History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1940 05

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P.01 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Vol. 4. - MAY, 1940 - No. 12.

P.02 - Contents

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"De-Luxe Fidelity 8" . . . . 3

"12-Volve Super Set" . . . . 9

"Mystery Dual-waver" . . . . 15

"Vibra" P.A. Amplifier . . . . 18

"Junior" S. W. Converter for Batteries . . . . 37


Crystal circuits . . . . 34

Modest Kitsets . . . . 35

Headache Corner . . . . 17

The Sniper Post . . . . 13

Gang's All Here . . . . 40

Valve Characteristics . . . . 43


Diphonic Reproducers . . . . 26

Further Notes on Fidelity . . . . 21



Review . . . . 29

The Month's Loggings . . . . 30

The DX Club . . . . 33


Twist Drills . . . . 44

Amplifier Hints . . . . 45

Hints and Tips . . . . 42

Handy Saw . . . . 44


Rola Expands . . . . 15

Murdoch's Kitsets . . . . 35

Philips Valves . . . . 41

Telsen Two-range Meters . . . . 42

Mullard Booklet . . . . 43


Answers to Readers' Problems . . . . 47

P.01 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by A. G. Hull. Editorial offices, 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone FL2842. Cable address: "Repress," Sydney. Advertisers please note that copy should reach office of publication by 14th of month preceding that specified for insertion.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand.

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietors of the "Australasian Radio World," 117 Reservoir St., Sydney (Footnote P.48)

P.02 - Editorial Notes

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Editorial Notes . . .

Things are booming along at a great pace. For the April issue we printed just twice as many copies as were sold of the February issue, but within a week we found ourselves completely out of stock and we had to disappoint hundreds who wrote in from every part of Australia trying to obtain a copy of this issue. Actually there is a chance that some copies will be returned from newsagents in outlying districts, and if any such copies become available those who have placed orders for them can rest assured that the orders will be filled in rotation as soon as possible. Organization for the Amplifier Championship is also getting ahead at a fast pace, and already prizes to the value of over £80 have been donated, and it seems that the final prize list will total well over £100. Readers are warned, however, that we move at a rapid pace when we get started and therefore it is essential for everyone interested to write now and book seats for the auditions, or place their entry, as the case may be. We know that it takes a bit of an effort to look out some paper and a pen, and then the ink, find the stamp and get the letter posted, but if you don't want to get left out of this extremely interesting contest you'll have to take a grab of yourself by the back of the collar and get moving! Owners of comparatively simple amplifiers will be pleased to know that they are not only eligible to compete, but that they stand a good chance of collecting some of the excellent prizes which have been allotted for amplifiers using not more than three valves in all, including the rectifier. There is no entry fee of any kind and the whole contest is being conducted solely in the interests of enthusiasts, so be sure you get your share of the fun. Already the contest has stirred up keen interest, and as a result the two major speaker companies are hard at work on the job of producing reproducer equipments capable of giving phenomenal fidelity at a price within the reach of the average enthusiast. We draw special attention to the details of these assemblies, as covered in the two articles in the special amplifier section. A. G. HULL

P.03 - Constructional - "De-Luxe Fidelity 8"

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P.09 - Constructional - "12-Volve Super Set"

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P.13 - General Technical - The Sniper Post

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P.15 - Constructional - "Mystery Dual-waver"

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P.15 - Trade Notes - Rola Expands

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P.17 - General Technical - Headache Corner

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P.18 - Constructional - "Vibra" P.A. Amplifier

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P.21 - Amplifier Section - Further Notes on Fidelity

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P.24 - Amplifier Section - AMPLIFIER CHAMPIONSHIP

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P.26 - Amplifier Section - Diphonic Reproducers

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P.29 - Short-Wave Section - Review

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P.30 - Short-Wave Section - The Month's Loggings

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P.33 - Short-Wave Section - The DX Club

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P.34 - General Technical - Crystal circuits

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P.35 - General Technical - Modest Kitsets

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P.35 - Trade Notes - Murdoch's Kitsets

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P.37 - Constructional - "Junior" S. W. Converter for Batteries

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P.40 - General Technical - Gang's All Here

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P.41 - Trade Notes - Philips Valves

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P.42 - Trade Notes - Telsen Two-range Meters

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P.42 - Junior Technical - Hints and Tips

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P.43 - General Technical - Valve Characteristics

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P.43 - Trade Notes - Mullard Booklet

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P.44 - Junior Technical - Twist Drills

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P.44 - Junior Technical - Handy Saw

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P.45 - Junior Technical - Amplifier Hints

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P.47 - Speedy Query Service - Answers to Readers' Problems

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