History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1939 05

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WorldRadioHistory.com's scan of Australasian Radio World - Vol. 04 No. 1 - May 1939 has been utilised to create the partial content for this page and can be downloaded at this link to further extend the content and enable further text correction of this issue: ARW 1939 05

In general, only content which is required for other articles in this Wikibook has been entered here and text corrected. The material has been extensively used, inter alia, for compilation of biographical articles, radio club articles and station articles.

Front Cover

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The Australasian Radio World

May 10, 1939; Vol. 4 - No. 1; Price, 1/-

Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical

Cover Photo: Photo of a Selection of Brimar Valves (See Page 8.)

Highlighted Contents: Special Third Birthday Number: Four Receivers with Many New Features: How to Install that Extension Speaker: World S.W. News: Hourly Tuning Guide

Inside Front Cover - Brimar Valves Ad

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P.01 - Fox & MacGillycuddy Ad

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P.02 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Managing Editor - A. Earl Read, B.Sc.

Vol. 4. - MAY, 1939 - No. 1.

P.02 - Contents

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The Astra Dual-Wave Six . . . . 3

Lakemba Radio Club Reunion . . . . 10

1939 Companionette Three . . . . 12

Radio Ramblings . . . . 15

Find-The-Fault Contest . . . . 16

Hear The World On Tiny Tim . . . . 18

Keep Charging! . . . . 21

Experimenters — Get Down To "Ultra-Shorts" . . . . 22

Leaves From A Serviceman’s Diary (2) . . . . 24

Installing An Extension Speaker . . . . 26

One-Four Portable On 100-Mile Canoe Trip . . . . 30

The Ultra DX Three . . . . 32

What's New In Radio . . . . 38

1939 Australian Official Radio Service Manual . . . . 40

The All-Wave All-World DX News . . . . 41

Shortwave Review . . . . 42

Hourly Tuning Guide . . . . 46

Rola "Permacentric" Construction . . . . 48

P.02 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by Read Publications. Editorial offices, 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone BW6577. Cable address: "Repress," Sydney. Advertisers please note that copy should reach office of publication by 14th of month preceding that specified for insertion.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand.

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 214 George Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietors of the "Australasian Radio World," 214 George St., Sydney (Footnote P.48)

P.02 - Editorial Notes

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Editorial Notes . . .

Our Third Birthday WITH this month’s issue the "Australasian Radio World" celebrates its third birthday, and commences its fourth year of service to readers. Prior to May, 1936, when the first issue of "Radio World" came off the press, there did not exist a locally-produced magazine serving the general technical radio field in Australia. That there was a real need for such a paper was soon evidenced by the enthusiastic support accorded the first issue of "Radio World" by those it was intended to serve. Within a week of publication letters of appreciation started to pour in from all parts of the Commonwealth — they have been coming in steadily ever since, to such an extent that in the past three years several thousand must have come to hand. With such a reception, the paper could not help going ahead, until to-day it is fully established, with a Commonwealth-wide network of readers, all with a keen interest, professional or amateur, in the technical side of radio. COMMENCING with this issue the magazine is to be thoroughly overhauled, and many new features added to give readers the best possible service. This month there is a new cover design, new type, and the magazine is printed on heavier, more expensive paper. The content is under consideration as well, and the scope of the magazine is to be widened to cater for the varied interests of those whose acquaintance with radio extends beyond the tuning controls. While widely differing classes of readers are to be catered for, it is felt that all have one thing in common, and that is a deep and abiding enthusiasm for all things technical in radio. LASTLY, a word of appreciation is due to the trade for its consistent support of the magazine during the past three years. Such support is a real tribute to the vital service the "Radio World" is giving, and proves its worth as one of the finest advertising mediums available in the technical radio field in Australia. For the future, both readers and advertisers can rest assured that the "Radio World" policy of "service first and always" will be just as rigidly maintained as it has been in the past.

P.03 - The Astra Dual-Wave Six

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P.10 - Lakemba Radio Club Reunion

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P.12 - 1939 Companionette Three

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P.15 - Radio Ramblings

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P.16 - Find-The-Fault Contest

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P.18 - Hear The World On Tiny Tim

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P.21 - Keep Charging!

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P.22 - Experimenters — Get Down To "Ultra-Shorts"

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P.24 - Leaves From A Serviceman’s Diary (2)

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P.26 - Installing An Extension Speaker

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P.30 - One-Four Portable On 100-Mile Canoe Trip

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P.32 - The Ultra DX Three

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P.38 - What's New In Radio

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P.40 - 1939 Australian Official Radio Service Manual

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P.41 - The All-Wave All-World DX News

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P.42 - Shortwave Review

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P.46 - Hourly Tuning Guide

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P.48 - Rola "Permacentric" Construction

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