History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1943 04

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Devoted entirely to Technical Radio

and incorporating

All-Wave All-World DX News

Vol. 7 - APRIL, 1943 - No. 11

P.03 - Publication Notes

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Proprietor - A. G. HULL

Technical Editor - J. W. Straede, B.Sc.

Advertising Manager - Dudley F. Walter

Secretary - Miss E. Vincent

City Office - 243 Elizabeth St., Sydney Phone MA2325

Office Hours - Week-days: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturdays: 9 a.m. - 12 noon

Editorial Office - 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney

Subscription Rates - 6 issues 5/3, 12 issues 10/6, 24 issues £1, Post free to any address

Service Departments - Back Numbers, 1/- ea., post free; Reply-by-mail Queries, 1/- each

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietor of the "Australasian Radio World," 117 Reservoir St., Sydney (Footnote P.28)

P.03 - Contents

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The "S.R.L. Special" Amplifier . . . . 5


Audio Frequency Coupling Methods . . . . 7

Ideas in Circuit Design . . . . 10

Gremlins Now Troubling Radio . . . . 12

Evolution of the Radio Valve . . . . 13

Are Deaf Aids Radio Business? . . . . 15

Can There be Radio to the Planets? . . . . 18

Radio Step by Step - Part 13 . . . . 19


Shortwave Review . . . . 20

New Stations . . . . 22

Loggings of the Month . . . . 23


Answers . . . . 26

P.03 - Editorial Notes

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One of the outstanding features of this war has been the way in which rumours have been proved to be so dangerous. The power of suggestion is capable of wreaking havoc, even with people who would normally show reasonable discrimination. Which might lead you to think that we are going to tell you not to listen-in to the powerful Jap signal which romps in on the short-wave bands, or to repeat the oft-told tale of Station Ananias. Actually, however, our aim is more to dispel the many rumours about the difficulty of obtaining parts for the maintenance of receivers. There are many shortages and it would be futile to assert that all types of valves are readily available. On the other hand, things are not nearly as bad as they might be, and we have a long way to go before conditions will be as difficult as they are in England, where it has been estimated that more than a million receivers are silent for want of replacement parts. Strangely enough, some parts which might be expected to be scarce are readily available, and surprising results can sometimes reward a little scouting around the shops. We made an outsize in errors in the Queries page of last month's issue, by suggesting that certain old-type battery valves would be unobtainable, only to be corrected by the Mullard people, who happen to have handy stocks of many valves of types of which little has been heard for several years.

P.05 - Constructional - The "S.R.L. Special" Amplifier

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P.07 - Technical - Audio Frequency Coupling Methods

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P.10 - Technical - Ideas in Circuit Design

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P.12 - Technical - Gremlins Now Troubling Radio

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P.13 - Technical - Evolution of the Radio Valve

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P.15 - Technical - Are Deaf Aids Radio Business?

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P.18 - Technical - Can There be Radio to the Planets?

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P.19 - Technical - Radio Step by Step - Part 13

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P.20 - Shortwave Section - Shortwave Review

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P.22 - Shortwave Section - New Stations

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P.23 - Shortwave Section - Loggings of the Month

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P.26 - The Service Pages - Answers

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