-7; from 2.15 to 9 p.m., TPB-11; from 5 to 8 p.m., TPB-6 and TPA-3; from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., TPA-2. T ransm itters: TPA-2, 15,243 kc., 19.68 m.; TPA-3, 11,885 kc:, 25.24 m.; TPA-4. 11,718 kc., 25.6 m.; TPB-3. 17.810 kc., 16.84 m.; TPB-6, 15,130 kc., 19.83 m.; TPB-7, 11,885 kc., 25.24 m.; TPB-11, 9550 kc., 31.41 m. JA PA N —Tokyo. Transmissions for Europe: 5.30 to 7 a.m., JLG or JZJ. Transmissions for South America: 7.30 to 8.30 a.m., JZ J or JZI. Transmissions for E astern N orth America: 11 to 11.30 a.m., J Z J; and 10 to 10.30 p.m., JZJ. T ransmissions for W estern N orth America, Canada and Hawaii: From 3.30 to 4.30 p.m., JZJ. Transmissions for China and South Seas: From 11 p.m. to 12.30 a.m., JZ J and JVP. Transm itters above: JZI, 9535 kc., 31.46 m.; JZJ, 11,800 kc., 25.42 m.; JLG, 7285 kc., 41.18 m.; JVP, 7510 kc., 39.95 m. ITALY—Rome. From 7.40 p.m. to 3.05 a.m., 2RO-4, 11.810 kc., !5.4 m.; from 3.05 a.m. to noon, 2RO-3, 9630 kc., 31.13 m. 2RO is now relayed by the following stations: IRF, 9840 kc., 30.52 m., 6 to 6.30 a.m., 9 to 10.25 a.m., 10.30 p.m. to m idnight; IQY, 11,670 kc., 25.7 m., 3.10 to 5.35 a.m., 6 to 6.30 a.m., 9 to 10.25 a.m., 10.30 p.m. to midnight; ICC, 6350 kc., 47.2 m., 6 to 6.30 a.m. CZECHOSLOVAKIA—Prague. From 4.55 to 8.10 a.m., OLR4A f OLR4B. (N.B.: A t 7.40 a.m. a quency change is announced, tu. new transm itter coming on a t 7.4b a.m. OLR3A is used on Tuesdays, OLR5A on W ednesdays, OLR2A on Thursdays and Fridays, and OK1MPT on Saturdays.) From 8.55 to 11.55 a.m. (Sundays and Mondavs only), OLR4A and OLR4B, or OLR5A and OLR5B. From 10.5-5 a.m. to 1.55 p.m. (except Sundays and Mondays), OLR4A and OLRIB or OLR5A and OLR5B. From 9 to 11.10 p.m., OLR5A. From 11.25 p.m. to 1.25 a.m., OLR4B. T ransm itters: OLR2A, 6010 kc., 49.92 m.; OLR3A, 9550 kc., 31.41 m.; OLR4A, 11,840 kc., 25.34 m.; OLR5A, 15,230 kc., 19.7 m.; OLR4B, 11,760 kc., 25.51 m.; OLR5B, 15,320 kc., 19.58 m.; OK1MPT, 5145 kc., 58.31 m. HOLLAND. Through PHI-1, 17,770 kc., 16.88 m., from 10.40 to 11.40 p.m. (except Sundays): and 9.25 p.m. to 12.40 a.m. (Sundays only). Through PHI, 11,730 kc., 25.57 m„ from 9.15 to 9.45 a.m. (except Sun

days and M ondays); 10.15 to 10.45 a.m. (Sundays only). Through PCJ-2, 15,220 kc., 19.7 m., 5 to 6.30 p.m. (Tuesdays only); 12.30 to 2.30 a.m. (Thursdays - only.). Through PCJ, 9590 kc., 31.28 m., 4.20 to 4.35 a.m., 5 to 6 a.m., 10.15 to 11.15 a m., 11.25 a.m. to 12.25 p.m. (Mondays only); 4.45 to 6.40 a.m., 10.15 to 11.45 a.m., noon to 1.30 p.m. (W ednesdays only); 10.15 to 11.15 a.m., 11.85 to 11.50 a.m. (Thursdays only); 11 a.m. to noon (Saturdays only). UNITED STATES. W2XE: 6120 kc., 49.02 m., 1.30 to 2.30 a.m.; 9650 kc., 31.09 m., 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (new frequency); 11,830 kc., 25.36 m., 4 to 9 a.m.; 15,270 kc., 19.65 m., 4 to 9 a.m.; 17,760 kc., 16.89 m., irregular; 21,520 kc., 13.94 m., 10.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. W8XK: 6140 kc., 48.83 m„ 2-3 p.m.; 11,870 kc., 25.26 m., 4 a.m. to 2 p.m.; 15,210 kc., 19.72 m., m idnight to 4 a.m.; 21,540 kc., 13.93 m., 9.45 p.m. to midnight. W3XL, 17,780 kc., 16.87 m., midnight to 2 p.m. W3XAL, 9670 kc., 31.02 m., 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. W2XAF, 9530 kc., 31.48 m„ 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. W2XAD, 9550 kc., 31.41 m., 9.15 a.m. to 1 p.m. W1XK, 9570 kc., 31.35 m., 10 p.m. to 4 p.m. W3XAU, 9590 kc., 31.28 m., Tues., Fri., Sun., 4 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Mon., Wed., Sat., 3 to 4 p.m.; Thurs., 1 to 4 p.m. PH ILIPPIN E ISLANDS— Manilla. From 7.30 to 8 a.m., and from 7 p.m. to midnight (or 1 a.m .): KZRM, 9570 kc., 31.33 m.; KZIB, 9510 kc., 31.55 m. DUTCH EAST INDIES— Bandoeng. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.: YDB, 15,300 kc., 19.61 m. From 7.30 p.m. to 1 a.m.: YDB, 9550 kc., 31.41 m.; YDC, 151,50 kc , 19.8 m.: PMN, 10,260 kc., 29.24 m.; PLP, 11,000 kc., 27.27 m. SWITZERLAND—Geneva. From 5.30 to 5.45 p.m. (Mons., F r i.) : HBO, 11,402 kc., 26.31 m. From 6 to 6.30 p.m. (Mon. o n ly ): HBJ, 14,535 kc., 20.64 m. ★ All-Continents Hook-up On 20 Metres (Specially w ritten by Observer Coggins.) A nother achievement for am ateur radio! This month the members of the “All-Continent Round Table” broke their previous record of 3 mins. 20 secs, by sending a m essage around the world by radio telephony in 1 min. 50 secs. The record-breaking a ttem pt was made on Wednesday, January 4. At 12.30 Greenwich Mean Time, the American station W4DLH, who a rranged the All-Continent Round Table, was heard calling the members for a “check in.” As they checked in, the stations were heard here a t the following lengths:— W4DLH, Q5 R9; VU2CQ, Q5 R8-9; HK5AR, Q5 R8; VK4JU, Q5 R 9+ ; SU1AM, Q5 R6-7; G5ML. Q3 R3. The actual record-breaking attem pt w as commenced by W4DLH a t 12.57.20 secs. G.M.T. and handed over to VU2CQ a t 12.57.45 secs. G.M.T.; HK5AR took charge a t 12.57.60 secs. G.M.T., VK4JU a t 12.58.20 secs. G.M.T., SU1AM a t 12.58.40 secs. G.M.T., G5ML a t 12.58.55 secs. G.M.T., and handed back to W4DLH at 12.59.10 secs. G.M.T., thus completing the circuit in 1 min. 50 secs. W4DLH reported the signal strengths: VU2CQ, Q5 R8; HK5AR, Q5 R9; VK4JU, Q5 R4; SU1AM, Q5 R5; G5ML, Q5 R5. VU2CQ reported the signal strengths: W4DLH, Q5 R 9 + ; HK5AR. Q5 R8; YK4JU, Q5 R8; SU1AM, Q5 R5; G5ML, Q5 R4. HK5AR reported the signal strengths: W4DLH, Q5 R9; VU2CQ, Q5 R8; VK4JU, Q4 R6; SU1AM, Q5 R5; G5ML, Q5 R5. VK4JU reported the signal strengths: W4DLH, Q5 R7; VU2CO. Q5, R8-9: HK5AR, Q5 R8; SU1AM. Q2-3 R2-3; G5ML, Q2 R2. G'5ML reported the signal strengths: W4DLH, Q5 R7; VU2CO. Q5 R5: HK5AR, Q1 R2; VK4JU, Q2 R2; SU1AM, Q5 R9. SU1AM was here "blotted out” by heavy local QRM. The following were the approxim ate frequencies used during the “hook-up” :—YU2CQ, India, 14.120 kilocycles; HK5AR, Colombia, 14,090: VK4JU, A ustralia, 14,000 kc.; SU1AM E gypt, 14,120 kc.; G5ML, Great Britain, 14,100 kc. A nother attem pt will be made at the record a t the same tim e (12.30 G.M.T. or 10.30 p.m. E.S.T.) on Jan ­ uary 4, 1940. Although he was unable to hear all of the six stations, the Victorian am ateur VK3DH made a recording of the greater p art of the “hook-un.” This should prove a m ost interesting souvenir of the occasion. Perhaps next year we may! see the time reduced to 1 min. 30 sec. or even less. ★ Calls Heard 10 Metres. Europe.—France: F- 3NR, 3KN, 8ID. Holland: PA- OFB. England: G- 6FS. Africa.—E gypt: SLT- 1MW. Asia.—Hong Kong: VS- 6AO. Hawaiian Is.: K6- BNR. New Zealand: ZL- 2BE, 2FY, 3D.I. 2GE, 4BK, 2AU, 3KZ, 1GZ, 2BG. N orth America.— United States: W3GCZ, 3XBU, 4FIJ, 5FUA, 6GCX, 6ITH. 6PDB, 8AHC, 8NJJ, 9CXU, 9DJU, 9ROQ, 9UEN. Canada: VE5AZ, 5BZ. 20 Metres. Europe.—France: F- 8TU, 8XT, 3DY. Holland: PA- OMZ, OAA. Portugal: CT- 1QC, 1ZA. England: G3BM, 2MF, 8MA, 5BJ, 5AK, 5ML, 6HF, 50B. Roumania: YR- 5PB. Belgium: ON- 4PZ. Africa.—M adagascar: FB- 8 AD. E gypt: SIT- 1MW, 1AM, 1DW, 1RO, 1RG, 1RD. Nth. Rhodesia: VQ- 2HC. Mozambique: CR- 7AU. Sth. A frica: ZS- 1AL, 1Z, 1BL, 1BO, 2AY, 2AZ, 2MF, 4H, 5CO, 6BZ, 6BJ. Asia.—Palestine: ZC- 6EC. Japan: J- 2NG, 2CS, 2XA. Hong Kong: VS6AB, 6AF, 6AW, 6AK, 60G. Malaya: VS- 2AR, 2AJ, 2AS, 2AP, 2AG, 2AO. China: XU- 8RV, 7HV, 8ET, 8RB. Ceylon: VS- 7GJ, 7RF. India: VU- 2CQ, 2FU, 2CA, 2FF, 2FQ, 2LY, 2LL, 2HQ, 2JL, 2FY, 2FS, 2JK, 7FY, 7KF. Burm a: XZ- 2DX, 2DY, 2JD. Philippine Is.: KA1ZL, 1CW, 1AF, ICS, 1ER, 1JR, 1JM, 1FH, 1AR, 1AB, 1BH, 1RI, 1ME, 1JP, 1ZB, 1NR, 3BW, 7EF. H awaiian Is.: K6- PMC, DLZ, ATE. DTT, OTH, LEG, ILW, APH, FKN, OGN, PLZ, OFW, OGA, ETF, OKZ, LKN, BNR, CMC, OQE, OCO, OJI, KG A, IQM, DAD, OBE, BBR, LKU, PQB. D.E.I.: PK- 1RI, 1VS, 1PK, 1GL, 1GH. 1VM, 1GE, 1RL, 1ZZ. 2AY, 4KS, 3GL, 3JK, 2WL, 4CB, 2CG, 4KN, 4RS, 4AU, 3A A. A ustralasia, etc.—P itcairn Is.: VR6AY. Canton Is.: KF- 6DHW. Papua: VK- 4HN. New Guinea: PK- 6XX; VK- 9GW, 9XX. 9VG, 9WL. New Zealand: ZL- 2BE, 2BM, 1KJ, 1GE, 4GM, 4AA, 2JB, 4FK. N orth America.—Canada: VE- SOT, 2FU, 4SS, 4AK, 1CN. A laska: K7- AOC. Mexico: XE- 1GE. Bermuda: VP- 9R. Central America and W est Indies. —Cuba: CO- 7CX, 2WM, 4RY, 2WW. Dominican Republic: HI- 5X. Costa Rica: TI- 3AV. Canal Zone: NY4AE; K5- AF, AN. G uatem ala: TG9BA. South America.— Peru: OA- 4AW. Venezuela: YV- 4AE, 4AV. Chile: CE- 4AI. A rgentine: LU- 3HK. Ecuador: HC- 2CC. Columbia: HK- 3CO, 5AR.

20-Metre Amateur Loggings Europe: G2MF, G3BM. G3FA, G3QK, G5BJ, G5ML, G5DT, G6GO, G6WX, G8NJ, G6XR (E ngland), GM5NW (Scotland), F8GM, F8XT (France), ON4TO (Belgium), PAOMZ (Holland), HA8N (H ungary), YR5AA (Roum ania), SV1CA (Greece). Asia: ZC6EC (Palestine), G60GN (H aw aii), KA1AP, KA1ER, KA1CW, KA1CS, KA1BH, KA1AB, KA7HB, KA7EF, pines): XZ2DY, XZ2EZ (Burm a). VU2FQ, VU2LL, VS7GJ, VS7RP VS6AK (Hong KA1EL, KA1ME XZ2JB. VU2CA, VU2HQ (Ceylon), K ong); K6BNR. KA1JM. KA1ZL. KA4LH, (PhilipXZ2DX, VU2CQ, (India), VS6AG. VS2AS, VS2 4P, VS2AJ (M alaya); VS1AD (Singapore); J2MI, J2KG (Japan); XU8RB, XU8HB (China); PK1NE, PK1VM.. PK1RL, PK1RI, PK2WL. PK4DG (Dutch E ast Indies); PK6XX (New Guinea). America and W est Indies: VP9R, VP9G, VP9L (Berm uda); VP7NC (B aham as), TG9BA (G uatem ala), VE30C, VE3GK, VS3XQ. VE3FW, VE3WW, VE3HI, VE2BG, YE9AL (C anada); C02GY, C08BC, C02RH, C02LY, C02WM, C02AM, C02HS, C07VP. C060M , C07CX, C02RR (Cuba); K5AF (Canal Zone). A frica: SU1TM, SU1AM (E gypt); ZS4H, ZS5CO, VS6DW, ZS6DJ. ZS6BB, ZS6FW (South A frica); FB8AH (M adagascar).

P.45 - Hourly Tuning Guide

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HOURLY T l \ l \ ( . GUIDE When and Where To Search In order to assist beginners and less experienced dxers, it is intended to publish monthly a special tuning guide, setting out at w hat tim es to listen for the more easily logged stations. It should be noted th a t the guide is not intended to cover all stations audible; for full details as to when and where to look for the best catches are given elsewhere. Moreover, the fact th a t a station is shown as being on the air a t a particular time is no guarantee th a t reception must follow as a m atter of course. All tim es are given in A ustralian Eastern Standard Time. Key to abbreviations used: S, Sundays only; M, Mondays only; T, Tuesdays only; W, W ednesdays only; Th. Midnight-1 a.m. GSH TPB-3 GSG PHI (S) W2XAD DJR DJQ TPA-2 OLR5A (ex. M, S) PCJ (Th) YDC GSF OLR4A (ex. M, S) 2RO-4 JZJ GSD PLF JIB PMN ZHP VK2ME (M) VUD D J A 13.97 16.84 16.86 16.88 19.35 19.56 19.63 19.68 19.7 19.71 19.8 19.82 25.34 25.4 25.42 25.53 27.27 28.48 29.24 30.96 31.28 31.28 31.38 31.45 DJN 31.49 ZBW-3 31.55 GSB 31.55 HS8PJ (F ) 31.58 XEWW 31.8 COCH 32.59 COBX 32.95 COCA 33.32 COBZ 39.95 JVP 48.7 VPB 49.59 GSH 49.9 COCO 49.98 Rangoon 58.3 PMY 60.06 VUD 60.61 VUM 61.16 VUC 70.2 KV-15 98.6 YD A 1-2 a.m. 13.97 GSH 16.84 TPB-3 16.86 GSG 19.35 W2XAD 19.56 DJR 19.63 DJQ 19.68 TPA-2 19.7 OLR5A (ex. S, M) 19.71 PCJ (Th) 19.8 YDC 19.82 GSF 19.84 HV.I 19.85 DJL 25.00 RNE 25.24 TPA-3 25.34 OLR4A (ex. S. M) 25.42 RO-4 25.53 GSD 27.27 PLP 28.48 JIB 29.24 PMN 31.01 DJX 31.28 VUD 31.35 TPB-11 31.38 DJA 31.45 DJN 31.55 GSB 48.7 VPB 49.59 GSA 49.9 COCO 58.3 PMY 60.06 VUD 60.61 VUM 61.16 VUC 70.2 RV-15 2-•3 a.m. 13.97 GSH 16.86 GSG 19.35 W2XAD 19.63 DJQ (M) 19.74 DJB (M) 19.82 GSF 19.85 DJL 25.24 TPA-3 25.4 2RO-4 25.49 DJD 25.53 GSD 31.01 DJX 31.28 VUD 31.55 GSB 48.70 19.31 49.59 60.06 60.61 61.16 16.80 19.62 19.63 19.66 19.7 4 19.85 25.24 25.49 25.53 2.7.71 31.01 31.13 31.55 49.31 49.59 60.06 60.61 01.16 VPB VQ7LO GSA VUD VUM VUC 3-4 a.m. GSG GSP DJQ (M; GSI D.JB (M) DJL "TPA-", DJD GSD IQY DJX 2RO-3 GSB VQ7LO GSA VUD VUM VUC 4-5 a.m. 16.86 19.62 19.6 > 19.6:; 19.85 24.52 25.21 25.49 25.53 25.57 31.01 31.13 31.28 31.28 31.55 49.31 49.59 49.83 5 16.86 19.62 GSG GSP W2XE GS( DJL TFJ TP A-3 DJD GSD IQY DJX 2RO-3 PCJ (M) VUD GSB VQ7LO GSA DJC 6 a.m. GSG GSP 19.65 W2XE 31.28 W3XAU 19.66 GSI 31.32 GSC 19.72 W8XK 31.33 KZRM 19.85 DJL 31.35 W1XK 22.0 SPW (T, Th, 31.41 OLJR3A (T) Sat) 31.46 JZI 24.52 TFJ 31.48 W2XAF 25.24 TPA-3 31.55 KZIB 25.34 OLR4A 31.55 GSB 25.42 JZJ 31.7 TAB 25.49 DJD 43.1 ZL2GB 25.53 GSD 49.59 GSA 25.57 IQY 19.83 DJC 27.17 CSW 49.92 OLR2A 28.93 EAJ43 (Th, F) 31.01 DJX 58-31 OK1MPT 31.13 2RO-3 -9 a.m. W3XL DJQ 31.28 31.55 PCJ (M, W) GSB 8 16.87 19.63 41.18 JLG 19.65 W2XE 49.59 GSA 19.71 OLR5A 49.83 DJC 19.72 (S, M) VV8XK 6-7 a.m. 19.74 DJR 16.86 GSG 19.76 GSO 19.62 GSP 25.00 RNE 19.65 W2XE 25.24 TPA-3 19.66 GSI 25.34 OLR4A 19.72 W8XK (S, M) 19.85 DJL 25.42 DJZ 22.0 SPW (T, 25.42 JZJ Th, Sat) 25.45 W1XAL 25.0 RNE 25.49 DJD 25.24 TPA-3 2«>.')3 GSD 25.34 OLR4A 25.60 TPA-4 25.42 JZJ 28.93 EAJ43 25.49 DJD 30.04 COBC 25.53 GSD 30.31 CSW 25.57 IQY 30.43 EAQ 27.17 CSW 30.51 COCM 30.4 EAQ 31.02 W3XAL 30.52 IRF 31.06 LRX 31.01 DJX 31.09 CS2WA 31.13 2RO-3 31.13 2RO-3 31.28 PCJ (W ) 31.28 W3XAI 31.28 W3XAU 31.32 GSC 31.35 W1XK 31.33 KZRM 31.48 W2XAF 31.35 W1XK 31.55 GSB 31.38 DJA 31.7 TAP 31.45 DJN 41.18 JLG 31.46 JZI 43.1 ZL2GB 31.48 W2XAF 47.2 ICC 31.49 LKJ-1 49.59 GSA 31.55 GSB 49.83 DJC 31.55 31.58 KZIB XEWW <-» a.m. 31.8 COCH 19.65 W2XAD 49.35 DJM 19.72 VV8XK 49.59 GSA 19.72 OLR5A (W ) 9-10 a.m. 19.70 GSO 16.87 W3XL 19.85 DJL i9.5!i VV2XAD 25.00 RNE 19.63 DJQ 25.24 TPA-3 19.71 OLR5A 25.34 OLR4A 19.72 W8XK 25.42 JZJ 19.74 DJB 25.45 W1XAL 19.76 GSO 25.49 DJD 19.8 YDC 25.53 GSD 22.0 SPW 27.17 CSW 25.27 PHI 30.40 EAQ (ex. S, M) 31.01 DJX 25.34 OLR4A 31.09 CS2WA 25.36 W2XE 31.13 2RO-3 25.42 JZJ

25.42 DJZ 25.34 OLR4A 25.45 W1XAL 25.42 DJZ 25.49 DJD 25.42 JZJ 25.51 OLR4B 25.49 DJD 25.53 GSD 25.53 GSD 25.57 1QY 25.61 TPA-4 30.31 CSW 31.02 W3XAL 30.52 IRF 31.13 2RO-3 31.02 W3XAL 31.25 RAN 31.G6 LRX 31.28 PCJ (M, 31.09 CS2WA W, Th 31.13 2RO-3 S at). 31.32 GSC 31.32 GSC 31.35 W1XK 31.38 DJA 31.38 DJA 31.41 Y/2XAD 31.45 DJN 31.45 DJN 31.48 W2XAF 31.48 W2XAF 31.49 I.KJ-1 31.55 GSB 31.55 GSB 49.1 GSL 49.1 GSL 49.35 DJM 49.35 Dj M j n o o : i - jl p.m. 10-11 a.m. 16.87 W3XL 9.49 W9XPD 19.63 DJQ 9.49 W9XUY 19.71 PCJ (W ) 11.33 W9XA 19.74 DJB 11.49 W9XJL 25.24 i PB-7 11.51 W9XTC 25.20 W8XK 11.56 W6XKG 25.42 DJZ 11.56 W9XUP 25.49 DJD 16.87 W3XL 31.02 W3XAL 19.63 DJQ 31.28 PCJ (W ) 19.71 OLR5A 31.32 GSC 19.74 DJB 31.38 DJA 19.76 GSO 31.41 W2XAD 19.8 YDC 31.45 DJN 25.26 W8XK 31.48 W2XAF 25.27 PHI (S) 31.55 GSB 25.34 OLR4A 49.1 GSL 25.36 W2XE 49.35 DJM 25.42 DJZ 25.49 DJD 1-2 p.m. 25.53 GSD 19.63 DJQ 25.57 IQY 19.74 DJB 25.61 TPA-4 25.24 TPB-7 29.15 DZC 25.42 DJZ 30.52 IRF 25.49 DJD 31.02 W3XAL 31.28 PCJ (W ) 31.13 2RO-3 31.32 GSC 31.25 RAN 31.38 DJA 31.28 PCJ 31.45 DJN (M, W, 31.48 W2XAF Th) 31.55 GSB 31.32 GSC 49.1 GSL 31.38 DJA 49.35 DJM 3141 W2XAD 31.45 DJN 2-3 p.m. 31.48 W2XAF 25.24 TPB-7 31.49 LKJ-1 31.32 GSC 31.55 GSB 31.41 TPB-11 49.1 GSL 31.48 W2XAF 49.35 DJM 31.55 GSB 49.1 GSL 11 a.m.-noon. 9.49 W9XPD 3-4 p.m. 9.49 W9XUY 13.99 DJS 11.33 W9XA 16.88 DJE 11.49 W9XJL 19.56 DJR 11.51 W9XTC 19.63 DJQ 11.56 W6XKG 19.85 DJL 11.56 W9XUP 25.42 JZJ 16.87 W3XL 31.28 VK2ME 19.63 DJQ (S). 19.71 OLR5A 31.38 DJA 19.74 DJB 31.41 TPB-11 19.76 GSO 31.45 DJN 25.26 W8XK 32.15 OAX4J 49.02 W2XE 19.76 GSO 49.5 W8XAL 19.82 25.24 GSF TPA-3 4. 5 p.m. 25.29 GSE 13.99 DJS 25.53 GSD 16.89 DJE 25.57 Saigon 19 56 DJR 28.14 JVN 19.63 DJQ 31.33 KZRM 19.85 DJL 31.38 DJA 25.42 JZJ 31.41 TPB-11 31.28 VK2ME 31.45 DJN (S) 31.49 ZBW-3 31.41 TPB-11 31.50 VK3ME 31.38 DJA (ex. S). 31.45 DJN 31.55 KZIB 49.5 W8XAL 8-9 p.m. 6 p.m. 13.93 GSJ 5- 13.97 GSH 13.99 DJS 13.99 DJS 16.89 DJE 16.86 GSG 19.56 DJR 16.89 DJE 19.63 DJQ 19.56 DJR 19.71 PCJ (T) 19.63 DJQ 19.83 TPB-6 19.8 YDC 25.23 TPA-3 19.82 GSF 26.31 HBO (M, 24.26 XMHA F ). 25.29 GSE 31.28 VK2ME 25.4 2RO-4 (S) 25.57 Saigon 31.41 TPB-11 27.27 PLP 31.3r DJA 28.14 JVN 31.45 DJN 29.24 30.96 PMN ZHP 6-7 p.m. 31.28 VK2ME 13.99 16.89 19.56 19.63 19.66 19.71 19.76 19.82 DJS DJE DJR DJQ GSI PCJ (T) GSO GSF 31.33 31.38 31.41 31.45 31.45 31.49 31.50 (S). KZRM DJA TPB-11 DJN VPD-2 ZBW-3 VK3ME 19.83 TPB-6 31.55 43.1 (ex. S). 20.64 25.23 HBJ (M) TP A 3 KZIB ZL2GB 25.29 25.53 GSL GSD 44.64 70.2 PMH RV-15 28.14 JVN 9-10 n.m. 31.28 VK2ME (S). DJA TPB-11 DJN 13.92 D JJ 31.38 31.41 31.45 13.93 13.97 16.86 16.88 GSJ GSH GSG PHI (S) 7-8 p.m. 16.89 19.56 DJE DJR 13.99 DJS 19.58 OLR5B 16.89 DJE 19.63 DJQ 19.56 DJR 19.68 TPA-2 19.63 DJQ 19.71 OLR5A 19.66 GSI 19.8 YDC is using my call on 20 m. I hope to be on ’phone soon, 40 or 80, so would like reports from readers when I do. —C. .Jackson (VK2AIV), Carool, Tweed River, N.S.W. (Continued on page 48.)