History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1940 07

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Vol. 5. - JULY, 1940 - No. 2.

P.03 - Contents

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"Tip-Top Three-Four Superhet" . . . . 5

Standard A.C. Power Unit . . . . 19

Two Novel Circuits From America . . . . 25


Battery Chargers . . . . 11

Using An R.F. Oscillator . . . . 15

Rola Introduces "Kappa" Cones . . . . 35


Amplifier Championship . . . . 22


Review . . . . 28

The Month's Loggings . . . . 30


Hints and Tips . . . . 37

Building a Galvanometer . . . . 38


W . G. Watson Release 1940 Test Equipment . . . . 40

Meter Repairs . . . . 40

Free Resistor De-coder . . . . 40

Bargain Lines at Murdock's Radio Sale . . . . 42


Answers to Readers' Problems . . . . 41

P.03 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by A. G. Hull. Editorial offices, 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone FL2842. Cable address: "Repress," Sydney. Advertisers please note that copy should reach office of publication by 14th of month preceding that specified for insertion.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand.

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietors of the "Australasian Radio World," 117 Reservoir St., Sydney (Footnote P.40)

P.03 - Our Front Cover

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On June 6 His Excellency the Governor, accompanied by Lady Wakehurst and attended by Mr. Peter Lubbock, made a tour of inspection of the S.T.C. Sydney factory. In the picture (from left to right) are: Mr. R. S. Beckwith (S.T.C. director), Mr. Peter Lubbock, Mr. H. C. Trenam (managing director of the S.T.C.), Lady Wakehurst, His Excellency the Governor, and Mr. S. D. McPhee (S.T.C. works manager) are seen watching the assembly of condenser gangs for S.T.C. Radio Receivers.

P.04 - Editorial

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Life has been brighter this month. The office has assumed a new air of happiness. The reason — our new mantel model, "Tip Top", has been playing in the office, as you'll notice by the photograph at the top of the opposite page. We've heard a lot about the need for auxiliary receivers in the home, and we've always made a point of having two or three sets available. But we never thought that one could prove such a boon in the office. With extraordinary performance, considering its simplicity and I cost, "Tip Top" has been providing a background of soft music which has changed the whole atmosphere of the working day. It makes us feel sure that this little set is bound to find favour with our readers, too. You'll be bound to find a good use for it. Not so bright, however, is the paper position. Every month it becomes harder and harder to obtain supplies of the kind of smooth-finish paper which we have used in the past, and, of course, costs have risen considerably. We feel sure that our readers appreciate decent paper and clean printing, so our problem at the moment is to know how to give you all you want without using too much paper. The solution rests with you. If you can spare a moment we'd greatly appreciate it if you will give us an idea of what type of reading matter suits you best. For example, there is the short-wave section. In one way it is difficult to justify its inclusion in a paper with a policy of "100% Technical Radio", and yet we feel that it is the most accurate and authentic guide of its kind, and that it serves a valuable purpose to the keen radio man. Do you appreciate it, or would you rather have more articles about battery set design? Let us know how you feel about such matters and we'll do what we can to fulfil your requirements. In conclusion we would like to again draw your attention to the Amplifier Championship. This contest is proving a wonderful success in spite of the difficult times through which we are passing. Our greatest care in regard to the Amplifier Championship is that there must be many readers who would find the auditions of boundless interest, yet have not managed to find sufficient energy to fill in the application form for a seat reservation. Of course many have done so, and already more than a hundred have been along to the first three heats, but there must be hundreds more who don't know what they are missing. Action is called for. A. G. HULL

P.05 - Constructional - "Tip-Top Three-Four Superhet"

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P.11 - General Technical - Battery Chargers

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P.15 - General Technical - Using An R.F. Oscillator

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P.19 - Constructional - Standard A .C. Power Unit

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P.22 - Amplifier Section - Amplifier Championship

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P.25 - Constructional - Two Novel Circuits From America

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P.28 - Shortwave Section - Review

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Shortwave Review. D aylight Reception a t its Best ★ Stations in Frequency Order 4- Stations in “ Countries” Form ★ A ustralian M ail a t Fadio Saigon * N. I. R. O. M. will Q. S. L. ★ Full L ist of M onth’s Loggings ONDITIONS over the last month can only be described in the one word, “patchy.” The unusually warm weather experienced during the week-end of June 15 upset reception, as stations generally putting in a fine signal from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., were very, very poor. However, when we have a thunderstorm in the middle of winter, I guess the short waves figure they have a right to play up. Daylight Reception Now At Its Best. But we can’t complain; daylight reception is now at its best and with the short period of "dead spot" from about 11 a.m. till 1 p.m. and sometimes not as long as this, the principal cities can be heard at terrific strength, and, what is more important, with almost incredible clarity, right throughout the day. From 6 p.m. till 9.30 p.m., with: the'exception of stations north of Australia, there is a lull, but quite often at this hour T.nid'm and Europe commence to trickle through. Choice of Stations. As the night wears on, and definitely by midnight, the choice of stations is very great. / Listeners at present have a good opportunity of hearing the Cubans and South Americans, as from just after mid-day till closing, which varies from 2 to 4 p.m., they are excelling themselves. Reference to observers’ and listeners’ reports will give a good idea of just what is coming through. It has been decided to print most, all if space permits, reports that are received, rather than have readers wade through a list of countries to find out just what stations are being heard. Stations in Frequency Order. We will also print each alternate month a list of stations in frequency order. This should enable a listener to look up at once any station he is hearing and of which he is doubtful. The list referred to commences with August issue. Stations in "Countries" Form. September issue will carry the stations in “Countries” form. I would appreciate opinions as to how the new system appeals. Since I have been conducting these pages, I have been compelled to chronicle the loss of some of our wellknown and regular transmitters. Unfortunately there are still more to be added to the already formidable list. This month records “Paris Mondial.” Admittedly, we still hear “This is Paris Mondial, the French Government Short Wave Station,” but is it? I venture to suggest that when I heard them on Saturday, June 15, at

2.15 p.m. on 31.51 metres, it was NOT our usual announcer, and am inclined to believe the speaker was NOT a Frenchman. I have heard London say on several occasions, "A Paris radio message says------but this most likely refers to a broadcast band. I do not know whether Berlin has reduced their power of a night, but lately London is heard much earlier, whereas the reverse was the rule, at my location anyway. Call sign of Moscow station on ll,900kc., 25.21m., is RIG. Radio Saigon puts over a Letter Bag session every Tuesday at 8.55 p.m. Radio Saigon Gets Mail from Australia. Judging by names and addresses called last Tuesday, their mail from Australia and New Zealand is of fair proportions. Talking of letters bags, TAP, Ankara (9465kc., 31.70m.), acknowledges letters from listeners on Sunday mornings, following their English talk at 6.50. As is usual in winter time, WBOS (31.35m.) are responsible for the hum that is heard on KZRM (31.35m.) from 8.30 p.m. onwards. N.I.R.O.M. Will QSL. N.I.R.O.M., Batavia, now send a QSL card in addition to a station booklet when verifying correct reports. JZK, Tokyo (15,160kc., 19.79m.), in addition to a special session for Hawaii in English and Japanese from 5 to 6 p.m., also conduct a special hour for the Near East from 1 a.m. to 2 a.m. English, Arabic, Hindustan, Burmese and Japanese are used.

Java. The N.I.R.O.M. (Batavia) seem to be on the air much longer than as previously. In fact, I was told that several of their transm itters are continuously on the air. We have a more than ordinary interest in the Dutch East Indies at present, and I do wish that one of their many news sessions could be put over in English. If you want to hear a signal tune to YD A (61.22rn.) from 9 o’clock onwards. Mr. S. I. Nelson (Cairns, Q.) advises that TAQ, Ankara (19.74m.), is back on the air again and gives news in English at 10.15 p.m. Perhaps this is the reason for the hum on top of DJB at 10 o’clock.

Verification Received. I have received a very dignified QSL card (black script on pink cardboard) from KZRC, “The Voice of Cebu,” “Cebu City, Philippines. It is a verification of my report of March 27. The owners are H. E. Heacock Co., and the card is signed by our old friend, Harry Fenton, as manager. Mr. Fenton will be remembered as the news commentator some time ago on KZRM. Station particulars are: 6100kc., 49.18m., 1000 watts, also long wave (1200kc.), 1000 watts. No time schedule is given, but I understand it to be: 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. Hints On Sending For Verifications. When sending reports to foreign countries, it is well to spell the date out, as, say for example, May 1st. If written as 1/5/40, it would be taken in some countries, particularly America, as January 5, ’40.

Hams. Although American amateurs are forbidden to "talk" to foreign stations, there appears to be plenty on the air that can still be heard. Here is a "bag" from Dr. Gaden: 10 metres: W6- DGE, RDI, PKT, GOQ, SIM, DLW, QLD; W5BB; W7- GMB, W4HRF, K6SHZ, K6TCF. 20 metres: Plenty of W’s, IvA’s and K6’s — too common to list. C02GY, frequently heard, as also KF6JET, KF6JG, K4GMT, K7GMM, KC6HFS (gave 14,330kc.), ..KC6GK (gave 14,325kc.) KC60KS, KG6MU, KG6- PMV. Listeners will see there is quite a lot of sport to be had from the above loggings, as they cover a very wide range and take in a fair amount of territory that is in the limelight at the moment, such as Canton Is., Baker, Howland and Enderburv Is. Jarvis Is. (KG6) is also listed. Dr. Gaden regrets that, his knowledge of Spanish prevented him from deciphering a very strong signal in a talk between a K4 and a “ham” in Buenos Aires. The K4 was R Max.. Q5, and the B.A. R6, Q5.

The Empire A .C. All-wave Three. Tunes continuously from 12.5 to 600 metres. Full description in issue of Dec., 1937.

A New Cuban. Inadvertently, the following par was omitted from last issue:— COCSD, 11.75mc., 25.92m., Havana: 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Reported by Dr. Gaden as weak on opening, but at good strength when closing. Receiving advice from U.S.A. on this new station, I mentioned it in a letter to Dr. Gaden, and sure enough he logged it. The station promised that those sending reports which were verified would be rewarded by view cards and booklets. Address: Senor Batista, P.O. 625. In reporting it, Dr. Gaden said he heard some remarks about call sign COK. The explanation, according to an American mail just to hand, is that they were operating first under the call sign COCSD, but latterly under COK. It is quite probable the station is now off the air, as it was used for the elections.

The Jones' Super-Gainer Two

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(Start Photo Caption) The Jones' Super-Gainer Two, a two-valve shortwave superhet, using a 6F7 and a 79. Full details will be found in July, 1937, issue of "Radio World." Obtainable from this office, price 6d. (End Photo Caption)

P.30 - Shortwave Section - The Month's Loggings

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Official Observer Arthur T. Cushen (Invercargill, N.Z.) writes:— HCJB Ecuador (24.08m.), proud of their new 10,000 watt transmitter, have forwarded a souvenir booklet. They are most anxious for reports from Australia. YSP El Salvador (10,400 kc., 28.85 m.) is being heard well all over N.Z. around 3 p.m. Signals at times are very good. HP5A heard closing with good signals at 2 p.m. COK Havana (11.6mc., 25.92m.) a new station, was heard last month at good signal strength, but, owing to bad modulation and interference has only been identified as the call was hard to p«ck. The address is Box 625, Havana. All verified reports will be acknowledged by free coloured photos of Cuba. (See special note elsewhere.— Ed .). Although signals are weaker, COHI (6.46mc.) is still being heard at 10.30 p.m. CFRX (6.07mc., 49.42m.) was heard on one occasion closing at 2.30 p.m. Station is in Toronto, Canada, and is operated by the Rodger Radio Corp. Reports are asked for and they will QSL with a beautiful postcard. CJRO (6.147mc., 48.78m.), Winnipeg, can be heard with irregular signals closing at 4.30 p.m. WLWO (25.27m.) and WCAB (49.50m.) are both very good. Radio Maroc III. logged at 6.30 a.m. with fair signal. CNP Casablanca (34.13m ) can also be heard with fair signals around 6.30 p.m. FFZ Shanghai (24.83m.), good but lot of interference. TAP Ankara (31.70m ), very good at 7.10 a.m. on Sundays in Letter Bag session. EQC Iran (30.99m.) can be heard around 1 a.m., but is interfered with by VLQ-5. YUA Belgrade (49.18m.), fair signals in English at 7.30 a.m. "Radio Experimental," Bucharest, Rumania (32.46m.) heard with weak signals at 6 a.m. "British" Freedom Station (on 11.96mc., 25.13m.) at 6.30 a.m. Signal good. This can be heard again at 7.30.— Ed.). STOP PRESS KGEI, Treasure Island, San Francisco, is now on 9670kc., 31.02m., from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., but from 9.30 a.m. to 2.15 p.m. on 15,330kc., 19.56m., as usual. Re Mozambique. A letter to hand states they have changed to 30.88m., the station being CR7BE, which was on 9.64mc., and was then badly interfered with. The change was made on March 25. They ask for reports.

Official Observer W. M. Chapman (Sydney) sends along a list of his loggings, together with com m ents:— 13 metres: V ery little value. 16 metres: TPB fa in t; others poor. 19 metres: GSF good forenoon and a fte rnoon. GSI good early evening and a.m . WGEA fa ir a.m . and p.m. KGEI good early afternoon. OAX4R fa ir afte r 7 a.m . Sunday 2R06 good signal a.m . and afternoon. 2R014 good p.m. RV96 quite a strong signal 1 p.m. 20 metres: Station on 20.58m . M ay be German oi* French. French spoken in early forenoon. 24 metres: HCJB still going strong, p.m. 25 metres: GSD strong afternoon and a.m. GSE fa ir a.m . W RUL still good a.m . W PIT fa ir a.m . WCBX fa ir a.m . Radio Saigon strong p.m . RNE strong 7 a.m . HP5A good 10 p.m. PRF5 Brazil, good 8.30 a.m . Sunday. CB1180 fa ir 9.30 p.m. VUD-4 strong p.m. M TCY fiair a.m . JZJ fa ir a.m . and p.m. JVW -3 good p.m. XGOY good p.m. XMHA fa ir p.m. 2R04 strong a.m . IQY strong a.m . Radio Maroc strong 7 a.m . 27 metres: PLP fa ir p.m. CSW-5 good a.m . early. 29 metres: PMN fa ir p.m. 30 metres: TGWA fa ir Sunday afternoons. ZHP good p.m. JIE-3 fa ir late p.m. CR7BE fa ir a.m . 31 metres: GSB good a.m . and afternoon. GSC very good a.m . KGEI good afternoon. TIPG good 10 p.m. KZRM good p.m ., but some nterference. (Probably WBOS.— E d .). KZRH very good p.m. ZBW only fa ir p.m. VUD-2 strong p.m. 2R03 good a.m . and afternoons. 2R09 good a.m . TAP good a.m . RAN good a.m . 41 metres: GSW fa ir afternoon. 2R011 fa ir 7.30 a.m . EAJ-9 fa ir 7 a.m . 44 metres: PMH strong p.m. 49 metres: VQ7LO good 5 a.m . Mr. Chapm an has a verification from Delhi advising correct call sign of station on the old VUM wavelength is VUD-4, and w avelength is 25.28 m etres. (Since this advice they have moved to ll,8 3 0 k c ., 25.36m ., e vidently to get aw ay from WLWO, who strangely enough interfere with Delhi on 31.28m .— E d ).

Official Observer Wm. Bantow ( Edithvale, Vic.) received a letter from Delhi also regarding VUD-4. (See rem arks under M r. Chapm an's report.;— E d .). He also sends a long list of loggings:— North Am erica: WLWO (2 5 .27 m .) strong at 9.30 p.m. (bad heterodyne). 31.28 fa ir 10 a.m ., strong later. WCAB (31.28) fair 10 a.m . W RCA (3 1 .0 2 ) fa ir 10 a.m . KGEI strong 10 p.m. Australia: VLR-3, strong 9.30 a.m . VLW -3 strong 9.30 a.m ., fa ir 8 p.m. VLR strong at night. VLW -2 strong at 10.45 p.m. VLQ-5 strong 5 p.m. 11 p.m ., fades badly. VLQ strong 5 p.m. The East: KZRH (3 1 .1 2 ) fa irly strong (CW in terference). KZRM strong 9.30 p.m. KZRF (4 8 .8 6 ) fa ir 9 p.m. KZRC Cebu strong 8.45 p.m. (Q R M ). JZ K strong 8.45 p.'m. JZJ strong 10.30 p.m ., also at 6.15 a.m . JVW-3 strong 9.30 p.m. ZBW -3 strong 10.30 p.m. VUD-4 fa ir 10 p.m. VUD-2 strong 10.15 p.m. ZH P strong 10 p.m. ZHJ Penang (49.3m .) strong 10.15 p.m. Radio Saigon strong 10 p.m. (interfered by CW some tim e s). XGOY (2 5 .2 1 m .) strong nightly. FFZ (24.8 m .) strong 10.45 p.m. XPSA (4 2 .8 ) fa irly strong 9.30 p.m. XGOZ ( ll,9 2 0 k c ., 2 5.17m .) strong a t 8.30 p.m. A t 9.15 p.m. gave calls as XGOX and XGOV. YDC, YDX and PMH strong. PLP and PMN only fair. X YZ Rangoon (4 9 .94 m .) strong at 12.45 a.m . CSW-7 (3 0 .8 ) fa irly strong at 8.30 a.m . TAP (3 1 .70 ) strong 6.45 to 7.30 a.m . YU A Belgrade (4 9 .1 8 ) fa ir at 7 a.m . RV-96 (31.5m .) strong with English at 6 a.m . and 8 a.m . RV-96 (25.77-m.) fa irly strong in English at 8 a.m . 2RO-3 (3 1 .13 m .) strong with English 7.45 a.m . Changes of Schedule London now gives news at 11 p.m., instead of 11.15. FG8AA (49.00m.), Noumea, is now heard daily, except Sundays, from 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. When closing down, the Marseillaise is played, followed now by “God Save the King.” Europeans in Wonderful Form. Dr. Keith B. Gaden (Tharmogindah, Q.) Here is what Dr. Gaden says about his loggings: "From daylight to d ark the Europeans are in wonderful form , and the U .S.A . and S. A m ericans are well on the improve. From 2 p.m. I found ten worthwhile signals

between XEWW (3 1 .58 m .) and COCQ '3 3 .9 8 m .), all of which sounded like Cubans or S.A .'s. TGWA (3 0 .98 m .) is very nice and clear at 2 p.m ., much better than XEQQ alongside. TG-2 Guatemala, a t R7, Q5, gave its call sign in plain English. A t 2.45 p.m . heard a very powerful South A m erican on approxim ately 31.77m . (Th is was probably HCODA Guyaquil, Ecuador, 9445 kc., 31.77m .— E d .). R E P O R T S W E L C O M E D With the international situation as it now stands, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of European stations, which more than ever are taking advantage of the short-wave prerogative of changing schedule without notice; therefore reports will be welcomed. Even a few words may enable us to identify the “stranger,” of which there seems to be many at the moment. A t 5.30 W LW O (4 9 .5 m .), "T h e N ation's Statio n," closes with a very strong signal. FX8AA opens up nicely at 5.30. (Th is Noumean station which was heard only on W ednesdays and Saturdays, is now on the a ir daily except Sunday.— E d .). A t 6 p.m. w hat I take to be COCH was coming through at great volum e, and what I think was COCW cam e in a t good strength a t 9.40 p.m. Moscow gives a very fine signal a t 2.30 p.m. on 25.75m ., but no English was heard. (Moscow, on 19.76, gives a ta lk in English a t 10.15 a .m ., followed by news in English; reception for the last week has been exce llent.— E d .). H12G Trujillo (9.29m c., 3 2.29m .) opens at 2.30 p.m . with chim es, then a vocal hymn, followed by lady speaker. Q uality of signal is poor. Am ongst the morning stations heard, the following are worthy of m ention:— YUG Belgrade (1 9 .68 m .) is very good at noon. Martinique (30.92m.) opens up a t 8.30 a.m . Session is in French, and is generally gone by 10, although the other day it was quite O .K . at this hour. An Interesting Item. Heard a most interesting item on June 12 from YUC (3 1 .56 m .) at 9 a.m . W hilst the q uality was poor, I was able to learn th at a representative of the N .B.C . was to give a talk. A ll the N .B .C . stations re-broadcast it, and W RCA (3 1 .0 2 ), who are very good at this tim e, put over an R8, Q5 signal. The ta lk , which was certainly worth hearing, dealt with the Yugoslav reaction to Italy's entry into the W ar. Other morning stations a re : PSH Brazil (2 9 .35 m .) good a t 9 a .m ., weakens by 10. PYA-2 Rio de Janiero (3 2 .59 ) poor a t 8 a.m ., fa ir a t 9. PRF5 (2 5 .3 ) was not heard as DJP (2 5 .32 ) is very strong. Just above PYA-2, same strength, is HC2ET Guyaquil (3 2 .6 4 m .). They were heard at 8 a.m . To-day (Ju n e 1 5 ), at 9.5 a.m . on 29m ., were chim es very sim ilar to that of ORK. Q uality was poor. A t 10 a.m . the two C hilian stations, CB-1180 (2 5 .12 m .) and CB-1190 (2 5 .19 m .) were noted and an A sia tic on ap ­ proxim ately 25.18m . (T h is is probably XGOV, "Th e Voice of C h in a ."— E d .). CSW-7 (3 0 .8 ) was still on, but only fa ir; HJFK (3 0 .8 3 ) good and clear. Just above GRX at only fa ir quality wnar was most likely LRA-1 (3 0 .9 6 m .).

W ould especially draw your attention to WBOS (3 1 .35 m .) in their News Flashes at 3.35 p.m ., which are excellent and, as events have turned out, accurate.

  • * *

Mr. S. I. Nelson <AW 577-DX), Cairns, Queensland, sends an interesting report and advises hearing one or two "stra n g e rs." The first w as on 26.2m . and sounded like Spanish closing a t 5.30 p.m. (T h is m ay have been TG5JG Guatemala, who operate on 26.22m ., but who are supposed to go o ff the a ir a t 1.30.— E d .). The second is on 24.15m . and sounded like Russian. T h is closed at 5.45 p.m. (It is quite possible it m ay have been Moscow; they have sprung m any surprises lately as regards frequencies. They are likely to bob up anyw here.— E d .). Several New German Transmitters. Mr. Nelson says he heard several new German transm itters on H itler's birthday. (The two mentioned, v iz ., DXD (2 8 .5 m .) and DZB (29.86m .) are used for transm issions to A m erica. According to m y records the schedule is 9 to 10 a.m . and 6 a.m . to 1.45 p.m ., respectively.— E d .). I used to hear regularly CXA7 Montevideo (2 6 .13 m .) at 10 p.m ., but have not logged them lately. (I th in k they can be heard round about m id-day.— E d .). Some of the best Central and South A m ericans a re : TIPG, HP5A, COCH, COCQ, HP5J, CB1180, HJFK. The two M exicans, XEWW and XEQQ, put in loud signals a t Cairns in the afternoon. A nother -mystery station is on 32.5m . in the m ornings. It is interfered w ith by C .W . and is still on the a ir a t 8 a.m . (T h is is very likely PYA-2 Rio de Janiero, 32.59m .— E d .). The 49 m etre band is never of e n terta in ­ ment level here. O ccasionally it brightens up and a few stations are heard. I have logged the new M anila station, KZRC, "Th e Voice of C eb u," although very w eak here. I have just finished listening to COCQ. They gave an English session from 10 to 10.15 p.m. (S u n d a y). The Russian on 25.77m . w as on mmiimiimmiiiiimiMiiiiimiiiiiimiit WITH THE REPORTERS. With the exception of Tasmania, South Australia and West Australia, reports have reached us from all over Australia and both islands in New Zealand. Those who have helped in th’e compilation of the month’s loggings are:— Official Observers: Arthur T. Cushen, Invercargill, N.Z. W. M. Chapman, Kingsford, Sydney. Wm. Bantow, Edithvale, Victoria. and Dr. Keith Gaden, Tharmogindah, Queensland. Mr. S. I. Nelson, Cairns, Queensland. Mr. Alf. Deppeler, Edmonton, Queensland. Mr. V. W. Curran, Bathurst, N.S.W. Mr. N. E. Gandy, Wellington, N.Z. Sincere thanks are tendered. '1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' the a ir around 2.30 p.m . in p arallel with RNE (2 5 m .). (T h a n k you, Mr. Nelson, glad to welcome you to the D X Club, and w ill look forward to further reports.— E d .). Mr. V. W. Curran (Bathurst, N.S.W.) adv ses having received some nice verifications during last month or so. Here is the list: Vot.can City, W PIT, W RCA, HS8PJ, X YZ , HP59, Addis-Ababa, W RUL, HP5G. The fo rego- ng were in form of QSL cards, while from •: :••• -c re 'eceived letters of confirm a-

  • = f 'eports WLWO, M TCY, VQ7LO, COHI,

CR7BE XPSA and HP5G. (A little m ail a n yone would be proud o f.— E d .). V ' Curran refers to hearing COCH 31.52r- a t 3.25 p.m. on Sunday, when, apar* from usual Cuban type of programm e, a ofrtery w as drawn. He could hear the mart»ies in the barrel while it w as rolled out; I should say rolled round. Figures were c a lled out and checked. The station closed at 6 p - m . Mon— stations are referred to as fo llo w s — SUX, Cairo , (3 8 .1 5 m .) 6 to 6.30. Io4m M fo c <25.1 3 m .), 7 a.m . LRX 31.06m . from 8.23 to 9 a .m ., R7 to R5. W RCA 38.10 to 8.23. I ------ *ere Delhi 31.28 at 1 1 p m . COCX 3 2 .6 ' 11 p .m .; COCO (34.48m ) 10.15 p r ZBW-3 ^ 3 1.4 9 m J, and all M anila stct z^s- YSP 125-85 opened a t II p.m. WLWO KZRC (49.1 m. * X Y Z < 4 9 .9 *n .l„ doses a r 1 a .m .t, R 9; XTC (32.28» opens a t 11 p.m . M r. Curran also refers to the seldom heard HI IN TrvpHo 12 4 9G kc 24.02m as opening c t ' p .— 2ca3SR»3; • Radio Tananarive ooe*~s ct ’ -3C a-r* S O T 1 a.m . as reported. M r. Curran concludes by sa> .ng he received a nice long letter froc- Station HP5G Panama City 25 4~~- sg ned by G . W illiam s, and c sx'v g fo r reoorrs from A u stralia. A s reception ;mpr jv c s. he proposes to put on a special DX programm e. Further particulars c*er Geo. W .i e rrs of HOA and HP5G Panama City, -s the m an who sent the famous signal in 1918 announcing the surrender of the Germ an rligh Sea Fleet in Scapa Flow. He has spent much o f his life in radio work

and has a vast store o f inform ation availab le. He was due to put over a special DX program m e on M onday, June 3 between noon and 1 p.m. Listeners should keep a look out for him. He wants reports, and address is: Box 3 4 , Panam a C ity, Panam a, Central A m erica. Station HOA mentioned is on long waves, 2:34m c.— E d .). Mr. Alf. Deppeler (A W 535-D X), Edmonton, via Cairns, Q., sends a great list of loggings secured on two receivers, a 4 -valve t.r.f. and a 7 -valve all-w ave vibrator. GST, GSJ and GSH are classed as e rratic, some nights being good. (Ju st as I com ­ menced to w rite these notes (9.35 P - m . , June 2 7 ), I turned on the receiver and to m y surprise I found all the three London tran sm itters on 13 metres audible, GSJ being surprisingly good. The signal w as infinitely better than ZHP Singapore, and every word of the B .B .C . news could be heard.— E d .). New Station? Official Observer Wm. Bantow (AW353-DX), Edithvale, Victoria, advises as having heard Szechwan, on ll,920kc., 25.17m., with a strong signal a t 8.30 p.m. At 9.15 p.m. they gave call sign as ZGOX and XGOV. (This station is also heard as ‘'The Voice of China” at 7.30 a.m. with news in English.—Ed.). GSG (1 6 .8 6 ) very scratchy around 9.30 p.m. GSB, GSF and GSD are classed as good, GSF even being heard some nights at 9.30. GRX, GSW and GSA are classed as w eak. (The interval signal on foreign broadcasts is actu ally a metronome.— E d .). GST (2 5 .2 9 ) good at 10.30 a.m . VLR strong at 6.30 p.m . and most o f the night. VLW -3 very strong in early morning and late afternoons. VLW very good nightly. VPD-2 Suva, good a t 8.30 p .m .; FK8AA (4 9 m .) fa ir 6.20 p.m .; 2RO-3 (3 1 .1 3 ) good between 4 and 5 p.m. 2RO-20 (1 6 .87 m .) heard a t 1.30 p.m . on Sunday in special broadcast to U.S^A. 2RO-4 (2 5 .4 0 m .) good a t 8.15 a.m . M r. Deppeler finds most o f the German transm itters O .K ., p articu larly DJL (1 9 .85 m .) a t 3.15 p.'m. YDC, PLP, JZ K , JVW -3, KZRM , ZBW, KZRH and YDX are all classed as good to very good. RW96 (1 9 .7 6 ) very loud in afternoon. (In ­ cid entally, this is one of the loudest stations on the a ir at 8.30 a.m ., when news in English is given.— E d .). W NBI, W PIT, EAQ, TAP, COCQ and RNE good. (T h an ks, M r. Deppeler, hope to hear from you ag ain .— E d .). Mr. N. E. Gandy < Wellington, N.Z.) sends another fine list o f loggings, and it would appear most of the stations received in A u stra lia are being heard across the T a sm a r. Best reception tim es are 5-30 to 8 a.m . 10.30 a.m . to 1 p.m ., 2 .30 p.m . to 5 p.m. A fte r th at, things are patchy. The difference in ti'me helps N .Z ., as they get an hour and a h a lf with CFRX (2 5 .60 ) on Sunday a fte rnoons, 3 to 4.30 p.m. (5 to 6.30 .Z . . London, Rome, A m erica and the East all give fine signals, w hile the South Am ericans, as well as Central A m erica, are all given good reports. T6PG Costa Rica (31.19m .) is specially m entioned, as also is OAX4J Peru (32.12m . . Manila is being heard well, KZRM and K ZIB having choice of place. Regret th at pressure of space prevents list being given in full. (A lw ays glad to hear from the North Island. Please w rite again, Mr. Gandy.— E d .).

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