History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1946 07

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P.01 - Front Cover

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The Australasian Radio World

Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical.


Vol. 11 - No. 2; July 15, 1946

P.01 - Rola Ad

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P.02 - Crown Radio Products Ad

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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Devoted entirely to Technical Radio

and incorporating


VOL. 11 - JULY, 1946 - No. 2

P.03 - Publication Notes

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Editor, Publisher, Proprietor — A. G. HULL, 336 Waverley Rd., East Malvern, Vic.

Short-wave Editor — L. J. KEAST, 3 Fitzgerald Road, Ermington, N.S.W.

Ham Notes By — D. B. KNOCK (VK2NO), 43 Yanko Av., Waverley, N.S.W.

Advertising Representative for Vic. — W. J. LEWIS, 20 Queen St., Melbourne, 'Phone MU5154

Advertising Representative for N.S.W. — Amalgamated Publications Pty. Ltd., 83 Pitt St., Sydney, Phone: B1077

Subscription Rates: 6 issues - 5/3; 12 issues - 10/6; 24 issues - £1; Post free to any address in the world.

Address for all correspondence: Australasian Radio World, 336 Waverley Rd., East Malvern, SE5 Victoria

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietor of the "Australasian Radio World," 336 Waverley Road, East Malvern, Vic. (Footnote P.44)

P.03 - Contents

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The Latest in Direct Coupling . . . . 7

"The Spotter" . . . . 11

Powerful 8-Valve Circuit . . . . 17

An Ideal Single-Ender . . . . 21


Advantages of Ferrotune . . . . 5

Politics of Ham Radio . . . . 15

Servicing A.C. Receivers . . . . 20

Estimating Receiver Performance . . . . 23

Operating the 807 . . . . 27

Ham Notes . . . . 31


Notes From My Diary . . . . 38

Shortwave Stations of the World . . . . 39


Answers . . . . 42

P.03 - Editorial

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Many of our readers, in the course of their letters, reveal that they are disappointed at the rate of progress which the radio game is making on its journey from the shadows of war to the sunshine of peace. Frankly, we disagree with this attitude. Being in a position to know something of the problems of the moment, we feel sure that everybody concerned is doing a good job, and steady progress is being made, even if it is not spectacular. Some readers seem to think that the heavy income tax is having a crippling effect on initiative; others seem to have an idea that production would be stepped up by manufacturers if they were free from price control. Possibly these factors are having a slight influence on the trend of affairs, but I feel sure that most of us are fully aware of our obligations and are making a definite effort to give customers the fullest service and attention which is possible under present circumstances. Taking our own particular case, we realise that our present issues are not yet back to the full size which we were able to publish before the war, but it must be remembered that our production costs are more than double; yet the price of each issue is still the same as pre-war. Likewise, our advertising rates have not been increased, although our printing bill (due partly to increased circulation and partly to increased cost of paper and printing) is more than double what it used to be. Readers can rest assured that we are keenly on the job and, just as soon as we can, we will publish bigger and better issues.

P.05 - Technical - Advantages of Ferrotune

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P.07 - Constructional - The Latest in Direct Coupling

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P.11 - Constructional - "The Spotter"

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P.15 - Technical - Politics of Ham Radio

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P.17 - Constructional - Powerful 8-Valve Circuit

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P.20 - Technical - Servicing A.C. Receivers

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P.21 - Constructional - An Ideal Single-Ender

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P.23 - Technical - Estimating Receiver Performance

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P.27 - Technical - Operating the 807

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P.31 - Technical - Ham Notes

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P.38 - Shortwave Review - Notes From My Diary

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P.39 - Shortwave Review - Shortwave Stations of the World

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P.42 - The Service Pages - Answers

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