History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1944 05

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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The Australasian Radio World

Devoted entirely to Technical Radio

and incorporating

All-Wave All-World DX News

Vol. 8. - APRIL, 1944 - No. 12.

P.03 - Publication Notes

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Proprietor - A. G. HULL

Manager - Dudley L. Walter

Secretary - Miss E. M. Vincent

Short-wave Editor - L. J. Keast

For all correspondence: City Office - 243 Elizabeth St., Sydney - Phone MA2325

Office Hours - Week-days: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturdays: 10 a.m. - 12 noon

Editorial Office - 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney

Subscription Rates - 6 issues 5/3, 12 issues 10/6, 24 issues £1, Post free to any address

Service Departments - Back Numbers, 1/- ea., post free; Reply-by-mail Queries, 1/- each

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietor of the "Australasian Radio World," 117 Reservoir St., Sydney (Footnote P.28)

P.03 - Contents

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Novel Detector in Contest Entry . . . . 6

An Amplifier Beyond Reproach? . . . . 11


The Tropic-Proofing Era . . . . 5

A Serviceman's Lament . . . . 7

The Multi-Vibrator and its Uses . . . . 9

Radio Aids to U.S. Navigation . . . . 12

Technical Data on Valve Cathodes . . . . 14

Radio Heating is a Modern Wonder . . . . 17

Wider Tone Control . . . . 18

Serviceman Licences Issued . . . . 19


Shortwave Review . . . . 20

New Stations . . . . 20

Shortwave Notes and Observations . . . . 21

Loggings . . . . 23


Answers . . . . 26

P.03 - Editorial Notes

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In last month's issue we had an article about communications receivers and forecast their popularity in the post-war era. This suggestion has been challenged by an entrant in our Utility Circuit Contest Mr. P. Stevens, of "Westdale," Fletchers Avenue, Bondi, who says, "Weak or distant stations, marred by static and fading are seldom patronized except by the DX enthusiasts, and the same thing applies to overseas short-wave stations. The thrill of listening to the "truth" on Tokyo or Berlin radio through a more or less dense cloud of interference will end together with the war, and as the continuous sideband fading on short-waves makes the tonal quality rather poor, receivers should be built for broadcast only." Chatting with factory set designers about this subject has shown that there are quite a few who readily agree with the opinion expressed by Mr. Stevens, and there seems to be quite a chance that the preference for dual-wavers will fade like it has for other "selling features" such as clock dials and push-button tuning. We have not been able to conduct a "Gallup Poll" on lines extensive enough to be considered representative, but it is fairly obvious that not five per cent of the listening time of the average dual-wave receiver is spent on the short-wave band. Yet on the other hand we read of thousands upon thousands of pounds being spent on the erection of bigger and still bigger short-wave transmitters, and doubtless they expect to have vast audiences. - A. G. HULL.

P.05 - Technical - The Tropic-Proofing Era

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P.06 - Constructional - Novel Detector in Contest Entry

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P.07 - Technical - A Serviceman's Lament

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P.09 - Technical - The Multi-Vibrator and its Uses

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P.11 - Constructional - An Amplifier Beyond Reproach?

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P.12 - Technical - Radio Aids to U.S. Navigation

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P.14 - Technical - Technical Data on Valve Cathodes

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P.17 - Technical - Radio Heating is a Modern Wonder

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P.18 - Technical - Wider Tone Control

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P.19 - Technical - Serviceman Licences Issued

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P.20 - Shortwave Section - Shortwave Review

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P.20 - Shortwave Section - New Stations

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P.21 - Shortwave Section - Shortwave Notes and Observations

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P.23 - Shortwave Section - Loggings

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P.26 - The Service Pages - Answers

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