History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1942 12

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Devoted entirely to Technical Radio

and incorporating the

All-Wave All-World DX News

Vol. 7 - DECEMBER, 1942 - No. 7

P.03 - Publication Notes

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Proprietor, Publisher, Editor - A. G. HULL

Editorial Offices - 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, Phone M4078 - M4079

Office Hours - Week-days: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Not open Saturday morning

Subscription Rates - 6 issues 5/3, 12 issues 10/6, 24 issues £1, Post free to any address

Service Departments - Back Numbers, 6d. ea., post free; Reply-by-mail Queries, 1/- each; Laboratory Service, 2/6 per set

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietor of the "Australasian Radio World," 117 Reservoir St., Sydney (Footnote P.28)

P.03 - Contents

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Inter. Switch for Fidelity . . . . 5


Interesting Ideas in Circuits . . . . 9

Added Range for Battery Sets . . . . 11

A Dictionary of Radio Terms . . . . 13

Radio in Development of Air Transport . . . . 17

Radio Step by Step - Part 9 . . . . 18


Aussie News for U.S. Listeners . . . . 7

Short-Wave Review . . . . 20

New Stations . . . . 21

Loggings of the Month . . . . 22


New Prices for Rola Speakers and Repairs . . . . 16

Answers . . . . 26

P.03 - Editorial Notes

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It is indeed sad that there should be those amongst us who, instead of helping the war effort, are wrangling and wire-pulling with a view to gaining for themselves a monopoly of the radio repair business. We refer, of course, to the proposed scheme to allow component parts to be sold only to registered radio repairmen. Now is the time for every radio man, whether professional technician or boy novice, to do everything possible to keep radio sets in good operating condition. If the radio repair men like to get together to form a trade union, the move will be welcome. If the lofty ideals usually mentioned at the time of application for registration of such a union are kept in mind the radio repairmen will have ample scope for organisation without attempting to arrange a ban on the sale of components, or in any other way interfere with the freedom of any individual to repair his own set if he happens to have the necessary technical knowledge. It is not a heck of a long time since there wasn't a radio repairman in the whole of Australia. Anybody who wonted to have a radio set in those days had to build themselves a crystal set. Since then thousands of amateurs have built their own sets. These thousands are still with us, and only a small percentage are actively employed as radio repairmen. They have the knowledge necessary to cut their spare time to "keep 'em listening". It is ridiculous to suggest that they be denied the necessary parts.

P.05 - Constructional - Inter. Switch for Fidelity

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P.07 - Short-wave Section - Aussie News for U.S. Listeners

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P.09 - Technical - Interesting Ideas in Circuits

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P.11 - Technical - Added Range for Battery Sets

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P.13 - Technical - A Dictionary of Radio Terms

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P.16 - The Service Pages - New Prices for Rola Speakers and Repairs

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P.17 - Technical - Radio in Development of Air Transport

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P.18 - Technical - Radio Step by Step - Part 9

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P.20 - Short-wave Section - Short-Wave Review

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P.21 - Short-wave Section - New Stations

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P.22 - Short-wave Section - Loggings of the Month

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P.26 - The Service Pages - Answers

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