History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1941 01

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Vol. 5 - JANUARY, 1941 - No. 8

P.03 - Contents

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Countryman's Six . . . . 5

Xmas Portable . . . . 23

Push-Pull Proposition . . . . 43


Scott Communications Receiver . . . . 13

How to Use the "Radio World" A. W. Oscillator . . . . 17

An Interesting Circuit from Western Australia . . . . 20

The "Lilley" Amplifier . . . . 29

The 1940 Circuits . . . . 30

Dobson's Amplifier . . . . 41

A Novelty Set . . . . 51

New Laboratory Service . . . . 55


Latest Kriesler Release . . . . 49

Two Attractive Receivers from S.T.C. . . . . 53

Fan Disc Locking Washers Now Available . . . . 54

City Store's Entry into Manufacturing Trade . . . . 54

Spitfire Dial . . . . 54

New Philips Valve Booklet . . . . 54


Review . . . . 32

Loggings . . . . 35


Answers to Readers' Problems . . . . 57

P.03 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by A. G. Hull. Editorial offices, 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone MA2455.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand.

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietor of the "Australasian Radio World," 117 Reservoir St., Sydney (Footnote P.60)

P.04 - Editorial Notes

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Rapidly drawing to a close, the year 1940 has been full of interest to me. Cutting adrift from the "old firm" after ten years, it was a big step to take over the "World," especially in such troublous times. Fortunately, the venture has been a grand success, and with the valuable assistance of Earl Read, have been able to make a lot of progress. With the New Year looming up, however, thoughts turn to New Year resolutions. To stand still is to go backwards, and so we have in mind several ideas which we expect to improve the style of the paper. Maybe a few of these will share the usual fate of New Year resolutions, but let us hope that some of them will be found practical. Day by day, it seems to be indicated more clearly that deeper and deeper technical articles will be required to satisfy the demand from radio engineers, servicemen and enthusiasts who are all progressing at a fast rate. A couple of years ago, our readers were interested in articles on how to use a multi-meter, then they became interested in using oscillators, then valve and circuit testers. It looks as though, in the New Year, they will be interested in cathode ray oscilloscopes, having already obtained and mastered the simpler test equipment. Advertising is likely to follow a similar trend, as most of our readers already possess the simpler types of receivers and test equipment. They are now interested in more advanced circuit designs and in more advanced test equipment. We feel that, in this progress, we must set the pace, and so that is one of our modest (?) New Year resolutions. Another resolution is to go into the matter of posting out all copies in flat envelopes instead of rolling or folding. We know that it is much nicer to open up a magazine after it has been posted flat, and the only real drawback to the scheme is the cost of the necessary envelopes. As is to be expected in the highly specialised field we cover, our direct subscribers are a big proportion of our total circulation and the bill for the envelopes, even at less than a half-penny each, would be quite beyond us. It seems, therefore, that an extra charge of 6d. per annum will be necessary for this special posting service. A. G. HULL.

P.05 - Constructional - Countryman's Six

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P.13 - General Technical - Scott Communications Receiver

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P.17 - General Technical - How to Use the "Radio World" A. W. Oscillator

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P.20 - General Technical - An Interesting Circuit from Western Australia

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P.23 - Constructional - Xmas Portable

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P.29 - General Technical - The "Lilley" Amplifier

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P.30 - General Technical - The 1940 Circuits

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P.32 - Short-wave Section - Review

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P.35 - Short-wave Section - Loggings

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P.41 - General Technical - Dobson's Amplifier

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P.43 - Constructional - Push-Pull Proposition

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P.49 - Trade Parade - Latest Kriesler Release

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P.51 - General Technical - A Novelty Set

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P.53 - Trade Parade - Two Attractive Receivers from S.T.C.

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P.54 - Trade Parade - Fan Disc Locking Washers Now Available

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P.54 - Trade Parade - City Store's Entry into Manufacturing Trade

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P.54 - Trade Parade - Spitfire Dial

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P.54 - Trade Parade - New Philips Valve Booklet

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P.55 - General Technical - New Laboratory Service

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P.57 - Speedy Query Service - Answers to Readers' Problems

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