History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1941 03

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Vol. 5 - MARCH, 1941 - No. 10

P.03 - Contents

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The Club Special . . . . 5

Acoustic Compensated Superhet . . . . 25


Compensated Acoustics . . . . 15

Code Practice Oscillator . . . . 40

Radio Tools . . . . 45


Radiola Review . . . . 41

New Lines from Levenson's . . . . 42

Parts Required? . . . . 42

Paramount Review . . . . 47


Review . . . . 32

Loggings . . . . 34


Answers to Readers' Problems . . . . 49

P.03 - Publication Notes

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The "Australasian Radio World" is published monthly by A. G. Hull. Editorial offices, 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Telephone MA2455.

Subscription rates: 1/- per copy, 10/6 per year (12 issues) post free to Australia and New Zealand.

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietor of the "Australasian Radio World," 117 Reservoir St., Sydney (Footnote P.52)

P.04 - Editorial Notes

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From the papers we learn of the terrible bombing of London; in the news reels we see the awful destruction of the incendiaries; we get an impression of complete ruin and utter desolation. But then, we are fortunate enough to get hold of a copy of an English technical radio monthly, such as the "Wireless World", and it all seems so incredible. We feel that we must pay tribute to this publication, which is maintaining a high standard in spite of the difficulties which abound. That technicians in England should spend their time worrying out the theoretical effects of inverse feedback applications to quiescent push-pull circuits is a certain indication that, in spite of everything, England carries on. The latest issue of "Wireless World" carries a strong support of advertising, and, strangely enough, little of it deals directly, or even indirectly, with war activity. Perhaps it carries a lesson to us in Australia. Australia is playing a big part in this war. Australian troops are participating in spectacular victories abroad. Not so spectacular, but equally effective, is the home effort of the Australian factories, which are really producing war materials. Not all of us can take an active part in either of these activities, and it is plain that our duty is to conserve the normal business and economic life. All of which is an introduction to express our policy of maintaining our editorial standard. We are most fortunate in having the fullest support of our advertisers and as you will notice from this issue, there is no shortage of up-and-coming ideas for technical articles. Our only difficulty is in regard to paper supplies. At the worst, a further shortage may mean that copies will be available only to subscribers and those who have placed regular orders. Already about 90 per cent. of our circulation is ordered in this way, and the effect would be merely to eliminate the wastage of copies which have to lie about on counters on the off-chance of meeting the eye of someone interested in technical radio. Fortunately the "Radio World" has been established for many years and there are few radio enthusiasts who do not appreciate its regular monthly appearance without having to be reminded of the fact. This statement, by the way, is not a reply to those of our readers who have asked us why we have discontinued our own advertising in "Radio and Hobbies". The position is simply that Associated Newspapers refuse to accept it. A. G. HULL

P.05 - Constructional - The Club Special

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P.15 - General Technical - Compensated Acoustics

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P.25 - Constructional - Acoustic Compensated Superhet

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P.32 - Short-wave Section - Review

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P.34 - Short-wave Section - Loggings

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P.40 - General Technical - Code Practice Oscillator

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P.41 - Trade Parade - Radiola Review

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P.42 - Trade Parade - New Lines from Levenson's

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P.42 - Trade Parade - Parts Required?

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P.45 - General Technical - Radio Tools

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P.47 - Trade Parade - Paramount Review

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P.49 - Speedy Query Service - Answers to Readers' Problems

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