History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1941 02

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Vol. 5 - FEBRUARY, 1941 - No. 9.

P.03 - Contents

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The Club Special . . . . 11

Local-Tone Four . . . . 13

The Standard Crystal Set . . . . 30


Compensated Acoustics . . . . 5


Counter Checkers . . . . 29

Two Mullard Portables . . . . 28

Free Foxradio Order Pads . . . . 28

Mullard Valve Chart Reprinted . . . . 28


Loggings . . . . 18


Answers to Readers' Problems . . . . 33

P.03 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by A. G. Hull. Editorial offices, 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone MA2455.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand.

P.03 - Editorial Notes

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As regards the number of pages, this issue is not up to our standard, due mainly to the holiday season spreading over into the New Year. Paper rationing makes it impossible for us to waste paper, so we have cut down on this issue. By doing so we allow ourselves ample paper for a bumper March issue. Several feature articles have not been quite ready for this February issue and have been held over. The March "Radio World" should be easily the biggest and best issue ever produced. Getting back to this February issue, however, the quality of the editorial matter should go a long way towards making up for the lack of quantity. Our feature article, dealing with every aspect of circuits to provide compensated acoustics, is surely one of the finest and most comprehensive technical articles ever published in Australia. The many factors involved are covered by an engineer who really knows his subject. We make no apology for the length of this article, for we feel sure that it contains valuable information which will be appreciated by all radio designers and enthusiasts. A. G. HULL

P.05 - General Technical - Compensated Acoustics

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P.11 - Constructional - The Club Special

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P.13 - Constructional - Local-Tone Four

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P.18 - Short-wave Section - Loggings

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The Month's Loggings


AUSTRALIA AND OCEANIA The Department of Information can feel justifiably proud of the short-wave broadcasts to overseas. The letters I have seen, particularly from America, speak in eulogistic terms of the service, and the A.B.C. and the Postmaster-General's Department must feel equally pleased with the kind references to the quality of the transmissions. Listeners have probably noted that the transmissions are now directed to New Caledonia, French Oceania, North-East Asia, South-East Asia, North America, Latin America, South Africa, the British Isles and the A.I.F. in Palestine. The transmissions to Europe were discontinued some time ago. VLQ-8, Sydney . 17,800kc, 16.85m Very good from 7.05 to 7.50 a.m. in Transmission VIII. to Latin America, in which news and a talk in Spanish is heard. Strong 7.30 a.m. (Beattie, Gaden. Taylor). VLQ-7, Sydney . 1,880kc, 25.25m Excellent qt 5 a.m. and 6.30 a.m. (Cushen, Keats). Strong 8.15 to 8.45 a.m. (Bantow, Flegg). Excellent at 4 p.m. (Cushen, Deppeler, Knewstubb, Nelson, Beattie, Mitchellhill, Gaden). Schedule: Trans, V. to North America, 1.25 to 2.10 a.m.; Trans. VII. to British Isles, 6.25 to 7 a.m.; Trans. IX. to North America, 7.55 to 8.45 a.m.; Trans. X. to North America, 3.55 to 4.45 p.m.; Trans. to A.I.F. in Palestine, 5 to 5.30 a.m. VLQ-2, Sydney 1,870kc, 25.27m .Schedule: Trans. I. to North-East Asia, 9.40 to 10.15 p.m. Trans. IV. to South-East Asia, 1.10 p.m. to 12.45 a.m. Several reports have come in for loggings previous to above schedule, so are not shown for obvious reasons. VLR-7, Lyndhurst 1,840kc, 25.33m Schedule: Relays A.B.C. National programmes from 6.30 a.m. to 6.15 p.m. Good reliable day signal (all reporters). VL W-3, Wanneroo 1,830kc, 25.36m Schedule: 8.30 a.m. to 1.45 a.m.; 1.30 p.m. to 8.45 p.m.; Sundays, 9 a.m. to 2.15 p.m.; 3 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. Good in afternoons (all reporters). VLQ-5, Sydney . 9680kc, 30.99m Trans. Il. to North America, 10.20 to 1.05 p.m.; Trans. VI. to South Africa, 4.10 to 4.45 a.m. Strong at 10.15 p.m. (Nelson, Bantow, Stanke, Flegg, Taylor, Beattie, Knewstubb, Cushen). (Understand this frequency now used for A.I.F. in Great Britain from 5 to 5.30 p.m. -Ed.) VLQ, Sydney 9615kc, 31.2m Trans. to A.I.F. in Great Britain, 5 to 5.30 p.m.; Trans. I. to New Caledonia and French Oceania, 6.25 to 7.25 p.m.; Trans. to A.I.F. in Palestine, 5 to 5.30 a.m. Good from 5 to 5.30 p.m. (Deppeler, Keats, Flegg, Taylor, Knewstubb). Strong at 10.15 p.m. (Barlow, Stanke, Nelson, Beattie, Callender). VLR, Melbourne . 9580kc, 31.32m Relays A.B.C. programme from 6.30 p.m. till midnight. Good at night (all reporters). VL W-2, Wanneroo 9560kc, 31.38m Trans. IV. to South-East Africa, 1.10 p.m. to 12.45 am. Good nightly (Nelson, Flegg, Knewstubb, Beattie, Keats, Callender, Gaden, Taylor), VLW-5, Wanne.roo 6180kc, 48.54m Trans. VI. to South Africa, 4.10 a.m. to 4.45 a.m. Heard at R6 at 4.10 a.m. (Cushen, Gaden). Fiji: VPD-2, Suva . 9535kc. 31.46m Have heard of an afternoon, but poor quality (Schooth, Knowstubb). Very good at an evening (Beattie, Taylor, Flegg, Nelson, Schooth, Gaden). Being received better thon any Aussie (Gandy). New Caledonia: FK8AA, Noumea . 6130kc, 48.94m Fair around 5.45 p.m. (Deppeler, Knewstubb). Putting in a nice signal lately, and seam to have landed some good and new records (Schooth). (Schedule is: 5.30 to 6.30 p.m. -Ed.) Radio Pacifique, Noumea . 4050kc, 74.07m Heard testing at night, R7 (Taylor). AFRICA Algeria: TPZ, Algiers 12,120kc, 24.76m These people when announcing at 6.25 a.m. appear to say, "Ici Radio d' Algee," give wavelength, also refer to 33.46m and Radio Maroc, 25.13m (Muller, Cushen). (I saw their schedule given as 5 to 7.30 a.m., but they seem to me to close at any time between 6.15 and 6.30 and open up again at 7. -Ed) Heard at good strength every mrnin'i (Cushen, Gaden, Taylor, Keats, Nelson). Good at 6 p.m. (Gaden). TPZ-2, Aigiers 8960kc, 33.48m Same remarks apply re schedule. Strong at 6 a.m. (Nelson, Taylor, Beattie, Keats). Good at 6 p.m. (Gaden). Belgian Congo: OPM, Leopoldville 10,140kc, 29.59m Still good at 5 a.m. (Cushen, Nelson, Flegg, Gaden, Taylor, Keats). Good till closing at 5.45 a.m. (Beattie). Said the other morning, operating simultaneously on 19.67, 25.58, 31.40 and 49.42m (Muller). Egypt: SUX, Cairo . 7865kc, 38.15m Heard regularly with good signal when opening at 4.30 a.m. (Knewstubb). Still good signal till 6.30 a.m. (Nelson, Taylor). French Equatorial Africa: FZI, Brazzaville . 1,965kc, 25.06m Now very weak at 6.30 a.m. ,but audible as late as 7 a.m. (Cushen, Nelson, Taylor, Beattie, Keats, Gaden). Think I heard them one afternoon about 4 p.m. (Beattie, Schooth). (Some time ago FZ1 announced they were on at 4 p.m. a,nd 1 p.m. -Ed.) Morning schedule is 6 to 7. Announced this morning (January 28) that as and from February 1 will be giving an English session from 5.45 a.m, direct to U.S.A. (Muller). French Morocco: CNR -2, Rabot . 1,940kc, 25.13m Heard quite well at 4 p.m. (Beattie). Morning schedule is 4 to 7.--Ed. French West Africa: Senegal: FGA, Dakar (9405kc, 31.90m) Very weak at 5.15 a.m. (Gaden, Cushen, Perkins). R7 at 7 a.m. (Taylor, Keats). Talks in English that were heard every Wednesday and Saturday at 7 a.m, and lately every day seem to hove been discontinued. Fair signal till 7.15 (Nelson). Gold Coast: British West Africa: ZOY, Accra 4915kc, 61.04m See particulars under New Stations in this issue. South Africa: Kenya: VQ7LO, Nairobi .. 6083kc, 49.31 m Good at 4 a.m, with news (Taylor, Cushen, Gaden). Portuguese East Africa: Mozambique: CR78E, Lourenco Marques 9710kc, 30.9m Excellent signal daily (Nelson, Gaden, Keats). Schedule is: 5 to 7 a.m. except Mondays. News, 5.55. CR7AA, Lourenco Marques . 6035kc, 49.75m Badly interfered with at 4.30 am. (Cushen). Natal: ZRO, Durban 9750kc, 30.75m Fair signal, closes at 7 a.m, after relaying B.B.C. news (Nelson). Spanish Morocco: Rodio Falange, Tangiers . 7090kc, 42.31 m 6 to 8 a.m. All Spanish; pretty good signal (Muller). CJR, Tangiers . kc, 31 m band Heard on January 6 at 1.25 p.m. closing at 1.35. Announced in English (Cállender). (Unfortunately Mr. Callender omitted to mention frequency. —Ed.) Tunisia: Radio Tunis, Tunis . 15,650kc, 19.17m May be heard between 2.30 and 6 am. See Station Particulars.

AMERICA Central: Costa Rica: TIPG, San Jose . 9620kc, 31.19m Still reliable, closes at 2.30 p.m. (Cushen, Knewstubb). Excellent signal at 10 p.m. (Nelson, Taylor, Gaden, Keats). I concur. — Ed. TIEP, San Jose . 6695kc, 44.82m Not so good at 10 p.m. (Gaden). El Salvador: YSPA, San Salvador . 10,400kc, 28.55m Hardly audible at 1 p.m. —Keats. Note change in coll-sign.----Ed. YSPB, San Salvador .. 6575kc, 45.63m This is a new station often in chain with YSP. Signal good. Heard closing with march at 3 p.m. (Cushen). Guatemala: TG WA, Guatemala City .. (5,170kc, 19.79m R7 on occasions (Cushen). Good tilt 8.15 Monday mornings, sometimes later (Nelson, Beattie, Taylor, Gaden). TGSJG, Guatemala City . 1,440kc, 26.22m Heard on January 6 from 3.30 to 4 p.m., but signal spoilt by Morse station (Schooth). TG WA, Guatemala City . 9658kc, 30.98m Still being heard at 3 p.m. (Knewstubb, Goden). Heard or good strength till 7 p.m. on January I (Nelson). Panama: HP5G, Panama City . 1,780kc, 25.47m Heard testing at 4 p.m. on 1,775kc. Announced HP5G and HOA testing in Panama, Republic of Panama (Cushen). HP5A, Panama City Only heard weakly now after 10 p.m. (Ne) - son, Godeo). (Almost inaudible at Randwick. —Ed.) HP5J, Panama City 9607kc, 31.22m Weak, now, after 10 p.m. (Nelson, Gaden, Keats). Schedule: 10 p.m. till midnight. HP5K, Colon . 6005k.c, 49.97m North: WCBX, New York . 21,570kc, 13.91 m R5 after midnight (Taylor). WCBX, New York . 17,830kc, 16.81 m R7 at 1 p.m. (Taylor, .Keats). WNBI, Boundbrook 17,780kc, 16.87m Not as strong in the mornings as formerly (Beattie, Keats, Gaden). WRU W, Boston . 15,350kc, 19.54m Fair in morning (Beattie, Gaden). Schedule: 5 to 8.35 a.m. News at 6.30 and 7.30 a.m. KGEI, 'Frisco . 15,330kc, 19.56m Have heard this open weakly at 10 a.m. (GacJeni. Heard sometimes from 1.30 p.m. with fair to weak signals (Schooth, Keats, Gaden, Beattie, Nelson). Not very loud but always audible (Cushen, Taylor,. WGEA, Schenectady . 15,330kc, 19.56m Very good at 7 a.m. (Stanke, Taylor,. Beattie, Gaden, Knewstubb, Nelson, Keats). WCBX, New York . 15,270kc, 19.63m Weak at 7.30 a.m. (Taylor, Gaden, Keats). WL WO, Cincinnati 15,250kc, 19.67m Excellent in mornings (Gaden, Beattie. Schooth, Deppeler, Knewstubb, Nelson, Callender, Keats). WPIT, Pittsburg . 15,210kc, 19.72m Heard occasionally at 1 p.m. (Knewstubb, Taylor, Keats, Gaden). KKZ, Bolinas 13,690kc, 21.93m Sundays at 2 p.m. (Taylor, Keats).

WPIT, Pittsburg 1,870kc, 25.26m Heard opening at 6 a.m.; good (Deppeler, Beattie, Keats, Taylor). Nice and clear in 9 a.m. News (Gaden). Excellent signal Sun- . day afternoons (Cushen). Schedule: 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. —Ed. WCBX, New York . 11,830kc, 25.36m) : Opens at 4.30 a.m. with News (Cushen, Flegg, Beattie). Latin-America trans. at 7.30 (Nelson). WRUL, Boston . 1,790kc, 25.45m General opinion is: Best American signal on any band. 5 a.m. to 8.35 a.m. (Cushen, Knewstubb, Flegg, Beattie, Gaden, Rogers, Bantow, Stanke), Good news commentary ,at 6.30 a.m. (Deppeler). WBOS, Boston l',870kc. 25.26m Heard opening at 7 a.m. Very good (Goden). (That upsets my WPIT schedule. —Ed.) WRU W, Boston 1,730kc, 25.58m Heard weakly at 12.30 p.m. broadcasting President Roosevelt's speech (Nelson). Strong, 10 a.m. News (Gaden, Keats). WL WO, Cincinnati . 1,710kc, 25.62m Very good on opening at 8.15 a.m. )Flegg, Beattie, Keats, Taylor). Going well at 10 a.m. (Gaden). KGEI, 'Frisco . 9670kc, 31.02m While general opinion is that signal is poor, there are signs of improvement. Opens at 4 p.m. when WRCA closes and is on till 6 p.m. with good signal, but interfered with by DJ W, 31.09m (Schooth, Gaden, Keats). Just audible at 6 p.m., very disappointing (Knewstubb, Nelson). Bit of a washout in afternoon, but improving (Deppeler). Back here and very poor at 4 p.m. (Cushen). R6 at 5 p.m. Good at 10 p.m. 'Nelson). Seems to have dropped Mail-bag; cood at midnight (Cushen, Flegg, Taylor). Dr. Gaden says, "Improved after 4, ard by 6 full of Pep." WRCA, Boundbrook 9670kc, 31.02m Rivals WRUL in volume, excellent on Sundays till o few minutes to 4 p.m. (Cushen, Schooth, Knewstubb, Gaden, Taylor, Beattie). WCBX, New York . 9650kc, 31.09m Fairly strong a.m. (Bantow, Stanke, Nelson, Flegg, Beattie). • WL WO, Cincinnati . 9590kc, 31.28m Very weak of an afternoon ISchooth, Beattie, Bantow, Stanke). Somewhat weakened; good Mail-bag session at 4 p.m. on Sundays, conducted by Lon Clark (Cushen, Knewstubb I

WCAB, Philadelphia 9590kc, 31.28m Seems to have gone (Cushen). WBOS, Boston 9570kc, 31.36m These people seem to have gone also (Cusherii. (Last mail brought news that they would soon be on the air again. —Ed.) WGEO, Schenectady 9530kc, 31.48m Fine 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. (all reporters). Good strength 6.30 onwards. (Excellent at Randwick at 6.30 and 8.40 a.m. —Ed.) KEI, Bolinas 9490kc, 31.61 m Good when on (Knewstubb). WCBX, New York 6170kc, 48.62m Good in closing at 6 p.m. (Knewstubb, Taylor). This is interesting, as they are only shown in latest odvices as operaeing tor 90 minutes, from 1.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. ES T., or 2.30 to 4 p.m. our time. —Ed.) WCAB, Philadelphia . 6060kc, 49.5m Not as loud as WCBX (Knewstubb). R7 in late afternoon (Taylor). Mexico: XEQQ, Mexico City . 9680kc, 30.99m Excellent (Cushen, Gaden). Fair, but stays on longer than XE W W (Knewstubb). Fair signal sometimes as late as 5 p m. (Nelson, Keats). XE W W, Mexico City .. 9503kc, 31.57m Good from 3.30 p.m. (Schooth, Nelson, Taylor, Keats, Beattie. Gaden, Knewstubb). Excellent at 5 p.m. Better than GSB (Cushen, Deppeler). XEXA, Mexico City . 6180kc, 48.54m Heard till after 6 p.m. on Xmas Day (Cushen). South: Brazil: PSE, Rio de Janiero 14,935kc, 20.08m Thursdays round about 7.15 a.m. (Gaden, Keats, Taylor). PSH, Rio de Janiero . . 10,220kc, 29.35m Very nice at 9 a.m. iGaden). British Guiana: VP3BG, Georgetown . 6130kc, 48.94m This country is in the news again, so maybe this seldom-reported station will bob up again. Seems to be best in winter time round about 7.15 a.m. Ecuador: HCJB, Quito 12,460kc, 24.08m Hardly audible now at noon (Cushen, Taylor). Fair signal from approximately 9.50 to 1 p.m. (Nelson, Beattie). (Mr. Nelson's time is the new schedule. —Ed.)

CB-1180, Santiago 1,945kc, 25.12m Mr. Schooth, of Brisbane, advises it is fair when not drowned by morse. CD-1190, Valdivia .. 1,910kc, 25.19m Very good at 9.45 p.m. (Gaden). CB-1170, Santiago . 1,700kc, 25.64m Can still be heard after 7 a.m. (Gaden). CB-970, Valparaiso . 9730kc, 30.83 m Only reliable Chinon; good till 2.30 p.m. (Cushen ). R6 early morning (Taylor). ¡ From 10 p.m. splendid at my listening post. —Ed.) Peru: OAX5C, coI .. 9430kc, 31.82 m Good in afternoon (Schooth, Taylor. Godeni. Uruguay: CXA-8, Montevideo . _ 9640kc, 31.12m R7 at 4 p.m. Sundays (Taylor). CXA-19, Montevideo . . 1,705kc, 25.63 m Quite good at 7 a.m. (Keats). (This is the earliest this station has been reported. — Ed.) THE EAST Burma: XYZ, Rangoon . 6007kc, 49.94m Fa ny strong at times. News at 12.30 a.m. (Bantow, Cushen, Taylor). XZZ, 3490kc, 86.00m In parallel with XYZ (Taylor). China: XGOX, Chungking .. 15,190kc, 1975 m Fair at 7 a.m. (Gandy). Have logged at mid-day, but only fair signal (Schooth). Heard in English News at 5.20 p.m. (Deppeler, Beattie, Keats). Owing to pressure on space, we have been compelled to omit Germany, Russia, Italy, Cuba, Dutch East Indies, French Indo China, Hong Kong, Phillipines and Notes From My Diary. FFZ, Shanghai 12,090kc, 24.83 m Fair at 10 p.m. (Nelson. Flegg, Deppeler, Gaden, Bontow, Hastings, Taylor, Knewstubb, Keats). (At times, when free of morse interference, bursts of excellence. — Ed.) XGRS, Shanghai 12,030kc, 24.93 m "The Voice of Europe," notwithstanding announcement that they are on 25.25 m, is just about here and the signal is very good. As before, definitely anti-British. Just before German session, announce "Deutscher Rundfunk Sender Shanghai." —Ed. Much better on this wave-length (Muller, Schooth, Nelson). Com mence English concert at about 7.12 p.m. and announce 25.25 (Hallett). Very st,ong on this frequency (Goden). Address is: 3 Great Western Road. XGRS, Shanghai .. 1,910kc, 25.15m Prior to change was reported by: Hastings, Schooth, Gandy, Knewstubb, Flegg, Beattie, I aylor, Keats. XGOY, Shanghai 1,900kc, 25.2I m News at 8.15 p.m. (Beattie). Strong at 9.15 p.m. (Gaden, Nelson, Keats, Taylor, Knewstubb, Bantow, Stanke, Gandy, Flegg, Hastings). XMHA, Shanghai 1,885kc, 25.24m Note change in frequency. Hère is another Shanghai station that has improved with a change in wave-length. Very strong now (Gaden, Muller). XGOK, Canton 1,605kc, 25.75 m Strong each night (Hastings, Schooth, Nelson, Hogg, Goden, Taylor, Keats, Beattie). News at 10.30 p.m. —Ed.) XGOA-XGOY, Chungking . 9710kc, 30.9m Now heard well nightly. Both call-signs given (Nelson). Good at 12.15 a.m. (Flegg, Knewstubb I . XPSA, Kweiyang 8540kc, 35.10m Opens at 9.15 p.m. Terrific signal (Knewstubb, Nelson, Beattie, Keats, Gaden). XGOY, Chungking . 9635kc, 31.14m Note slight change in frequency. Midnight to 12.55 a.m. News at 12.30 a.m. XHHB, Shanghai 7970kc, 37.6 m Being reported again, but have riot verified

my report of last January (Cushen). Heard occasionally (Keats). Portuguese China: CRY-9, Macao . 6080kc, 49.34m Weak Monday nights. Hastings, Taylor, Rogers. Almost blotted out by morse Cushen. Thai: HS6PJ, Bangkok . 19,020kc, 15.72m Good station on Monday nights from 1 p.m. till 1 a.m. (Nelson, Taylor, Keats,. HSP5, Bangkok 1,715kc, 25.61 m Fair signa), but interference bed (Nelson, Taylor, Keats, Flegg). Mr. Pepin, Maylands, W.A., advises hearing Thai on 32 metres, but gives no time. This would be a new frequency for them. We used to hear them on 7968kc, 37.65m, nightly with exception of Mondays. GREAT BRITAIN "This is London calling; you are listening to a News Bulletin in the overseas service ot the British Broadcasting Corporation." What comforting words —a sure sign all's well. It you should detect a slight weariness when Robert Harris or Bob Dougall (the latter says he never exceeds 120 words per minute) are reading the News, there is some justification for it. Do you know the conditions under which the B.B.C. staff are compelled to work? At 10.30 each night a uniformed officer requests quiet from everyone, and in the great concert hall at Broadcasting House —women on one side, men on the other — with curtains between them, settle down to snatch what rest they can, or what repose is possible during a bombing raid. But there are others who are not sleeping; they are telling America from midnight till 6 a.m, what is happening in London. And right through the night news in every language is going out on the air, telling the truth, the truth that many a European risks the death penaity to hear, now going out in thirty foreign languages, occupying 144 hours a week in the telling, as compared to 16 languages, taking 66* hours, a year ago. And then there is the staff preparing short snappy programmes of light entertainment. And, don't forget, the choice of entertainment is the result of a world-wide questionnaire, so if it does not please you, somebody, and presumably a large number, asked for it. And all the time the engineers ore keeping the transmitters on the air — "This is London calling. Here is the News." GST 21,550kc, 13.92m Excellent at 9 p.m. (Gaden, Flegg, Beattie, Keats, Taylor). GSH 21,470kc, 13.97m Fair after 9.30 p.m. (Gandy, Gaden, Nelson, Taylor, Keats, Beattie). GSV 17,810kc, 16.84m Splendid at 10 p.m. (Stanke, Flegg, Beattie, Keats, Taylor). GSG 17,790kc, 16.86m Fair after 9.30 p.m. (Gaden, Gandy, Deppeler, Taylor, Keats, Beattie, Schooth, Nelson). (Definitely going off. —Ed.) GSP 15,310kc, 19.60m Good in morning (Stanke, Schooth, Taylor, Flegg, Keats). Weakest of the Daventry stations at 6 p.mf (Beattie).

Good after 5 p.m. (Gandy, Schooth). Loud at night (Nelson, Keats, Taylor). GS0 15,180kc, 19.76m Good from 9-11 p.m. (Keats). • GSF 15,140kc, 19.82m One of the best signals on the dial (all reporters) . I Excellent at 1 p.m. —Ed. GSE 1,860kc, 25.29m Good afternoon and night (all reporters). GSN 1,820kc, 25.38m Very good, 6.30 to 7 a.m. (Gaden). Good at night (Beattie, Taylor, Keats). GSD 1),750kc, 25.53m Splendid whenever on all reporters). Best transmitter in 8.55 p.m. to midnight session (Gaden, Nelson). (In this I thoroughly concur.--Ed.) GRX 9690kc, 30.96m Very good in. late evenings (Schooth, Nelson, Keats, Taylor, Gaden). Fair strength in European service at 6.30 p.m. (Deppeler). (I think this transmitter is now dispensed with in evening session. —Ed.) GRY 9600kc, 31.25m Very good early morning (Flegg, Keats, Taylor, Gaden). (This is the African session from 5.30 a.m. to 8.25 a.m. It is also heard from 8.55 to 10 p.m. —Ed.) Fair 9 p.m. (Beattie). GSC 9580kc, 31.32m Very good 6.30 to 7 a.m. (Gaden, Keats). Good in evening (Flegg, Beattie, Taylor). GSB 9510kc, 31.55m Excellent from 5 p.m. (Schooth, Gandy, Deppeler, Nelson, Keats, Beattie, Callender, Flegg, Taylor). •'U" for unity. Appears to open at midnight. Very loud, but morse often on top (Hallett, Muller). (Not certain, but think this is on in afternoon in Italian session. -- Ed.) GS W 7230kc, 41.49m Seems to have been discontinued. 7132kc, 42.06m Heard at 6 a.m. (Muller).- GR W 6140kc, 48.82m Another that appears to have become silent. GSL 6110kc, 49.10m Midnight to 2.30 a.m. Very good in mornings (Muller). Schedule is: Midnight to 8.30 a.m. (Cushen). One of the loudest and clearest of the morning stations.---Ed. GSA 6050kc, 49.59m Excellent (Schooth, Taylor). Schedule: 3.30 to 8 p.m., midnight to 2.30 a.m., 2.55 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. EUROPE Holland: PCV, Amsterdam 18,070kc, 16.6m Only noise on carrier now audible (Nelson, Keats, Gaden, Beattie). PCJ-2, Huizen 15,220kc, 19.71 m Opens at 9.30 p.m. (Nelson, Gaden, Bantow, Stonke, Taylor, Keats, Beattie). (Subject to the swirling noise on PCV.—Ed.) Italy: (Source of supply counted as Rome) IR W 19,520kc, 15.37m Very good with News at 1.35 p.m. (Flegg, Keats, Beattie).

Vatican City: HVJ 15,120kc, 19.84m Still puts over "Cheerio" on a Friday afternoon (Schooth). HVJ 6190kc, 48.47 m R6 in mornings (Taylor). (English session is: 5.15 to 5.30. —Ed.) Portugal: CTV-2, Monsanto .. 1,148kc, 26.91 m Heard at 3 a.m. one morning going at lull strength (Gaden). (This is fine business cnd a new one to our readers. —Ed.) CS W-6, Lisbon . 1,040kc, 27.17 m Very good at 5 a.m. (Cushen, Taylor, Beattie, Knewstubb, Fleag I. Best on any band at 6 a.m. (Keats). CS W-7, Lisbon 9740kc, 30.8 m Fairly good at 7 a.m.; lot of C. W. (Nelson, Flegq, Keats, Beattie, Gaden). Roumania: Radio Bucharest . 9245kc, 32.45 m Weak at 6 a.m. (Keats). Now closes at 6.30. —Ed.) Spain: EAQ, Madrid 9860kc, 30.43 m R4 in mornings (Knewstubb, Nelson, Keats). EAJ-9, Malaga 7220kc, 41.55m Very good in mornings (Schooth). Radio Espagna, San Sebastian, 7210kc. 41.6 m Fair at 6.30 a.m. (Nelson). Radio Malaga, Malaga . 7120kc, 42.1 m Someti mes heard at fair strength at 6.30 a.m. (Nelson). Switzerland: HBH, Geneva 18,480kc, 16.23 m R7 at midnight on Fridays (Taylor, Keats). Radio Suisse, Schwarzenburg, 1,870kc, 25.28 m R7 at 10 p.m. (Taylor, Beattie). Radio Suisse, Schwarzenburg, 6165kc, 48.66m Not heard during lost week. —Ed Yugoslavia: YUF, Belgrade ..15,240kc, 19.68 m Still heard with fair signals from 5 to 6 p.m. (Beattie, Nelson, Taylor, Keats). Not heard lately (Schooth). Hear These Stations Yourself e Build the... CLUB SPECIAL Fully described in next month's issue • ORDER YOUR COPY NO W! YUC, Belgrade 9505kc, 31 56m R7 at 6.30 a.m. (Taylor). SCANDI NAVIA Norway: LKQ, Oslo . 1,735kc, 25.57 m Not as good in the mornings as o few weeks ago (Schooth, Taylor, Keats). Heard very weakly at 4 p.m. (Beattie, Keats). MISCELLANEOUS Arabia: ZNR, Aden 12,110kc, 24.76m Heard from 3 to 3.35 a.m. R6, Q4 (Cushen, N Z.). Later: Only heard once at good strength. Very weak now (Cushen). (This was erroneously shown in last issue as: From 1) p.m. —Ed.) Canada: CKFX, Vancouver 6070kc, 49.42m Heard best at 5 p.m., closes at 5.30 on week days, 7 p.m. on Sundays (Cushen). Greece: SVJ, Athens .. 9825kc, 30.54 m Mr. Taylor, of Mosman, says he is hearing this station RS at midnight.

SV M, Athens .. 9935kc, 30.196m Heard on January 18 at 6.19 a.m, announcement in English, "This is Athens. We will open again to-morrow at 8 p.m. Station left air at 6.20 a.m. IMullerl. Later: 5.45 to 6 a.m. in English. Territic signa). — Ed. SV:M, Athens . 7075kc, 42.4m According to advice given to me by the Secretary to the Greece Consulate-General, Athens on 7075kc, 42.4m are broadcasting news in 14 different languages from 4.45 to 8.50 a.m. English was listed for 7 a.m. So far I cannot truthfully soy I have heard them, although on their frequency o carrier was picked up but far too weak to learn who it w as. I rang my friend, Mr. G. Muller, a cha mpion at early morning stations and able to speak several languages, feeling certain if it could be heard he would get it. While hunting he happened on 30.10 and was astounded to hear the statement shown just above this paragraph. 23/1/41: Mr. Muller rang today: "At 5.40 J.M. this morning, heard Athens on 30.19 in Italian. At 5.45 a.m, they piayed what nounded like an anthem, previously 'God Save the King.' Then in English, 'This is Athens speaking. In order to ensure better reception in the United Kingdom we are broadcasting on a third wave-length, which is 30.196m or 9935kc. We ore on the air only from 7.45 to 8 p.m., G. M.T., or 9.45 to 10 p.m., Athens time (5.45 to 6 a.m., Sydney time). Call-sign is SV M.. We are also on 42.4m and medium wave 499.2m or 6)1 kc." Signal on 30.19 is excellent. (Owing to noise, could not hear them, but on 30.19 strong signal. —Ed.) Iran (Persia) : EPB, Teheran . 15,100kc, 19.85m Heard clock striking 12 at 7 p.m. our time on January 7 (Gaden). ¡Schedule is supposed to be: 6 to 8.30 p.m., but, while I heard what I took to be this station on January 15 at terrific strength at 7.50 p.m., it continued until DJL on almost the so me frequency "put . them out of business." Whether "Lord How-Haw" talked the m down or whether they became disguested, I don't know, but they soon faded out. I have not heard the m since. —Ed.) EQC, Teheran .. 9680kc, 30.99m Heard fairly well around midnight. Schedule is: 1.45 p.m. to 2.45 p.m. EQB, Teheran . 6I55kc 48,74. m Better thon recently at 5.30 a.m, and quite good and clear when closing at 6 on January 7. Schedule is: 3 to 6 a.m. —Ed. Turkey: TAQ, Ankara 15,190kc, 19.74m Only fair of an afternoon (Schooth). Good with News at 9.15 p.m., strong at 10.15 ¡Nelson, Callender, Bartow. Stanke, Schooth, Gaden, Beattie, Keats). TAP, Ankara 9465kc, 31.70m Good in mornings (Schooth, Deppeler, Knewstubb, Nelson, Flegg, Taylor, Garlen, Beattie, Keats). (Schedule is: Midnight to 6.30 a.m., News at 4.15, and on Sundays a talk in English at 5.50. —Ed.) Location Unknown: "Christian Peace Movement," 9440kc, 31.76m 5 to 6 a.m. Talks, hymns, etc., in English (Muller). (See announcement under "New Stations"). Have now moved to 31 46m (Muller). German Freedom Station . 9804kc, 30.6m Our old friend of last year. Opens at 6 a.m, and on air for about forty-five minutes. Signal quite good. Opens with familiar "Achtun.g! Achtung!" (Muller). Also heard weakly at 8 p.m. (Muller). My 41 m Stranger: This station, which plays "God Save the King" punctually at 6 a.m., is being heard again by Mr. Muller, but morse, opening sharp at 6, prevents call-sign and location being heard. (The morse culprit, t think, is VJR, Rockhampton. —Ed.)

ALL-WAVE ALL-WORLD DX CLUB Application for Membership

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I am truly grateful to the twenty-two Reporters who have enabled me to prepare such a fine list of loggings this month. They are:—

Wm. Bantow, Edithvale, Vic.

A. Beattie, New Lambton, N.S.W.

H. A. Callender, Hobart, Tas.

A. T. Cushen, Invercargill, N.Z.

A. Deppeler, Edmonton, Q.

A. L. Flegg, Melbourne, Vic.

Dr. K. B. Gaden, Wallumbilla, Q.

N. E. Gandy, Wellington, N.Z.

R. Hallett, Enfield, Sydney.

D. J. Hastings, Ashgrove, Q.

B. W. Keats, Launceston, Tos.

E. Knewstubb, Lyttelton, N.Z.

K. B. Mitchelhill, Muswellbrook, N.S.W.

G. Muller, Newtown, Sydney.

S. I. Nelson, Cairns, Q.

W. H. Pepin, Maylands, W.A.

H. Perkins, Malanda, Q.

M. Rogers, Hunter's Hill, Sydney.

R. C. Schooth, Deagon, Q.

P. L. Smith, Dunsborough, W.A.

E. J. Stanke, Mt. Gambier, S.A.

R. Taylor, Mosman, Sydney.

Gentlemen, I thank you. Will be glad to receive reports for March issue by February 10.

Station Particulars

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(Under this heading, as space permits, we will give brief details of stations) (See October, December and Xmas issues for previous notes) AFRICA (continued) Kenya VQ7LO, Nairobi (6083kc, 49.31 m): 2.15 to 5.15 a.m. News at 2.30 and 3. This is one of the old reliables and is easily identified by frequent male announcements, "This is Nairobi calling." Owned and operated by Cables and Wireless Ltd., Box 777, Nairobi. Nairobi, with a population of 24,500, is the capital of Kenya Colony, and the centre of the Uganda railway and for big game shooting. Kenya Colony is the new name for British East Africa. VQG3, Nairobi (10,730kc, 27.95m ) : This station has been reported as heard weakly, carrying the same programme as VQ7LO. No details available so far. Mozambique CR7BE, Lourenco Marques (9710kc, 30.9m) : Daily except Mondays, 5 to 7 a.m., with news at 5.55. Of the 6 or more frequencies allotted to the Radio Club de Mozambique, this, and that which parallels with CR7AA, 6035kc, 49.75m, are the two most likely to be heard in this country. The latter has been reported audible at 2 a.m., but at that hour fades quickly and sometimes right out. Identification apart from announcements is helped by an interval signal consisting of chimes in groups of ,four notes cadenced "Fa re mi do," precede transmissions. Closes with "A Portuguesa National Anthem." Power is 10 k.w. Owned and operated by Radio Club de Mozambique, P.O. Box 594. Lourenco Marques is a port and the capital of Portuguese East Africa on Delagoa Bay. Population, just under 10,000. The allotted frequencies are: CR7BI, 17,915kc, 16.63m; CR7BG, 15,285kc, 19.62m; CR78E, 9710 kc, 30.9m; CR7BD, 15,255kc, 19.66m; CR7AA, 6137kc. 48.88m; CR7BF, 1,835 kc, 25.35m; CR7AA, 6035kc, 49.75m; CR7BH, 1,718kc, 25.6m; CR7AB, 3490 kc, 85.92m. South ZRO, Durban (9750kc, 30.75m): Midnight to 2.30 a.m.; 2.45 to 7 a.m. •Usually quite good from 3 a.m., fades after 6. ZRL, Copetown (9615kc, 31.23m) : 6.15 P. M. to 2.45 (3.m. ZRK, Klipheuval (6097kc, 49.20m): 3 to 6.50 a.m. ZRH, Pretoria (6007kc, 49.94m): 1.30 to. 7 a.m. ZNB, Mafeking (5900kc, 50.95m) : Schedule unknown, but being heard till closing at 5.30 a.m. The above schedule does not represent the full time the stations are on the air, but have been selected as the most likely sessions to be heard in Australia. If sending reports for which a verification • is expected, enclose an Imperial Reply Coupon and address: The Chief Engineer, South African Broadcasting Corp. ' P.O. Box 4559, Johannesburg, South Africa. Northern Rhodesia VQ2CM, Luanshyo (7500kc, 40.00m) : Present schedule, according to latest advices, is of very short duration — 3 to 3.30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Announces in English and Matabele. However, the unusual ones look more prominent in that QSL album, so if you are lucky, send reports; to: C. Miller, owner and operator, under Government control. Tunisia RADIO TUNIS, Tunis (15,650kc, 19.17m) Said to be off the air since French capitulation, but may bob up again at any time. Although generally heard on this wavelength, are likely to say they are on 19.30m irespective of where they are. May be heard any day between 2.30 and 6 a.m. Programme is chiefly in Arabic and French. Is listed in overseas magazines as on 15,544kc, 19.30m and 15,496kc, 19.36m. While, of course, mail will not be accepted at the G.P.O., Sydney, at present for this territory, the address is: Resident Generale de la Republique France a Tunis State. Gold Coast Colony ZOY, Accra (4915kc, 61.04m): See particulars under New Stations in this issue. Accra is a town and British settlement on the Gold Coast, West Africa, seat of government of the colony. Population, 60,000. Gold Coast is a British West African colony on Gulf of Guinea; population, 2,035,000. As mentioned elsewhere, it is doubtful if this station has the power to reach here, but it is expected that the present range for the Gold Coast colony will be increased to cover the other British West African colonies of Gambia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone, and to Kenya in East Africa. AFRICA Please add to particulars previously given: Call sign of Radio Brazzaville is FZI Call sign of Radio Dakar is FGA Call sign of Radio Maroc II. is CNR -2

===Special Notice to DX Club Members SPECIAL NOTICE to DX CLUB MEMBERS Me mbers of the All- Wave All- World DX Club are advised that they should make a point of replenishing their stock of stationery im mediately, as all paper prices have risen, and we expect that within a few weeks it will be necessary to increase prices by at least 25 %. W hile stocks last the following stationery is available at the old prices, as shown. REPORT FOR MS. —Save time and make sure of supplying all the infor mation required by using these official for ms, which identify you with an established DX organisation. Price 1/6 for 50, post free. NOTEPAPER —Headed Club notepaper for me mbers' correspondence is also available. Price .. .. 1/6 for 50 sheets, post free. DX CLUB STICKERS. —Enlarged two-colour replicas of the Club badge, in the for m of gu m med stickers, designed for attaching to envelopes, QSL cards, etc. Price . . 5 dozen for 1/6, post free.

New Stations

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NE W STATIONS RADIO FALANGE, Tangiers (7090kc, 42.3 rn : Mr. Gus Muller, of Newtown, rang me, staying he was hearing this station at pretty good strength from 6 a.m. As is to be expected, speech is in Spanish. This is another town that has come into the limelight again and wjll be worth watching. - -, Rome (9765kc, 30.72m(: Another find by Mr. Muller. Puts in a signal louder thon 2R0-3 at 5.30 a.m. Closes at 6.15. Location unknown (9440kc, 31.76m): Still another for which I am indebted to Mr. Muller. This is "The Christian Peace Movement," who speak in English from 5 to 6 a.m. Hymns and frequent quotations from the Bible are heard. At 5.55 announcement: "We are heard every day at 7 G. M.T." (5 a.m. Sydney). No call-sign or location is given, but station leaves the air at 6, after.a hymn. Signal is strong and clear. ZOY, Accra, Gold Coast, Africa (4915kc, 61.04m.): This station was opened on October 24. Power is only small as it is intended to cover the Gold Coast only, but there is a likelihood of it being increased. Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 2.30 to 3 a.m. Daily, News in French, 4 to 4.30 a.m. Daily, Native dialects, 3 to 4 and 4.30 to 5 a.m. Thursday, Sessions for schools, 1.10 a.m. (This information comes from "The Broadcaster." I doubt if we would hear same here, but it is certainly worth trying. —Ed.) ZNR, Aden, Arabia (12,115kc, 24.76m): A short story was prepared for this, but was 1b71 7 "7 5 THE epo/ a >9 VE5 , ULE unfortunately left out of Xmas issue. However, I sent word to several reporters and doubtless word will come back in time for "The Month's Loggings." I received advice from Perth that ZNR was being heard from 3 to 4 a.m., that a man was speaking in "Italian," followed by records but just before 4 a.m. announced, "This is ZNR, Aden, Arabia, broadcasting on 12,)15kc, or a wavelength of 24.76m. We shall be broadcasting again to-morrow night at the some time." I hove made several attempts to hear them but without success. A letter from Mr. Cushen, Invercargill, says, "Thanks indeed for information about ZNR. I listened yesterday morning (December 201 at 3 a.m. and could hear the station very faintly. Tuning away and going back, heard what sounded like Indian announcements. At 3.45 when signal was R6, Q4, a male announced, 'You are listening to short-wave station ZNR, operating on a frequency of 12.11 mc, 24, —m, from Aden, Arabia.' (The announcement was blotted out by QR M). At 3.50 a long whistle was broadcasted till 3.55 a.m., when the station signed." (Aden is a British colony, since April, 1937, 100 miles east of State of Bab-el-Mandeb, Arabia. Area, 75 square miles. Important oil fuel and bunkering State. Population, 46,638. Arabian time is 7 hours behind Sydney. —Ed.) VUD, Delhi (3450kc, 87.00m): This is a new one to me and is introduced by Mr. Cushen, Invercargill, who says, "VUD-2 appears to leave 60.48m at 1.45 p.m. and open here. Signal is good but noisy." And four more from Mr. Muller, of Newtown Rome (15,053kc, 19.93m): Same programme as IR W, 19,520kc, 15.3m. News at 1.35 p.m. , Rome (9765kc, 30.72m): Splendid signal till closing at 6.15 a.m. Rome (9683kc, 30.98m): This one with a fine signal also; opens at 6.15 a.m. — , Moscow (7194kc, 41.7m): Very loud till 6 a.m., then dies off. GR W, London (6080kc, 49.34m) : Seems to hove forsaken 48.82 for here. Excellent signal at 6 a.m. Schedule is: Midnight to 8.30 a.m., News at 3 and 6. , London (7132kc, 42.06m): Heard at 6 a.m. Good signal.

P.28 - Trade Parade - Two Mullard Portables

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P.28 - Trade Parade - Free Foxradio Order Pads

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P.33 - Speedy Query Service - Answers to Readers' Problems

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