History of wireless telegraphy and broadcasting in Australia/Topical/Publications/Australasian Radio World/Issues/1946 12

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P.01 - Front Cover

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The Australasian Radio World

Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a periodical.


Vol. 11 - No. 7; December 15, 1946

P.01 - Rola Ad

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P.02 - Crown Radio Products Ad

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P.03 - Contents Banner

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Devoted entirely to Technical Radio

and incorporating


VOL. 12 (sic, 11) - DECEMBER, 1946 - No. 7

P.03 - Publication Notes

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Editor, Publisher, Proprietor — A. G. HULL, Balcombe St., Mornington, Vic.

Short-wave Editor — L. J. KEAST, 6 Fitzgerald Road, Ermington, N.S.W. 'Phone: WL1101

Ham Notes By — D. B. KNOCK (VK2NO), 43 Yanko Av., Waverley, N.S.W.

Advertising Representative for Vic. — W. J. LEWIS, 20 Queen St., Melbourne, 'Phone MU5154

Advertising Representative for N.S.W. — Amalgamated Publications Pty. Ltd., 83 Pitt St., Sydney, Phone: B1077

Subscription Rates: 6 issues - 5/3; 12 issues - 10/6; 24 issues - £1; Post free to any address in the world.

Address for all correspondence: Australasian Radio World, Balcombe St., Mornington, Victoria

Printed by Bridge Printery Pty. Ltd., 117 Reservoir Street, Sydney, N.S.W., for the proprietor of the "Australasian Radio World," Balcombe St., Mornington, Vic. (Footnote P.36)

P.03 - Contents

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High Quality Multimeter . . . . 5

Build Yourself an F.F.R. Amplifier . . . . 15


Cracking the Oyster . . . . 11

Radiotron Applications Laboratory . . . . 26

Calling CQ . . . . 27


Notes From My Diary . . . . 31


Answers . . . . 34

P.03 - Editorial

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How times have changed! Before the war we used to run special Christmas issues, with many extra pages of editorial matter and dozens of extra advertisements, mostly directed at drawing in more business for Christmas. This year the position is very different. Even some of our keenest supporters are asking us to leave out their advertisements because they already have more business than they can handle and they just don’t know how they can possibly get through the Christmas rush. Twelve months ago we were looking forward to all sorts of good things; we expected that communications-type receivers would be available in hundreds at reasonable prices; we hoped that everything would be back to normal within six months. Now, as the year draws to a close, we look back and find that there have been many disappointments — the communications-type receivers have not materialised, even the old-style components have not come through in anything like sufficient quantities to meet demands. In our own particular line the paper situation showed signs of improving, and we managed to get hold of a little amount of paper of almost pre-war quality, but this is getting harder and harder to obtain and we may yet be forced to go back on to the poorer quality news-print which we had to use during the war. It all seems such a pity, for now is the ideal time to attain the millennium. If everybody who is capable of working would concentrate on doing something useful in the way of production, we could soon reach a state of affairs where everybody would be able to have every thing they can think of: a new car, new home, new furniture, new radios. It only needs a successful production drive instead of strikes, go-slow policies and lack of initiative. — A. G. HULL.

P.05 - Constructional - High Quality Multimeter

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P.11 - Technical - Cracking the Oyster

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P.15 - Constructional - Build Yourself an F.F.R. Amplifier

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P.26 - Technical - Radiotron Applications Laboratory

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P.27 - Technical - Calling CQ

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P.31 - Shortwave Review - Notes From My Diary

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P.34 - The Service Pages - Answers

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