History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1940 02

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P.02 - Editorial Notes

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Editorial Notes . . .


P.02 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Managing Editor - A. Earl Read, B.Sc.

Vol. 4. - FEBRUARY, 1940 - No. 9.

P.02 - Contents

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New A.C.-Battery "Duo" Portable . . . . 3

Book Reviews . . . . 4

1940 Companionette Three . . . . 5

Modulated Oscillators . . . . 9

Midget Three-Watt Amplifier . . . . 11

World-Cruiser Communications Eight . . . . 13

The Story of R.C.S. Radio (3) . . . . 27

What's New In Radio . . . . 29

Long-Horn Public Address Speakers . . . . 31

Shortwave Review . . . . 33

P.02 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by Read Publications. Editorial offices, 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone FL2842. Cable address: "Repress," Sydney. Advertisers please note that copy should reach office of publication by 14th of month preceding that specified for insertion.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand.

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietors of the "Australasian Radio World," 117 Reservoir St., Sydney (Footnote P.40)

P.03 - New A.C.-Battery "Duo" Portable

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P.04 - Book Reviews

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P.05 - 1940 Companionette Three

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P.09 - Modulated Oscillators

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P.11 - Midget Three-Watt Amplifier

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P.13 - World-Cruiser Communications Eight

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P.17 - World Shortwave Stations

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World Short"7ave Stations Below are listed the principal shortwave stations of the world, the majority of which are audible in Australia and/or New Zealand at the present time. The latest available schedules are given in Australian Eastern Standard Time. The addresses of the stations which were listed in the October, 1939, issue, are not repeated; readers should refer to the issue mentio1'ed. In the case of new stations full addresses are given. Compiled by ALAN H. GRAHAM. Call W4XA W9XJL W8XNU W9XPD K.C. 26150 26100 25950 25900 Metres 11.47 11.49 11.56 11.58 Location. Nashville, Tenn., U.S.A. Superior, Wis., U.S.A. Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. Schedule, etc. Daily 2-4 a.m.; 8.30 a.m.-2 p.m. Addr: Head of the Lakes Broadcasting Co. Daily 1-11 a.m. Daily 10 p.m.-4 p.m. Addr.: St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Daily--exact schedule w1;nx GST WPIT GSJ 2R0-16 GSH DJS DJH WCBX 2R0-8 GSV OIH GSG WNBI PHl-2 TPB-3 DJE RV-96 HAS-3 D.TR WGEA KGEI GSP YDB 2R0-6 VUD-3 UJQ WCAB WCBX GSI 'T'PA-2 2R0-14 OLR5A PCJ-2 CSW-4 WPIT DJB XGOX OIE GSO RV-96 TGWA LKV JZK SBT YDC 21570 21550 21540 21530 21510 21470 21450 17845 17830 17820 17810 17800 17790 17780 17770 1776'5 17760 15400 15370 15340 15330 15330 15310 15310 15300 15290 15280 15270 15270 1!5260 1~24!) 15230 15230 15220 15215 15210 15200 15190 15190 15180 1!ll80 15170 15166 15160 15155 15150 13.91 13.92 13.93 13.93 13.94 13.97 13.98 16.81 16,83 16.84 16.84 16.85 16.86 16.87 16.88 16.88 16.89 19 47 19.52 19.56 19.!l7 19.57 19.60 19.60 19.61 19.62 19.63 19.64 19.64 19.66 19.68 19.70 19.70 19.71 19.71 19.72 19.74 19.75 19.75 19.76 19.76 19.77 19.77 19.79 19.79 19.80 New York City, U.S.A. Daventry, England. Pittsburgh, Pa., TJ.S.A. Daventry, England. Rome, Italy. Daventry, England. Berlin, Germany. Berlin, Germany. New York City, U.S.A. Rome, Italy. Daventry, Eng-land. Lahti, Finland. Daventrv, England. Bound Brook, N.J., U.S.A. Huizen, Ho.Jland. Paris, France. Berlin, Germanv. Moscow, U.S.S.R. Budapest, Hungary. Berlin, Germanv. 8chenectadv, N.Y .• U.S.A. San FranciRco. Calif., U.S.A. Daventry, Eng-land. Bandoeng. Java, D.E.I. Rome, Italy. Delhi, India. Berlin, Germany. Philadelphia, Pa .. U.S.A. New York City, U.S.A. Daventry, England. Paris, France. Rome, Italv. Prague, Bohemia. Huizen, Holland. Lisbon, Portugal. Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A. Berlin, Germany. Szechwan Province, China. Lahti, Finland. Daventry, England. unknown. Daily 11 p.m.-3.30 a.m. Daily 8.40 p.m.-12.15 a.m. Daily 8.30 p.m.-midnight. Daily 8.40-11.45 p.m. Daily 12.05-12.55 a.m. Daily 8.40-11.45 p.m. Not in use at present. Daily 5.30 p.m.-12.30 a.m. Not in use at present. Daily 8 a.m.-noou; 9-10.25 p.m. Daily 8.40-10 p.m.; midnight-2.30 a .m. Addr.: Finnish Broadcasting Co., Felsinki. Daily 7 p.m.- midnight. Daily 8.40-11.45 p.m. Daily midnight-11 a.m. Daily except Sunday, 10,40 p.m.-midnight; Sundays, 9.40 p.m.-1.05 a.m. Daily 7 p.m.-midnight. Daily 5.30-8.50 p.m.; 9-11 p.m. Daily 7-10 p.m.; irregular at other times. Sunday midnight-Monday 1 a.m. Daily 3.05 p.m.-2 a.m. Daily 2.15-9 a.m. Daily 9.30 a.m.-2.15 p.m. Daily 4.35-6.30 a.m.; 5-'8 p.m. Addr.: N.I.R.O.M. Daily 1.30-5 p.m. Daily 1-8.55 a.m.; 10.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m.; 7.10-7.55 p.m. Daily noon-2 p.m.; 4.30-6.30 p.m. Daily 3.05 p.m.-2 a.m.; also 2.10-3.25 a.m. on Mondays. Addr.: C.B.S., 485 Madison Avenue, New York City. Daily 3 or 3.R0-8.15 a.m. Daily 4-6 .. 30 a.m. Daily 3-4.30 a.m.; 3.57-8 p.m. Daily 7 p.m.-midnight. Daily 1-3.15 a.m.; 3.40-8.30 a.m.; 8 .. 30-11.10 p.m. Daily 10.55 a.m.-1.20 p.m.; 7.5-5-11.15 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, 10.40 p.m.-12.10 a.rn.; Sundays, 9.25 p.m.-12.45 a.m. Daily 2-3 a.m. Daily midnight-5 a.m. Daily 11 p.m.-midnight; also 2.10-3.25 a.m. on Mondays. Irregular; usually around 7-8 p.m. Address: Finnish Broadcasting Co., Helsinki. DaHy midnight-8 a.rn. Exact hours of transmission not known; heard early morning and evening. Moscow, U.S.S.R. Daily 3.45-6.45 p.m.; 7-10 p.m. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Mondays 3.45-8.1.S a.m.; also on alternate Sundays till <'r\'t'"',\~~ I " ' 5.15 p.m. Oslo, Norway. Tokyo, Japan. Motala, Sweden. Bandoeng, Java, D.E.I. Daily 9.40 p.m.-5 a.m. Daily 7.30-8.30 a.m.; 11 a.m.-noon. Address: Direction Generale des Telegraphes Suede, Stockholm. Daily 4-7.15 a.m.; Sundays from 5.55 p.m. Daily 9-10.30 a.m.; 7.30 p.m.-1.30 a.m.

Call GSF WRUW TPB-6 HVJ D.JL 2RO-l2 RKI KQH HBJ KKZ HilN HCJB RNE \Varsaw CB-1180 KKQ CD-1190 XGOY TPB-11 TPB-12 VLR-3 WPIT VLQ-2 GSE K.C. 15140 15130 15130 15120 15110 15100 15083 14920 14535 13690 12486 12460 12000 11990 11970 11950 11910 11900 11885 11885 11880 11870 11870 11860 Metres 19.82 19.83 19.83 19.84 19.85 19.87 rn 89 20.11 20.6·1 21.91 24.03 24.08 25.00 25.02 25.06 25.10 25.19 25.21 25.24 2'5.24 25.25 25.26 25.26 25.29 LocaHon. Daventry, England. Boston, Mass., U . .C:.A. Paris, Franc2. Vatican City, Italy. Berlin, Germany. Rome, Italy. Moscow, U.S.S.R. Kahuku, Hawaii. Geneva, Switzerland. Bolinas, Calif., U.S.A. TrujHlo City, D.R. Quito, Ecuador. Moscow, U.S.S.R. Warsaw, Pohnd. Santiago, Chile. Bolinas, Calif., U.S.A. Valdivia, Chile. Szechwan Province, China. Paris, France. Paris, France. Lvndhurst, Australia. Pittsburgh, Pa .. U.S.A. Sydney, Aus•ralia. Daventry, England. "WORLD-CRUISER COMMUNICATIONS EIGHT." Use the R.C.S. Foundation Kit Type K124 ... . .. £13/13/9 Comprising- ! x DA2 S-band dial . . . . . . . . . . . . 22/6d. 2 x IFI 31 permeability 1.F.'s . . . . . . 13/9d. each 1 x IFI 32 permeability 1.F.'s . . . . . . 13/9d. each 1 x DW30 S-band coil unit . . ...... £10/10/- Write f0 1· our special complete kit of part quotes. R.C.S,. NEW PRICE LIST. POST FREE. SEND TO-DAY FOR A COPY. Schedule, etc. Daily 6.50-9 a.m.; 6.30-8 p.m.; 11.55 p.m.-2.30 a.m. Address: University Club. Daily 5.30-8 a.m. Daily 3-6 p.m. Exact schedule unknown; heard from 11.30 p.m. on Tuesdays; and 1.30-1.45 a.m. daily. Daily 1.40-7.25 a.m.; ·3.05-5 p.m. Daily 3.15-8.30 a.m.; 8.30-11.10 p.m. . Daily 10 a.m.-12.15 p.m; and irregular at other times. Relays to U.S.A.; Saturdays noon-1 p.m., 5-5.30 p.m.; Sundays 2-2.30 p.m. Address: Radio Nations. Heard 6.30 p.m. Sundays. Special relays to Hawaii; Sunday afternoons. Daily 8.10 a.m.-1.10 p.m.; 9.40 p.m.- 1.40 a.m. Daily 1-2 p.m.; 10-11.15 p.m. Dailv 2-7 a.m.; 3.45-6.45 p.m.; Mondays 1-2 a.m.; Mon- .days, Tuesdays 7-8 a.rn.; Wedne5days, 9.30-10 p.m.; Sundays 9-10 p.m. Daily 7 p.m.-midnight. Daily 10 a.m.-2 p .m. Special relays to Hawaii; irregular afternoons. Daily 1-4 a.m.; 6-9 a.m.; 10 a.m.-2 or 2.30 p.m. Daily 5-.9.30 a.m.; 8.30 p.m.-1.30 a.m. Daily 12.15-7.15 a.m.; 3-6 p.m. Daily 9-11.15 a.m.; 11.30 a .m.-2 p.m. Daily 6.30 a.m.-5.15 p.m. Daily 5 a.m.-2 p.m. Daily 5.30-6.·30 p.m. Daily 9.22 a.m.-12.15 p.m.; 6.30-8 p.m.

Cail DJP XMHA WCBX VLW-3 2R0-4 DJZ COGF JZJ WRUL Saigon J\'ITCY UJD 2R0-15 GSD LKQ WRUW C.JRX JVW-3 TPA-4 JLG-3 SEP HP5A CB-1170 IQY XGOK HBO C:SW-6 PLP EAJ-43 ORK PMN K.c. 11855 11850 11830 11830 11810 11801 11800 11800 11790 11780 11775 11770 11760 11750 11735 11730 11720 11720 11715 11705 11705 11700 11700 11676 11650 11402 11040 11000 10360 10330 10260 Metres 25.31 25.32 25.36 25.36 2540 25.4.2 25.42 25.42 25.45 25.47 25.48 25.49 25 51 25.53 25.57 23.58 25.60 2S.60 25.61 25.63 25.63 25.65 25.65 25.70 25.75 26.31 27.17 27.27 28 96 29.04 29.24 Location. Berlin, Germany. Shanghai, Chba. New York City, U.S.A. Perth, Australia. Rome, Italy. Berlin, Germanr Matanzas, Cuba. Tokyo, Japan. Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Saigon, French lndo-China. Hsinking", Manchukun. Berlin, Germany. Rome, Italy. Daventry, England. Oslo, Norway. Boston, Mass., U.S.A. Winnipeg, Canada. Tokyo, Japan. Paris, France. Tokyo, Japan. Motala, Sweden. Panama City, Panama. Santiago, Chile. Rome, Italy. Canton, China. Geneva, Switzerland. Not in use at pre::;ent. Daily 8 p.m.-1.80 a.rn. Schedule, etc. Daily 7-9 a.rn.; 9.30 a.rn.-1 p.rn. Daily 3.30-4.30 p.rn. Daily 1-6 a.rn.; 9 a.m.-noon; 7.10 p.m.-midnight. Not used at present. Daily 4-5 a.rri~; 7-8 a.m.; 9 a.rn.-3 p.rn. Daily 7.30-8.30 a.rn.; 3-4.30 p.rn.; 10 p.rn.-12.30 a.rn. Heard in early mornings; schedule unknown. Daily 8.45-11.30 p .rn. Address: 601 Daido-Taigai, Hsinking. Daily 7-7.50 a.rn. Daily 1.40-7.25 a.rn.; 7.50 a.rn.-1.50 p.rn. Daily 1-3.15 a.rn. Daily 2.52-6.80 a.rn.; 6.-50-9 a.m.; 12 .. 37-3.20 p.m.; 3.57- 1 6.15 p.rn. Address: Norsk Rikskringkasting Storingsgaten 28. Daily 2-5 a.m.; 5-9.40 p.m. Schedule uncertain; heard till 8 a .m. Daily 9 p.rn.-3 p.m.; Sundays till 7 p .m. Daily 4.50-10.40 p.rn. Daily 9-11.15 a.m.; 12.3'0-3 p.m.; 3-6 p.m. Daily 5-7 a .m.; and at night from 7 p.m. Daily 4-7.15 a.m.; 11 a.m.-noon on Thursday and Saturday. Daily 2.45-4 a .m.; 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; 10-11.30 p.m. Daily 1.5 a.m.; 6.30 a.m.-2 p.m. Daily 3.07-3 .. 56 a.m.; 4.50-5.30 a .m.; 8.20-8.40 p.m. Daily till 11.35 p.m. Schedule unknown; heard 6.30 p.m. Sundays. Address, se() HBJ, 14535kc. Lisbon, Portugal. Daily 3.45-6.30 a.m. Bandoeng, Java, D.E.I. Relays YDC; daily 9-10.30 a.m.; 7,.30 p.m.-1.30 a.m. Sant?. Cruz de Tenerife, CanaryAddress: Box 225 Daily 5.30-7 a.m.; 7.30-10 a.m.; 10.45- Is. 11.45 a.m.; noon-1 p.m. RuysseledeJ Belgium. Address: Radio Ruysselede, West Flanders. Daily 4.30- 6 a.m. Bandoeng, Java, D.E.I. Relays YDC ; as PLP, llOOOkc.

ca ii PSH JDY EAQ IRF COCM ZRO CSW-7 CB-970 JlE-2 ZHP GRX TGWA XEWQ Paris DJX WRCA 2R0-9 KZRH JLT-2 JFO 2R0-3 TIPG VLQ ZRL DXB RAN CB-960 HP5J VUD-2 PCJ WCAB GSC VLR KZRM WBOS itc. 10220 9920 9855 9830 9805 9752 9735 9730 9695 9690 9690 9685 9680 9680 9675 9670 9665 9660 9645 9636 9635 9620 9615 9606 9605 9600 9600 9590 9590 9590 9590 9·580 9580 9570 9570 l\fetres 29.35 30.24 30.45 30.52 30.60 30"77 30.82 30.83 30.% 30.96 30.96 30.96 30.99 30.99 31.01 31.03 31.04 'll.06 31.10 31.13 31.13 31.19 31.20 31.23 31.23 31.25 3L25 31.28 31.28 31.28 31.28 31.32 31.32 31.35 3l.35 Location. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dairen, Manchukuo. Madrid, Spain. Rome, Italy. Habana, Cuba. Durban, South Africa. Lisbon, Portugal. Valparaiso, Chile. Tyureki, Taiwan. Singapore, Malaya. ·' Daventry, England. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Mexico City, Mexico. Paris, France. Berlin, Germany. Bound Brook, N.J., U.S.A. Rome, Italy. Manila, P.I. Tokyo, Japan. Taihoku, Taiwan. Rome, Italy. San Jose, Costa Rica. Sydney, Australia. Klipheuval, S. Africa. Berlin, Germany. Moscow, U.S.S.H. Santiago, Chile. Panama City, Panama. De•lhi, India. Huizen, Holland. Philadelphia, Pa., U.S.A. Daventry, England. Lyndhurst, Australia. Manila, P.I. Boston, Mass., U.S.A. . Schedule, etc. Tue3day, 11-11.30 a .rn.; Saturday, 10-10.30 p.m.; other days, 9-10 a.m. Daily 10-11 p.m. Schedule irregular at present; 6.30-8 a.m. and at other t' .1mes. Daily 3-3.25 a.m.; 3.40-4 a.m.; 4.50-5.30 a .m.; 9 a .m.-noon; 8.20-8.40 p.m. Daily 11 p.m.-4 p.m. Address: South African Broadcasting Corporation, Box 4559, Johannesburg. Heard best midnight-3.30 a.m. session. Daily 7-11 a.m. Relays CB-76; daily 9.30 a.m.-2.30 or 3.15 p.m.; also from 9.30 p.m. Relays JF AK from 11 p.m. Sundays 8.40 p.m.-12.40 a .m.; Wednesdays 3.40-4.40 p.m.; Monday-Friday 7.40 p.m.-12.40 a.m.; Saturday 3.25- 4.40 p.m., 7.40 p.rn.-12.40 a.m. Daily 6.50-9 a.m.; 9.22 a.rn.-12.15 p.m.; 3.57-8 p.m.; 8.40- 11.46 p.m. Daily 10.30 a .rn.-3.15 p.m.; later on Sunday afternoons. Daily midnight-'3.45 p.m.; till 4 p.m. on Sundays. Testing; afternoons as TPA4 Daily 1.40-7.25 a.m. Daily 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Daily 3.20 a.m.-noon. "The Voice of the Philippines"; daily 8 p.m.-midnight. Daily from 3.15 a.m. Daily 12.05-1.30 a.m. Daily 3.07 a .m.-noon; 4-5.30 p.m. Daily 10 p.m.-2.30 p.m. Daily 1.30'-2.30 a.m.; 5-7 p.m.; 9 .. 30-11p.m.;11.15-11.45 p.m. Address as ZRO, 9752kc. Heard midnight-2.45 a.m. session. Daily 5-5.30 a .m.; 7-7.40 a .m.; 7.50 a .m.-1.50 p.m. Daily except Monday 9 a.m.-1 p.rn.; Monday 9-10 a .m.; 12.15-1 p.m. Daily 10 pm.-7.30 a.m. ; 10 a.m.-3 p.rn. Da!ly 9 a.m.-1.30 p.m.; from 10 p.m. D;u]y 1-3 p.m.; 5-7.15 p.m.; 10.30 p.m.-4 a.m. Monday and Wednesday 5-6.35 a.m. Tuesday, Friday, Sunday 9.'30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Thursday noon- 5 p.m. Daily 2.52-4.30 a.m.; 6.50-9 a .m.; 9.22 a.rn.-12.15 p.m.; 12.37-3 30 p.m.; 3.57-4.45 p.m. Daily 5.30 p.m.-midnight. Darly ·7.30-9 a.m.; 7 p.m.-1.30 a.m. Daily 9 p.m.-5 p.m; Sundays from 10 p.m.

Call VLW-2 XGAP D.JA WGEA YDB DJN JZI KGEI WGEO ZBW-3 RY-96 YUA GSB XEWW KZIB KEI TAP COCH COBC OAX4J XTC CORX COBZ COCQ HS8PJ JIE JLG TPB-11 .JVW GSW YDX XPSA XO.JD PMH TGWB COHI COCQ IAC co cw TG-2 HVJ TILS WPIT KZRF/ KZEG XEXA VLW MTCY FK8AA WCBX GSL KZRH YUA ZAA VQ7LO ZHJ OAX4Z YDD WLWO GSA WDJM KZIB RV-96 ICC. 9560 9560 9560 9550 9550 9540 9535 9530 9530 9526 9520 9507 9510 9503 9197 9490 9t65 9437 9360 9340 9295 9200 9030 8830 7960 7295 7285 7280 7257 7230 7220 7000 6880 6720 6490 6460 6360 6355 6324 6190 6190 6165 6140 6140 6133 6130 6125 6122 6120 6110 6110 6100 6085 6083 6080 6077 6060 6060 6060 6040 6040 6030 Metres 31.38 31.38 31.38 31.41 31.41 31.45 31.46 31.48 31.48 31.49 31.51 31:56 31.55 31.57 31.'19 31.61 31.70 31.80 32.04 32.12 32.28 32 61 33.32 33.98 37.56 41.13 41.19 ! 1 "1 41.34 41.53 41.55 42 80 43.60 4-1.64 46.20 46.44 47.17 47.20 47.40 48.47 48.47 48,66 48.86 48.86 48.90 48.94 48.98 49.00 49.01 -:l9.10 49.10 49.18 49.30 4!!_.31 49.34 49.35 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.67 49.67 49.75 Location. Perth, Australia. Peking, China. Berlin, Germany. Schenectady, N.Y., U.S.A. Bandoeng, Java, D.E.I. Berlin, Germany. Tokyo, Japan. San Franci£co, Calif., U.S.A. Schenectady, N.Y., U.S.A. Hong Kong. Moscow, U.S.S.R. Belgrade, Yugo-Slavia. Daventry, England. Mexico City, Mexico. Manila, P.I. Bolinas, Calif., U.S.A. Ankara, Turkey. Habana, Cuba. Habana, Cuba. Lima, Peru. Shanghai, China. Habana, Cuba. Habana, Cuba. Habana, Cuba. Bangkok, Thailand. Tyureki, Taiwan. Tokyo, Japan. Paris, France. Tokyo, Japan. Daventry, England. Medan, Sumatra, D.E.I. Kweiyang, China. Hankow, China. Bandoeng, Java; D.E I. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Santa Clara, Cuba. Habana, Cuba. Rome, Italy. Habana, Cuba. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Vatican City, Italy. San Jose. Costa Rica. Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A. Manila, P.I. Mexico City, Mexico. Perth, Australia. Hsinking, Ma'lchukuo. Noumea New Caledonia. New York City, U.S.A. Daventry, England. Manila, P.I. Belgrade, Yugo-Slavia. Tiranr •. Albania. Nairobi, Kenya. Penang, Malaya. Lima, Peru. Bandoeng, Java, D.E.I. Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A: Daventry, England: Miami Beach, Fla., U.S.A. Manila, P.I. Moscow, U.S.S.R. The A11str~ilasian RadiQ World, Febr11ary I, 1940, Schedule, etc. Testing early a.m. Heard after midnight. Daily 7.50-11 a.m.; 11 a.m.-1.50 p.m.; 3.05-5 p.m. Daily 8.15-11.15 a.m. Daily 7.30 p.m.-1.30 a.rn. Daily 3-7 a.m.; 3.05 p.m.-2 a .m. Daily -5-7 am.; 10 p.m.-12.30 a.rn. Daily 3-6 pm.; 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Daily 6 a.m.-2.4G p.m. Daily 7 p.m.-1 a.m. Daily midnight-7 a.rn.; 7-10 p.rn.; Sundays 8-9 a.m. Daily 3-9 a.m. Daily 4.45-6.30 a.m.; G.50-9 a.rn.; 9.22 a.m.-12.15 p.m.; 12.-37-3.30 p.m.; 3.57-G.15 p.m.; midnight-2.30 a.rn. Daily midnight-2 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. Daily 7 p.m.-rnidnight. Relays to Hawaii late afternoons. Daily 2-7.30 a .rn .; week days 8.30-10 p.rn.; Saturday 9.30- 11.30 p.m.; Sunday 8.30-10.30 p.m. Daily 11 p.m.-3 p.rn. Daily 10 p.m.-3 p.rn. Daily 4-6 a.rn.; 8 a.rn.-4 p.m. Daily 11 p.m.-midnight. Daily 11 p.m.-2.30 p.m. Daily 10.45 p.rn.-midnight. Daily 8.45 p.rn.-midnight; 2-3 p.m. Irregular 11 p.m.-1 a.m. Relays JFAK from 11 p.m. Irregular; heard around 6 a .m. Daily 12.15-7.15 a.m. Daily 5-7 a.m. Daily 3.57-8 p_m.; and early a.111. Daily 1.30-5 p.111.; 7.30 p.m.-midnight. Daily 9 p.m.-11.45 a.m. Daily 9-11.30 p.m. Daily 7.30 p.m.-2 or 2.30 a.m. Daily -3.45-6.45 a rn.; 10.30 a .m.-3.15 p.m.; 10.45 p.m.- midnight. Later on Sunday afternoons. Daily from 9.55 p.m. Testing new frequency; 10 p.m. Daily 6-'6.35 a.m. Daily 9.55- p.m.-3 p.m. Tues.-Sat. 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sun. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; 10 p.m.-2 a.m.; Monday 6-11 a .m. Daily 5-6.30 a.m. Daily from 10 p.m. Daily 2-3 p.m. Daily 8 p.m.-midnight. Daily 10.30 p.m.-rnidnight. Testing at 9 p.m. Address: 601 Daido-Taigai, Hsinking. Daily 11.30 p.m.- 1.30 a .m. lrreg. 5.30-7 p.m. Daily 3-5 p.m. Daily 9.22 a.m.-12.15 p.m.; 12.37-3.30 p.m. Daily 8 p.m.-midnight. Daily 3-9.30 a.m. Daily 3.20-7 a.rn. Tuesday-Saturday 2.15-5.15 a.m.; Sunday 2.15-6.15 a.m.; Monday 1.45-4.45 a.m. Daily 9.40-11.40 p.m. Daily except Monday 10 a.m.-4.30 p.rii.. Daily 8,30 p.m.-1 a.m. Daily from 8.45 p.m.; closes at Z or 5 p.m. Daily 3.57-8 p.m.; 6.30-9 a.m. Daily 1-4 p.m. Daily 7 p.m.-midnight. Daily midnight-7 a.m.

Call K.C. Metres Location. Schedule, etc. iDJC 6020 49.83 Berlin, Germany. Daily 2.30-7.25 a.m. XYZ 6007 49.94 Rangoon, Burma. Daily 9.30 p.m.-1 a.m. ZRH 6007 49.94 Roberts, Heights, South Africa.Daily 12.30-6.30 a.m. HP5K 6005 49.96 Colon, Panama. Daily 10 p.m.-midnight. ZNB 5900 50.85 Mafeking, British Bechuanaland.Daily except Monday 4-5.30 a.m. PMY 5H5 58.31 Bandoeng, Java, D.E.I. Daily 8.30 p.m.-2 a.m. VUD-18 4960 60.48 Delhi, Il).dia. Daily 10.30 p.m.-3.35 a.m. VUM-2 4920 60.98 Madras, India. Dai)y 9.30 p.m.-3.10 a.m. VUB-2 4880 61.48 Bombay, India. Daily 10.30 p.m.-3.30 a.m. VUC-2 4840 61.98 Calcutta, India. Daily 9.30-3 a.m. YDE-2 4810 62.37 Solo, Java, D.E.I. Daily 7.30 p.m.-1 a.m. RV-15 4273 70.19 Khabarovsk, U.S.S.R. Daily 4 p.m.-1 a.m.

P.27 - The Story of R.C.S. Radio (3)

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P.29 - What's New In Radio

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P.31 - Long Horn Public Address Speakers

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P.33 - Shortwave Review

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Shortwave Review.

CONDUCTED BY ALAN H. GRAHAM. Additional New Stations Listed ¥ Night Reception Still Excels * UHF and Amateur Bands Disappointing ¥ Full List of Month's Loggings.

Review of Conditions. The tendencies in reception con- ditions outlined in these columns last month have become more pronounced -with early morning reception fair, and night reception exceptionally good-whilst during the day con- ditions are very poor indeed. Easily outstanding at present are the 25 and 31-metre bands. In many years' experience of shortwave reception 'we have never heard anything to equal the present level of 25-metre signals during the night and very early morning session. New Stations. As in previous months. we are able to list a number of new stations. The attention of readers is drawn to the following:-COHI; COCQ, on a new frequency; XEWQ; the new Australian stations. VLQ and VLQ-2; the South African station at Durban on 25.4!.\m.; KZRB; IISSPJ, on 37.56m.; a new Warsaw station on 25.02m.; and a new German station on the 41- metre band. PCJ Discontinue Tuesday Afternoon Session. Amongst. shortwave listeners there will be a feeling of deep regret at the news that the very popular ses- sion broadcast by PCJ for Australian and New Zealand listeners has been discontinued. An announcement to session, probably the most entertaining on the air, has always attracted this effect was heard at the end of December. This Tuesday afternoon considerable interest, and the announ- cer, Bob Wybrands, was a popular personality; Acknow l'edgrnen ts. We wish to acknowledge reports from the following:-Messrs. Bantow (Edithvale, Vic.), Neill (Queensland), Chapman and Taylor (N.S.W.), Johns and Cushen (N.Z.), all "Radio World"' Observers. And also from Mr. 0. G. Washfold (Camberwell, Vic.) and Mr. Goucher (South Yarra, Vic.), AW - 257DX and A W536DX, respectively, of the AW A WDXC. Late.st Station * Changes and Schedules. Colombian Republic. In addition to the new station on 9740kc., HJFK, another Colombian transmitter, located in Bogota, is now ope.rating on 9710kc., 30.9m., with the call HJCF. (Universalite). Cuba. Some confusion has been caused by recent changes of frequency amongst Cuban stations. The new station at Santa Clara COHI, operates on 6460 kc., 44.64m., and carries the same prog;ramme as CMCF, COCH and CMKQ. In addition, COCH is being reported on a new frequency of 6500kc., 46.15m. Listeners should exercise care in logging these two stations, as they may easily be confused. COCQ is also testing on another frequency, 6360kc., 47.17m., and, in addition,. is reported from some quarters as being on 642.5kc., but we have no confirmation of this.

Turkey. The latest information from Ankara reveals that TAQ is now off the air. The present schedule for TAP is:- Week-days, 8.30 to 10 p.m.; 2 to 7.30 a.m.; Saturdays, 9.30 to 11.30 p.m.; 2 to 7.30 a.m.; Sundays, 8.30 to 10.30 p.m.; 2 to 7.30 a.m.

United States WLWO will soon place in use its new lOOkw. transmitter. Using a special rhombic beam antenna, programmes in Spanish and Portuguese will be directed to eastern South America. Transmissions will be on 49, 31, 25, 19, 16 and 13 metres. (Universalite). Venezuela. The Government of Venezuela will shortly place on the air a new 30kw. transmitter, which will operate with the following calls :-On 6172kc., 48.6m., as YVKF; on 9640kc., 31.12m.,

YVOR; and on 15315kc., 19.59m., as YVPX.

Ultra-High· Frequency Notes. Conditions Poor. During the past two months U.H.F. conditions in our locality have been very poor; a complete absence of police band signals; very little on the 10-metre amateur band; and only an occasional good day on 11 metres. Police Bands. We have recently received a verification of our report to the Glendale, California, police department on their 33940kc., 8.8m., signals. The Superintendent of Communications, Mr. C. Wasmansdorff (W6LFL) was kind enough to forward a recent F.C.C. list of American police calls and frequencies, which has already greatly assisted us in identifying a number of stations heard some time ago. The full list of police transmitters heard at the end of last year is:- KQBR, Alameda; WQIE, Newark; and WQKB, Evansville, on 30700kc.; KQBV. Los Angeles County, on 31900 kc.; WRBH, Cleveland; KQAN, Fort Worth; KQBH, Kansas City (Kansas); WQMA, Miami Beach; WQKW. Canton; WQNO, Elgin; WQIC. McKeesport; KQAO, Long Beach; KQBW, St. Joseph: and KQBF, National City, on 33100kc.; KQCI. Glendale; and WPDS, St. Paul, on 33940kc. 11-Metre Loggings. W8XNU, 25950kc., ll.56.m., Cincinnati: Most consistent of the stations now heard on this band, though seldom very strong; best around 8 a .m. W4XA, 26150kc., ll.47m., Nashville : Very erratic now; heard sometimes in early morning. W9XPD, 25900kc., ll.58m., St. Louis: Seldom heard now; when logged, very weak, and hard to copy. W9XJL, 26100kc., ll.49m., Superior: Only heard on rare occasions; very weak.

Amateur Bands Review. Listeners who concentrate on the amateur bands are now finding it difficult to maintain reasonable logs, as conditions have fallen off considerably on both 10 and 20 metres. Very few stations are listed this month in the Calls Heard section. CALLS HEARD. (Reports to hand from Messrs. Chapman, Taylor, .Cushen and Johns). 10 Metres. United States: W- 3CBT, 3GRL, 3HUM, 4ETV, 4GDR, '5EEL, 5HDK, 51L U, 6ABF, 6AKH, 6ITH, 6LES, Page 34 6MIW, 6MUO, 6NPF', 6NHI{, 6PiIF, 6POZ, 6PRB, 6RLF, 6PEV, 60NQ, 8GU, 9CFQ, 9DRQ, 9GIQ, 9QI. Philippine Is.: KAlME. Hawaii: K6- OJI, MV A, PUL, RRM. 20 Metres. South America: LU- lHI, 5AN (Argentine); OA4R (Peru); CE- 3AC, 3AG, 3CG, 3CZ, 3CK, 4AC (Chile); HClFG (Ecuador). Africa: EKlAF (Tangier International Zone). Pacific: KB6· !LT, OCL (Guam); K6- MV A, QHU, BNR, MBE, NYD (Hawaii). The East: KA- lAF, lME, lBH (Philippines); XU- lB, 8LA, 7HB, 8AZ, 8RB, 8ZA (China); J. 2NG, 2XA (Japan); PK- 4KS, 4MM, 5KF (D.E.I.).

This Month's Loggings. Stations not listed in last month's issue are indicated by an asterisk ( *). All times are Australian Eastern Standard. SOUTH AMERICA. Peru. OAX4J, 9340kc., 32.12m., Lima: Becoming more difficult to log, but still heard at times around 7 a.m., and on Sundays between 3 and 4 p.m. OAX4Z, 6077kc., 49.37m., Lima: Still being heard in N.Z., though not audible in our locality, nor reported by any Australian listeners. Chile.

  • CD-1190, 11910kc., 25.19m., Valdivia: Still being heard, best reports

being from N.Z. Closes at either 2 or 2.30 p.m.

  • CB-1170, 11700kc., 25.64m., Santiago: Heard fairly well on ·a few oc- casions, either early morning or before closing at 2 p.m. (Johns).
  • CB-970, 9740kc., 30.8m., Valparai- so.: Very erratic, but might be heard

before closing just after 3 p.m. CB-960, 9600kc., ·31.25m., Santiago : Most consistent of the Chilean stations. Not very good at night, but quite good on Sunday afternoons till 3.30 p.m. Argentine.

  • LRX, 9660kc., 31.06m., Buenos

Aires: Not heard here lately, but re- ported from N.Z., with good signal at 10.30 p.m. (Johns). Ecuador. HCJB, 124GOkc., 24.08m., Quito: Heard fafrly well lately from 10.30 p.m.; also reported from N.Z. with weak signal around 1 p.m. (Chapman, Cushen). Colombian Republic. HJFK, 9740kc., 30.8m., Pereira: Opens nightly with good signal at 10 p.m. CENTRAL AMERICA AND WEST INDIES. Costa Rica. TIPG, 96l5kc., 31.21m., San Jose: Widely reported, opening at 10 · p.m. One of best night stations on 31m. (Cushen). TILS, 61G5kc., 48.66m., San Jose: Becoming difficult to log, but still heard weakly at lO' p.m. (Cushen). Cuba. · COGF, 11800kc., 25.42m., Matanzas: Fairly good signal around 7 a.m. on some mornings. COCM, 9805kc., 30.6m., Habana: Heard weakly from 11 p.m. Varies in frequency, as was heard on 9850kc. for some time. COCH, 9437kc., 31.8m., Habana: Much better signal at present; heard from 10 p.m.; also at times in early morning. COBC, 9350kc., 32.08m., Habana: Quite a good signal now, usually opens just before 10 p.m. (Washfold). OOCQ, 8850kc., :l3.9m., Habana: Still heard regularly on this frequency; usually opens at 9.55 p;m,, but sometimes an hour earlier. See also 6360kc. (Washfold).

  • COCO, 8700kc., 34.5m., Habaria:

New frequency for this station which was previously on 6010kc. Heard from 10 p.m.

  • COHI, 6460kc., 46.44m., Sta. Clara:

New station, opening nightly at 9.55 p.m. (Goucher).

  • COCQ, 6·360kc., 47.17m., Habana:

Once again on a new frequency, COCQ has been heard testing on a few occasions. (Johns).

  • COCW, 6330kc., 47.4m., Habana:

Heard with good signal at night, opening at 9.55 p.m. (Washfold). Panama. HP5A, 11700kc., 25.64m., Pariama City: Fair signal at night; best 10 to 10.30 p.m. (Chapman). HP5J, 9590kc., 31.28m., Panama City: From 10 p.m. Also reported on 9610kc., 31.22m., and may stay permanently on this 'new frequency to avoid QRM. Guatemala; TGWA, l5170kc., 19.78m., Guatemala City: Heard at good strength on Sunday afternoons, sometimes for whole programme, and sometimes till 5.15 p.m., when change is made to 9685kc. (Washfold, Goucher, Cushen). TGWA, 9685kc., 30.96m., Guatemala City: Heard best on Sunday afternoons, though not as good as formerly (Goucher). TGWB, 6486kc., 46.25m., Guatemala City: Best on Sunday afternoons, with same programme as TGW A. TG-2, 6195kc., 48.4m., Guatemala City: Good signal on Sunday after- noons in N.Z., but rather weak elsewhere. (Cushen, Johns). Dominican Republie. HUN, 12486kc., 24.03m;, Trujillo .City: From 9.40 p,m. with weak signal.

City: Heard weakly with same programme as. 24m. transmitter. NORTH AMERICA. Mexico.

  • XEWG, 9680kc., 30.99m., Mexico

City: New station heard during after- noons till just before 4 p.m. with English announcement. (Goucher). XEWW, 9503kc.,. 31.57m., Mexico City: Consistent afternoon around 3 p.m.; also audible at times after midnight. (Cushen, Goucher).

  • XEXA, 6133kc., 48.9m., Mexico

City: Reported from N.Z., with good signal from 2-3 p.m. in English hour. (Johns). Canada.

  • CJRX, 11720kc., 25.6m., Winnipeg:

Difficult to log, but best time is on Sunday afternoons when station is on till 7 p.m. United States. WCBX, 21570kc., 13.9lm., New York City: Opens at 11 p.m., but heard best after midnight.

  • -WCBX, .. 178·30kc., 16.83m., New

York City: Reported at good strength in early a.m. from Queensland. (Neill). WNBI, 17780kc., 16.87m., Bound Brook: Good signal in early mornings; very weak now in forenoon. (Neill, Chapman, Goucher). WGEA, 15330kc., 19.-56m., .Schenectady: Good early morning signal. (Neill, Chapman, Goucher, Johns). KGEI, 15330kc., 19.56m., San Francisco: Weaker now, but still heard around 2 p.m. (Neill, Johns, Washfold). WCAB, 15270kc., 19.65m., Philadelphia: Quite good strength in early morning. WCBX, 15270kc., 19.6.5m., New York City: Good signal in early mornings, closing 6.30 a.m. (Chapman). WRUL, 15250kc., 19.67m., Boston: Sometimes used in place of .WRUW, 15130kc. (Chapman). WPIT, l5210kc., 19.72m., Pittsburgh: Quite good signal from midnigl)t till 5 a.m. (Neill, Cushen). WRUW, 15130kc., 19.83m., Boston: Good, clear signal, IClosing 8 a.m. (Chapman, Goucher). KKZ, 13690kc., 21.91m., Bolinas: Special relays to Hawaii. KKQ, 1l950kc., 25.lm., Bolinas: Also used for special relays, around 3 p.m. WPIT, 11870kc., 25.26m., Pittsburgh: Nice signal in early morning, best from 7 a.m. (Chapman,, Goucher). WCBX,.. 11830kc., 25.36m., New York City: From 7 a.m., with fine, steady signal; one of best morning stations. (Goucher, Chapman). WRUL, 1179Qkc., 25.45m., Boston: Early morning station with good signal at 6 a.m. (Chapman). WRUW, 11730kc., 25.58m., Boston: Good signal from 7 a.m. (Neill, Washfold, Goucher, Chapman). WRCA, 9670kc., 31.03m., Bound Brook: Heard till 4 p.m. closing. Fair signal; very strong in N.Z. (Johns). , WCAB, 9590kc., 31.28m., Philadelphia: Another afternoon station, till 5 p.m. (Washfold, Goucher). WBOS, 9570kc., ·31.35m., Boston: Another afternoon American, closing at 5 p.m. WGEA, 9550kc., 31.41m., Schenectady: Heard weakly some mornings around 9 a.m. (Bantow). WGE:O, 953.0kc., 31.4Sm., Schenectady: Quite strong signal· from 6 · a.m. till nearly 9 a.m. (Chapman, Goucher). KGEI, 9530kc., 31.48m.. Schenectady: Heard in afternoons from 4-6 p.m.; also from 10 p.m., though interfered with by JZI in some locations at this time. (Chapman, Goucher).

  • KEI, 9490kc., 31.61m., Bolinas:

Another relay station for Hawaiian programmes.

  • KEE (?),approx. 37m.: American

relay station reported from N.Z. by Mr. Johns. Hearcj. at good strength on Sunday afternoons closing at 3.45 p.m. WCBX, 6120kc., 49m., New York City: Reported from N.Z. with good signal in 3-5 p.m. session. (Cushen). WLWO, 6060kc., 49 .. 5m., Cincinnati: Only weakly here at present; but fine signal reported in N.Z. at 5 p.m. (Cushen). WDJM (and not WBKM, a s given last month),. 6040kc., 49.6.7m., Miami Beach: Reported from N.Z. ; excellent signals on Sundays from 3.30-4 p.m. (Johns). WRUL, 6040kc., 49.67m., Boston: Occasionally heard with special t~st transmission. AFRICA. C<~nary Is. EAJ-43, 10360kc., 28.96m., Teneriffe: Heard at times in early a.m., just before 6 a.m. (Neill). Kenya. VQ7LO, 6083kc., 49.31m., Nairobi: Still heard in early mornings, 5 a.m., though hardly as good as previously. (Chapman). Bech u anal'and. ZNB, 5900kc., 50.85m., Mafeking: Still heard in the' early mornings, closing 5.30 a.m. South Africa.

  • Durban, 11770kc., 25.49m.: New station, call unknown, heard around

2 a.m. relaying ZRO on 9752kc. ZRO, 9752kc., 30.77m., Durban : Easily logged just before closing at 2.15 a~m.

ZRL, 9606kc., '31.23m .. Klipheuval: Heard fairly well at same time as ZRO. AUSTRALIA. VLR-3, 11880kc., 25.25m., Lyndhurst: Used from 6.30 a.m. till 5.15 p.m. (Washfold, Chapman, Johns).

  • VLQ-2, 11870kc., 25.26m., Sydney:

New Australian national shortwave station. Transmits to Europe 5.30- 6.30 p.m. (Washfold, Cushen, Johns). VL W-3, l 1830kc., 25.36m., P~rth: Heard testing; also used for natiqnal shortwave service to Africa, 3.30-4.30 p.m. (Washfold, Bantow, Chapman).

  • VLQ, 9615kc., 31.2m., Sydney:

Used for transmissions to Europe and America. (Washfold, Cushen). VLR, 9580kc., 31.32m., Lyndhurst: Used at night.

  • VLW-2, 956.0kc., 31.38m., Perth:

Testing in early a.m. (Washfo!d). VLW, 6130kc., 48.94m., Perth: Testing from 9 p.m. THE EAST. Phil'ippine Is.

  • KZRB, 11840kc., 25.34m., Manila:

New station heard testing one night after 8 p.m. Not onl regular schedule KZRH, 9660kc., '31.06m., Manila; This new frequency for the "Voice of the Philippines" is reported from all parts of Australasia at good strength. (Washfold, Bantow, Goucher, Cushen, Johns). RZRM, 9570kc., 31.3-5m., Manila: Good strong signal every night. (Johns, Neill, Washfold, Bantow, Chapman, Goucher). KZIB, !J500kc., 31.58m., Manila: Another good station at night. (Neill, Washfold, Bantow, Goucher). KZEG/KZRF, 6140kc., 48.86m., Manila: Very strong signal every night. Uses both calls, though RZRF. (Washfold, Bantow, Chapman). KZRH, 6100kc., 49.lSm., Manila: . Fairly good signal. (Neill). l{ZIB, 6040kc., 49.67m., Manila: Good si~nal nightly. (Washfold). Japan. JZK, . lb160kc., 19.79m., Tokyo: Fairly strong in early mornings around 7 a.m.; also heard 11 a.m. (Chapman, Goucher). JVH, 14600kc., 20.55m., Tokyo: Reported from N.Z. JZJ, 11800kc., 25.42m., Tokyo: Heard in early mornings, and from 10 p.m. (Neill, Chapman, Goucher). JVW-3. 11720kc.; 25.6m., Tokyo: Good signaL nightly. (Washfold, Bantow, Goucher, Cushen). JLG-3, 11705kc., 25.63m., Tokyo: Also heard ~t night. Page 36

  • JLT-2, 9645kc., 31.lm., Tokyo:

Good signals from this station in early mornings till 6.30 a.m. (Neill). JZI, 9535kc., 31.47m., Tokyo: From 10 p.m. nightly; badly interferes with KGEI in some localities. (Chapman, Goucher, Johns).

  • JLG, 7285kc., 41.lm.. Tokyo:

Seems to be used irregularly; some- times at good strength early morning or at night. JVW, 7257kc., 41.34m., Tokyo: Used with .JZI in 5-7 a.m. session (Chapman, Johns). • JLT, 6190kc., 48.4 7m., Tokyo: Heard here occasionally; and often reported from N.Z. JZI, 9535kc., 31.47m., Tokyo: From rn p.m. nightly; badly !nterferes with KGEI in some lo~alities[check spelling]. (Chapman, Goucher, Johns). JLG, 7285kc., 41.lm., Tokyo: Seems to be used irregularly; some- times at good strength early morning· or at night. JVW, 7257kc., 41.34m., Tokyo: Used with JZI in 5-7 a.m. ~ession. (Chapman, J'ohns).

  • JLT, 6190kc., 48.47m., Tokyo:

Heard here occasionally, and often reported from N.Z; Hong Rong. zBw-3, 9525kc., Kong: Good signal fold, Bantow). India. 31.49m., Hong nightly. (WashVUD-3, 15290kc., 19.62m:, Delhi: Heard in early afternoons till 2 p.m. and also 4.30-6.30 p.m. (Johns, Goucher). VUD-2, 9590kc., 31.28m., Delhi: Fine signals from 10.30 p.m., opening with news in English. (Washfold, Bantow, Goucher, Johns). VUD-18, 4960kc., 60.48m., Delhi: Fairly strong from 10.30 p.m. VUM-2, 4920kc., 60.98m., Madras: Weak. (Chapman). VUB-2, 4880kc., 61.48m., Bombay: Fair. (Chapman). VUC-2. 4840kc., 61.98m., Calcutta: Fair. (Ghapman). Malaya. ZHP. 9690kc., 30.96m.. Singapore: Still a good signal, but QRM is sometimes troublesome. (Washfold, Chapman, Goucher, Johns). ZHJ, 6080kc., 49.3in., Penang: Not so good now, but still to be heard. (Washfold). French Indo-China. Radio Saigon, 11780kc.. 25.47m., Saigon: Exceptionally strong signal nightly. English session is now from 8.45 to 9.15 p.m. (Neill, Washfold, Ban tow, Chapman, Johns, Goucher).

  • A new station on approx. i1850kc.,

25.32m .. heard around 9 p.m. nighlty, is thought to be located in Indo-China, but few details are available at time of writing. China. XGOX, 15190kc., 19.75m., location uncertain: Strong signal at night around 7 p.m. Often used in sp~cial transmissions to U.S.A., Hawaii, etc. (Washfold, Chapman, Goucher). XGOY. 11900kc., 25.21m., location unknown: Just fair in the morning, but very strong at night. (Bantow, Chapman, Goucher, Johns). XMHA, 11855kc., 25.3m., Shanghai: Remains a fairly good signal at night. (Washfold, Chapman, Goucher).

  • XGOK, 11650kc., 25.7-5m., Canton:

Note change of frequency from 11820 kc. Fairly strong. News at 11.15 p.m.

  • XGAP, 9560kc., 31.38m., Peking:

Renorted from N .Z., and sometimes audible here around 1 a.m.

  • XTC. 7000kc., 42.Sm., Kweiyang:

One of strong regulars at night. (Washfold). XOJD, 6880kc., 43.6m., Hankow: Never very loud, but usually audible after 9 p.m. Dutclh East Indies. YDB, 15310kc., 19.6m., Bandoeng: Heard during afternoon, around 4 p.m., at fair strength. (Washfold). YDC, 15150kc., 19.Sm., Bandoeng: Good signal at night; also at times frorn 9 a.m. (Goucher, Washfold Banto·w). PLP, llOOOkc., 27.27m., Bandoeng: Relays YDC; good signals at night. (Washfold, Chapman, Goucher). PMN, 10260kc., 29.24m., Bandoeng: Also a NIROM relay station; fairly strong at night. (Washfold, Chapman, Goucher). YDB, 9-550kc., 31.41m., Bandoeng: Nice steady signal from this station around midnight. (Goucher). YDX. 7220kc.. 41.55m., Medan: Mainly native programmes; fair signal. PM.H, 6720kc., 44.64m., Bandoeng: Native programmes at good strength; very reliable. (Washfold, Goucher). YDD, 6045~c., 49.63m., Bandoeng: Not very good, but audible on most 'lights. (Washfold, Chapman).

  • PMY, 5145kc., 58.31m., Bandoeng:

Fair signal above high noise level. Manchukuo.

  • JDY, 9920kc., 30.24m., Daire:n:

Again being heard from 10 to 11 p.m. (Washfold). MTCY, 11775kc., 25.48m., Hsinking: From 7 a.m. with fair signal. (Chapman, Goucher, Cushen). MTCY, 6125kc., 48.98m., Hsinking:

From 11.30 p.m.; no 8ngiish used. (Neill). 'I'hailantl. HS6PJ, 19020kc., 15.77m., Bangkok: Used on Monday nights in December, but replaced, temporarily at least, by 7960kc., transmitter. HSSPJ, 9510kc., 31.55m., Bangkok: Replaced recently by 7960kc. transmit_ter.

  • HSSPJ, 7960kc., 37.56m., Bangkok : New station, replacing transmitters on 15 and 31m. Heard at good strength.

(Goucher, Cushen, Neill). Taiwan. JIE-2, 9695kc., 30.95m., Tyureki: Weak signal after midnight. JFO, 9635kc., 31.l3m., Taihoku: Seldom very loud; reported from Queensland at 1.30 a.m. (Neill). JIE, 7295kc., 41.13m., Tyureki: Transmits at same time as JIE-2; fair signal at midnight. (Cushen). Burma. XYZ, 6007kc., 49.94m., Just fair after midnight. Neill). EUROPE •. Portugal. Rangoon: (Chapman, "CSW-4, 15215kc., 19.71m., Lisbon : Fine signal from 2-3 a.m. CSW-6, 11040kc., 27.17m., Lisbon: Good steady signal from 3.45-6.30 a.m. (Chapman). CSW-7, 9740kc., 30.Sm., Lisbon: From 7 a.m. with steady and regular signal. (Goucher). Sweden. SRT, 15155kc., 19.8111., .Motala: Heard best on Sunday nights, after 7 p.m'. . (opening at 6 p.m.). (Johns). SEP, 11705kc., 25.63m., Motala: Heard till 7.15 a.m. with fair signal. (Neill). Holland. PHI-2, 17770kc., 16.SSm., Huizen : Seldom very loud, but heard most nights; best on Sundays from 9.40 p.m. (Neill, Bantow, Goucher). PCJ-2, 15220kc., 19.71m., Huizen: Tuesday afternoon session now off the air, but can still be heard quite well around 11 p.m. (Neill, Washfold, Goucher, Cushen). PCJ, 9590kc., 31.28m., Huizen: Good signal in early mornings, Mondays and Wednesdays. (.Chapml/-n). Poland.

  • Warsaw, 11990kc., 25.02m.: New

German station heard from 7 p.m. till midnight. German seems only lan- guage used. Turkey. TAP, 9465kc., 31.7m., Ankara: Another regular morning station at good strength; aiso around 10 p.m. at week-ends. ( Go~cher). Lithuania. L YR, 9285kc., 32.34m., Kaunas: Reoorted from N .z. between 4.30 and 5.15 p.m. (Johns). Still heard with fair signal till 6 a.m. Belgium. ORK, 10330kc., 29.04m., Ruysselede: (Chapman). Spain, EAQ, !)860kc., ·30.43m., Madrid: Does not seem to have regular schedule; heard as early as 3.10 a.m. anq .also irregularly at 7 a.m. (Neill). Switzerland.

HBO, 11402kc., 26.32m., Geneva: Heard on Sunday afternoons around 6.30 or 7 p.m. (Chapman).

  • HBJ, . 14535kc., 20.64m., Geneva:

Sam" programme as HBO. Yugo-Sia via. YUC, 9.505kc., 31.56m., Belgrade: Good early morning station. (Neill, Chapman).

  • YUA, 6100kc., 49.18m., Belgrade:

Not heard in our locality recently, but reported from Queensland in early morning. (Neill). The Australasian R.adio World, February 1, 1940. Ai•bania. ZAA, 6085kc., 49.3m., Tirana: At fair strength from 3.20-7 a.m. Hungary.

  • HAS-3 15370kc., 19.52111., Budapest: On!~ on t he air from midnight

on Sunday;;, with English announcements. (Goucher). Vatican City. HYJ, 15120kc., 19.84m.: Very strong on Tuesday nights from 11.30 p.m. (Goucher).

  • HVJ, G190kc., 48.47111. : Good signal

on Sunday mornings, opening 5.30 a.m. Norway. LKV, 15170kc., 19.78m., Oslo: Still heard in the very early morning, 1-2 a .m.; reported at 4.20 a.m. with English ·session from Queensland. (Neill).

  • LKQ, 11735kc., 25.57m., Oslo: Best

on Sunday nights around 8.45 p.m. with church service. (Johns). Finland.

  • OIH, 17800kc., 16.85m., Lahti:

Heard weakly some nights till Daventry opens at 8.40 p.m. Bohemia.

  • OLR5A, 15230kc., 19.7m., Prague:

Heard weakly on several occasions in 7 p.m.-midnight session. Italy. 2R0-15, 11760kc., 25.51m., Rome: Latest EIAR transmitter on the air. Heard as early as 9 p.m., but much louder at 1 a.m. (Chapman).

  • 2R0-14, 15230kc., 19.'im., Rome:

Heard irregularly in early morn ing or at night {with 2R0-15). (Chapma11). Also logged: 2R0-3, 9635kc., 31.13m.; 2IW-4, 11810kc., 25.4m.; 2R0-6, 15300kc., 19.61m.; 2R0-8, 17820kc., 16.84m.; 2R0-9, 9667kc., 31.03m.; and IRF, 9830kc., 30.52m. (Washfold, Neill, Bantow, Ghapman, John>:, Cushen). France.

  • TPB-11, 7280kc., 41.21m., Paris:

Heard fairly well lately around 6 a.m., closing 7.15 a.m. Also reported at 6 p.m. (Johns, Cushen). Also logged: TPB-3; 17765kc., 16.88m. (note change of frequency); TPA-2, 15245kc., 19.6.Sm.; TPB-6, 15t30kc., l9.83m.; TPB-11, 1188~l;:c., 2.5.24m.; TP A ·4, 11715kc., 25.6lm.; and new station on 9680kc., 30.99m. (Washfold, Neill, Chapman, Johns, Cushen). · U.S.S.R. Stations lo~ged: RV-96, 15400kc., 19.47m.; RV-96, 15180kc., 19.76m.; RKI, 15083kc., 19.89m.; RNE, 1200 kc., 25m.; RAN, 9600kc., 31.25m.;

RV-96, 9526kc., 3L51m.; and RV-15, 4273kc., 70.21m. (Washfold). England. Stations logged: GSA, 6050kc., 49.59m.; GSB, 9510kc., 31.55m.; GSC, 9580kc., 31.32m.; GSiD, 11750kc., 25.53 m.; GSE, 11860kc., 25.29m.; GSF, 15140kc., 19.82m.; GSG, 17790kc., 16.86m.; GSH, 21470kc., 13.97m.; GSI, 15260kc., 19.66m.; GSJ, 21530kc., 13.93m.; GSO, 15180kc., 19.76m.; GSP, 15310kc., 19.6m.; GST, 21550kc., 13.92 m.; GSV, 17810kc., 16.85m.; GSW, 7230kc., 41.49m.; and GRX, 9690kc., ·30.96m. (Washfold, Bantow, Goucher, Chapman, Neill, Johns, Cushen). Germany.

  • A new German station operating on approx. 41.6m. is reported from

N.Z. by Mr. Johns. Heard at 5.30 p.m. with strong signals. Stop-Press Notes. A report just received from Observer W. H. Pepin, of Maylands, West Australia, lists the following stations:- HS7PJ, 37.65m., is now the regular channel for the Bangkok station. It is heard nightly from 11 p.m.- 1 a.m., except on Mondays, when HS6PJ, on 15.77m., is used. Other Eastern stations log~ed :- VUB-2, on 31 metres, and the four Indian transmitters on 60-61 metres; XGOX and XGOY; __ JZK and JZJ; YDC, YDB, on 19.6 and 31m.; YDX; PMH, PLP and PMN; KZRM, KZIB and KZRH, all on 31 metres. Lower frequency stations also include YDL-2, on 62 metres; YDA, on 98 metres; and RV-15. Europeans heard include the majority of the Daventry and Berlin trans• mitters now on the air; also Paris, on a number of frequencies, including the 41.2 metre transmitter; and RNE, RAN and RV-'59 on 50 metres. The new Australian stations are listed:-VLW, VLW-2, VLW-3, VLQ and VLQ-2. Amateur loggings on 20 metres are:-W- 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9; XUSAM, lB, lA; J2NF; K6- CMC, BNR, MVA; PK, lMF, lOG; KA- lAF, lLB, lFM, lAG, lBH, IJM, lAR, lMN, lCW, lSM, lOZ, 4LH.